mecumpotas · 1 year
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unaccepted pylades
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mecumpotas · 1 year
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mecumpotas · 2 years
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ENJOLRAS + tags (insp.)
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mecumpotas · 2 years
Les Misérables summarized, but I include all the typos that I have found in articles published between 1862 and 1978
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mecumpotas · 3 years
“I could fix him” “I could make him worse” well I could give him two silver candlesticks to help him become an honest man and send him on a path to redemption
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mecumpotas · 3 years
Sometimes I just think about Éponine, all alone without anyone who really cared for her, instantly latching onto Marius because he was nice to her. And no one’s been nice to her in so long. And she sees that Marius loves Cosette, the girl Éponine views as living proof of her fall from Grace. Her feelings for Cosette/her relationship with Marius are undoubtedly complicated, but she still gives up everything she’s ever known for Marius’ happiness because she wants to be better even though she knows he doesn’t care about her at all. Then she dies for him in a selfless act, and I would say that when she gives him the letter from Cosette, that’s the moment the last dregs of wickedness leave her soul. Say what you want about Éponine’s selfishness, (I’m not denying it) but she is undeniably one of Les Mis’ most tragic characters and is under-appreciated even by the characters in the story itself.
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mecumpotas · 3 years
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period drama meme | 3/3 secrets/backstories
les miserables (2012): jean valjean’s criminal past and his growth through his love of cosette
on this page, i write my last confession; read it well, when i, at last, am sleeping. it’s the story of one who turned from hating: a man who only learned to love when you were in his keeping.
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mecumpotas · 3 years
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On this day, 17 October 1950, miners of the International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers went on strike against the Empire Zinc Company. Their initial demands were for the end of discriminatory pay which paid white workers more than Mexican workers, and an end to segregated housing. Later they added indoor plumbing and hot water for Mexican-American homes to their list of demands. The company fought back, sending police to harass picketers, posting eviction notices on company houses, cutting off credit to strikers at the company grocery store, and sending in scabs. In time miners from other companies in the area joined the picket line. Eight months into the strike, the company got a court injunction forbidding the strikers to return to the picket line, and so the wives of the workers took up the picket line to get around the company’s legal tactic. The women faced sexism, police violence, and mass arrest, but stayed strong. After 15 months the company gave into nearly every demand, agreeing to improve wages and benefits and provide hot water to homes in the town. The strike drew national attention and was dramatised in the 1954 film “Salt of the Earth,” which was mostly acted out by workers rather than professional actors and was directed and produced by filmmakers blacklisted by Hollywood. Watch the film here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Dt2PKU4yLg https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.1819457841572691/1832729593578849/?type=3
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mecumpotas · 3 years
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More Enjoltaire Collection - Old Work October
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mecumpotas · 3 years
in el tango de roxanne when the narcoleptic argentinian goes “ROOOOOOXANNE” and ewan mcgregor is like “WHYYYYY DOES MY HEART CRY” and the violins are just freaking out in the background that’s the most intense moment in film history
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mecumpotas · 3 years
Calling a canon bisexual woman a lesbian becuase she has a female love interest or is in a wlw relationship is bisexual erasure and biphobic!!!!
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mecumpotas · 3 years
are we done pretending supernatural is a good show
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mecumpotas · 3 years
hades explaining that he’s the god of the dead, not the god of death
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mecumpotas · 3 years
Your Arab aren't you? Have you ever dated a terrorist
nah I’m not into white guys sry
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mecumpotas · 3 years
the cool thing about the iliad is that almost everyone in it is a horrible person and/or literal war criminal, so you get to judge characters EXCLUSIVELY by vibes. anyway i don’t blame paris for the trojan war but he IS a little shitheel and i want him out of my city
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mecumpotas · 3 years
Okay, time for yet another Italian Grantaire headcanon, yes I know yall are tired of them but y'all need to suck it up.
If we go back reading Les Amis introduction in The Brick, Jehan canonically speaks, other than French, 4 other languages: "He knew Italian, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew; and these served him only for the perusal of four poets: Dante, Juvenal, Aeschilus, and Isahia".
I think y'all are getting where I'm going.
Now, imagine little Italian Grantaire, who just moved to France and is, admittedly, feeling kind of lonely, but then when he becomes friends with Joly and Bossuet they tell him "Oh, you're Italian? Jehan speaks Italian, you could talk to him! He would be glad to practices, I think!" so Grantaire is ecstatic when they're introduced, except...
Grantaire: Hey, ciao, io sono Grantaire
Jehan: Grande e Gentil fu la gloria di Colui Che Tutto Muove nel lasciar che 'l fier cammin di giovin mia vita abbia portato me umile dinnanzi al tuo cospetto
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mecumpotas · 3 years
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I am the one thing in life I can control
Feuilly + Wait for it (Hamilton) from this post
(It’s been 3 months. I’m the worst. Sorry. Thank you for the request, though!)
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