mcndyhcrtmcn · 3 days
How have you been? I'm so excited for Creek Fest, so I hope to see you stop by for chalk art or at the booth!
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 4 days
Exactly! That somehow it works out even better for them a second time around and I love it. It definitely worked for me and I’m happy about that. That makes sense. Here it’s nice and familiar and it’s a feeling of safety that we don’t want to give up. The feeling lasted for maybe a month and then I was okay again. Have you seen the big scale model ones that are like of skyscrapers and cities and things like that? I only wish I had the patience to put something like that together! Oh my god, yes!! It’s like he knows! And then he just gives me his cute little goofy smile. That sounds like a plan to me. I’ll write everything down and give it to you once I have it all finalized. I think they’ll absolutely love it.
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I think that's the most promising thing. So many people leave for college or to find work, or a hundred million other reasons, but then they end up coming back here because of the kind of town it is. I know that I could have left after my girlfriend and I broke up, but I really loved it so much that I couldn't imagine being anywhere else, you know? I wanted to make it home for me, too. Oh no… so then you probably never, ever wanted to put together a giant Legos set again, after something like that happened? 'Cuz that's pretty much how I would feel, I'm pretty sure. Exactly! And I'm sure wherever he drools, that's always where you end up putting your head, too, just because. That's what I was thinking, there's a lot that we can do. You call the sponsors and work on getting supplies, and I'll put together ideas and get us submitted, we'll make it happen!
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 4 days
Good. Okay, fine. You actually have a point for once. I should keep you away from my clothes lest they come back all pink or spotted or something. You know all I’m trying to do is keep you safe and in one piece. Okay? What do you want to ask me? Michael, I’m your big sister, it’s my job to roast you at any opportunity. But this sounds important. What’s up?
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You're allowed to be mad. I'm mad at myself, too, i've just... had a lot of free time to not have it be a main focus. I know, I know. And i'm never going to be upset at you for being my sister. I can hardly do my own laundry, let alone adding yours on top of that, so I think i'm okay? No blood oath's necessary! But can I.. Can I ask you something? And if you make fun of me, i'm never going to bring it up again.
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 4 days
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Pop in to the stalls run by @mcndyhcrtmcn & Ryder to have a little artsy fun! While each are selling their individual art in their tents, the space in front is full of life and color -- for a small donation that will go towards future art programs in Merrock, you can draw anything that you would like (behave!) on the sidewalks around the market place, and really leave your mark!
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 4 days
I love to see it. I love seeing fresh talent, and kids who are interested in art. I’m convinced socks actually have a mind on their own and run away from us.
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Well i'd certainly hope so! She is, isn't she? No doubt going to have you a run for your money in the future. Don't even talk to me about my damn washing machine eating my socks! I go through far too many!
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 5 days
Yay! Ooh, I hope they are rainbow stars! Oh heck yes, I absolutely love that, okay? Because well... you're my favorite groupie too. Wait, do artists have groupies? Of course I am, well, because you are amazing no matter what. Oooh, okay! Just my style. I love some good colorful drinks and a cute lil fog. Does it come in a cauldron?
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Perfect, that means I'll have a list of songs with little stars next to them, and those little stars mean 'Mandy approved,' and they'll be my favorite ones. Like they always are. You are my all-time favorite groupie, though! So I'm always appreciative of you following me around and supporting my career, obviously! Alright, good, 'cuz I have some cool ones. Orange and purple and neon green... and even some that glitter and a couple that do the cool fog thing.
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 5 days
Mandy loved the idea of bringing art around to people and making them smile. Of course, it was Mandy and she loved to be social, especially when it came to art. "I got you!" she giggled. "I love snacks too," she grinned widely. "Don't worry, I'll make sure they don't go sneaking extras until after the class!" she mused. Who could blame them? Cookies were very yummy and chips were tasty. "Sounds great, yeah, do we wanna arrange it in a circle or in rows? I'll be somewhere in the middle where everyone can see... so probably a circle, also better for accessibility too," she said, tapping her finger on her chin.
