mcsm-confessions · 17 hours
It's a shame we didn't get a season 3. Especially with the letter at the end of season 2 from "WP" (obv white pumpkin) stating for Jesse to "Look out." and then that letter from Aiden as well. I feel like those aren't as talked about as they should be.
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mcsm-confessions · 1 day
I think this is an unpopular opinion
I don't care very much about Jack and Nurm. I mean, I like them, they're pretty cool, but of all the new characters in season 2 they're the ones I'm least interested in.
I would have preferred to have Axel and Olvia with us, even more because in the arc of the portals in season 1 they just disappeared from the plot. And it was a shame to me when, again, they just disappeared again for a long time in season 2.
It would have been fun to be with them in jail to me.
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mcsm-confessions · 1 day
Ive just replayed the whole two seasons and… I can’t help but feel like some decisions "should be" the canon ones. The main one being Jesse hitting the road with Petra at the end. Mainly because of Lukas telling Jesse in episode 2 « this admin thing… well, it’s really you. I know you said you’re trying to settle down, but trouble always seems to find a way to you. I mean, you don’t really see Axel and Olivia mixed up in things like this ». I thought about it, and in my opinion, it actually makes a lot of sense for Jesse to keep seeking adventures with their best friend after season 2. I know this was a big subject of discussion when this episode came out, I hope it’s calmed down now. It makes sense to me, but both decisions make sense in the end, in their own bittersweet ways
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mcsm-confessions · 1 day
Ngl y’all a while ago I got lucky getting a physical copy of Season 2 and pulled a all nighter playing it. I had to go to work after that. At one point I was drifting off to sleep by accident and mumbled “Romeo, I’m going to put you in a dungeon next time.” In reference to him putting us to jail. And my coworker was sitting next to me like “???? What????” After I shot awake and we had a laugh about it. The brain rot was real that day.
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mcsm-confessions · 1 day
I like how we as a fandom collectively agree that for a MLP AU that Jesse is always a Earth pony. Like yes Jesse definitely gives off earth pony vibes. *nods* So true so true. We love our Earth Pony main characters-
Jus thought it was adorable. :3
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mcsm-confessions · 2 days
I’m not a big fan of the characters having the last name of their voice actors, but Lukas Porter is PERFECT in a sense I cannot describe
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mcsm-confessions · 2 days
I have a headcanon that even after the events of season 2 Jesse still feels the most close to Olivia and Axel. I like to imagine that because all three of them spend most of their lives together that they just sorta attached to the hip more so than the others and know each other so well. Even if they don’t see eachother often. It doesn’t mean Petra, Lukas, or everyone else isn’t also Jesse’s friends. But just that the best friend title is definitely reserved for Olivia and Axel. And that Jesse is always thinking about them even when they’re not around. Anyways, Team Order of the Pigs 4 Life!
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mcsm-confessions · 2 days
Mcsm fandom please make more fanfics that are different genres other than romance! I’m dying to see some sadfics or even horror! Please drop some recommendations more out here or promote them. Begging on my hands and knees
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mcsm-confessions · 2 days
hear me out
peta and susie (from deltarune) would be friends
don’t know why but they would
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mcsm-confessions · 2 days
no hate to radar fans but i genuinely do not understand why people like him so much. i went into season 2 with really high hopes because i had heard so many good things about him, but i really could not like him at all. i know that he's sort of a slot-in for lukas but he felt so out of place most of the time and interrupted a lot of good, emotional moments. this guy said "gulp!" out loud.
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mcsm-confessions · 2 days
People in the fandom need to make Human!Romeo less pathetic.
Even if hes rusty in his survival skills he obviously knows how to survive on his own, if you want to hc the admins home in the underneath as pre-admin thats plenty enough experience to gather. Hes amazing in combat and I wouldnt doubt that he'd go survival mode for his own challanges to get that extra kick.
Hes also had a boasted ego for years or whatever long youd HC all the things took place, so his sassy better-than-you roots would still be deeply set, even if he tries to better himself.
Make him a bastard that Jesse can regret keeping alive. Thats what he is.
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mcsm-confessions · 3 days
I don’t watch much fanart of him or read fanfiction, but I hope you guys remember that Romeo was a god his whole life up to this point. He’s great at combinaisons of redstone and potions and at building, but basically sucks at everything else. Food, you say ? What is eating ? Fighting ? Running ? Any primal survival instinct ? I hope he stayed at Beacontown for a bit or left with Xara because on his own, this guy is dead.
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mcsm-confessions · 4 days
Hey guys can we not head cannon every character to be a groomer, an abuser, or even a pedophile? Thanks! Helps out a lot!
I’m only saying that cause all of the Aiden head canons (I was a victim of it when I was younger I have CHANGED) and then I saw a Hadrian being called a pedophile earlier. “Certified pedophile!!” Erm… chat!?
Anyways it’s kind of gross, they’re blocks, please stop saying they do heinous activities!!!
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mcsm-confessions · 4 days
Okay this is probably just because i love the admins so much but UGH I FEEL LIKE THEY DONT GET ENOUGH LOVE AND ATTENTION!!
Like i understand Romeo is more popular cus hes the main one among them all but PLEASE I WISH TO SEE MORE FANART OF XARA AND FRED!!
I just love the characters so much and i just wish there was more stuff and more explanation about the admins backstory and how they came to be and just- YJDKYDJLGLKHLIYD
Im so normal about them
Okay that is all thank you for listening <3
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mcsm-confessions · 4 days
minecraft story mode icebergs are so funny. like wdym nurm isn’t a villager? wdym pama is omega flowey?
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mcsm-confessions · 5 days
characters in mcsm such as Emily and the Scavengers are underrated in my opinion. They had so much potential! It's unfortunate we only got to see them both only in one episode.
(Also did you know that Porkchops in confirmed Non-Binary?)
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mcsm-confessions · 6 days
I love Soren sm you wouldn't understand
Erm.. have you noticed how he's the biggest fraud ever and so gullible at the same time? HSYHAHAHA "Soren, I think the key might be locked in your head" "there's a key locked in my head?!" HELP and this other one is a little bit sadder but have you noticed how he refused to help Jesse until she mentioned the old order? Have you noticed how Soren believes Jesse when she tells him that his friends really missed him, or that they only said good things about him (which is not true btw, Ellegaard and Magnus called him weird rudely, meanwhile gabriel was the nicest about Soren's strangeness!!)?? I don't get how a person could be so smart and silly at the same time 😭😭 he literally wrote the Redstone heart's whole code AND sang to a stranger a funny little song about endermen and friends (while DANCING) silly, funny man
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