medialit-posting · 4 years
"My stand about Plagiarism, Piracy Bias Media, and the like.."
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We are living in a world where almost everything are readily accessible for all of us. We can easily research almost every information we desire and needed, we can download everything on the Internet; movies? games? music? name it! News and media information are readily available online, from journalistic article, news, blogs literally EVERYTHING is on the Internet and available online... Moreover we also have the presence of new and traditional media to satiate our endless needs. However, this usage lf Internet has its pros and cons. Various issues surfaced online, now I am going tp share to you my stand about my stand about Plagiarism, Piracy Bias Media, and the like... which are mostly issues surfaced in the digital world.
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Plagiarism is known as the theft and dissemination of other people's words and ideas, if a person commits to this kind of crime he or she uses other people's words and ideas as if itvis theirs. Plagiarism is a heinous offence. It normally earns you an F on your work at the university level. Or if your university is stricy enough you're not able to graduate or finish the course that you're currently taking which would cause to give you a bad reputation or worse a bad life. Given that a student can also get thrown out of the institution if he or she plagiarizes repeatedly, one must avoid in doing or committing this kind of offensive violations. The punishments sanctions and the like, varies from the university or institution that you're part with or the violator's.
Why is plagiarism prevalent across universities? Some of them are linked to the way we access information. Don't you know a question answer? Just google it! Just google it! So we are a little like the dogs of Pavlov. The way we study, the same behaviour. In high school, students sometimes don't have ample research skills and instead look at anything online. This googling culture has a negative influence on the self-confidence of students. Students start most assignments by hearing what others have to suggest rather than thinking about themselves. As a business, we have a responsibility to empower students to feel assured that they can be great critical thinkers. Only thus will plagiarism be treated correctly. If a person is caught plagiarizing, his or her reputation is definitely tarnished and that person might lose their work. We all should obey the law just because we are just avoiding ourselves in getting caught. If we value original thought, personal integrity, and scholarly research, then we will naturally want to avoid plagiarism. That’s why it’s important to cite your sources and know how to integrate quotations properly. But if you only aim to be stop being caught, you're in great danger because you need to follow the law already. You would of course want to stop plagiarism if you respect original thinking, personal integrity and scientific evidence. Therefore, it is necessary to quote your sources and to know how to properly incorporate quotes.
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Links for pictures :https://copyleaks.com/blog/how-do-plagiarism-detectors-work/
Due to what was discussed above, one might think they would never commit to this kind of crime or act (Plagiarism). Unfortunately, to some or most people who commit to this kind of crime they have a lot of reasons. Here are the possible reasons or factors as to why some good workers and students sometimes plagiarize :
Panic of the last minute
Feels of insufficiency
Incomprehension of what plagiarism is
Note slippery
Copying ideas blindly, often in the same order
Work on a job and handing out similar documents
Quotations from the bibliography, but not from the paper
Yet ignorance is no excuse even when plagiarism is unintentional and unintentional. You must quote your own sources and argue.
From the discussion above, now I can conclude that I myself, all of us should stand AGAINST plagiarism. There are a lot of ways to fight and avoid committing such offensive act. We can always paraphrase, put references and include citations or quotations. Together let's stand AGAINST plagiarism and the people who commit such acts.
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If a person has a limited knowledge, he or she might say thay piracy only happens in the confines of the Earth's ocean. If you're this person then you need help- you have to be aware and be knowledgeable about the fact that piracy doesn't take place in the sea or ocean - it happens everyday in our lives, in business world, media and most especially it happens online. We love free items right? I mean who would want to spend money on things that we can get for free. However, this kind of mentality might lead us to doing illegal activities such as piracy without even knowing it. According to economic times the definition of piracy is that "Piracy refers to the unauthorized duplication of copyrighted content that is then sold at substantially lower prices in the 'grey' market. The ease of access to technology has meant that over the years, piracy has become more rampant. For example, CD writers are available off the shelf at very low prices, making music piracy a simple affair." There have been several regulations to prohibit secrecy. Internationally, piracy laws are strict and punitive in nature in developing countries. It does not gain attention nationally in Asian countries, and more in India too, because of more engaging topics. However, the industry has been involved in stemming red, in particular IT and music industry. These organisations identify music piracy outlets and then carry out police raids. However, there are few convictions and the punishment is not sufficiently harsh to discourage.
