medicallyblond · 4 years
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17th of January 2021 // January study challenge
The day before my birthday :)
Today was not a good day. Applied mechanics tomorrow is going to be a disaster, so I have accepted that I will be doing this course again in August lol. Does it make me feel any better? Maybe, but I have a tub of ice cream to eat after my exam. Hope you all had a better day than I did :).
– what does home mean to you? –
Right now, home means the place I grew up in, where my parents and brother live, where my cats live, where I can be myself without anyone judging me.
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medicallyblond · 4 years
online university is just *hasn’t been outside in three days* *absolute lack of spatial and temporal awareness* *tiktok break* *opens an email and forgets to respond* *pyjamas all day every day* *paces around room* *hopes your prof just thinks you’re in a different timezone when you submit an assignment at 4am* *unlimited tea* *bathroom breaks every hour* *no clear divide between free time and school* *looks out window longingly*
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medicallyblond · 4 years
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I love this weather so much. I’m studying for uni, knitting my sweater and enjoying the view. It’s a lovely day 😋
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medicallyblond · 4 years
Fuck it. Dark Academia and Online Learning
Getting up early to do extra reading before class
Many, many cups of coffee
Zoom calls that get derailed by in depth discussions about the topic
A shirt and slacks one day, a hoodie and sweats the next
Playing your music as loud as you like while you study
Stacks of texts on your desk, on the kitchen table, around your bedroom
Papers and stationary scattered around your home
Studying while wrapped up in your favourite blanket
Groupchats that vary from sharing important sources to sharing memes about your studies
Similarly, group calls where you all study together and share information you've found
JSTOR, EBSCO, and other life saving online sources
Studying by lamp light when it gets dark
Your handwriting growing messier because you're the only one reading it now
Looking forward to the day you can go back to university, but making the most of what you have now
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medicallyblond · 4 years
why do men want to be gynecologists? why? why. gynecology is for females and should be practiced solely by women imo 
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medicallyblond · 4 years
Pretty sure this was a reference for a post on r/learnart on reddit today, u/caro_line_.  
this is a bit of a weird request but if any of you see this pic of me being used somewhere… can you send me a dm? in its original form or as a reference for an illustration.
i’m interested to see where it pops up bc i keep stumbling upon it online and it’s terrifying and fascinating (and… embarrassing and infuriating) and i have nothing to do so i’m tracking its strange moves over the internet. like an archeologist searching for my own face
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medicallyblond · 5 years
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✨With most schools, colleges and unis closed around the globe and most studyblr students now having school at home I thought I would create a challenge to help everyone stay focused and productive and also to connect with people so even though most people are self-isolating, we don’t feel lonely✨
Because no one really knows when we’re going to be able to go back to schools and I know it will depend very much on where you live, I’m going to do a month of daily ‘challenges’ starting on Monday 23rd March 2020 but if the quarantine keeps going I’ll try to add as the weeks/months go on
I want to see what y’all are posting so please use the tag #2020 quarantine challenge and I’ll track this tag and reboot as much as possible!
On this note, I will reblog basically everything even if you don’t think it is ‘aesthetic’ cause I love seeing how everyone does their notes and stuff so please get involved 💕
✨Week 1 - Questions✨
Mon - Have you made a study schedule to help you study at home?
Tue - How are you being taught your lessons? (google classroom, teams etc.)
Wed - What’s your favourite study snack?
Thu - How are you keeping active?
Fri - What is your favourite subject/topic to study at the moment?
Sat - Where in your house is your favourite place to study?
Sun - What are you doing to relax?
✨Week 2 - Pictures✨
Mon - Take a picture of your desk/study space
Tue - Take a picture of the book you are currently reading
Wed - Take a picture of your most colourful notes
Thu - Take a picture of the pens/highlighters that you could not live without
Fri - Take a picture of the view outside your window
Sat - Take a picture of a meal you’ve cooked or something you’ve baked
Sun - Take a picture of some of your art or doodles
✨Week 3 - Questions✨
Mon - What is your favourite food to cook or prepare?
Tue - If you could go anywhere in the world for a week, where would you go?
Wed - What is your biggest goal for this year? Have you done anything so far to achieve this?
Thu - What is the song that makes you happy no matter what?
Fri - What is your favourite TV programme at the moment (on Netflix etc)?
Sat - Where is your favourite place in the world (eg a city you’ve been to, a restaurant, or a particular hiking spot)?
Sun - What is your favourite joke?
✨Week 4 - Tips advice ✨
Mon - What is your biggest tip for staying focused?
Tue - What is your biggest tip for not getting cabin fever?
Wed - What would be your advice to you from five years ago?
Thu - What is the best advice you’ve ever been given (e.g. from a teacher of friend)?
Fri - What is your biggest tip for organising your study space/study materials?
Sat - What is your best tip on how to relax?
Sun - What is you biggest tip to someone starting to learn your major/favourite subject/degree?
✨This is the first month but I might add to this later as the quarantine continues. Let’s all support each other through this difficult time✨
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medicallyblond · 5 years
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My results are back, I failed a lot of my exams. Hard work doesn’t always pay off. I’ve been very demotivated (and sad) for the last couple of weeks because of that. Everyone always seems to do so well and very often I believe I’m just not cut out for university. That sucks! Today I’m trying to get out of bed and do something, since that has been such a thing for the last couple of weeks. For the people that are also struggling: you’re not alone, you’re smart enough, I’m here for you! It’s VERY tiring but eventually we can do it, right? :)
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medicallyblond · 5 years
Results day anxiety
I’m just writing this because loads of stuff is on my mind and I hope some people might resonate with some of you.