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Mandy was the perfect person to help out at North Shore to begin with, given her personality, but add in the artistic endeavor, and this really was going to be the best afternoon, Elena knew that without a doubt. "Oh, you're an angel! They love snacks," she lowered her voice to keep it just between the two of them, "I'm constantly finding them stealing extras when they think I'm not looking, too." But that was pretty standard when it came to people who loved sweet treats. "Okay, chairs, I can do that!" Elena nodded her head eagerly, leading the way over to where they were all stacked. "We have lots of comfy ones over here, a few of the ladies are in wheelchairs, which I think we should be able to make work."
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 5 days
You may have, but it doesn't hurt to hear it again. Oh yes please! I mean, you know, you get first dibs because you're my sister but please if you have any requests, I'm all ears. But you also know how much I love compliments. He owes us a lifetime's supply of spa visits. Me too. I think I need a huge cup of coffee now.
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You're the best sister ever, have I told you that lately? I actually do need some new art for my office at the clinic, so I'll do you one better and buy a piece and then gush to everyone I see about how amazing your work is, and have proof of it! I know what you mean. I feel like I've aged a year in a month, basically. But I'm glad that we've had each other to lean on. I'd be lost without you.
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 7 days
Well, then you just gotta accept that I’m gonna be mad at you for a long time. I’m just… worried this is going to be a bigger problem. We’re all lucky here. It’s not ideal but I keep telling myself we’re lucky and it could have been worse. You’re my baby brother. I’m supposed to be overprotective of you. Would you rather I change those terms and make you do my laundry for two months, Michael? Because we could always change that… it’s not set in stone yet. No blood oath was drawn out. No magic spells. Be happy that’s all, but yes, anything to get the word out helps.
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Yeah... I thought I knew better, honestly, but turns out I didn't. Not in that state. It took me a bit to recall missing pieces, but most of it's there now. I think. You're allowed to be mad-- I'm mad, too. Or I was, anyway. Now i'm just kind of... accepting everything, or trying to, that has happened since. I just... lost myself. A little bit. And it was easier to drink than to talk it through, so I took the easy way out. What I thought was the easy way out at the time, anyway. Not that you need my help selling your work, but I will, if it will make you feel a little better.
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 8 days
Yeah, you’re alright in my book. Plus, Lily’s adorable and hilarious and a pretty gifted artist! So all the better. Yeah, pretty much. You’re not wrong about that. Now we’re thicker than thieves. Random pieces of laundry, huh? I’m sure you’re bound to find one half of a pair of socks. That happens sometimes…
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Oh, does my friendship mean that much to you? I'm touched. That's pretty stock standard, right? When it comes to sisters, anyway. Even between friends. I keep finding things in the laundry that i'm sure never existed in the house before, but I guess that will happen too living out of two separate homes.
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 8 days
You know I am! I’ll let you know if a song sucks and when there is one that the audience will absolutely love. You’ve been amazing every time you get on stage. And I’m not just saying that because I’m your partner, or groupie or the one who gets to kiss you senseless afterwards… but because it’s true! Oh my god, yes! I wanna try all the cocktails please and thank you.
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But I need you to be one hundred percent honest, too! Supportive, reassuring, sure, yes, but tell me if a song sucks, too, okay? Because I don't want to get up there and totally bomb. We can do a mini karaoke party, though -- I actually need to test out some new Halloween cocktails, so that would make it even more fun.
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 8 days
Merrock’s just a prime location for all the good stuff. No wonder people always say they want to come back and then just end up staying. There’s so much to see and do, there’s a little bit of everything for everyone and it’s great! There was one I did do with a friend when I was in college visiting a friend, and I made the mistake of leaving it out and their nephew or cousin or something g knocked it over. So yeah, that wasn’t fun but other than that, Legos were really cool. The tiny pieces are the worst! But they somehow all still fit. Yeah, no one wants a wet blanket, pun intended. Oooh, that’s a good one! Charity for arts programs. I can call one of my sponsors and he can help out with supplies and things.
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It's hard to be too upset about small town life when the small town that we live in is Merrock -- if it was anywhere else, it might be a bummer. But we've got a beach and we've got a state park and we've got really good seafood, so if we have to be a bunch of adults and we don't get to be kids anymore, I guess it's okay, we can survive this, right? I didn't play with a lot of them, but the ones that I did, I thought they were a lot of fun, especially if you could get a little bit creative with them! That made things fun. But they're definitely hard, some of them have tons of teeny, tiny little pieces, too, which can make it that much harder, it never ends. Of course, and then you have to curl up and snuggle with a drooly blanket, I'm assuming! Not the best feeling. I think so! That would be a lot of fun, actually, donate what we get to charity? Maybe we could do something for the kids with sidewalk chalk art, too.
