mcvibers · 7 days
Timeloop (BxB Platonic) rp
Note: For this I'd like a BXB pairing and for you to be semi-literate to lit. Your amount isn't as important as your grammar, spelling and punctuation, I'm very easy going and will not hold you to a line count, all I ask is that you put effort into your writing and don't just type without punctuation/capitals etc.
Sam (my oc) is repeatedly on the run from an assassin, sent by powerful people to keep him silent or from talking about what he knows. As an assassin you have done this countless times, many people have fallen at your hands, or blades. This one is no different for you.
However, Sam soon feels strange, soon starts realising he's waking up every day as if the day before never happened…only to be killed again. What would you say when your target, instead of pleading for their life is now trying to convince you that you are stuck in a loop, repeatedly killing the same person, over and over…forever.
Who caused this, who is doing this…and why?
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mcvibers · 10 days
Rp request
Hello to whomever is reading this, thought I'd make another post to ask to rp. My last rp spot died out so I've room for some more. My preferred genres are usually medieval fantasy in some capacity, I will also do historical settings like Wild West, Pirates or others if that catches people's fancy too, though I don't do modern or anything of antiquity (Romans, Greeks etc).
In terms of themes I absolutely adore enemies to friends as well as found family, little less fond of romance because almost everyone under the sun wants romance and I've done it so much it's now boring.
If any of what I do does peak your interest then you can add my discord at: _aceboii
As for rules, I'm not going to line check you, just make sure you have substance to your replies along with proper grammar, punctuation.
The other huge thing for me is communication. Please, communicate with me, what you like, what you dislike, if you are or are not available, yes I understand people have lives, yes I understand people get busy and yes I understand people have things to do, however that does not mean that you are incapable of taking half a minute to tell someone of your inavailability. Because I will always endeavour to alert partners of my availability so I feel it is fair to expect the same from you. Ofc Forgetting/Emergencies notwithstanding I'm not going to be on your rear about it lol.
So, yes, I do expect you to communicate, particularly if we're dealing with timezone issues, it's important to know when/when not we're available to eachother.
As for triggers, please avoid anything relative to self-related deaths, childhood abuse/abusive parents and alcoholics/alcoholism. Anything else (within reason) is fine by me.
When it comes to NSFW it is something I do not do. I am a clean rper. I may cover dark topics or gore but I will always veer away from the extreme on these ends, especially anything sexual, I hope that makes sense?
If this all makes sense and is agreeable to you then please feel free to add me or just if you need/want more clarification because I know I can sometimes not make sense to some people even if I personally think I do.
Anywho, loooking forward to seeing you, hopefully. : )
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mcvibers · 11 days
Don't ask me to rp if you don't intend on communicating!
I've been having this happen too often now and it's become very irritating. My rules and expectations of my partners are very, very clear.  Communication is my main rule, if you dissapear with no explanation for multiple hours when we're in the middle of rp for no good reason then I don't want anything to do with you. It's rude and disrespectful to just say nothing when it takes mere seconds to just say you'll be off for a bit or whatever.
I do it for my partners, so I expect the same from them and before anyone gets it twisted I said "no good reason" eg "family emergency, sudden issue etc" things happen, life happens, I get it.
But in normal circumstances it is just basic human decency to inform other people when you're going to be unavailable, it's not rude to ask or expect the same courtesy I give other people.
Do not ask me to rp, if you do not intend on following on that rule. Roleplaying with other people is a form of relationship, sure, it's not an intimate or close one, but it requires communication. It requires people to come up with plots, oc's and ideas together, sometimes more. If people can't communicate then they can't rp very well at all. People need to communicate in order for things to work.
So if in future anyone does wish to rp with me, I expect you to be able to communicate and speak to me instead of going blank on me, disappearing anywhere from a day to weeks on end, giving one word answers or just expecting me to come up with every single plot-point, twist or character known to man.  If I wanted to do everything alone I'd go write a novel. 
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mcvibers · 12 days
Wild West Rp anyone? B(me)xG pairing (nonromantic!)