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Link for the picture https://haulixdaily.com/2019/02/piracy-access-2019
Video pirates, cable piracy and DVD/CD piracy are achieved in several different ways. The film is made by a video-cassette without the correct permission of the right holder - i.e. producer. Video piracy takes place. Film producers also sell video rights to another group, who makes video cassettes for sale or loaning (typically after six weeks of release in theatres). The on sale video cassettes are only intended for home views. Cable piracy applies to illegal cable network transmission of films. Films, in particular new releases, are often seen via cable without the rights holder's permission. Piracy in satellite channels is an unusual occurrence, since they are structured and do not usually screen movies without purchasing right. Music piracy involves the illegal reuse of music cassettes, which flood the market until a new release is released. The sales of music companies hit hard by the influx of pirated compact disks and cassettes, as they are in store at considerably lower prices. In the foreign market there is DVD/VCD piracy of Indian films. The prints sent for film screening abroad are usually pirated at any airport in the Middle East. Prints of DVD/VCD are able to be sent to Pakistan. Such prints can also travel from Pakistan to Nepal and come by land to the country.
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link for the picture https://variety.com/2018/digital/news/piracy-survey-illegal-content-muso-1202829757/amp/
From the discussion given above, I conclude that me and you ; all of us should stand against piracy. Although we get to consume media products for a lower price or some are even free we should remember that the people behind these media products worked really hard fro their movies, songs or music etc. to get produced... We should enable and let humanity win against "practicality". Therefore I encourage everyone to stand AGAINST piracy and against the people who continues to commit this kind of crime.
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As time continues to pass by, our technology continues to get advance. However, the presence of traditional media is still very much alive and kicking as to this industry continues its best to be in the competition. We continue to use simultaneously the media products offered by both new and traditional media... Now the concern is are we really keen enough in making sure that what media products we consume are not biased? How do I stand in this issue and the like (other related issues regarding media bias, piracy and plagiarism.)
According to lumen learning media bias "Media bias is the bias of journalists and news producers in the selection of events and stories that are reported, and how they are covered." addition to thay according to them "The term “media bias” implies a pervasive or widespread bias contravening the standards of journalism, rather than the perspective of an individual journalist or article. The direction and degree of media bias in various countries is widely disputed." From this we can say that not all information presented in the media are the information that we have to believe to. We should not let ourselves be spoofed by these journalists, television programmers, broadcasters, writers etc. we should take time to analyze and even fact check the information that we have received. Information that you might have read online, heard on the radio, or even the news you watch on your favourite channel. We should analyze and think if the information or news is biased or not.
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link for the picture https://dailybruin.com/2019/05/09/the-quad-media-coverage-skewed-by-biases-of-journalists-american-society
"Practical limitations to media neutrality include the inability of journalists to report all available stories and facts, and the requirement that selected facts be linked into a coherent narrative. Because it is impossible to report everything, selectivity is inevitable. Government influence, including overt and covert censorship, biases the media in some countries, for example North Korea and Burma. Market forces that result in a biased presentation include the ownership of the news source, concentration of media ownership, the selection of staff, the preferences of an intended audience, and pressure from advertisers." (Candela, 2019). This is true and is happening in our country, based on what my teacher have said the a television channel is so biased in reporting, writing and heading of news towards the president and the government in general. She also stated how this channel has been violating laws in paying tax that's why it was forced to shutdown from giving its services. Since, I think highly of my teacher I think she really has a point and one might think that the closure of the said station if for everyone's good. We should not tomerate media bias, just like what happened to a certain news channel we should take action if we can to fight media bias.
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link for the picture https://thecord.ca/how-media-bias-effects-reader-perception/
There is an attempt to correct bias; the round table is a method used to prevent bias, in which members of opposing viewpoints comment on an issue. This approach allows different viewpoints to be expressed in the media in principle. The organizer of the report is also responsible, however, for selecting people who really represent the broad opinion, for asking non-detrimental questions and fairly editing and arbitrating their statements. A point/counterpoint may be as unjust as a simple biased article if done carelessly, implying that the losing party has lost its merits.
