mcl-angxl · 2 years
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✨Mcl beach photo dump✨
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mcl-angxl · 2 years
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✨ Eldarya outfit dump ✨
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mcl-angxl · 2 years
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The guide for the christmas event is online: https://magicbelodie.com/christmas-2021/
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mcl-angxl · 3 years
In French and in English./En français et en anglais.
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Okay so Leiftan's first answer for Halloween 2021 Event is "Straight? Neither the crying nor the ringing could have been good signs..."/"Tout droit ? Ni les pleurs, ni les bourdonnements ne me disent rien qui vaille..."
Leiftan's second right answer should sound like "Running with all your might sounds/seems like a good idea, right?"/"Courir à toute vitesse me semble être une bonne idée, non?" so just run bih
Leiftan's third (and last) right answer should sound like "You hid in the tunnel you came from (while waiting for it to be over)?"/"Tu t'es caché dans le tunnel d'où tu venais en attendant que ça passe?", so don't choose running again or the thing with Gashadokuro saving your life! just HIDE
> Leiftan's answers in Spanish by @eldaryamaps
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For Nevra I don't have it in English but his first right answer should sound like "Same thing as Leiftan... The thing with the long neck."/"Je vais dire comme Leiftan... Le truc au long cou là."
Nevra's second right answer should be like "You calmly came out of your hideout so that it'd spot you/see you"/"Tu es sorti calmement de ta cachette pour qu'elle te repère.", so DON'T agree with Leiftan or Mathieu.
Nevra's third (and last) right answer should sound like "And you lied to her, telling her that you saw the Alicanto"/"Et tu lui as menti, en disant que tu avais vu l'Alicanto.". :p
> Nevra's answers in Spanish by @eldaryamaps
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Lance's first right answer should sound like "I would've went towards the Pyramid of Doom. It must be doomed to protect something..."/"J'aurais été voir du côté de la pyramide piégée. Elle doit bien être piégée pour protéger quelque chose..."
Lance's second right answer is "You knew how to keep a cool head!"/"Tu as su garder la tête froide !"
Lance's third (and last) right answer is "As a principle I tend to beware of/be cautious with orders/commands given by Purral."/"J'ai pour principe de me méfier des ordres donnés par Purral."
> Lance's answers in Spanish by @eldaryamaps
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Mathieu(Matthew??)'s first right answer should sound like "The arcane pits are big nuts (?) marked by runes..."/"Les noyaux arcaniques sont de grosses noix marquées d'une rune..."
OOPS limited photos already.
But Mathieu's second right answer is "Vanhoé could deliver the prisoner while Gerod and you attacked the Gerufe, right?"/"Vanhoé pouvait libérer la prisonnière pendant que Gerod et toi attaquiez le Gerufe, non?"
Mathieu's third (and last) right answer is "Vanhoé saved the damsel in distress, Gerrod brought down the monster... You're jealous!"/"Vanhoé à secouru la demoiselle en détresse, Gerrod à terrassé le monstre... Tu es jaloux !"
> Mathieu's answers in Spanish by @eldaryamaps
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And the last right answer of this event is: "I... I can't do it. Listen, the story was fake. It didn't happen to me."/"Je... Je ne m'en sors pas. Ecoutez, l'histoire est fausse. Ca ne m'est pas arrivé."
Now you'll have the illustration and all the outfit elements, have fuuun!
(SPOIL: Illustration below!)
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mcl-angxl · 3 years
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✨ Eldarya outfit dump ✨
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mcl-angxl · 3 years
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My Candy Love - Summer Event 2021
Dialogue Guide
Wasn’t the deepest dive less than [350 meters]?
The buoy is [300 meters] away.
“Lonely Boy“ by the Black Keys
Yeah, Brazil must be nice.
No, let the police know.
Team up and bury him in the sand!
(Full of energy I run screaming across the sand.)
You better walk over the hot sand.
Maybe try out a yoga lesson outside?
Rub the area down with tomatoes.
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mcl-angxl · 3 years
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mcl-angxl · 3 years
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✨Some trendy outfits ✨
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mcl-angxl · 3 years
Ok I’m very behind on episodes but I just finished episode 7 of mclul and I’m so pissed I could scream. They gave me Priya’s illustration instead of Nathaniel’s which is so aggravating because they don’t even give you the choice to go talk to Nath. I have 0 interest in Priya and the fact that I didn’t even have a choice of getting her illustrion over Nathaniel is completely ridiculous. Going by “highest affinity” is so stupid because I have 100% with everyone, so how come Priya is chosen over who I actually wanted?? If it’s because I teachers 100 with her first, it’s because she shows up more often than Nath. I’m so annoyed and this really just ruined my night. I really don’t want to spend a thousand ap on something that I should have gotten in the first place. Beemoov really sucks sometimes.
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mcl-angxl · 3 years
Eldarya - Christmas 2020 Drop List
I’ve pubblished the guide, but I don’t have much time to update it and it will be in italian only. On the bright side the interactive table with the drop list is complete and online in italian [here] and english [Here]
As every year you can sort by year, area or item name, and search for items. In the guide you can find the full version with the prices and categories (can sort by them), the english version of the same table is here 
Enjoy the event and happy holidays
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mcl-angxl · 3 years
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My Candy Love Priya
I love Priya in the first season, even though it´s not my route, it´s like my secret crush
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mcl-angxl · 4 years
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✨ Mcl outfit dump ✨
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mcl-angxl · 4 years
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✨ hsl outfit dump ✨
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mcl-angxl · 4 years
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✨ Eldarya outfit dump ✨
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mcl-angxl · 4 years
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✨Couldn’t choose which wig I liked better ✨
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mcl-angxl · 4 years
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✨ Mcl outfit dump ✨
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mcl-angxl · 4 years
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♡ just gonna save my fav outfits on here ♡
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