mckat · 4 years
“You really should look into gettin’ some crystals. I recommend at least turquoise because it’s a lucky stone. Turquoise beads date all the way back to 5,000 B.C., y’know,” Scarlett said, matter-of-factly. “I promise they actually work and they’re not all bullshit, even though you might think they are.” 
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“I think no such thing,” Kat quickly insisted, intrigue evident in the upward curving of her lips. “I'm actually sorta into that stuff, y'know? More the occult, mostly. But I don't frown upon the using of crystals. I have a couple of pendants of my own.”
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mckat · 4 years
“Be careful, say her name a third time and she’ll show up to kill me. Believe it or not, I don’t want her grantin’ that wish. Feels weird to be talkin’ ‘bout this with you, but her and I are no longer shackin’. It’s old news, ancient history. We don’t gotta talk about it ever again.”
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“Hey, that was actually pretty funny, didn't know you had it in you. As tempting as that is, I could stand not to hear her wailing, so I'll keep it zipped. Well it's weird overall, but here we are. Does she know that? You know she doesn't take rejection well. Or at all.”
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mckat · 4 years
Back in the day, he and his friends had passed liquor bottles around a circle, risking the possibility of passing along anything one of them had – which reared its ugly head one fall when they’d all fallen ill from the same stomach bug, though in the grand scheme of things, they were lucky it was only the stomach bug they’d caught from one another. Despite the nostalgia, he was glad she had cups. Nash takes the cup from her, holding it at still as possible while she pours, then raises it slightly in the air, and takes a drink. Down the hatch.
Eyes wide, he nodded. Nash had never really hidden the fact that he believed in the witch, and he avoided the creek after dark for that very same reason. He had an experience as a kid that scared the living daylights out of him, but right now, it seemed kind of exciting. He could definitely spin this into a story of some kind if they were successful, or even close to successful. “Not since I was a kid, but I think I remember the basics.” Anything to cause a stir or catch a thrill as an adolescent, Nash would do it. Not so much as an adult. “You do this a lot? I’m startin’ to think you do this a lot.” And he hadn’t decided yet if he thought that a good thing or a bad thing. “Can’t promise I won’t jump or scream, but I won’t run. Wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me to leave ya out alone in the dark.”
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The widening of Nash's eyes only made the corner of Kat's lips curve upwards, making no real effort to conceal her amusement. “It's pretty straightforward, I'd say. Keep one finger on the planchette, and no cheating! I'll know if you move it.” She paused then, flashing him a look of warning before continuing. “I'll start us off, but if we do happen to have a guest, feel free to ask your own questions. And most importantly, we've gotta make sure we say goodbye the right way before taking our fingers off.”
“Oh, all the time. S'not as daunting as people think. But a healthy scare never really hurt anyone, right?” Kat let her words hang in the air, trying to muster some mystery as she fell quiet for a few moments. Though she broke the silence first by snickering soon after. “Not gentlemanly, no. But it would be kinda funny. Still, it's good to know.” It didn't take long for her to set the board up, the only real struggle was trying to keep it shielded from the downpour. Crouching down, Kat took another sip from her drink before peering up at Nash, eyes gleaming with excitement. “You ready?”
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mckat · 4 years
She giggled. “Kaaaat! I was just sayin’ because you were ignoring me.”
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“I wasn't ignoring you, I just wasn't listening,” she mumbled, drifting away for a moment before focusing back on Emily. “It's just — don't you think that guy looks weird? The one over there, wearing the beret.”
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mckat · 4 years
“Swear on my life, and the ants’ lives too, promise,” Ethan replied, holding his hand up. His brows furrowed at her next words, tilting his head as she spoke. “The tarot cards? What tarot cards? —Oh, my dad got me a gift card to Barnes and Nobles, so I bought a bunch of books online for the summer,” he answered proudly, a grin on his face.
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“That's legally binding, I hope you know. That means if I notice a shortage of ants around town, I might just have to put a bounty on your head.” With a dry laugh, she nudged his arm gently with her elbow. “My tarot cards, silly.” Kat replied breezily, as if him questioning her was the only abusrd thing about the topic. “Of course you did. I hope you're not plannin' on spending the whole summer holed up with books though.”
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mckat · 4 years
Fleetwood Mac | ‘Seven Wonders’
Tango in the Night (1987)
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mckat · 4 years
@frostfordstart· // open
Stepping out of the auto shop after being done for the day, Landon put his skateboard down on the ground for a moment before getting on. Popping his AirPods on he scrolled through his phone to select a song and with that he was off. Making his way through Main Street his attention was drawn to Custards immediately thinking of the invite he turned down from his friend that he hoped was having the time of her life at the beach. “Oh shit!” he shouted when he turned his attention back to the sidewalk realizing he almost crashed into someone, immediately stumbling off the board. “Are you alright? I— I’m sorry I should’ve been paying attention… The music was distracting too,” he added as he took the pods off.
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She'd stepped backwards in just enough time to avoid being hit, her arms outspread as she balanced herself before turning to Landon, eyes wide and brows raised. “No shit, dude. You nearly took me off of my feet.” Her gaze fell to the AirPods when he mentioned them, a barely visible crease forming in the middle of her forehead. “What were you listening to? Bear in mind, your answer will impact on how quick I'll be to forgive.”
