mckorion · 3 years
@pjyxng & @imbcrs​ 
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thot is great
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mckorion · 3 years
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It was a shame that Orion looked as beautiful as they did tonight but the implication loaded in their words did not match their appearance. As if Martina’s love for PJ was remotely on the same level as how foolish they made her feel all the time, tonight reaching a new height. “I’m not stupid.” An echo of the last sting of betrayal, but unlike that time, Martina’s vision was totally clear. She regarded them with a stare unguarded by rose-colored lenses for a moment, undecided about what she sees. “Really? ‘Cause I thought you meant it when you said you’d wanted to spend your life with me. And it looks to me like you moved on pretty fast.” The glass in her hand anchored her to earth, if not for it, she’d float outside of her body and watch her love for them asphyxiate itself. “At least I was totally upfront. What were you?”
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“I didn’t say you were.” They feel like they’re in grade school all over again, not because of Martina who is obviously right, but because of their own childish response. She looks beautiful but it feels foolish to point out because she always does. A shining sun in the world of anyone that has the privilege of getting to even see her walking down the hall. “Well, maybe this way you’ll actually believe that I’m not any good for you.” They’ve selfishly taken her along on a rollercoaster that’s hanging off a cliff, they’re willing her to finally jump off. 
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mckorion · 3 years
“Why didn’t you ask him? Roomies and all.” It didn’t rattle her as it should have, the warmth of his lips on hers emblazoned in her mind. “That’s not what this is about.”
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“Oh, well, ‘cause you said you had feelings for him so I figured you might ask or he might ask you.” Though he hadn’t returned her sweater so maybe things didn’t function the way Orion thought. 
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mckorion · 3 years
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“Trinity.” At least she had the respect not to come with a real date. 
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“Did PJ come with someone else?” 
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mckorion · 3 years
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        “ YOU SHOULD’VE JUST SAID THAT, ”   he laughs, though adam’s pleased he’s able to anticipate what orion wants anyway. thankfully there’s only one bartender stationed at the bar – and all adam has to do is tell him that his coworker is passed out in the men’s room from drinking too much, and the bartender is quick to scram. adam waits until he’s around the corner to duck under the bar and make himself comfortable behind it, flashing orion a grin  ( and ignoring everyone else ) .   “ so, what’s your poison ? ”
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“I was trying to be coy.” No they definitely weren’t but it makes them sound more interesting or so they think. They have to laugh at the excuse he gives the bartender, it’s part of the reason they find Adam so charming. On some level they understand why the two of them get along. “I dunno, surprise me.” To be fair they don’t know that many cocktails. “What’s your favorite drink?” 
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mckorion · 3 years
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“His shoes are ugly.” Her eyes rolled in spite of herself. “Oh, very cool.”
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“I think he looks good.” Orion says simply. “Did you come here with someone?” 
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mckorion · 3 years
closed starter for @mckorion​
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“You came with him?”
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“With Adam, yeah.” Orion shrugs. “He asked me.” 
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mckorion · 3 years
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       “ YOU WANT SOMETHING BETTER ? ”   he asks them, because a wet sock surprisingly doesn’t sound very appetizing.  “ c’mon, i can make you something. ”   adam only hesitates for a second before taking their hand, leading them towards the bartender station.
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Orion allows him to take their hand, the smile on their face indicative of how much they’re enjoying being with him here tonight. “You know, I was mostly just fishing so I could see you show off your bartending skills.” 
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mckorion · 3 years
open starter @gallagherstart​
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“at the risk of sounding arrogant, it is genuinely offensive that i am dressed like this with no date.”
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“People here are obviously stupid.” Orion shrugs as if that’s enough of an excuse. “You’re definitely the most beautiful person here.” 
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mckorion · 3 years
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“That one tastes like what I imagine a wet sock would taste like.” Orion motions towards one of the punch bowls. “Just so you’re aware.” 
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mckorion · 3 years
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can’t stress enough that orion can’t dress themselves so fallon 100% picked out their outfit also they finally did something to their hair, i guess ! 
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mckorion · 3 years
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        “ FALLON… IS SHE THE MODEL LOOKING ONE ? ”   he asks, because he thinks he’s seen her around. incredibly hot, not that he’d bring it up ;   orion has two eyes, anyway. adam isn’t always the best on picking up on social cues, but there’s one thing he’s usually pretty good at picking up on, and that’s when someone wants to be kissed. he’s not sure when the air between them had morphed into something with tension, but the moment orion’s eyes drift to his lips, the curve of his smile turns a little more coy. never the type to overthink  ( or think, period )  about a situation that could potentially be disastrous, instead adam does what he wants — and right now that includes leaning in closer, until they’re so close that their nose brush together, and his lips are on theirs. it only lasts a few seconds, before he pulls away hesitantly, wanting to gage their reaction.
