mcyt-analysis · 4 years
|📡|Waffity Liveblogs|🪐|
[THE REVOLUTION (dream SMP)-Technoblade]
🌘 Joined a few minutes late, because someone decided to start early. Ew. /j
🌘 Niki, Tubbo, Techno, bondinggggg
🌘 That pause that techno did when Schlatt logged in.
🌘 I swear if traitor's Fundy, I'm calling scam.
🌘 Please let this be the time you'll whitelist Phil; it'll be so lame if you didn't.
🌘 Wolf Leader Tubbo!!!
🌘 *wheeze* "L"
🌘 Niki war outfit pog!
🌘 Awesam fleeting with Karl in the Bg
🌘 Eret got kicked from kingship?
🌘 Tommy's finnaly here.
🌘 Sam being a brother calling Tommy Biginnit✨✨
🌘 Thank you Flamingo's for clearing Fundy's innocence.
🌘 Willbur's here what are you going to do????
🌘 Niki leaving war for a fox is a big mood.
🌘 That Hubert speech I swear, he does roleplay. It's just nobody wants to ruin the things he holds dearest.
🌘 Willbur's gone officially gone off the deep end, sending random messages on the chag, which mirrors Schlatt's senility.
🌘 Techno ART OF WAR pogggg
🌘 Looks like Techno's not betraying.
🌘 Sam's just flexing with double tridents.
🌘 Dream ambush, that's just rude./j
🌘 Ew. Wilbur Traitor? There could have been something better. /hj
🌘 War immediately started without at least a starting statement? Rude. /hj
🌘 The base is absolutely beautiful
🌘 Warrr
🌘 Gosh I wish they at least did a pre war versus speech.
🌘 Crystal PvP omg
🌘 In the middle of war, waiting for Traitor reveal.
🌘 Schlatt feels lonely all this time...
🌘 Ngl kinda lame death(?)
🌘 NO TRAITOR?! The whole fandom was theorizing so much all for nothing,,
🌘 Tommy bringing the conflict up, please make it better.
🌘 Who's going to be president???
🌘 The parallels of Tubbo giving another speech, but a happier one.
🌘 TUBBO is good at speeches.
🌘 Tubbo Tommy government
🌘 I'm happy with this ending, ngl.
🌘 WHAT? There was a Traitor??
🌘 Wilbur?!
🌘 I screamed my whole household awake when Phil joined.
🌘 English major Techno!!
🌘 Chaos!!!
🌘 Philza didn't join Techno in chaos, so it's in character!
🌘 Dadza is giving advice!
🌘 Techno marinated the whole smp
🌘 Techno being so proud of Philza
🌘 Philza please slap some sense into him.
🌘 Please give this a happy ending
🌘 Where's the happy ending?
🌘 The whole og Sleepy bois are the traitors huh.
🌘 Ah yes Techno explaining his side of the morality.
🌘 [went to Phil's stream] Rebuilder Dadza!
🌘 [back to techno] this seems like a good ending.
🌘 Philza is lenient to his eldest. He knows his kids the best.
🌘 I keep forgetting that Techno is a weeb just like his dad
🌘 This stream is p chill now, pog.
🌘 I wanted Sam to win ngl
🌘 Chill talk with Dadaza!
🌘 Dadza is so done with low quality built.
🌘 Finally a builder!
🌘 Phil is such a dad
🌘 They're so supportive of Tommy
🌘 YES Phil, you're both a bad influence to each other.
🌘 Omg they think of each other as the stablest.
🌘 The literary parallels of Techno and Eret's betrayal
🌘 Didn't know Techno, Eret interaction is p great!
🌘 YAY Phiza can join the builders
🌘 Blood for Carl!
🌘 Webtoons pog
🌘 I just love Phil and Techno's dynamic
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
|📡|My MCC Parkour Tag Opinions and Strategies|🪐|
🌘 My Opinions:
Great concept, absolutely beautiful.
Much improvement from Parkour Warrior (PW). I’ve always watched Dream's POV on PW so it only now occurred to me how frustrating the concept of seeing people fail at parkour over and over again. It’s just both stressful to both the viewers and the players, unless you’re watching a good POV or you’re good at it you wouldn’t be too fond of it. The jumps seem to be easier so people of all skill levels can enjoy it, but due to pressure the higher skill people still get tripped up making for a more exciting game.