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mckat · 4 years
“So you and East are roomies now?” Kat asked as she dropped her weight onto the couch, a quiet sigh leaving her lips. She'd spent most of the day on her feet, and while originally having come over to see East, Kat didn't hesitate to accept Cassie's polite invitation to wait inside for him. "Have you gotten round to painting eachothers nails yet?”
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mckat · 4 years
Ethan’s mouth formed into an ‘o’ at her words, shaking his head quickly in an attempt to defend himself, “I didn’t, really!” I mean… he’d thought about it, but what if the book was wrong and he ended up killing a poor ant? He wouldn’t be able to live with himself. “I think the ants are going to be fine, especially since we know they can survive in microwaves. I’m good though! You know, just lots of homework and stuff.”
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“Do we? Do we really, Ethan? Cause that sounds like somethin' only a person who'd seen it firsthand would say.” Kat was only teasing him at this point, trying to conceal the small grin that fought its way across her lips. “Glad you're keepin' well. Guess the tarot cards can be wrong sometimes. Never me, of course. Homework.. cool. Stuff? Possibly cooler. Depends though. What kind of stuff?”
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mckat · 4 years
Lucas liked where her mind was but he wasn’t too sure about the destination it had reached. “You remind me of my sister,” he stated. It was a compliment, really. But like his sister, the intention was good but the execution wasn’t perfect. “I’m thinking we don’t get a cake that mentions him having problems. My sister got me one that said, “this isn’t a wedding cake so calm down”. It’s not helpful to jokingly point out the issue. But I do like where your head’s at. A nice gesture like bringing him his favorite dessert would be nice start. Do you know what his favorite dessert is?” 
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“She sounds like fun,” Kat mused, an approving smile tugging at the corners of her lips as Lucas spoke about the cake his sister had gotten him. Though her eyebrows knitted together as he continued, head tilting back in the slightest as curiosity got the better of her. “Have you got somethin' against weddings? Glad we're finding common ground though. His favorite? I've never seen his eyes light up the way they do when brownies are around.” Or Kaleigh, but she kept her mouth shut for that part. “More specifically, cosmic brownies.”
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mckat · 4 years
Hitting the small device with the palm of her hand, Kat gritted her teeth in frustration. “Twenty bucks and you don't work?” She shook it then, her eyes lighting up when it emitted a quiet beep. “Alright, we're on to somethin'.” Turning on the spot until the sound grew louder, Kat followed in that direction, only lifting her head when it was too late — she'd already walked straight into someone. “My bad,” she mumbled, eyeing the man with feigned suspicion. “You aren’t a ghost, are you? Doesn't seem that likely, but this thing suspects otherwise. Serves me right for thinkin' modern technology could actually pick up on it. Back to the board, I guess.”
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mckat · 4 years
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danielle rose russell as miranda in wonder
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mckat · 4 years
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“if animals could talk which do you think would be the rudest and why?” ( @frostfordstart· )
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“Rudest? Cats, definitely. They just give off that vibe, y’know? A cat doesn’t need to speak, you can just tell when they don’t wanna give you the time of day."
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mckat · 4 years
“I’m a fuckin’ bartender, not a therapist. I’m not even bein’ paid enough to listen to all y’all squawk all day. Anyway, where do I find the fuckin’ fruit roll ups?” @frostfordstart·
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“So fuckin' bartend, man.” Kat mimicked, trying to mirror his movements as she shrugged exaggeratedly, not sparing a glance to the man beside her who'd been talking to Kyle before she approached. “I'm guessin' there somewhere. You just gotta look.”
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mckat · 4 years
“Yeah, so this morning, I was runnin’ late getting ready, because I had to shower and I thought I would be late to work, but I was actually early, so I had to wait th—” She knew they weren’t listening to her.  “—-And that’s why I think we should have sex.” @frostfordstart·
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“What? Ew. No, Emily. Don't start talkin' like that too loud, there's too many people here that I'll have to hex if they come out with somethin' I don't wanna hear.”
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mckat · 4 years
“You’d get dressed up for little ole me? That’s sweet, Kat. It really is. What did Sienna tell you? Do I even wanna know?”
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“What can I say? I put the fun in funeral. Oh, not much, just the basics. Like how you're shackin' up with Delilah Abernathy of all people. By the way dude, really? Delilah? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had a death wish.”
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mckat · 4 years
“You really think so?” Blue perked up at the comment. “Well, I’ll let you know how five kids goes in about…six months or so when they’re all in the outside world and old enough to stay with a babysitter. Still not really lookin’ forward to it. And, like, for what it’s worth, I think you would be a total MILF, if you ever wanted to go down that road. And just think of the horror movie that’ll be happenin’ in your pants once it’s go time. It’s like your dream come true, huh?”
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“Mhm-mhm,” Kat hummed, nodding her head. “Well, if you ever need a helpin' hand when that time comes, all you gotta do is ask...” Placing her hand on Blue's shoulder, she attempted a reassuring smile, though the hints of amusement were easily detectable as she continued, “...literally anyone else.” Kat snickered then, her hand falling from Blue's shoulder and settling back onto her lap. “Thanks Blue, here's to hopin' we won't find out anytime soon though. You make a good point, that'd be a real horror. Still, I'm more swayed to losing a limb. Speakin' of, when are you next coming over for a movie night? I'll even make that dip you like if it'll make you more susceptible to watching some real gory stuff.”
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