The disclosure of affiliations which can be viewed as a potential conflict of interest is another tactic used to prevent partialism. This is particularly obvious when a news outlet publishes a story that is important to the news organization or its owners or conglomerates. The laws or regulations regulating stocks and shares typically include this divulgation. Commentators on stock news stories are also compelled in these companies or in their rivals to reveal their ownership interests.
Overall what is my standing towards media bias (piracy and plagiarism) and the like... well just like what I have said in the previous paragraphs together we should stand AGAINST media bias, piracy, plagiarism and the like because it is the right thing to do. We should eradicate toxicity and evil in our world whether its digital or not. It is our jobs as human beings to spread humanity whether it is online or not, we should always consider going against issues like this so that slowly but surely we can change the world the we are currently live on for the future generations and for the betterment of all human beings.
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medialit-posting · 4 years
“How to be socially responsible in my social networking accounts”
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They say social media can be considered as both blessing and a curse - this view depends on how we use and handle our social networking accounts. Hence, we should learn how to be socially responsible in our social networking accounts. In this blog post I'm going to discuss “How to be socially responsible in my social networking accounts”. Social responsibility is the principle that individuals and organisations should pursue efforts to support society as a whole. It is necessary to make social responsibility a priority in the age of algorithms and indifference. In the recent news, we have found lingering or residual effects on the position of young people pursuing jobs or education, which are usually hurriedly posted. Have university applicants lost admission or money from social media posts, when they were much younger? Have they lost? Some candidates claim 'yes' unofficially. The candidates suffered from these affects because they weren't socially responsible in handling their social networking accounts. Fortunately, there are ways to achieve the goal of being "socially responsible" in our social networking accounts.
Content accuracy
That could mean a lot of stuff. Data are one way to ensure accuracy. Make sure the data is current is really critical. Social networking is constantly evolving, and so relevance is significant. By relaying incorrect or invaluable information, you could provide an unservice to your audience. The higher the quality of your analysis, the better will be your findings.
Don't over sensationalize information
Reading an exciting headline today is very normal to find that the article is less than anticipated. While this can seem tiny, it is a deception. Your audience depends on you to have valuable data. You decrease customer satisfaction only by devoting effort to clicks. Headlines are important; I even wrote an article about headlines that catch the eye. But it can quite easily be misinterpreted. It is your responsibility to have the best possible perspective as a member of your digital social network. For a couple of random clicks do not destroy this friendship.
Start taking action if needed
That said, you don't tolerate any knowledge of other reality. This undermines the social responsibility efforts. This may preclude incorrect information from being circulated further. Sometimes it takes the form of prohibiting hate talk. This is never an all right thing. You send a message of protection and reliability by taking steps to ban such a phrase. Don't be afraid to act and to protect others' rights.
Your success is yours, and for people to know you don't have to build knowledge. You let the viewer know that they can't trust you or your thoughts by faking likes, images and other content. Real numbers and data depend on performance. Don't just fictionalize testimonies and photographs for something else. Many without fake and needless promotion will see the importance of your product or service. Using your true knowledge and your true perspective. This would lead to healthier, more long-term outcomes.
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These tips would really help you to become a socially responsible social media user.
Pick up your photo, your personal data and how this is used.
Please take note in applications and websites of the Terms of use. Most people skip to accept this at once, but it is prudent to take a closer look and thoroughly read all pieces. You can choose automated facial recognition tags in some cases.
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Get permissions to share on your networks videos or pictures of others.
In an instance, when there are on going operations. You can never take pictures of patients without permission hence you can't post pictures of them in any social media platforms, to some or most patients it is very offensive.
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Clean your accounts. Clean your accounts.
Social media coverage leaves a trail. Delete any obsolete, awkward or disrespectful details. Inactive accounts are included. If you don't want a compromise role for the whole world, delete it. If you don't want to see it on the front page of the newspaper, or if you don't want to see your family, don't post it. You don't want your family to see it.
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Be cautious in logging in.
Functionally change your passwords. Be vigilant of sleeping accounts, if you chose not to remove them. Hacking is vulnerable to inactive accounts.
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Spread love, not hate.
Share uplifting or positive posts in support of causes, subjects and persons you care about.
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I don't own the images included in this blog credits to the rightful owners...
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medialit-posting · 4 years
Hello everyone! Soon I'll be posting a blog about “How to be socially responsible in my social networking accounts”.
Please look forwad to this new content or blog see you!