🌘 Changes:
I wish it was slightly bigger and less cramped, because it feels too claustrophobic. Just like the irl sport, the map should be more see through with things like glass, iron bars, fences, doors with peking holes through them. This way the Runners can have more opportunity to plan because they can keep tabs on where the Hunter is without making the Hunter glow so there’s still an element of surprise. Plus it’s more exhilarating to suddenly lose track of where the hunter is, than what we currently have now “since the start of the game I have no idea where hunter is-- oh whoop he’s right in front of what do you know”.
|📡|My Strategy|🪐|
(Based on observation, I didn’t do a spreadsheet for this)
The current meta imo is to put your best parkour person in Runner instead of Hunter, because  chances are, the enemy team will put their best parkour person in Hunter (because that’s currently the most popular strategy), so putting someone to match that caliber would give you a higher chance to finish 60 seconds (I’m pretty sure there’s points to the runners depending on how many players survived). Purple and Yellow boosted up for surviving, Green went from 7th to 2nd, which is why I think surviving is a huge deal, because not only does it up your points, it prevents the enemy team from getting points.  Putting a decent/above average parkour person as Hunter should be more than enough, because they’ll most likely be going against fellow people of the same or lower skill level (not every team has more than 1 god tier at parkour). 
Putting your best parkour person in the runner also alleviates pressure from your team’s Hunter. Your team’s Hunter will have more time (if your runners are good they’ll get a whole minute) to  tag everyone, unlike if you put your best parkour person as Hunter. If you do that, the two hunters will be rushing to finish first, which is more stressful and has a higher chance of your team losing.
An example I can think of is Purple Pandas getting quickly tagged by Dream. If Sanpnap was the one running i think they would have had a better match up against the team, Dantdm is also a very capable hunter, tagging the whole enemy team despite not being famous for/the best  at parkour.
🌘 Hunter strategy:
🌟 Tag the ones who aren’t as good as quickly as possible, so you can spend more time catching the best runner. This works especially with putting your best parkour person in your team’s runner, because the other hunter will probably spend the entire minute hunting your team. (Iirc you don’t get the bonus if you finish 2nd even if you tagged the whole team, so making sure the runners survive is a priority).
🌘 Runner strategy:
🌟 Don’t clump up. As much as possible don’t go to the same direction/area.
🌟 Tell your team where you are if you’re the one getting chased. 
🌟 Don’t forget to ghost and be clear about it (Wilbur did great at this).
🌟 Get high ground(Rooftops are your friend :D), keep your eyes on the Hunter. 
🌟 Camp in a place where it’s hard to get to and there’s at least 2 openings. 
🌟 Don’t run unless the Hunter is getting closer, because you might fail your jump and end up on the floor where it’s easier to tag. 
🌟 The house near the spawn with the second floor and trapdoors on the side with one staircase towards it and umbrellas in front of the house. The stairs are too close to the opening, and both the jump to the umbrellas, and the neo out of it are tricky. It’s easy to get caught there so avoid it.
[I'm very excited to see more of PT!]
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
i’m looking back at pre-festival posts and y’all really thought that Techno would side with Tommy over Wilbur. Like, even putting anarchy aside? Wilbur has been the only person in the SMP that Techno has consistently shown himself to be loyal to.
Like, Wilbur fell down the Pogtopia ravine and hurt himself? Techno’s immediately there, silently adding dirt railings to make it safer.
Wilbur fell off a cliff in Manburg and died? Next time they met up, Techno silently gifted him a water bucket to make sure it didn’t happen again.
Wilbur’s confronting Schlatt in the festival? You best believe that Techno is there, frantically trying to figure out how he can shield Wilbur from multiple sides.
this pig is ride or die for Wilbur. the only things that could possibly convince him otherwise are clout or Philza Minecraft, Tommy didn’t stand a chance
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
Let’s take this moment to appreciate the fact that given Techno’s incredible amount of conflict avoidance Philza Minecraft has chosen to undertake the role of the ultimate Technodefender. Philza is the most in tune to what’s going on in the group dynamic I think, even compared to Wilbur who is pretty aware himself, and Phil just does not give any bothers about telling people off for being mean to Techno.
