#dash: olivia hartman
lcrcmcrie · 9 months
Lara was wandering about, and taking her time to look at everything at the market. She had bought a few pieces of art already, and even had a couple cookies for a snack. She stopped by Harmony Healers, knowing that there were a few kids in the community that loved to be around those animals. It didn’t matter if someone could hear or not, animals made people happy. She waved over, seeing Livvy. “You did a very good job!” She said, before dropping her donation in to feed the horses.
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vincexmatthews · 5 months
Who: Vince Matthews & @docolives
What: Earth Week Scavenger Hunt
Where: State Park
Earth Week meant that the town would spend more time outside, and that was something that Vince needed to do. There were lots of things to see, and it was also a good time to get a bit competitive. He held his paper instructions in his one hand, and Ollie's leash in his other. "So think we've got a chance of winning this one?" he grinned at Livvy as they stepped up to the path, Ollie glancing back and forth at the environment around him.
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jmiemagvans · 1 year
Who: Jamie Mariadaga-Evans & @docolives
What: Beach Bash
The beach bash had been going great, as with the volleyball game. It was always a fun game, no matter what the outcome was. The party was totally worth it. The bonfire was also something to look forward to, with the sun setting and everything happening so quickly. He walked towards the fire pit, drink in hand. He saw Livvy close by. "Having fun?" he asked her with a grin.
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 1 year
Mandy looked around at the ranch. She smiled to herself. Even though she spent some days there, it had been a really long time since she dedicated hours to just being present and in the moment. She was also quite proud of her big sister. She knew Livvy had gone through a lot and had a lot of drive to push her to this moment. It was something special, and she was excited and happy to see her sister thriving. Throwing her arms around Livvy, she laughed, hugging her tightly. “This is going to be so much fun!” She said happily. “I have a surprise for you.”
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merrock · 2 years
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We’ve divvied everyone up into teams for trivia! These were assigned carefully so that no one had too many characters on the same team (of course there are some overlaps!). Please note that the characters do not know their teams! They will find these out as they walk into the venue on Saturday night. But we wanted to give you, as players, a heads up in case you wanted to reach out to plot with anyone, or even do some shit talking on dash (who doesn’t love that?).
Check under the cut for your teams!
TEAM # 1
cage newman
olivia hartman
madelyn holbrook
margaret johnson
brooklyn harris
chetan gupta
jamie mariadaga-evans
fallon harris
nari gim
joshua lane
dane byers
hugo stevenson
nicholas turner
aleja alverez
alice zhao
vivienne quinn
rafael bardales
evan parker
jayla hopkins
saihaj varma
grace nguyen
iris xanthe
lara caruso
maryam bayat
estelle carter
jacob hartland
sylvia cuenco-burke
sunny nardelli
elise quinn
trey wright
vera chadha
gwendolyn mariadaga
darrius powell
julian fields
alec jacobs
darcy alexander
kellan newman
greyson mcvey
rosa cabrera
spencer lawrence
demetrius dawson
owen anderson
hazel lawrence
clementine newman
josephine eubanks
amina zaidi
miranda hartman
cordelia browning
ramsey welcott
MOD NOTE: if you signed up before 10PM EST last night and your name is not on this list, please let me know (but do so politely, I’m only human and do make mistakes).
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beneathshadowsrp · 6 years
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The Crown of Shadows Results are in!
“And as the evening comes to a close, it’s time to announce the auction results. Once again, I am Carlton Cartwright and, judging from your bids, I think you all were just as impressed as I was with these impressive contestants and their wonderful dates. But, before we announce the winners and who will be taking home the Crown of Shadows, I want to remind ya’ll of where all of these proceeds are going to. The proceeds of this event are to help the Muttropawlitan keep strays off the streets and to instating a go green initiative around town. From cleaning up Wonderland Park to helping buildings such as All Saint’s Hospital be powered solely by Solar Energy panels, your donations will be a crucial to fixing up the town and, coming in at a whopping $17,205, will be able to not only clean up Wonderland Park and help out the Muttropawlitan, but build a dog park in town, install solar energy panels throughout All Saint’s Hospital, and go towards the funds to build a public pool. Thank you so much for your wonderful contributions and you’ll be sure to see your marvelous contributions come into effect soon. But, now for what you’re all been waiting for-”
Now that you’ve won your charity dates, feel free to play them out on the dash! Please feel free to reach out to your character’s date, plot OOC, and create threads surrounding it. You don’t have to create the date thread right away. So, feel free to take your time with and work together. If you want to wait to have your date thread after the full moon, by all means do that. And last but not least, have fun!! We’re so excited to announce the winners and we hope you are too!