Hi! It's good to visit my E-portfolio again... I came and visit to tell you that there will be new contents that will be posted soon! And I am very excited to post and share this content with you guys I hope you will learn something ✨✨✨ see you all!
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medialit-posting · 4 years
"What is my favorite gadget?
"New blog content ahead!
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We all have our "favorites" in terms of almost everything, from the food we eat, colors, numbers, gadgets and many more! Just like everyone else I have a favorite gadget, although here are many gadgets out there but my favorite is the smartphone. In this blog or post I will thoroughly discuss to you why my favorite gadget is smartphone.
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My favorite gadget is smartphone, out of all the gadgets available (Laptop, Notebook, Tablet, Ipad, and many others) my favorite is smartphone, and I will narrow down my reasons why it is my favorite in three (3) reasons. First reason, the gadget smartphone has so many advantages second reason, my smartphone can help me with my tasks and almosy everything lastly I consider my smartphone as my best friend.
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There are many advantages of smartphone, the size of smartphone is one of its advantages. Distinctively, the size of smartphone is smaller than laptops, computers and tablets. Meaning I can carry my smartphone everywhere and I can typewrite, process data, online internet, and I can save my data in my smartphone wherever I want. My smartphone can help me in my daily activities.
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Smartphone can help us to do our task, in an instance when my teacher asks me to make a dance work (video), it means I have to shoot and edit a video, since I have a smartphone I can definitely do it, and complete the dance . And then if I need to search about a certain task, I can search the task by your smartphone and get idea. I can research wherever I want because I can bring ny smartphone wherever. It only means that I do not need to spend my money and my time to go to the internet cafe.
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My smartphone is my best friend, when I am bored and my friends are busy. I listen to music, watch videos, surf on the internet and I usually open my social media accounts on facebook, twitter, blog and many others and I chat with my family members who are working overseas and some friends by using the said platforms.
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In conclusion, smartphones are really helpful in my life and to everyone who's using it. We should always remember that each of us has their own favorites and opinions. Despite pur differences in perception of things in the end we all should respect each other.
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I don't own any of the pictures user in this blog: credits to the righteous owners. Courtesy of pictures : Pinterest & Google.
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medialit-posting · 4 years
see yall ✨✨✨
Hi! It's good to visit my E-portfolio again... I came and visit to tell you that there will be new contents that will be posted soon! And I am very excited to post and share this content with you guys I hope you will learn something ✨✨✨ see you all!
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medialit-posting · 4 years
Crafting Media Messages
Today, I will discuss to you how messages are crafted through the means of electronic media which is divided in 3 categories Creating Meaning In Image Production, Creating Meaning In Audio Production, Creating Meaning In and Audiovisual Production.
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Given the information above this I am going to discuss and present to you the following:
My analysis of a chosen advertisement (Creating Meaning In Image Production)
Interpret the lyrics a pop song (Creating Meaning In Audio Production)
Study a music video and give evaluations. (Creating Meaning In Audiovisual Production)
Calbi, Sarah D. 12-MARTIN
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medialit-posting · 4 years
Creating Meaning In Image Production
The image below is a type of magazine advertisement about an album by Green day which is entitled 21st Century Breakdown. At the image given we can see that there is a tagline that states 'The wait is finally over' which instantly grabs the attention of the viewers as they would think that something big or new is coming and it makes them want to buy the album immediately.
On the magazine advertisement, the album name, band nams, release date and where it is accessible on (CDs, download online) was given. These information was given for the people, viewers and fans can plan out where and when they are going to buy the said album.
Magazine advertisements also includes the main features of the album. As we observe closely we can it features a single from the album that was released already, we can conclude that this is the fans favorite. Which instantaneously makes tbe people want to buy the digipak. Note that some people buys an album for its title track or featured song.
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The text on the advertisement is in graffiti style font and we can see that the text is larger based on its significance for example 'Green Day' which is name of the band. This is part of the advertising method, when people see Green Day they get so excited that's why it needs to be in large and bold text so that it would stand out.
The artwork in the magazine advertisement for the new Green Day album 21st Century Breakdown is exactly the same with the front cover of the album, which creates a sense of consistency throughout the products.