For evidence see:
- Philza flipping off chat for pressuring Techno to stream
- Philza interrupting Tommy and saying Techno’s successful because he’s just good at making videos
- Philza being so relieved when Techno won the duel that he said he jumped out of his seat when he won
- Phil noticing that Techno left the vc after MCC 8 (i think?) when everyone was being really loud and them just having a nice chat
Philza Minecraft is the cornerstone of sbi everyone go subscribe
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
if there are 9 diamonds per diamond block and there’s 64 blocks in a stack and there’s 7.5 stacks in the throne, how much mycelium would it take to buy the diamond throne?
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
okay so im just going to ramble for a second
so i was just thinking about hermitcraft and dream smp and the similarities between grian and tommy as characters or whatever. At first it was just how they both get called a gremlin often also small despite it’s accuracy, for both of them it’s in relation to their chaotic nature often pranking other players.
they’re both the innitiators/at the center of events and plotlines on their respective servers (probably caused by their forementioned abillity to annoy others) 
im also feeling some sort of connectioned between their transistions from smp earth and EVO to dream smp and hermitcraft and just…,,,,. there’s something there and i’m not quite sure where i’m going with it but its There….. right? 
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
Let’s appreciate the recent HEP/ Mycelium Heist
I don’t know if this was planned, but they (Etho, Impulse, Grian) entered the HEP factory through the chimneys, and I find this so funny because last time the HEP did a heist, Tango “hacked” in the vault, but this time they legit saw behind-the-scenes architecture and was like “hey, this is probably hollow right” AND IT’S JUST SO THEM TO GET IN THROUGH SOMETHING THAT WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BE SHOWN ON CAMERA MWJXJAK
I honestly had zero idea how they were going to get in— they didn’t have a key, the windows were all sealed, there wasn’t an obvious “trapped” entrance. So it was really nice to see them enter in a creative way
I think moments like these are when Scar’s detailed builds truly shine. Scar’s builds always have character and a story behind them, and he briefly explains it to us in his episodes, but there’s nothing like the hermits exploring Scar’s builds in the middle of a storyline. You can see they’re genuinely so confused yet impressed by... well, everything. They don’t have any what MooPop is, but they’re FASCINATED
And it’s not just some tour of the factory, or a casual fly-by, they’re legit exploring the factory and trying their best to uncover its secrets. Seeing Scar explain how he built a factory ladder is very different from seeing Grian actually go down said ladder. It’s just so... beautifully immersive. And Scar’s wonderful builds go perfectly well with the storyline.
THE MINECARTS. Oh man. They’re hilarious. When I saw them in Scar’s video, I was really impressed by his creativity but thought “oh well, that’s just for the aesthetic. As fun as it is, no one’s gonna ride it.” WELL. Seeing the MR gang on the railway/pipe thing that connected the chimney to the main room and actually using the minecart to go down was so fun. Like the minecarts were a Chekhov’s gun. It’s just so satisfying to see Scar’s “aesthetic” details have practical use.
Not only the building’s fantastic, the redstone was also spectacular. I don’t have time to watch all the hermits (mainly watching Scar and Grian rn) but I could instantly recognise Tango and Cub’s redstone. The redstone was so cleverly created. Like, they could’ve used TNT and boom boom the place up ala Resistance style. But no. A skeleton that shoots flaming arrows, the freakin vibe check (hilarious), the clouds of potion particles, the multiple levers in different rooms that all result in traps— it gave me very Season 6 Team STAR traps vibes. Cheeky, but not always deadly.
AND OF COURSE THE RAVAGER! The slow descent of it when Etho activated the trap... everyone immediately getting Decked Out flashbacks... experiencing the “oh damn we didn’t think this through moment”... and the resulting PURE PANIC.
They tried to put the Ravager in a minecart, which again is a nice touch. They’re actively trying to use their surroundings to help them instead of immediately cheesing it
TANGO’S NONCHALANCE IN THE CHAT... casually watching HEP security slay the Resistance...
Grian respawning and quickly dying was also hilarious because it reminded me of the prank he pulled on Scar at the Upside Down, so is this karma?? Maybe?? XD
Dude was so desperate lol. He ran, he flew, he enderpearled— and still died. Tango’s probably crying tears of laughter seeing the death messages.