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“Yeah, that’s her.” Orion has to smile at that comment because they’re sure that everyone must be a little in love with their roommate considering she looks like an actual goddess. Which made them a bit nervous to befriend her at first but she’s one of their closest friends now. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what’s going to happen next but that doesn’t mean their breath doesn’t come up short or that there isn’t a moment where they consider pulling away. They don’t, however, because they know this is what they want. A mixture of simply wanting to do something spontaneous and actually craving being like this with Adam since they’d first met. Crashing their lips against his almost feels natural, normal. When he pulls away they instinctively wrap an arm around his neck to pull him back in, the kiss feeling a lot more reassuring this time. 
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mckorion · 3 years
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        ADAM BLINKS TWICE.   “ don’t know them. ”   a little disappointed he doesn’t.   “ but now i know i’ll have to look out for them, since they’re as cool as i am. i’m sure we’ll get along swell. ”   it’s rare that adam doesn’t get along with someone, anyway. he shifts a little closer too, not really conscious of him doing it, a quiet magnetic pull.   “ to get along ?   i don’t think so. maybe… a similar sense of humor ? ”   they share a sense of humor, he thinks. at least, orion laughs when he wants them too, most of the time.
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“Fallon is my roommate and Esther is my friend she’s also a first year.” They’re both very high on the list of people that Orion considers to be cool and on the rather limited list of people that they actually consider their friends. “Sounds like we have all three down then.” They laugh softly, eyes lingering a moment on his lips, taking in Adam’s smile which seems to have a permanent place when they’re together. “Guess that makes us ultra compatible.” 
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mckorion · 3 years
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        “ WHO ELSE MAKE THE TOP THREE ? ”   always fidgeting, adam’s already shifting so he’s leaning forward, as if they’re about to tell a good secret. hearing orion throw back his first words to them makes him laugh, admittedly a little bashful.   “ you’re definitely both, ”   he tells them with an impish little smile, because there’s no point in denying it. eyes flicker over their face carefully, as if he needs reassurance for his confidence. but no, they’re very attractive. reaching out, he flicks the ends of their hair lightly, just because he can.   “ it’s probably why we get along so well, both being so cool and hot. ”
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“Uh, Fallon for sure.” Orion has to think because they had only said the number three to say it. “Esther.” Yes, there’s bitterness at the fact of not mentioning Martina’s name but they’re trying to put her far off from their mind now. Adam is definitely helping. “I think that’s pretty much everything anyone needs in order to get along.” There’s a small smile displaying on their lips, inching closer to him as they speak. “You think there’s anything else....people need to have in common?” 
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mckorion · 3 years
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        “ WELL NO OFFENSE TO YOUR AUNT AND UNCLE, but i’d hope i’m more fun than them, ”   he grins. that’s a movie i’d watch in a heartbeat, thank you very much. it gives him something to look forward to as well, which adam is all about, because otherwise he probably would’ve tried to mooch off jae’s summer plans.   “ no way, i know tons of people here, ”   he argues, leaning back on the palm of his hands, watching them.   “ not many people would wear matching hawaiian shirts with me on campus. and something tells me you’re not afraid of getting into a little trouble. ”
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“I’d say a large percent of the school population is more fun than them but you’re definitely top three.” No shade to them. It makes them feel a bit nervous, to think about hanging out with Adam outside of the safety of a school setting, that once he saw all their dirty laundry he’d no longer be interested in speaking a word to them. “I guess I am pretty cool and also attractive according to you during our first conversation.” Their tone is laced with sarcasm though there’s a hint of seriousness behind the statement. 
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mckorion · 3 years
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        SUBURBAN LIFE ACTUALLY SOUNDS PRETTY BORING, so he can understand why they’re not very keen on the idea of going back there.   “ we’ll get around, then. i love to get around, ”   adam grins, because he knows exactly how that sounds.   “ aw, that’s not bad. we can stay with your folks for a little while, then take a bus down to new york and chill. that sounds like fun to me. why wouldn’t i want to spend time with you ? ”   he asks, brows raise as he glances at orion.   “ i love hanging out with you. you’re, like, one of the coolest people here. ”
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“I’m sure suburbia would be a lot more fun with you around than with just my aunt and uncle.” Orion shrugs because it feels like the simple truth but also now I’m picturing Adam and Orion in some coming-of-age movie thing where they meet but they both live in the suburbs and they teach him how to ride a skateboard and they go play card games with people and scam them for money. Anyway. “That sounds like the perfect plan.” Plus, it gave them something to actually look forward to and it would make their family happy to know they were hanging out with someone who was actually, like, a good person. “Clearly you haven’t met that many people here then.” They laugh. “You’re one of the coolest people here, too.” 
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mckorion · 3 years
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They fully intended on having someone else deliver the sweater because they didn’t want to see her after everything that’d happened. It wasn’t on their top list of priorities, however, especially with it being the literal end of the school year. Seeing her standing there at their door wasn’t a full surprise but it did make them feel uneasy, like a deer in headlights. “What are you doing here?” 
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