mcximillicngccf · 4 years
“ yeah that. ” she says with a laugh. “ it looked like it hurt. ” she pouts softly, concerned. “ are you sure you’re okay? ” the thought of max being hurt made her sad but if he was truly okay, she’d be fine. had it been anyone else she’d taken them at face value and moved on. she cared more about max than most people she’d ever slept with and that was new for her. winnie wasn’t sure what to do with those feelings. seeing him lick his lips makes her stomach do a flip. her hand slides through his hair and down the back of his neck, her nails softly scratching against his skin. “ i’m okay, better now actually. ” she smiles, “ you? ”
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“yeah, totally.” maxis laughs, a little more awkwardly as he tries once more to convince her he’s alright. of course, once he feels her nails on the back of his neck he forgets what pain even is. all he can feel now is the goosebumps rising up his arms and the way his stomach seems to suspend in mid air like on a roller coaster. “yeah? i-i mean, same. i’m better now, too. definitely.”
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
her hand flies over her mouth as she tries but fails to suppress a giggle the moment max crashes. she knows she shouldn’t find it funny but winnie can’t help it. “ max! hey! ” she greets, subconsciously standing a little straighter. “ are you okay? ” she asks, concerned but still unable to resist smiling because she finds him so irresistibly cute with his blushed cheeks. she can already feel those stupid butterflies starting up. “ you wiped out pretty hard there. ” she points out, reaching a hand into his scalp to fix his helmet hair. much more concerned about him than the person who crashed into him.
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“oh that?” max scoffed, waving off the incident as if nothing had happened. he was, of course, in pain, but the last thing he wanted was to look like a bitch in front of winnie. not that she’d ever seemed like the type to mind, he couldn’t help but want to look good in front of her. he laughed a little as her hand reached into his hair and he subconsciously swiped his tongue over his lips. “so um, how ya doin’?”
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
max stopped at the bottom of the half pipe once he spotted winnie, not really considering anything other than how happy he was to see her. “hey-” he began to greet her, but was cut off as someone crashed into him from the side, sending both of them rolling, tangled limbs crashing into the wood below them. “dude.” he grunted, freeing himself from the other guy and huffing, jumping from the platform and unbuckling the bottom of his helmet. his cheeks burned as he stepped up to winnie. “uh, sorry, that was...anyway, hey!” @howlingwinnie​
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
are you still into roxanne or are you finally moving on?
“look, i don’t want to be defined by a crush i had? that’s lame. i still really like roxanne and respect her, but at a certain point if something isn’t gonna happen you just gotta move on. so yeah, that’s what i’m doing.”
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
Beaming as Max approaches her, Roxanne can feel a warmth rising on her cheeks as the compliment. “Aw thanks! I tried to make Beyoncé proud.” She’s certainly no Beyoncé, but she is pretty happy with how the costume turned out. “You look great too!” she adds, getting a look at his Luigi costume. She has to assume there’s at least a Mario running around here somewhere. “You know, I’ve always thought Luigi was kind of an underrated character. Mario who?”
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“Oh, uh thanks.” Max ran his hand through his hair, nervously ducking his gaze briefly, willing his cheeks not to blush too hard. He was sure she was just being polite, but still, it was a compliment. “Right? And Luigi’s Mansion, is obviously the superior game.”
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
“wow, you look...really great.” max was always more than a little tongue tied when it came to roxanne, but to be standing next to her dressed like beyonce, which he was wearing green suspenders and a fake mustache? he could’ve choked right then and there on his own air. oddly enough, though, it seemed like a pretty accurate comparison to him. @rcxannemartin​
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
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max’s halloween costume - luigi (matching with gene’s mario and stitch’s yoshi @stitch-pelekai)
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
“This is humiliating.” Max huffed, falling back from where he sat on the curb to lay back in defeat across the sidewalk. As if his dead car battery wasn’t bad enough, a dead cell phone meant he had no other options: he had to call Gio from his work phone. Now he was waiting outside the roller skating rink, his work shirt thrown over his shoulder and hands covering his face. “Sorry. Don’t mind me. Just go ahead and step on me.” He groaned as he heard footsteps approaching him.
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
“And his new music video was killer,” she gushes, glad that she finally found someone that loves Powerline just as much as she does. Growing up people always seemed to find it weird that she was so invested in the man’s career, and eventually she started keeping it to herself. It’s nice to no longer have to do that. “It’s super embarrassing, but every time a new music video comes out I’ll spend hours learning all the moves,” she admits, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. “It used to drive my dad crazy.” Noticing the way he stares down at his phone rather than look at her, she’s kicking herself for not just returning the compliment. Would it have been that difficult to put into words what she’s thinking? She’s an idiot. “We should listen to it together when it comes out,” she suggests. “Have a listening party or something.”