Speaking of Grian, what a coincidence that he lost his Bdubs head and had to kill Bdubs, only to get massacred by the HEP in like the exact same day.
THEIR ATTACHMENT TO THE BDUBS HEAD. Truly the face of the Resistance and Hermitcraft (see: Lime Liches in Minecraft Championship)
Seeing Cub log on and log off was making me nervous HAHA. I half-expected him to show up in the middle of the heist kinda like how Doc did when False gave Grian and Ren the Area 77 tour.
I feel the one (1) block of mycelium was a callback to the one (1) diamond in the fake vault... and naturally the Resistance thought they had been bamboolzed, because they pulled the same trick on HEP. Then they realised the mycelium was there all along and they were bamboolzed AGAIN.
There were so many mycelium blocks on the floor... so many shulker boxes. Hilarious how the MR spent so much time pulling off (and failing) the heist only to leave the majority of their treasures behind...
The heist was a hilariously epic failure. HEP put in so much effort and hard work. It felt like everything was meticulously crafted
Kudos to everyone involved in this heist!! Everything about it is excellent— the lore, the story, the architecture, the redstone, the humour, the panic— everything. This is one of those Hermitcraft episodes that I’ll rewatch tens of times and still never get bored. Thank you hermits for the serotonin <33 can’t wait to see what happens next!
Feel free to reblog and add more!
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
Wait a minute
Techno is a King of the Antarctic Empire
Wilbur and Tommy are his brothers
Fundy is Wilbur's Son
Fundy can technically be the heir to the antarctic empire
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
The Green Guardians are a perfect example of why having four teammates who all do decently well is so op. They got 1st in the games HitW, Ace Race, TGTTOS, and Rocket Spleef, not because of one person doing fantastic but everyone doing generally well
that's what I thought, yeah.
i think the biggest example of that is in tgttos where they got two full-team finishing bonuses that put them 200 unmultiplied coins ahead alone.
it was pretty amazing that they were able to be carried by their dominance in games like hitw, rocket spleef, tgttos and ace race (all played in earlier rounds) to win in the end despite doing poorly in the later games like bingo and sot.
also, philza and tapL did pretty fantastic. phil got 2nd in hitw and 5th in rocket spleef and tapL got 5th in battle box, 2nd in rocket spleef, 1st in tgttosawf (even minus team completion bonus) and 3rd in parkour tag, so they also had strong players who did really well. plus they had decent enough teamwork and the amount of experience phil and wilbur have really can't be understated-- they know a lot of the gamemodes really well and gave really helpful tips to teammates.
they really didn't do great in any team games (battlebox, sot), but had a great overall vibe in individual games, always hyping each other up (philza minecraft! and team bunus!), which was really great to see. 10/10 energy.
it's cool to think about the different dynamics of past winning teams
mcc12 green guardians were all strong as individuals and supported each other really well
mcc11 fuschia frankensteins had dream w/ the massive parkour warrior bonus and the dream/sapnap pvp duo
mcc10 orange ocelots had amazing teamwork and pete's leadership
mcc9 had hbomb's charismatic tryharding the fruitberries's calmly being good at everything and a generally chill, reassuring vibe while killing everyone
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
|📡|My thoughts while watching Techno's stream|🪐|
🌘 Nobody told me that he was going to stream, so I'm watching this 3 hours late to the party. Does he have a schedule or even an announcement?
🌘 Techno has a god pc but still no second monitor?
🌘 The war is really tommorow, huh? 🌘 I can't get the idea of Traitor manifesto out of my mind now.
🌘 Ir bothers me that his base has no head space-- why can't he make his base 3 or at least 2.5 blocks tall
🌘 The lack of animation in his texture pack disturbs me.
🌘 Saw a fellow kababayan send a dono, pog.
🌘 Don't worry Techno I feel the same about minecraft mechanics. I don't know crap too.
🌘 Lectern. Lol Dumbass /lh [I say as I forget every crafting recipe past 1.12]
🌘 Technogong
🌘 My blood went cold when he said "You messed with the wrong horse"
🌘 Trident banners looks awesome
🌘 Bad has a trident? Everyone has a trident nowadays.
🌘 Techno referencing tone indicators gives me life.
