mus4ro0m Ā· 11 months
Sebastian groggily stirred from his deep slumber, his mind still clouded with sleep. He mumbled unintelligibly, attempting to swat away Anne's persistent hand that was gently shaking him awake.
He was nestled in the warm embrace of his bed, and the thought of leaving its comforting sanctuary seemed unbearable. But Anne's urgency was palpable, her voice laced with concern. There was an undeniable gravity to her words, a sense that something important was unfolding just beyond the walls of their home.
Anne urgently pleaded with Sebastian to wake up and accompany her, trying to emphasize the gravity of the situation. Sebastian, still half-asleep, groaned and struggled to open his eyes, his drowsiness weighing him down. Curiosity piqued, he mumbled a question, attempting to shake off the remnants of sleep. With a hint of confusion in his voice, he asked, "What's happening?"
Meanwhile, Ominis, roused from his slumber, gradually opened his blind eyes, trying to comprehend the commotion unfolding around him. His voice, still heavy with sleep, inquired about the cause of the disturbance, as he attentively listened for any indications of peril or distress in the room.
Anne's voice echoed through the room, a mixture of excitement and concern laced in her words. "You have to come see this," she beckoned stepping away from the bed, her eyes were drawn towards the window.
Ominis, still half-asleep, fumbled clumsily for his wand, too drowsy to remind Anne of his blindness. Eventually, his fingers found their mark, and the tip of the wand emitted a vibrant, pulsating red glow. He then made his way towards Anne, the clamor from outside growing louder with each passing moment.
Sebastian grumbled irritably as he was jolted from his cozy spot on the bed, realizing it was perhaps in his best interest to rise. He shuffled wearily towards the window, rubbing his eyes as his thoughts wandered to the hour and the whereabouts of his uncle.
Just then, Anne's voice interrupted his thoughts. She seemed to have read his mind and spoke up, "Uncle Solomon is not back yet. I'm worried about him."
In an instant, a violent shake reverberated through the house, followed by a deafening explosion. Sebastian's instincts immediately kicked in, his protective nature taking over as he sprang into action. Without a second thought, he reached out and pulled his sister away from the window, shielding her from any potential danger. His heart pounding with concern, Sebastian then frantically reached out to his best friend, Ominis, who had been caught off guard by the sudden noise, leaving him vulnerable and frozen. Seeing the pained expression on Ominis' face, Sebastian knew that his friend's sensitive ears were in desperate need of protection. Without hesitation, he pulled Ominis down towards him, offering solace and shielding him from the assault on his senses.
Sebastian tightly embraced both Ominis and Anne, feeling their trembling bodies as the deafening noise grew increasingly intense. The explosions continued to reverberate through the house, causing the walls to shake violently sensing bricks crashing down. Ominis, overwhelmed by fear, could not control the trembling of his hands as he desperately tried to shield his ears from the cacophony. Meanwhile, Anne took deep breaths in an attempt to steady herself, seeking solace in the rhythm of her own breaths as she fought to regain her composure.
Fire! The urgent cry pierced through the chaos, causing Anne's eyes to widen in shock. "There's fire?! It could burn the house down," she exclaimed, her voice filled with fear. Sebastian, hearing the panic in her voice, quickly looked up towards the window. The sight of the spreading blaze illuminated the room, and he felt a surge of adrenaline. Without hesitation, he jumped up and rushed to the window, his heart pounding in his chest. As he peered out, a beam suddenly crashed down from the ceiling, narrowly missing him. The danger became even more apparent, and he knew they had to act swiftly. However, in that moment, a flood of memories from a traumatic past overwhelmed him. The fire, the smoke, the cries of their parents, and the vulnerability of their young selves all came rushing back.
"Come on, Ominis, we need to get out of here!" Anne's tear-streaked face pleaded with him, but Ominis remained frozen on the floor, his hands covering his ears and his eyes wide with fear. Sebastian, snapped out of his thoughts by Anne's desperate call, raced over to Ominis and pulled him up to his feet. "Come on, mate, we need to move, alright?" he urged, hoping that Ominis understood him. With a firm grip on both Ominis and Anne, he forcefully swung open the front door. In that moment, he knew he had to be brave for the both of them.
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My first attempt in along time at writing fanfiction properly I'm so nervous right now šŸ˜¬
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mus4ro0m Ā· 11 months
Part 3
Is Sebastian convincing MC or himself?
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mus4ro0m Ā· 1 year
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Ominis: "No, Let me go!"
Sebastian: "Ominis, It's just me."
Drew from one of my edits
Eventually I hope to do it digital šŸ™‚
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mus4ro0m Ā· 1 year
Part 2!