Hello all! I've recently been playing through Red Dead 2 again and would be interested in doing an rp. While I usually do Medieval fantasy I also do enjoy Historical/Historical fiction. With that said I'd be playing the role of an outlaw famous for robbery and other similar crimes. I'd be looking for someone to either play a vigilante/bounty hunter/lawperson or a rival perhaps. Any sort of similar vibes are welcome and we can discuss improvements or additions in dms as this rp would be through discord! If you're interested, send all inquiries to: _aceboii Thank ye!
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mcvibers · 13 days
Rp request and rules
Hello to whomever is reading this, thought I'd make another post to ask to rp. My last rp spot died out so I've room for some more. My preferred genres are usually medieval fantasy in some capacity, I will also do historical settings like Wild West, Pirates or others if that catches people's fancy too, though I don't do modern or anything of antiquity (Romans, Greeks etc).
In terms of themes I absolutely adore enemies to friends as well as found family, little less fond of romance because almost everyone under the sun wants romance and I've done it so much it's now boring.
If any of what I do does peak your interest then you can add my discord at: _aceboii
As for rules, I'm not going to line check you, just make sure you have substance to your replies along with proper grammar, punctuation.
The other huge thing for me is communication. Please, communicate with me, what you like, what you dislike, if you are or are not available, yes I understand people have lives, yes I understand people get busy and yes I understand people have things to do, however that does not mean that you are incapable of taking half a minute to tell someone of your inavailability. Because I will always endeavour to alert partners of my availability so I feel it is fair to expect the same from you. Ofc Forgetting/Emergencies notwithstanding I'm not going to be on your rear about it lol.
So, yes, I do expect you to communicate, particularly if we're dealing with timezone issues, it's important to know when/when not we're available to eachother.
As for triggers, please avoid anything relative to self-related deaths, childhood abuse/abusive parents and alcoholics/alcoholism. Anything else (within reason) is fine by me.
When it comes to NSFW it is something I do not do. I am a clean rper. I may cover dark topics or gore but I will always veer away from the extreme on these ends, especially anything sexual, I hope that makes sense?
If this all makes sense and is agreeable to you then please feel free to add me or just if you need/want more clarification because I know I can sometimes not make sense to some people even if I personally think I do.
Anywho, loooking forward to seeing you, hopefully. : )
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mcvibers · 14 days
Rp request - Ground rules
Hello to whomever is reading this, thought I'd make another post to ask to rp. My last rp spot died out so I've room for some more. My preferred genres are usually medieval fantasy in some capacity, I will also do historical settings like Wild West, Pirates or others if that catches people's fancy too, though I don't do modern or anything of antiquity (Romans, Greeks etc).
In terms of themes I absolutely adore enemies to friends as well as found family, little less fond of romance because almost everyone under the sun wants romance and I've done it so much it's now boring.
If any of what I do does peak your interest then you can add my discord at: _aceboii
As for rules, I'm not going to line check you, just make sure you have substance to your replies along with proper grammar, punctuation.
The other huge thing for me is communication. Please, communicate with me, what you like, what you dislike, if you are or are not available, yes I understand people have lives, yes I understand people get busy and yes I understand people have things to do, however that does not mean that you are incapable of taking half a minute to tell someone of your inavailability. Because I will always endeavour to alert partners of my availability so I feel it is fair to expect the same from you. Ofc Forgetting/Emergencies notwithstanding I'm not going to be on your rear about it lol.
So, yes, I do expect you to communicate, particularly if we're dealing with timezone issues, it's important to know when/when not we're available to eachother.
As for triggers, please avoid anything relative to self-related deaths, childhood abuse/abusive parents and alcoholics/alcoholism. Anything else (within reason) is fine by me.
When it comes to NSFW it is something I do not do. I am a clean rper. I may cover dark topics or gore but I will always veer away from the extreme on these ends, especially anything sexual, I hope that makes sense?
If this all makes sense and is agreeable to you then please feel free to add me or just if you need/want more clarification because I know I can sometimes not make sense to some people even if I personally think I do.
Anywho, loooking forward to seeing you, hopefully. : )
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mcvibers · 15 days
Rp request Medieval Fantasy plot
Note: For this I'd like a bxg (pref) or bxb pairing and for you to be semi-literate to lit. Your amount isn't as important as your grammar, spelling and punctuation, I'm very easy going and will not hold you to a line count, all I ask is that you put effort into your writing and don't just type without punctuation/capitals etc.