🌘 Double sell-out time. They're brothers your honor,,
🌘 These people are comparing Minecraft heights.
🌘 BBH is a big foot truther.
🌘 That trident attack was pog!
🌘 Tech is no longer weary of BBH
🌘 The water podiums are great.
🌘 Manhuht Techno ver.
🌘 Techno playing mind games usimg the x-ray threat to bait BBH to give more info about his location.
🌘 I really hope that the PvP in the war actually lives up to the hype.
🌘 Techno's "HuLLLLo" has same but opposite energy as Philza's "bye, meihte"
🌘 Techno saying I'm so broke as he pulls out so much expensive stuff makes me say bruh.
🌘 I hear a piston. He has a secret base. He has a secret base. Pink sus.
🌘 Blood for the blood god
🌘 CC's making references to animatics is killing me lmao
🌘 Carl > Dream Smp
🌘 Horses should be able to swim if their armor has depth strider or at least allow frost walker.
🌘 Awesam + Techno interaction pog!
🌘 Chat screaming lame *wheeze'
🌘 Can't wait for Techno to murder everyone because they hurt Carl/Andrew.
🌘 Tubbase
🌘 Techno threatening Quackity ✨✨
🌘 Excited for war
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
Setting up an actual legit blog was more difficult than I thought. Bless your neat tagging system <3
!!! it’s okay you’re doing amazing!!
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
Still don’t know how to explain it but Technoblade gives off 12 x 12 = 144 vibes, 5 x 3 = 15 gives Philza vibes, 6 x 6 = 36 gives Wilbur soot vibes and 3 x 4 = 12 gives Tommy vibes
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
The Enigma that is Badboyhalo
I just want to ramble about this little muffin man because he is currently my hyper fixation and to be honest the things mentioned here is probably why I’m hyper-fixated with him.
Tldr: Bad is an enigma that has a lot of experience and has the most interesting life I could think of, also he is kind and anything good will brighten up his mood.
Let’s start with who Badboyhalo is as a general mcyter. He is most probably known for being kind and wholesome to everybody and his signature “language!” and replacing words with muffin or potato. But every BBH fan knows that he’s more than that.
Lets start with his hobbies/jobs A few days after knowing about Bad, I actually stumbled across clips of his old streams/videos and it was the knife throwing clip. The man who calls people muffin knows how to fucking throw knives professionally. It made me laugh because its so ironic and I knew he was gonna be an interesting guy. Well not only does he throw knives, he also does competitive shooting with guns. This dude talked about buying another gun with Tubbo, a 16 year old. And again, that clip made me laugh because its so absurd to think of someone talking about guns from the first meeting.
You know what else he did before? Weight lifting. Badboyhalo weight lifted, I dont know anymore info because I wasn’t at the discord at that time but its true. The image of Swoleboyhalo terrifies me but at the same time makes me laugh.
Last but not least, he is also a fucking ordained minister. A donation asked if he was willing to officiate their wedding and Bad said yes, if he was near them.
Oh wait, I almost forgot how he was a “teacher” to children, more specifically, special needs children. He talked about how good his student’s were in dodgeball and how they dominated in a school competition, he was really proud!
He is probably the most interesting mysterious guy in the dream smp. LIKE DO YOU SEE THIS SHIT? Bad can fucking switch sides at a drop of a second, being a good teacher and ordained minister before grabbing a gun and throwing a knife targeted at you.
Not to mention his life experiences. Bad literally crashed into 2 telephone poles and only cared about the car and the people who sent you death threats because they “suffered” no electricity. Like..BRO, you almost died. He also had a news article about this incident.
Another thing that happened was the flood in his house, where he passed out mid-way because of the exhaustion from waking up to a flood and having to throw the water outside. Mind you, he did this because he didn’t want his computer and other valuable stuff to get destroyed. He did this for hours without help and the only good thing that brightened up his day was his roommate’s pancakes.  
Most people forget that he is the center of why so many people are who they are today. The Dream team wouldn’t exist without him making a server, Skeppy was an old fan of Bad before making his own yt, Antfrost and Red met at munchy and so many more people are connected through him. He has so many friends I feel a little bit jealous of their friendships. Fun fact, Munchy mc was solely made because Bad wanted to keep in contact with his friends in Mcpvp and look how well it worked.