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mus4ro0m Ā· 1 year
What is ominis so afraid and paranoid of?
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mus4ro0m Ā· 1 year
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Name: Alma Roid
Age: 17/18
Gender: Female
Birthday: 4th October 1875
Hair colour: White/Grey
Eye colour: Red
Relatives: Aunt Lorna Roid (Guardian)
Personally: People pleaser, Generous, Morbid
Patronus: Chow Chow
Wood type: Hazel
Length: "7" inchsĀ 
Flexibility: Inflexible
Core: Unicorn hair
Style: Natural-Grey
Handle: None
Hobbies: Caring for her plants, exploring,Ā spending time with her close friends
Future plan: Historian, Herbologist
Lesson: Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, History of Magic.
Food: Pumpkin Pasties, Butterscotch, Caramel Cobwebs.
Spell: Lumos, Piertotum Locomotor(taught to her by her father), Bombarda.šŸ’£
Lesson: Transfiguration, Potions
Food: Pepper Imps, Soup, Fried Tomatoes šŸ…
Spell: Nox, Imperio (Doesn't like the thought of making someone lose themselves, even for a moment)
Finds chomping cabbages to be extremely cute.
Absolutely loves spiders and acromantulas, no matter how big or small, she will try to take them home. (Made friends with the absconder, who now lives in one of her vivariums)
Her hair turned white from an accident affecting her and parents, involving a spell went haywire killing her mother, injuring her and sending her father insane, who is in permanent residence at St.mungos. (Feels strongly about helping Anne, due to knowing how it feels to slowly watch someone she loves suffer)
Layout from nekosweeets
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mus4ro0m Ā· 1 year
Ominis holding a bleeding out MC
Based off on of my drabbles
I was up all night trying to finish this
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mus4ro0m Ā· 1 year
Sebastian: *He spotted the red glow of Ominis' wand, hopping off his broom so fast, he nearly tumbled over into the ground he caught himself, his feet splashing a puddle as he quickened his pace, making his way where Ominis stood*
Ominis: *Standing in the rain letting the feeling of the water run down his face, the sound of the rain hitting everything around him, then, footsteps?*
Sebastian: "Ominis, I've been looking everywhere fo-"*he stopped in his tracks the minute he got a look at him*
Ominis: *Turning around using the sound of Sebastian's voice to get the rough estimate of where he was stood, holding a wand out, finding Sebastian's figure.
Ominis' expression seemed cold, however his eyes were bloodshot, red and puffy like he had been crying*
Sebastian: "Hey, are you alright?" *Concern crossed his features*
Ominis: "I.. I'm perfectly fine, Sebastian" *His words faltered for a second but still he managed to regain his composure*
Sebastian: "Of course, because being stood out in a downpour, all on your own seems fine to me" *A frown formed on his lips, sarcasm in his voice, knowing Ominis for so long ment he could tell when he wasn't doing good*
Ominis: *Fidgeting with his wand, turning it between hands, he fought against the emotions welling up, he couldn't let it out, he couldn't break, not now, not with Sebastian going though so much with Anne.* "I...you...I'm not..."
*Whatever he tried, he could not get the right words out to excuse himself, tears threatening to spill over*
Sebastian: *He crossed the gap between them, pulling him toward himself with a swift motion, receiving a gasp from the other.
Gatherering Ominis in his arms , holding him tightly* "You know, its okay to cry." *Speaking in a soft voice.* 'You can let your mask slip with me"
Ominis: *Shocked by the sudden touch of his friend, he wanted to run, to hide, to get away so he wouldn't have to show his true pain, but he didn't, feeling the comfort of the embrace, slowly accepting the warm of his friend, tears finally escaping, running warm against cold cheeks.* "I...i... no... I don't know why... I'm crying" *His voice trembled*
Sebastian: *Sebastian knew that he did but he wouldn't pressure him for an answer, right now Ominis needed this.
You're okay, you're okay... *Sebastian reminded him, gently stroking his wet hair*
Ominis: "I am not... defective, I...am..not..." *His voice cracking becoming but a whisper, trembling and shaking in Sebastian's arms, "Am I?"
Sebastian: "I know. I know you're not" *Sebastian couldn't help but feel helpless watching his once strong friend, who normally seemed to be unaffected by anything, break right infront of him. He hated how he couldn't stop the cruel treatment Ominis received*
Ominis: *He couldn't even get a word out anymore, sobbing out into the rain, the tears poured stinging his eyes, the noise of the rain covering any sound he made*
Sebastian: *The rain poured, washing away tears, hurt and bad memories though this, Sebastian stood holding his best friend, he didn't care for how soaked he was, even if he got sick, he would stand unmoving until Ominis could face the world again.*
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mus4ro0m Ā· 1 year
Ominis: So, are you two dating now?