Sam (my oc) is repeatedly on the run from an assassin, sent by powerful people to keep him silent or from talking about what he knows. As an assassin you have done this countless times, many people have fallen at your hands, or blades. This one is no different for you.
However, Sam soon feels strange, soon starts realising he's waking up every day as if the day before never happened…only to be killed again. What would you say when your target, instead of pleading for their life is now trying to convince you that you are stuck in a loop, repeatedly killing the same person, over and over…forever.
Who caused this, who is doing this…and why?
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mcvibers · 15 days
Rp request - groundrules
Hello to whomever is reading this, thought I'd make another post to ask to rp. My last rp spot died out so I've room for some more. My preferred genres are usually medieval fantasy in some capacity, I will also do historical settings like Wild West, Pirates or others if that catches people's fancy too, though I don't do modern or anything of antiquity (Romans, Greeks etc). In terms of themes I absolutely adore enemies to friends as well as found family, little less fond of romance because almost everyone under the sun wants romance and I've done it so much it's now boring. If any of what I do does peak your interest then you can add my discord at: _aceboii As for rules, I'm not going to line check you, just make sure you have substance to your replies along with proper grammar, punctuation. The other huge thing for me is communication. Please, communicate with me, what you like, what you dislike, if you are or are not available, yes I understand people have lives, yes I understand people get busy and yes I understand people have things to do, however that does not mean that you are incapable of taking half a minute to tell someone of your inavailability. Because I will always endeavour to alert partners of my availability so I feel it is fair to expect the same from you. Ofc Forgetting/Emergencies notwithstanding I'm not going to be on your rear about it lol. So, yes, I do expect you to communicate, particularly if we're dealing with timezone issues, it's important to know when/when not we're available to eachother. As for triggers, please avoid anything relative to self-related deaths, childhood abuse/abusive parents and alcoholics/alcoholism. Anything else (within reason) is fine by me. When it comes to NSFW it is something I do not do. I am a clean rper. I may cover dark topics or gore but I will always veer away from the extreme on these ends, especially anything sexual, I hope that makes sense? If this all makes sense and is agreeable to you then please feel free to add me or just if you need/want more clarification because I know I can sometimes not make sense to some people even if I personally think I do. Anywho, loooking forward to seeing you, hopefully. : )
0 notes
mcvibers · 16 days
Looping Death
Note: For this I'd like a bxg (pref) or bxb pairing and for you to be semi-literate to lit. Your amount isn't as important as your grammar, spelling and punctuation, I'm very easy going and will not hold you to a line count, all I ask is that you put effort into your writing and don't just type without punctuation/capitals etc.
Sam (my oc) is repeatedly on the run from an assassin, sent by powerful people to keep him silent or from talking about what he knows. As an assassin you have done this countless times, many people have fallen at your hands, or blades. This one is no different for you.
However, Sam soon feels strange, soon starts realising he's waking up every day as if the day before never happened…only to be killed again. What would you say when your target, instead of pleading for their life is now trying to convince you that you are stuck in a loop, repeatedly killing the same person, over and over…forever.
Who caused this, who is doing this…and why?
