mavisdracule · 4 years
black sunhat resting on her head and pink heart sunglasses blocking her eyes, mavis bounced around the festival grounds. sipping on her apple cider slushy, she stopped at another booth, one of those water gun shooting games. “ooohh. how does this one work?” she asks out loud, not sure if anyone would even answer. there seemed to be a tension in the air on this second day of the event, but she had no clue why or what was happening.
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rfluggerbutter · 4 years
Rancis had already pregamed before coming to the festival, so he was already having a good time. It was a different scene than his usual down at the tracks, so he couldn’t complain, especially with the spiked festival drink in his hand to keep his spirits up. “Yo, the drinks here actually aren’t shit like I thought.”
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greenlouieduck · 4 years
It was incredible that the most anticipated night of the year, actually one of the most anticipated along with others, had passed as fast as a snap of the fingers. Worst? That he had missed it. Louie slipped a handful of bills into the front pocket of his jacket, calmly fiddling with the zipper of the jacket to finally fasten it. His intention was to enjoy a bit of what was still available throughout the day, maybe even win a prize in one of those games that had been decorated in a Halloween style. Instead of leaving a note to excuse his absence to the other residents of the mansion, a devised plan to escape had been put in place and he was able to flee, focusing solely on being able to explore the event on his own. Without even wearing a costume, the youngest of the triplets began to calmly walk between the stalls, only to realize that the atmosphere was not exactly festive. The inhabitants who were around there seemed to be in tension, and there was no way to know the reason for that, although it was something that should not be overlooked if something was not right. Shaking his head so as not to back down with the decision. "Hey, excuse me." Louie called out to the closest individual, not caring if it was a familiar face or a stranger, with a tone of slight concern. "What's wrong? Why is everyone so nervous?"
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wcnderboy · 4 years
Hercules waved off his most recent student, turning to put away the bows and arrows. He had to admit, he was a little surprised at the amount of people who had actually expressed interest in the lessons. Although maybe that had more to do with the teacher being him than an actual interest in the subject. He picked up his duffel bag, about to leave when he noticed the person lingering in the doorway. “You here for the lessons?” He paused to glance at his watch, debating whether he really had the time to give another one. Phil could wait, right? “You’re a little late but I can probably squeeze you in real quick.”
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edatheowl · 4 years
Sitting at the front check out area of the pawn shop with her feet up on the counter, Eda casually flipped through a magazine as she waited for the next customer to show up. Thankfully it wasn’t long before a hoot rang through the building - the alarm she’d set to go off whenever a new person entered. “Welcome!” she called out, turning her head to smile wildly at whatever new customer was here. “Looking for anything specific today? Want to see our daily deals? Here for a little something extra?”
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dashiel-dash-parr · 4 years
Odd meeting
Being careful maybe shouldn't be the word that could be used to qualify Dash. Even knowing it was totally irresponsible on his part, he didn't try to stop the speed at which he was running. It was night, who could be outside their respective places at that time? He just wanted to vent a bit and didn't see why he had to settle for just playing video games, or walking at a normal pace through the streets of the island, or ... Too late to take action, Dash crossed the path of another individual who has decided to leave at that very moment, God knows why, raising a blast of air in his wake as he hid a few meters further behind a tree. "Shit!" Should he act like nothing and pretend he was just another passerby at the time? Or flee the scene? Too late, the other person, with disheveled hair and somewhat disoriented, has turned towards him, so Dash can only turn to one thing. Improvise. "Hey Buddy," he hugs himself, pretending to shudder somewhat dramatically with a forced smile "Yes, it's a cold night. Right? Even the wind seems to have gone crazy in this weather."
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phantcsma · 4 years
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“oh, come on!” phoebe whined as the dart seemingly bounced off the balloon. “that should’ve hit it! this game is totally rigged.” she pointed her finger at the attendant accusingly before turning to the person closest to her. “you saw that, right?”
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
“Oh no, ma’am, you really don’t have to!” Felix insisted as the woman running one of the pastry booths insisted that she should give him a few pastries for free. All he had done was nailed down a few bolts to keep her booth from willing around anymore, and admittedly, he had offered to do so for free after taking note of how some of the nails to her booth were loose. But then again, Felix has been helping around with all sorts of booths since early today, wanting to help any of the venders and make sure that those taking part in this music festival was having fun. So the free pastries was surely unneeded, yet the vendor continued to insist until the handyman found himself holding onto a bag filled with assortment of pastries. At that point, Felix had no choice but to smile at her. “If you really insist, then thank you ma’am!” He thanked, nodding at the woman before bidding her a goodbye. But as he walked off, the blonde glanced at the bag and gasped. “Jiminy Jaminy, that’s a lot of pastries!” More than just one feller like him could eat on his own! That is when he turned his sights on the nearest person to him while holding out the bag. “Hi there, would you like a pastry? It’s free!”