Dont even get me started with the theories of how old Bad actually is, the most popular one is that Bad was 15 in 2012 and is now 24 or 25 in 2020.
I think thats all I can say for now without invading/exposing more about him, this is general information you can find btw. Just join his discord and you can listen to him talk about stuff, the people with voice chat are fans and he treats them like friends so like, he is so soft <3
Conclusion: He is a certified Florida man with his own Florida news article and living a Florida life
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
People mention that the fandom is complaining about how "technoblade doesn't roleplay", saying that he never really breaks character and he's always playing with a punches, which is what everyone in the role play does.
But i don't think that that's what it's about- but actully the fact that his character isn't different from his general "Minecraft character"
if you look at Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur, they all had some sort of development and change of character; even if their general characteristics stay the same, the storyline changed them.
But up until the festival techno didn't have any of that, it's only when he was forced to kill Tubbo that we saw any glance of character development from him, because it was the first time we've ever seen him weak.
I mean Technoblade it doesn't get weak! technoblade is the one that never dies, the blood God! you know?
So the entire end of the festival was kind of like the development we needed to actually feel like he's a part of the roleplay, and he's not just having fun watching others roleplay while he's being op and showing off
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
i've seriously been thinking about george and sapnap's dynamic... and like, i think someone asked lex wormweeb once about how george and sapnap do fight jokingly but there's also a level of resentment and bitterness there... and i was thinking about it (because i was talking about it with a friend)... and then the birthday stream happened and george and sapnap didn't have that weird tension they usually have (in like, videos), jeez. i dunno. something to think about, i guess.
okay i’ve thought a lot about this ask. it took me a while to answer cause i needed to get my thoughts in order. so you could say that i’ve been thinking about george and sapnap’s friendship on loop for a few days now, but that makes me look insane, so let’s not.
i’m obsessed with dynamics. it’s a thing. i’ve talked about it. and theirs is just so... interesting?
i’ve said before that i legitimately thought they non-ironically had a fair amount of resentment towards each other, because they’re both dream’s best friends and they both want the Best Friend title so desperately. they’re constantly fighting over dream’s affections like they’re the love interests in an Austen novel. in my personal experience, when you jokingly argue so much with a person, it’s because you actually want to argue with that person but you love them too much to do it/you don’t think it’s worth it. because i never thought they hated each other, or at least, not that they hated each other more than they loved each other. i thought the resentment was bad for them personally, but inevitable. i’ve said before (about my personal life), that a little bit of bitterness in a friendship is okay. it makes it more fun, adds a little spice, even if it is a bit detrimental to the relationship.
so i’ve always enjoyed their dynamic even though i thought it could be problematic to them.
but this newest sapnap video made me have such a different view on them. i couldn’t sense any resentment. a bit of awkwardness, maybe, but that’s normal when you’re with your friend that you’re only friends with because they’re also friends with your best friend. because that’s the thing! we’ve barely seen sapnap and george interact when there wasn’t anyone else around! we’re only seeing it more recently, with george’s birthday stream, and sapnap’s video. and their dynamic changes SO MUCH when they’re alone it’s almost ridiculous. when there’s no dream for them to fight over, when there’s no karl to be chaotic with, the two of them are almost... soft?
it feels wrong to describe sapnap as “soft”, cause, y’know, but it is how i felt in that video. sapnap didn’t do the “alpha male hey mamas” thing he does and george was a lot less screamie. they were working together and helping each other out, and just being very supportive and solidary. and just being very nice. very nice. and i realised that they’re.. almost best friends. they’re those friends that could be best friends but aren’t because there just happens to be someone else that they’re best friends with already. and they’re fine with it. they have a tentative relationship and they’re used to each other, but don’t know exactly how to act and they end up just being very sweet about the whole thing. they like... actually enjoy each other’s company, which shouldn’t have been a groundbreaking realisation, but was.
anyways, i’ve just had my entire worldview on them change and just realised they don’t quite fit the “rivals” label i put them on. they’re just two boys being friends.
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
nothin' out of the ordinary here!
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nothin' strange at all...
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mcyt-analysis · 4 years
I give up- NOTICE HOW HE SAID OUR ?!?!?
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