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mcvibers · 17 days
Henlo, does anyone want to rp? I'd love to do something historical or medieval fantasy, also it was my birthday yesterday so I'm in a gud mooooood
if you want to chat and write, let me knoww (_aceboii on discord) and we can, only rules are don't be completely illiterate and unable to communicate! Thanx! :3
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mcvibers · 28 days
Rp request
MINORS DNI! Hello, thought I would make a general rp request instead of posting a plot this time! Please be open and communicative, do not expect me to read your mind, I do not have such powers, if you like or dislike something, let me know. Do not block me or unfriend me over my character. If you are old enough to use this app you're old enough to talk to people without behaving like a five year old with the conflict resolution skills of an amoeba. My main genre is medieval fantasy, most of my rps are within that genre, I don't do modern or many other types because I'm not too good at them. I do also have some fandoms. Star wars, Assassin's Creed, Avatar The Last Airbender, Naruto. The writing terminology is outdated and doesn't really hold weight as to someone's writing skill. Writing a lot does not make you a competent writer, you need to be able to format properly too. I look more at how you write, compared to how much, keep that in mind. If you send me a response that is one block of text with multiple misspellings/lack of punctuation, tons of run on sentences that you didn't bother to paragraph, then don't bother messaging me. You need to actually read what you're writing and take the time to format it. I don't want, need, or expect multiple paragraphs from you, I don't have line expectations, but I do expect a basic understanding of the English language, grammar and punctuation. If English is your native language and you can't do that I'd be concerned. If you're learning English or it's not your main language, then that of course makes sense. Be able to actually discuss compromise. A lot of people seem to believe for whatever reason that compromise means just forcing someone to do what they want and then throwing a hissyfit when they don't get their way. Compromise needs to be discussed so an agreement can actually be reached. If that's all good with you then don't hesitate to add my discord! _aceboii
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mcvibers · 2 months
Rp request
Hello, I am BORED and want to rp! :D
Be it medieval fantasy, history, pirates, wild West, avatar the last airbender, star wars or assassin's creed I'm for it all. I also have a couple plots in the backburner
If you would like to RP please send a friend request my way :v I rp on discord: _aceboii
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mcvibers · 2 months
DND style Medieval fantasy rp
PS: IF this interests you, please make sure to add my discord to discuss as I'm not actively frequent on Tumblr to answer questions! Discord: _aceboii A young boy who was once treated terribly by his family until it results in him running away from home, lives out in the woods. Wherein his isolation he learns the secrets of dark magic. Through his anger and hatred of the world, of his family, of people…he learns the secrets of immortality, the power to wipe existence from the world, literally make the world disappear. People, life and their memories simply disappear. Animals soon dissapear from sight, forests wither, die and turn to ash. The sky disappears, leaving the world in perpetual darkness.
Civilisation, the way of life for the realm is gone, Vanished.
It is then upto a solitary hero hero and a lone group of survivors to track down and stop necromancer who revels in the chaos he caused. After all, a child who is not embraced by the world, will burn it down to feel its' warmth…
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mcvibers · 2 months
DND style Medieval post apocalyptic adventure.
PS: IF this interests you, please make sure to add my discord to discuss as I'm not actively frequent on Tumblr to answer questions! Discord: _aceboii A young boy who was once treated terribly by his family until it results in him running away from home, lives out in the woods. Wherein his isolation he learns the secrets of dark magic. Through his anger and hatred of the world, of his family, of people…he learns the secrets of immortality, the power to wipe existence from the world, literally make the world disappear. People, life and their memories simply disappear. Animals soon dissapear from sight, forests wither, die and turn to ash. The sky disappears, leaving the world in perpetual darkness.
Civilisation, the way of life for the realm is gone, Vanished.
It is then upto a solitary hero hero and a lone group of survivors to track down and stop necromancer who revels in the chaos he caused. After all, a child who is not embraced by the world, will burn it down to feel its' warmth…
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mcvibers · 2 months
Rp request
Hello, I've recently been reading the Alex Rider series again and have been interested in getting into a spy roleplay, corny stuff, villains, friendships, betrayal, spy scholing etc. Sort of your typical YA adventure stuff, very feel-goody, take down the one-dimensional evil villain type thing!
Could do darker but not exactly important to me.
Alternatively I'm big into Medieval Fantasy, Historical settings and am part of the Assassin's Creed, ATLA, and Star Wars fandoms.
Idk, just cool stuff. Bxb or Bxg pairing would be nice!
if interested, please add my discord: _aceboii :D
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mcvibers · 2 months
Rp request
Hello, I am once again asking for writers to write with.
Be it medieval fantasy, history, pirates, wild West, avatar the last airbender, star wars or assassin's creed I'm for it all.
If you would like to RP please send a friend request my way :v I rp on discord: _aceboii
PS: Please do NOT add me if you have no intention of roleplaying and will be afk for days on end after we get the plot sorted, I've had too many people ask to rp only to go completely silent on me for days after.
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mcvibers · 2 months
Corny spyfic roleplay inspired by Alex Rider/James Bond/MI!
Hello, I've recently been reading the Alex Rider series again and have been interested in getting into a spy roleplay, corny stuff, villains, friendships, betrayal, spy scholing etc. Idk, just cool stuff. Bxb or Bxg pairing would be nice! if interested send a friend request my way on discord: _aceboii
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