Seven days today I will have my A level results. And I’m scared. Beyond scared. I can’t sleep then I get frustrated as when I can’t sleep I know time feels slower and I want this to be over and done with.
I’ve got to the stage of hyperpreparing every possible outcome. If by some miracle my top choice uni let me in - I need to know everything. I’ve printed out my semester one syllabi for every subject. I bought a second hand textbook for a fiver off eBay so I can familiarise myself with course content. I’ve read an entire book which is one of the recommended reading lists. I’ve gone over further maths content I never understood properly in A levels in case I’m behind other people who are better at maths than me. It’s like, if I act like I’ve already got into uni, then everything will be ok and I can pretend its already happened and deny any uncertainty about getting in. The more course reading I do, the more I realise I don’t know, the more I panic.
Then there’s this other side of me that’s working out UCAS tariff points in the worst case scenario, pre-applying for all these clearing spots, signing up for direct contact, having a list of phone numbers saved on my phone in order of preference in grade order, writing down deadlines for resit dates. I’ve read all the generalised AS12 and rejection emails and tried to feel which one feels more likely and preparing myself emotionally for what it’s going to feel like to read the rejection email. It’s part and parcel of having had mental health problems that I’m terrified my happiness and worth and whether I relapse into the dark spiral I used to be in last year that if it happened again, I don’t think I could get out of, and the fact that there is nothing I can do to change the admissions peoples’ minds. I’m a complete control freak, and now this control is gone from me as I can no longer revise to make things different - it’s out of my hands and that terrifies me. When I read the generalised template of the rejection email, I felt it deep inside me and it’s like since that moment I can feel that that’s what I’m going to read at 8am next Thursday.
Passing the time is the hardest thing though. I get so bored so easily. When I’m at work, I feel like I’ve got no purpose other than to pick up other peoples dirty plates, I feel like I’ve lost my direction. When I’m at home doing all this useless shit preparing for a scenario that hasn’t occurred yet, I think to myself, in 7 days time I could’ve printed out these syllabi for no reason. In 7 days time I could be forced to take a gap year and relearn my A levels - I should start revising for them instead.
The point is, all we can do now is wait, and fill up the waiting time, ideally, with something completely unrelated to university, completely unrelated to our future, and just don’t do what I do because I’m a terrible example oops.
Quite a ramble I know but hey. I have time to type it.
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medicallyblond · 5 years
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Some drawings
So uh, I like to draw during my free time n I thought it’d be interesting to draw compounds as human ladies so I did that haha.. I know this is a studyblr but, I thought I might just post it here since, I guess in a way, it relates to what km studying in chemistry which is about bonding between elements so yea.
The covalent compounds are represented by the arm linking lol while the ionic compounds are represented by the obvious positive n negative pins on their hair. The bracelets kinda represent the number of shells they have. Also, the elements in grp 1 n 7 are gonna be the sporty/active ones cuz they are the more ‘reactive’ elements. Grp 2 n 6 are the social people cuz like, they’re pretty reactive but not as reactive as grp 1 n 7. Grp 3 n 5 are the nerdy ones cuz they are kinda reactive, kinda not so they’re almost in the middle. Grp 4 is the super neutral ones. Grp 0/noble gases are obviously the shy n reserved ones because they are not reactive and are monatomic. Ofc, I’m not sure abt the whole which grp is more reactive cuz I didn’t research it lol but it’s just my interpretation ouo wowie this is a long post so I'mma end it here buh-byeee n have a nice day >3<
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medicallyblond · 5 years
if you’re a comp sci studyblr/blog reblog this
so i can follow you! i’ve been looking through so many tags trying to find some but there’s not many active cs studyblrs around
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medicallyblond · 5 years
Literally just motivated me to move all the makeup and hair stuff from my counter and make it into a little desk again! Collections of pens in jam jars make me want to cry- but in a good way.
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Day 9/78
I’m on holiday at the moment but I can’t really relax. I’ve already set up my desk and have done some revision of some very old biology notes.
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medicallyblond · 6 years
January 30th,2019
Making a mindmap for my history exam that was this Monday!
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medicallyblond · 6 years
This studyblr is ANTI all-nighter, ANTI overexertion, PRO mental wellness, PRO self care, PRO getting enough sleep
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medicallyblond · 6 years
UK A Level Notes Masterpost
My original A level notes - hope it helps those taking A levels!!  I got A*s in all these subjects so I think the notes are pretty ok! 
I want to help as many people I can to do well in A levels too!! I’m sure all of you are bright and brilliant and I just wanna make study resources available and free for everybuddy bcos NO ONE SHOULD BE DEPRIVED OF EDUCATION!!
Be respectful- only for personal use
DO NOT redistribute/sell
Reblog to share with others
Credit me if posting on social media
Tell me if these helped you in any way!
Written notes that I have:
Biology (OCR): Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 4  Unit 5
Chemistry (Edexcel): units 4 and 5
Maths (Edexcel) - C4, S1, S2
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medicallyblond · 6 years
emotionally im doing the laminated paper wobbling sound
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medicallyblond · 6 years
Something I’ve realised since being on studyblr is that it’s full of A* students. As someone who has never been an A* student and has always struggles really badly just to get a C it can be disheartening so here’s to all my fellow studyblrs who aren’t A* students but are genuinely trying their best. Often we can be overlooked and never feel good enough no matter what we do.
You can do it and I have faith in you.
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