The total amount of money raised from the charity event: $17,205
In Crown of Shadows Tradition, we will be awarding crowns to the top two highest bidders as a thank you for their generous donations. The crowns will bestowed upon them from the past years’ highest bidders and, come the next year, they will have the honor of passing the crowns down to the next winners:
The highest bidder who will win the Crown of Shadows (see image here): Mackenzie Foster
The runner up in highest bidder who will win the Princess tiara (see image here): Olivia Pierce
The Dates/Winners:
1: Amanda & Abby
2: Eliza & Sophie
3: Tae Cho & Juliet
4: James & Evie
5: Noah & Kenzie
6: Caitlin & Julian
7:  Natalia & Liv
8: Kelsie & Kai
9: Damien & Astrid
10: Jacen & Carter
11: Rowan & Ella
12: Griffin & Nina
13: Serena & Silas
14: Lia & Jasmine
And in case you forgot what the dates were...
The Date Breakdown/Recap once more:
Contestant #1 is... Amanda Weaver. She is:
Goofy, Energetic, and Adventurous.
She hates asparagus. Vehemently.
She doesn’t want to entirely spoil the surprise, but it will involve shopping and it will involve dinner. In that order.
The winner of this date is... Abby Barnes.
Contestant #2 is... Eliza Holmes. She is:
Kind, Protective, Creative.
She can dance really well, but she only does so in the safety and privacy of their home.
The date would consist of a picnic packed and made by the contestant, near the water, under that old willow tree everyone loves. Then she would enjoy taking you up to the lookout pointe, overlooking the town and the water close by, to enjoy some wine. And perhaps some good conversation under the stars.
The winner of this date is... Sophie Vidales.
Contestant #3 is... Tae Cho. He is:
Outgoing. Lovable. Spicy.
Madame Zeroni once predicted he wouldn’t finish college. ‘She’ was right.
Free dance lessons at Tiptoes, with your choice of salsa dancing or hip-hop. Followed by a picnic dinner under the stars where you can also watch Netflix on his iPad.
The winner of this date is... Juliet Reynolds.
Contestant #4 is... James Armstrong. He is:
Dutiful, Chivalrous, and Trustworthy.
“My dad’s dead, does that count?”
They will take you on a boat ride on the water, departing from the Harbor and making their way to the Falls. There, they will drop anchor and enjoy a pre-packaged meal next to the Falls. Pack a swimsuit if you want to take a dive.
The winner of this date is... Eve Martin.
Contestant #5 is... Noah Armstrong. He is:
Down to Earth, Fun-Loving, Goofy.
‘I can fit my whole fist in my mouth, wanna see?’
This date is a scavenger hunt comprised of recreating popular romcom moments together on a budget. The clues, such as an ode to “She’s the Man” where a present shows up on your doorstep with a wheel of gouda cheese in it, will lead you to your date whom will be hanging off the side of their roof from a bungee cord, wearing a Spiderman costume like in the OC and holding cue cards from the movie “Love Actually”, while a boombox sits below playing “Kiss Me” from Six Pence None the Richer. After finally cutting themselves down, your date will take you into the backyard where a projector will be playing “10 Things I Hate About You” onto a sheet that has been tapped to the side of the building to look like a screen. This contestant, also, would like you to know, that during the movie, popcorn, ring pops, and chocolate covered strawberries will be provided.
The winner of this date is... Mackenzie Foster.
Contestant #6 is... Caitlin Dunmore . She is:
Caring, Dedicated, Passionate.
They can randomly produce facts about certain things. Makes them really good for trivia games.
On this date, you will meet up to have either coffee or dinner than off to a painting class and end the day with ice cream and strolling through the town at dusk.
The winner of this date is... Julian St. Clair.
Contestant #7 is... Natalia Hamilton. She is:
Charismatic, Adventurous, & Dominate.
Can sing rather well & can make up little cheers due to their time as a cheerleader!
On their date, they would love to explore the town & woods while under the moon. After a walk around town, you will then be invited out to one of the many bars and spend the night dancing, eating, and drinking in a private section while enjoying each other’s company.
The winner of this date is... Olivia Pierce.