The advertisement uses 4 main rock genre convection colors of black, white, red and yellow which generates a good and clear contrasts. The viewers or possible costumers would clearly see what they are advertising. For example the Green Day text which was in color white, the audience woukd easily recognise the band's name they would give their attention to it. If advertising magazines don't use proper colors, the viewers would just ignore it so greay kudos to the people behind this successful magazine advertisement for using good color combination.
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medialit-posting · 4 years
Creating Meaning In Audio Production
What does "Cold Water" by Major Lazer (ft. Justin Bieber & MØ) mean?
The song is fun and pop-py with all the electronic device I like in the pop song (and some acoustic guitar at the beginning). I love the sound of "Cold Water." Justin Bieber is singing with MØ which makes the job very fine, and the song is well-made by DJ Major Lazer. Moreover, the lyric song debuted on the Hot 100. Has an uplifting and inspiring meaning – a very cool thing to hear about. The song has ample star power and just the right combination of optimistic lyrics and funny songs, which makes it not really difficult to make this song famous.
Verse 1
Justin Bieber starts by singing in the first verse from Major Lazer 's song "Everybody gets high, you know, what else can you do when we are low?." Bieber understands that his friend wants some cheering and he says it's understandable to get 'high' and 'low' in life (note there's a slight possibility that 'high' could mean cheering himself temporarily).
He offers his help and companionship instead of leaving it: "So take a deep breath and let it go / you shouldn't be drowning on your own." Note the complexities of that last line. He vows or can't promise to save her from being drowned. He is offering himself to get "drown" with her. He wants to fight for his friend, solve his problems even though he himself can not solve it. He wants to fight. Of course, he may have plans to save her, but on this line he seems willing to risk getting sucked in. He may have something he can do after all.
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In this part of the song where the title makes sense: Justin bieber sings "And if you feel you're sinking, I will jump right over / Into cold, cold water for you." The story that Major Lazer and Bieber wants to tell the listeners is that a story of someone or a friend who has fallen overboard into cold water, and Bieber (or the narrator) is jumping in too to help that person.
He preceeds, "And although time may take us into different places / I will still be patient with you." When we here these two lines, the meaning of these two was a little bit more vague or ambiguous, but Bieber is either saying that he'll wait for her to come back if they take a break for a while or that, even though he knows it may not work out, he's completely committed. Finally, the pre-chorus finishes with a lead that brings us to the chorus part of the song: "And I hope you know."
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Major Lazer's song "Cold water" continues with Bieber singing, "I won't let go / I'll be your lifeline tonight." The song has used imagery of a "lifeline" that is usually used in many songs. Wherein this "lifeline" refers to the rope tied to a life preserver ring. A person throws the life preserver to someone and can pull them in using the rope. Bieber is trying to be the connection between the drowning friend and the ship where she can be safe again.
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Verse 2
Here, when he sings, Bieber preaches empathy, "Because sometimes we all get lost, you know?" He explains, "It's how we learn and how we grow." He says it's understandable that his friend is in a tough time and place. It is part of life to go through hard times or get frustrated and it is how we become stronger.
He goes on, "And I wanna lay with you 'til I'm old / you shouldn't fighting on your own." Here we see the scale of the singer's devotion to this person. For the long run, he's in it. He wants this person to live a lifetime of being a lifeline.
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MØ takes the place of the person being rescued on the bridge. She sings, "Come on, come on / Save me from my rocking boat." A little mixed up here is the imagery, but it's still connected to water. She is in danger of dropping out and asks for assistance because she needs to "stay afloat"—to survive — even though she is" all alone.
Her one request is for companionship, a friend: "And I hope someone can take me home / I can rest my soul somewhere." Her final request ends the bridge and is "to know you're not going to let go." She needs assurance and a guarantee that she will be protected and can "rest [her] soul" without having to worry or be on the lookout for something else that might go wrong.
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Overall thoughts about the song "Cold Water" by Major Lazer (ft. Justin Bieber & MØ)
I think the most surprising thing about "Cold Water" is that the song might be about a totally platonic relationship before the second verse in which Bieber discusses wanting to "lay with you until I'm old."
And I truly think that would have been a great way to go. Not only does the song also refer to romantic relationships then, but it would also apply to many beautiful friendships that are not romantic.
It's not a complaint, it's simply a feeling. And just an invitation to celebrate several different kinds of friendships is the only other thought I'd like to leave you with. Not the only ones are romantic relationships, and there are many beautiful ways to support other people.