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“Love that I’ve only been in class for like two weeks and I already have no idea what I’m doing. Do you know where they sell the strong energy drinks on this island? My brain is melting.” And it was always better to go for the energy drinks than ask randos about Adderall. He’d learned that, at least.
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cwardlyconrad · 4 years
conrad was never that good at introducing himself. he never really knew exactly when the right time should be, or what words would be the easiest to say. although he knew he had to get himself out there—make some friends—so he took a deep breath and looked over at the person beside him and smiled a little bit, “hey—uh, hows it going? my names conrad. whats...” he stumbled on his words and bit the inside of his cheek, “up?”
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evilgillian · 4 years
reaching her hand out to take the last glass of champagne on one of the waiter’s tray, gillian stops herself just as another stretches out to grab it before her. there’s a twitch in her fingers, but her face remains neutral as she lets out a small huff of a laugh. “i supposed you beat me to it,” she comments, turning to offer an even and practiced smile to the person as she drops her own hand back to her side. “fair and square, it’s yours.” though her words don’t say it, gillian hopes she’s implied enough that the other will give the drink over to her instead.
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notsobighiro · 4 years
baymax had gotten seperated from his friends a while ago. he knows they’re out in the crowd, familiar faces lost in a sea of uncreognizable people. even beyond that, he knows where they are, vaguely. his previous scan of the area had helped him place where exactly they were, and if he really wanted to he could just slowly make the journey to them. but right now, he’s too busy trying to make sense of the person covered in blood. “there are visible signs of injury,” he blinks, head tilted to the side as his little robot brain struggles to make sense of fake blood. “but there is no wound.” there’s a pause as he blinks again, letting the silence hang around them as his programming fails to resolve this issue. “i can not compute.”
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bluehaircouffaine · 4 years
During most parties, Luka had a tendency to sit off to the side. That is, if he even bothered to attend them at all. Usually it took Marinette or Juleka’s persuasion or he had to be booked for the event to get him to actually leave his house - neither of which had happened tonight. But it was a rave... and it was for pride... so Luka had felt like he had to show up, at least for a little while. The music wasn’t really his type of sound, but even he had to admit that jumping around in the middle of a body packed dance floor was quite cathartic. Breathing heavily, he broke away from everyone and made his way over to the bar, dropping down in one of the empty seats as he waited patiently for the bartender to notice him. “Wild night, huh?” he strikes up a conversation with the person next to him - something he rarely ever does, but the alcohol already in his system making him feel bolder than normal.
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shesabutton · 4 years
Coraline had been standing outside on the balcony for a few minutes now. She was a little bored, even though she thought that was a little stupid since she was in an actual castle like from a fairytale or some shit like that. She should be trying to explore the off-limits areas, but instead she was stargazing. She felt like the stars had it so easy; they were high in the sky, doing them, looking down at everyone but not dealing with anyone. It sounded perfect. Her ghostface mask was on the floor next to her as she leaned forward to get a better look to gaze. She would have just done this all night had she not heard someone join her. “Hmm?” she asked, fully missing whatever was being said to her. “You should join me. The stars are extra bright tonight. Fitting, huh?”
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powerfulzhan · 4 years
As she walked around the grounds of the festival, it took more effort than normal for Zhan to keep a neutral expression on her face. The distinct lack of people here on the second day was a good sign in and of itself, but seeing a handful of individuals running around trying to find their lost love ones and feeling the tension that hung in the air made it obvious that her plan had worked. Approaching the nearest person, the corners of her lips twisted into a frown as she held her hands together in front of her. “Excuse me?” she interrupted, grabbing the attention of the individual. “Do you know what’s going on?” It was important to find out what exactly the general public already knew and to begin planting the seeds of doubt and worry inside the minds of anyone she could.
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missmagicmoth · 4 years
With a stack of posters for the newly updated show tucked between her legs, Gigi was struggling a little to tape one of them up to the side of a building downtown. This wasn’t normally her job, but when their director said they needed help she was quick to volunteer. Any chance to help the circus out was one she was going to take. Biting at her bottom lip to concentrate and using her elbow to hold the poster up, she wrestled with the roll of duct tape as she tried to rip off a piece. “Uhmm, excuse me?” she asks, looking up at the person walking by and thankfully catching their attention. “Do you have a moment?”
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