Contestant #8 is... Kelsie Woods. She is:
Cute, Quiet, & Loving.
They once won a radio call in contest by being the first person who could sing the alphabet backwards.
If you win you can look forward to a picnic at the Falls with all the traditional picnic fixings.  You two can eat, swim, and just enjoy a nice summer day.
The winner of this date is... Kai Papoa.
Contestant #9 is... Damien Pierce. He is:
Funny, Charismatic, Charming.
In our high schools production of Grease, I played Danny Zuko.
On our date, they will take you to a water/amusement park in Charlotte with an all access pass to all the rides and a VIP treatment with fast lane upgrades, free meals and a rental of our own cabana to sit and rest until you’re ready to hit the rides again.
The winner of this date is... Astrid Reyes.
Contestant #10 is... Jacen Todd. He is:
Sarcastic, Charming, Witty.
I’m a fan of Karaoke bars and frequent them every week.
On our date, they will take you to the local gun range and if you’re a first timer, teach you how to shoot, if not start up a friendly competition of who can best who on targets. After you’re done, dinner at the restaurant of your choice.
The winner of this date is... Carter Pierce.
Contestant #11 is... Rowan Hartman.  She is:
Serious, sweet, loyal.
I’m an expert knife thrower and kick ass at darts.
On our date, they will take you on a sunset cruise on Lake Norman on a private yacht. This date is complete with dinner, a Netflix movie of the bidder’s choice.
The winner of this date is... Ella Bahar.
Contestant #12 is... Griffin West. He is:
Adorable, Funny, and Resourceful.
Scared to death of porcelain dolls.
The date will involve a trip to the arcade, where you can play games, battle it out in laser tag, take a spin around the roller skating rink, or get behind the wheel to race in go-karts. There, you will also enjoy a private, candle lit dinner for two over pizza, nachos, and your choice of soda. Unlimited tokens will be provided, along with a guaranteed prize of your choosing.
The winner of this date is... Nina Skala.
Contestant #13 is... Serena North. She is:
Fun-loving, Adventurous, Independent
They’ve lived in more than 4 different countries.
While most of us have lived in this town forever most of us have taken for granted some of the the treasures that are hidden in this town. The day would be full of exploring them. Starting off with breakfast at The Pie Hole, then move on to the Boathouse where most of the day would be spent out on the water. When the fun in the sun was done the party could move to Level Up! for a quick round of air hockey and dinner. After the sun goes down the excitement begins with Moonlight Zip lining that ends at the Observatory where desert will be waiting.
The winner of this date is... Silas Bahar.
Contestant #14 is... Lia Diaz. She is:
Sweet, Ambitious & Cheerful.
They are ambidextrous.
This date will be a carefree night in. Start out by having fun splatter painting your date’s living room and each other with paint filled balloons. Then, just as the sun is about to set, watch the light stream in through the windows and illuminate your splatter painted work as you enjoy a home cooked meal and a bottle of wine of your choice on a picnic blanket spread out across the floor. Then your date will lead you into the backyard where twinkly lights are set up for a free salsa lesson and a chance to watch the stars.
The winner of this date is... Jasmine Morris.
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 1 year
Hey, sis. So I think Mom had fun today. You know I always love to be able to flex a little bit with my art muscles, hehe! But still, it was a gorgeous day out and I had fun. We should do this more often, make it a fun night type of thing. Maybe next time we can use my studio! I'll provide the wine and supplies, we can bring our pets too. @docolives
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jmiemagvans · 2 years
So I have a patient I want to refer over to your clinic. She’s recovering from a sprained ankle after a minor PE injury. I just wanted to know if you were available for a consultation coming up this week. I’ll send over those records once I’ve got it all signed off. 
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vincexmatthews · 2 years
Hey, neighbor. So what would you say if I said I bet on your team to win this whole competition? Does that make me a little bit nicer or am I still gonna get sassed by you? You know I love a little friendly competition but I do remember when we were put on opposite teams at school for that flag football game and you... tackled me. What’s new with you? @docolives​
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 3 years
I was starting to get lonely without you here, Livvy. Gatsby’s going to be so happy when he sees you, by the way. Also... now that you’re back, I expect you to give me your money at the shop’s booth. Just kidding. Kind of. Buuuut you should still drop on by and say hello to your favorite sister. I’m happy to see you too, don’t worry, I love you more than my dog does!
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