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 9 days
Apparently. No, I guess not but I thought I taught you better. If you’re gonna have a drink, let Livvy or I know. I get it. We all make mistakes. I did stupid stuff too. I’m just—I’m mad at you. But I know we’re gonna get through it some way, somehow. You are, and you’re damn lucky. So you’d better every person you know to buy my art.
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I wasn’t really.. thinking at all, I guess. Not really. I was trying to escape doing that. And I — I didn’t want to admit that I’d gotten bad enough that I needed help, and I should have, and I’m — I’m sorry. I know you’re just around the corner, and you would’ve come if I’d asked, but— I didn’t. I can't change that now, but i'm still here, and that's what matters. Right?
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 9 days
“Of course!” Mandy singsonged happily, following Elena. She had been excited for today’s session since Elena had mentioned it, especially for the adorable older ladies who always gushed over them. “I’m always more than happy to help. Apple cider is the best thing. And I also brought snacks, courtesy of Mama Hartman.” She set down the trolley wagon she was pulling along and took a look a their space. “So we’ll just need some chairs. I’ve got the easels and we can always adjust because I know the art horses aren’t everyone’s favorite,” she said. “And then we can get started!”
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WHO: Lena & @mcndyhcrtmcn
WHERE: North Shore, countryside
WHEN: September, 2024
"Thank you for agreeing to do this," Lena looked over at Mandy with a smile from where she was arranging paints and supplies on one of the tables in the common room of the nursing home, having decorated with fall colors and flowers already, earlier in the day. "My abuela has been talking for a long while about how she misses doing your paint and sip classes, and even though they can't have alcohol up here, I figured letting them paint and sip apple cider was the next best thing, right?"
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 9 days
Yes please! I will treat you to all the pumpkin spice to our hearts’ content and you’ll be the one telling everyone to buy my art. It’s been… a lot. You know the saying about this week being a very long month? I feel that in my soul.
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Sister bonding time at Creek Fest next week? I feel like I've been running myself so ragged between work, Mikey, work, cleaning my house, work... I miss you. @mcndyhcrtmcn
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 10 days
Maybe a little. I'm kidding, of course I will and you know I'm going to tell you that you're amazing! We'll work out a setlist together, and it'll be fun. Maybe have a mini karaoke party while we're at it!
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I'm officially insane and decided that I was going to perform for Creek Fest again this year... you're going to come over and let me panic about what songs I want to sing, right? Because I'm feeling a little bit like a crazy person! @mcndyhcrtmcn
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 11 days
“Okay,” Mandy giggled, covering her face with her hands. “You should be proud of me! At least I kept my swimsuit on this time,” she said maybe a little too loudly, with a smirk. She loved that she could make Stelly blush, especially since it was a rare occurrence outside the two of them together, with Mandy’s playful teasing. Granted, they had the same effect on her. The blonde kicked her legs as she rolled onto her stomach. “You gave me an idea for next time,” she nodded pointedly at them. “Remember when I told you I bought one of those fin blankets and then excitedly try to stand up and go to the door and how I tripped the moment I got off the couch? At least sand is soft…” she wrinkled up her nose. Mandy blew a kiss at them. “Can I take a look?”
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"Have to save something for behind closed door, Mandy," Stelly grinned as they said it, knowing that it would probably elicit a blush from their partner, or maybe that was just the goal every now and then. They did like the way that their cheeks pinkened the moment that they said something to catch her off guard, after all. "I know that you do. I'm actually a little surprised you didn't come to the party with a mermaid tail in tow. Unless you did and just haven't told me yet," they pulled the camera away from their face to make eye contact, "if I wake up next to a mermaid in our tent, I'm … well, actually I wouldn't be surprised," they laughed. Grinning at the cutesy pose, Stelly knelt down in the sand, taking a few close-ups of Mandy's face resting on her fists, catching the way the sun brought out every detail of her face, the tiny dots of sand along her jaw where her hands rested. "Beautiful."
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