Sebastian and MC: Yes.
Ominis: Why?
Sebastian : I happen to find MC very appealing.
Ominis: Yeah, I can understand that. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with MC.
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MC: Having two partners is both amazing and complicated. But all our problems are solved with communication.
Sebastian: Itā€™s my turn to cuddle Ominis.
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Sebastian: Ominis, why is MC intruding on our cuddle time?
MC: Ominis, why is Sebastian intruding on our cuddle time?
Ominis, in distress: Pleaseā€¦ I have two handsā€¦
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Sebastian, bursting into the room: You two are having sex!
Ominis, not looking up from their book: Really? MC, why didnā€™t you tell me? I would have put my book down.
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MC: *is wearing silk pants* How does this look?
Sebastian: Like its slips on and off really easily.
MC: ...
Sebastian: No, I didn't mean it like that-
Ominis: We know what you meant.
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Sebastian: Hi, sorry Iā€™m late. I was doing a couple of things and got distracted.
Ominis: Iā€™m ā€œa couple of thingsā€.
MC: Iā€™m ā€œgot distractedā€.
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mus4ro0m Ā· 1 year
*Ominis cares for Sebastian when he's injured from his uncle*
Sebastian: No, I'm alright ominis, I uh- must have slept funny... *He told his friend, he didn't want to worry him, he didn't need the stress* I didn't wake you di-
Ominis: Sebastian... I can tell it is not just that, your breathing is rapid when you sleep, I can hear the way you're shifting around *He wasn't one to be fooled, least by Sebastian*
Sebastian: *Damn the guy for being so perceptive, of course he would know something was up* You're thinking to much into it, do you stay up creeping on me? *He tried to joke his way out of this conversation*
Ominis: I don't need to see to know you're in pain... *He sighed, rubbing his eyes trying to wake up a little, he felt around for his wand on the bedside table next to him, grabbing it he turned to Sebastian* Now, let me tend to it
Sebastian: *Seeing ominis' wand flicker red at the tip, he started shifting away from now fast approaching man*
Hey, I don't need tending to... *He winced at the quick movement as pain radiated up his back*Ā  ...just go back to sleep
Ominis: Stop being stubborn, let me help you *Sitting down on his friends bed, grabbing his arm to stop him wiggling away* The sooner you sit still, the sooner I'll be done *He spoke in a firm but gentle tone, feeling Sebastian stop moving away*
Sebastian: It's not that bad... *He didn't know if was trying to convince Ominis or himself at this point* I'm a resilient guy, nothing gets me down
Ominis: You may be resilient, but you're in no way invincible *He could smell the blood from where he was sat he scrunched his nose at the smell* Now come on, let's sort it out *He carefully helped Sebastian take his night top off, feeling the wet of blood on his hands*
Sebastian: *He couldn't argue with Ominis' words, giving into his friend seemed to be easy, maybe because he trusted him above every other person in his life*
He...got my back... *He faced his back to Ominis, lowering his head in shame, his eyes fell on the wooden floor*
Ominis: *Carefully, he held his wand closer to his back, hovering it just above, he gently felt the wounds getting a hiss from Sebastian* Sorry... I didn't mean to?! *Panicking at causing pain to his best friend*
Sebastian: It's alright, I know you didn't... *Sebastian sounded so silent than his normal cheery self, he couldn't bring himself to talk about it*
Ominis: *To say Ominis was concerned was an understatment, despite this he tried to remain calm.
*The fresh gashes and cuts were done over old scars that littered his back in a chaotic way, it was clearly a malicious use of magic*
Don't worry, I'll patch you up again *Trying to ease Sebastian somewhat.*
*He felt his way to grab the kit they kept in Sebastian's trunk, sitting back down he opened it*
Sebastian: *Tears started pricking at his eyes at the pain of the wounds being cleaned, a hiss escaped his mouth as he gritted his teeth, he gripped the bed cover trying to endure it*
Ominis: I'm sorry, I know it hurts *He attempted to sooth him so he finish up cleaning.*
*Uttering healing spells, closing up the wounds to the best of his ability, before wrapping gauze and bandages around him to help*
Sebastian: Thank you Ominis... *He slowly turned himself face his friend still wincing but it did feel a little better* I...IĀ  wish I knew... how to talk about it...