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medialit-posting · 4 years
Creating Meaning In Audiovisual Production
The music video of "Elastic heart" by Sia has been controversial and it received fire and backslash. Some criticised the music video and has view it in a negative way.
However I really believe that in the music video of "Elastic heart" by Sia, and the various visuals used in the music video did manificent job in portraying and trying to convey the meaning of the song.
Some says that the music video is very poetic, symbolic and holds a great sentimental value inside their hearts. The music video wants to tell its viewers about fighting our inner demons, by its visuals I myself can feel the intense feeling of wanting to fight and resist our inner demons. However the audio or song that I hear while watching the music video has played a big role in embedding messages especially to the viewers.
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The song and lyrics of "Elastic heart" by Sia incorporates or helps the visuals of the music video in a way that it intensifies and shows the real feelings and emotions. Feelings and emotions are the things that a visual in a music video must showcase it also incorporates versatility and acting skills of the characters involved in the said music video.
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Audio or song and visuals are effective in sending and conveying messages to viewers. Both audio and visuals must be effective and efficient for the viewers to further understand the meaning of the song and the story behind the music video. Of course both song and visual are important in creating a perfect music video that is worth calling a 'masterpiece'. All in all the song (audio) and the visuals used the music video "Elastic heart" by Sia was a total package, I can tell that it is a work of art and it is worth calling a 'masterpiece' since the song (audio) has complemented to the visuals presented in the music video.
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medialit-posting · 4 years
Hi! It's good to visit my E-portfolio again... I came and visit to tell you that there will be new contents that will be posted soon! And I am very excited to post and share this content with you guys I hope you will learn something ✨✨✨ see you all!
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medialit-posting · 4 years
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Media literacy refers to the set of competencies, ability and practices that allows people to comprehend, evaluate, access and produce and produce media.
Media literacy also includes the consumption of various times of information using different communication tools for any human interaction.
The main focuses of media literacy are improvement of institutional media and the audience effect on media messages.
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medialit-posting · 4 years
According to the Association of College & Research Libraries defines information literacy as a "set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning"
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Information literacy also refers to the ability to find, evaluate, understand and utilise information effectively.
The main focuses of information literacy is on library science and textual analysis.
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medialit-posting · 4 years
Information is knowledge about a particular subject, issue, event or process. Information can be obtained from various sources: you can be told information, for example through a lecture or a television programme, or you can find information through your own research.
Information is essential to finding your route to university in the morning, writing an essay, getting the right ingredients for a recipe, conducting an experiment, renting a flat, filling in a job application form, exam revision and for many, many other everyday and not-so-everyday tasks.
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medialit-posting · 4 years
Dangers of lacking media literacy...
Everyone should know the importance of media literacy. Now it is time to know what are the dangers if a person is lacking or not having media literacy at all.
Lacking of media literacy skills is like missing a piece of a puzzle, and without having that "piece" of the puzzle you will never be able to solve the puzzle and see its outcome because you are lacking something.
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Remember that you can always prevent this by improving your media literacy skills.
Click the link below for additional details and information, about the dangers of lacking media literacy.
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medialit-posting · 4 years
What is the meaning of MEDIA?
The term media, which is the plural of medium, refers to the communication channels through which we disseminate news, music, movies, education, promotional messages and other data. It includes physical and online newspapers and magazines, television, radio, billboards, telephone, the Internet, fax and billboards.
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It describes the various ways through which we communicate in society. Because it refers to all means of communication, everything ranging from a telephone call to the evening news on television can be called media.
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medialit-posting · 4 years
Is media literacy IMPORTANT?
YES media literacy is IMPORTANT Because of the following reasons:
‣ It teaches you how to verify information and recognize other points of view.
‣ It encourages critical thinking.
‣ It encourages you to share other sources of media responsibly.
‣It informs readers how the media affect our culture.
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‣ It teaches you how to create your own content.
‣ It encourages you to actively participate in public affairs as a citizen.
‣ It teaches you how to not be swayed by persuasion techniques.
‣ It helps you determine and identify communication and marketing ploys.
For additional information click or copy the link below.
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medialit-posting · 4 years
Traditonal media vs. New media
We have learned about what is traditional media and new media. But the question is which method is the best to use?
Click or copy the link below for more information .
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