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“Really? I mean yeah! That would be awesome!” He grinned, chuckling a little as he realized how enthusiastic he sounded, embarrassed as always to look even the slightest bit uncool in front of Roxanne. “So, have you learned it?” He asked curiously, tucking his phone away. He hated that he had a habit of scrolling through it when he had nothing to say. It was an anxious tick that often made others believe he wasn’t listening or invested, but he just needed something to do with his hands, plus gave him a moment to gather his thoughts. “The moves I mean? I think I’ve almost got them down, my hips don’t quite move the same though so...”
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
continued from here. @rcxannemartin​
“oh, yeah. yeah of course. it’s so good, right?” max laughed, trying to cover his own embarrassment. god, why did he have to be so weird all the time? why did he have to say shit like that? you’re so smart and soft? what even was that? who was he? his smile was still firmly in place as he glanced down at his phone, still trying to come up with something to say. something way less lame. “his new album is going to be awesome.” he settled on sticking to their common interest.
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
living in the dorms meant timmy didn’t have access to a kitchen, which meant timmy usually had to spend his time ordering take out or going to eat at any local food places. he tried not to order take out so much because of the trash, so thats how he found himself sitting at a table at a local brunch spot—switching it up today. he had his phone out, scrolling mindlessly though social media as he waited for his omelette and hash browns. when the tiredness that came with social media hit he shoved his phone into his pocket and looked up, smiling wide as he recognized a familiar face, “hey! did you order any food? wanna chill with me here?”
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max walked into the building, skateboard tucked under his arm and headphones still in as he glanced over the menu. he tugged one earbud out just in time to hear a familiar voice behind him. “oh, hey!” he greeted with a smile, leaning against the booth opposite timmy. “uh, not yet. i was thinking about it.” he shrugged, considering the offer. he hadn’t planned on being too social today, which would explain why he hadn’t put much effort into his appearance and that he was more or less caked in sweat from his morning boarding. but what could it hurt? “uh, yeah sure. i could chill.” he agreed, smile widening as he slid into the seat. “so what’s good here ya think?”
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
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You caught us. We had sex.
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
Favorite Powerline song?
oh wow, that’s really hard. i mean, dang, i guess i gotta go with stand out. or-no-yeah. yeah, definitely stand out.
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
how do you really feel about roxanne?
roxanne? i mean she’s-she’s perfect. she’s smart and funny and beautiful. god, that smile? those eyes? just her? @rcxannemartin
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
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“If I could make you stop and take a look at me instead of just walkin’ by. There’s nothin’ that I wouldn’t do If it was gettin’ you to notice I’m alive.”
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
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mcximillicngccf · 4 years
|| Get to know MAXIMILIAN “MAX” GOOF who’s NINETEEN years old and a FRESHMAN in college majoring in UP TO PLAYER. He is from CORONA and is often times mistaken forSHAWN MENDES while others say he reminds them of MAX from A GOOFY MOVIE. ||
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isn’t a very good singer, despite very desperately wishing he could have a rockstar career. he literally would’ve killed to have been in a band, but all attempts with his friends failed since they, ya know, couldn’t play any instruments.
absolutely hates his laugh. almost as much as his name. or really anything about himself. he has low self esteem y’all i’m sorry.
is terrified of turning into his brother, who he’s always seen as a huge dork. wanted so badly but to be cool but just never figured out the secret.
loves his brother, the guy basically raised him, but they butt heads so often! every little thing annoys max and he really isn’t even sure why he gets under his skin so much. probably just a sibling thing.
is, quite obviously, a HUGE powerline fan. like next level geekdom, it’s hilarious and he’s shameless about it.
it’s an excellent skateboarder, the only thing he has ever had confidence in.
hates fishing. and camping. and just the outdoors in general. so not the vacation he ever wanted to take, but gio always seemed to drag him out since it was good for him or whatever.
if left to his own devices, will stay up for several days straight surviving on a diet of mean bean monster and flamin hot cheetos. generally does this over breaks and after new video game releases.
has the most beat up car ever, that he loves and works on constantly. he calls her mimi.
collects pez dispensers, he just thinks they’re neat.
is a horrible test taker, despite doing decent on regular assignments. tends to psych himself out a lot.
wanted connections.
literally anything. love this idiot.
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