Ominis: *Placing a hand ontop of Sebastian's* You don't have to talk, we can just sit together *He understood the pain Sebastian was going though, this wasn't the first time he had patched his friend up and he knew it wouldn't be the last but he would be there for him everytime*
Sebastian: I... *Tears fell down his face, hot tears, he had been holding in for so long* I...I just don't want to be alone *He lips trembled, crying out*
Ominis: You... you've always got me *HeĀ  pulled Sebastian into a hug holding him close as he felt him shake with sobs* I've got you *he stroked his soft brown hair shushing him, holding him, comforting him*
It wasn't long before Sebastian had cried himself to sleep in Ominis' arms, he covered them both up hoping to keep him safe and warm.
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mus4ro0m Ā· 1 year
Sebastian: *coming around, he groaned at the pain coming back sering though his head. Placing a hand on his head he felt somthing warm and sticky pulling it away revealed blood* what...
Solomon: *Pointing his wand at Sebastian* Stay down Sebastian! *He snarled, his face contorted with malaise*
Sebastian: *looking up at his uncle in confusion, pain radiating through his body as a quick shot of Magic hit him*
Solomon: Don't move...! *he spoke dangerously, ready to shoot another spell if he needed to*
Sebastian: *He flinched at Solomon's tone, he knew that tone all to well shivering at the thought*
*He suddenly remembered, the relic, the inferi, Ominis, MC. Where were his friends? He craned his neck to the side desperately trying to scan the room for them.*
Solomon: *He kept his eyes locked onto Sebastian, he needed to make sure he didn't try anything* I should kill you...
Sebastian: *His eyes fell on two slumped figure on the floor, he strained trying to focus. Blond hair, slithern green uniform, Ominis. The other obscured by Ominis body but he could tell that it was MC.
His eyes darkened, he felt rage unlike anything he had ever felt, his best friends were hurt possible even dead and it was all Solomon's doing*
Sebastian: What have you done?! *He roared, his eyes dark, glaring, he bawled up his fist, gripping wand he pointed quickly at his uncle*
Solomon: I've just about had enough of you! *He grounded himself, readying his wand pointing it at Sebastian* AVAD-
petrificus totalus!
*Before Solomon could finish speaking the unforgivable words he stiffened up, falling to the floor, reveling the culprit*
Sebastian: Anne?!
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mus4ro0m Ā· 1 year
Ominis: I am going to need you to swear-
Sebastian : Fuck.
Ominis: *sighs*
Ominis: ...swear as in promise.
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Sebastian : So, Ominis, do you have a crush on anyone?
Ominis: The only crush I have is this crushing anxiety.
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Ominis: *holding his wand out* Care to explain why we have dogs in our dorm room?
Sebastian: They're golden retrievers, dude. They retrieve gold. I did this for us.
Ominis: It's to early for this.
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Sebastian: Guess what I'm about to get!
Ominis: On my nerves. *rubs temples*
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Ominis: *eating a cinnamon roll*
MC: Cannibalism.
Ominis: *confused chewing noises*
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mus4ro0m Ā· 1 year
*MC lay in Ominis's arms bleeding out*
Ominis: It's going to... be okay *he swallowed fighting back his tears, he had to be strong*
MC: I...I'm...sorry... *she struggled out her words, wheezing her hand cluched on her chest*
Ominis: n...no dont apologise, I can fix this...* his voice shook, he scanned his wand over her to get a sense of what he was dealing with. He found her hand cluching the wound as the blood poured over her fingers and palm.*
*Placing his hand over hers, he felt the warm sticky wetness over her cold hands, his breathing caught in his chest*
MC: *she felt so bitterly cold, the world was growing dim, her hearing was deteriorating, she came to the realisation, she was dying*
Ominis: Episkey! Episkey!..Epi...skey... *His voice cracked while he desperately tried to get her wound to close, tears were now free flowing and hot* I... I can't live this life with out you...
MC: O...om...ominis... * Her voice faltering trying to grab his attention* i...im s...scared...
Ominis: *He pulled her closer to him, holding her rapidly cooling body against his* I...I know, I...I'm right here...shhh
*He kissed her gently, her bloodied lips and bruised face, cradling her carefully as though it would somehow keep her from slipping away*
MC: *going limp against him, their head lolling, she was gone*
Ominis: No no no no! Please come back to me... *sobs shook his chest as he held onto her body tightly, caressing her cold face, tears falling hitting her delicate cheeks*
Don't leave me here alone... Do not go where I can not follow..
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mus4ro0m Ā· 1 year
MC: Kiss me....
Ominis: I'm afraid if I do so I will not be able to stop...
MC: Then dont...
Ominis: Oh my darling
MC: ahh! Ominis
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