medicalouisa-blog · 8 years
“I’ve never met an invisible soldier... How impressive.” She leaned against him with a grin, twisting a little to smooch his cheek back. 
“I’ve missed you. There’s not a lot of people around here to come back for, but you’re certainly one of them, hehe. It was a pretty fun assignment, but I’m glad to be back. Even if there’s less to do out here.” She paused. “What’s been going on out here, anyway?”
Suddenly, a smooch. Where did this smooch come from and who smooched her? Who could ever know. Oh there it is a gain, on the cheek like last time. Seems she's got a very affectionate ghost following her.
The first time Lou blushed, but tried not to react. Was she imagining smooches? Oh, wait, no, there’s another. Lou giggled, scanning the room for some kind of ghostly disturbance.
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medicalouisa-blog · 8 years
She giggled louder at that, hand moving behind her to pet at his head now that she could figure out where it was. “Prawn! You gotta be careful sneaking up on me like that!!” She scolded him without any real scolding in her voice, kicking her feet happily under her desk.
“This is Prawn, right? I don’t think I know any other smoochy Spies...”
Suddenly, a smooch. Where did this smooch come from and who smooched her? Who could ever know. Oh there it is a gain, on the cheek like last time. Seems she's got a very affectionate ghost following her.
The first time Lou blushed, but tried not to react. Was she imagining smooches? Oh, wait, no, there’s another. Lou giggled, scanning the room for some kind of ghostly disturbance.
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medicalouisa-blog · 8 years
Suddenly, a smooch. Where did this smooch come from and who smooched her? Who could ever know. Oh there it is a gain, on the cheek like last time. Seems she's got a very affectionate ghost following her.
The first time Lou blushed, but tried not to react. Was she imagining smooches? Oh, wait, no, there’s another. Lou giggled, scanning the room for some kind of ghostly disturbance.
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medicalouisa-blog · 8 years
Using Black ♥ Hearts, Fill in the Meter that bests describes each Stat applying to your Muse and Answer all questions..Tag others for their Stats.
Tagged by:  @teufortsquidman
Strength:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Dexterity: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡
Speed: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Stamina:   ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Reflex Level: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Agility: ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Intellect:   ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Faith:    ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Luck:   ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Power:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Weapon Skills: (Melee)   ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Weapon Skills: (Firearm):   ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Magic/Special Ability Control: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?          
Hand to Hand Skills: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Armor Strength: (If Muse uses armor)   ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Pain Tolerance:   ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡
Psyche Break Limit: (The Level of Mental strength before Your Muse snaps/goes berserk):   ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Describe any special abilities Your Muse has:
she’s good at bullshitting things she doesn’t know how to do
How well can Your Muse fight large groups of enemies?:
not terribly well. not terribly well at all
Describe any weaknesses Your Muse may have:
she takes criticism fairly hard and is also fairly easy to unbalance if you catch her off guard
List five weapons(if five) that Your Muse can use:
SAW. needlegun. bigger... saw. she’s used a scalpel as a weapon before.
Give a description of how Your muse fights/Fighting Styles:
if she knows you’re coming she’ll needle you or saw you depending on distance. if you’ve crossed her in some way in the past she may fuck around with you--she’s good at hiding so you might just. find a needle in your ass. a saw cut on your arm. a finger missing. suddenly you’re unconscious. you wake up with one less organ.
Describe the One enemy that pushed Your Muse to their true potential:
mmmm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nobody I don’t think
Describe what occurs when your muse finally snaps in battle:
probably a lot of planning, honestly. she doesnt just SNAP she stews and plans and one day you wake up without any genitals. theyre just gone. i wonder how that happened. the stitches are impressively neat but there’s a slash across your chest that’s definitely infected and you can’t quite tell if something was taken out of there or not
What sort of tactics will your muse use in battle to help give them the upper hand?:
hiding, both in general and behind a tank
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medicalouisa-blog · 8 years
Lou gave a surprised blink, looking up at his face rather than his stomach. “I was actually thinking maybe a really fat tapeworm, but--well, they are symptoms of pregnancy. I don’t, uh, know all of your situation, but there are just as many men who can get pregnant as there are women who... can’t.” She coughed into a fist, stepping back. “Well, maybe a little less, but it’s still not uncommon. So if it’s a possibility, it’s one we should look into. I can keep it off all the records, if you’d rather, and my opinion of you certainly wouldn’t change. You’re a big handsome man to me either way, and your butt pudge is cute.” 
The tea conveniently whistled, giving her a reason to duck out and pour it into cups. “That aside, there are some rather concerning possibilities related to stomach bloating and weight gain. The most likely thing that comes to mind would be a problem with the liver--liver disease or cancer--but the other symptom to look for there is jaundice, which means a yellowing of the eyes and skin, and...” She turned around with two teacups and a sheepish shrug. “Your colouring has always been sort of odd anyway. No offense. That’s not, like, a race thing, it’s just unfamiliar, so I’m not sure what the norm is.”
"I didn't know you wore a corset." Her eyebrows were raised, with a tiny smile on her face. What a nice view.
“O-oh…” A blush grossed his face and he rubbed the back of his head. “I not usually… wear a corset… but have been feeling… more confident… with it… in days of recent.”
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“Do… do you… like it? Not made of… the nicest materials… but good as… can get currently…”
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medicalouisa-blog · 8 years
She walked over to start making tea as Prawn made himself comfortable, the medbay doors swinging closed behind them. As the tea was steeping, she found the paperwork Prawn needed and a clipboard, putting them both on her desk before turning around and smiling at Prawn.
“That feel better? Though--and I don’t mean this in any way but medical--that’s... not how average weight gain usually looks.” She approached thoughtfully, one hand moving to rest on Prawn’s tum. “The rest of your body seems to be gaining weight normally, but this is... firmer than most regular body fat. Unless you’ve been shotgunning beers or sodas or some such, but still... do you have any other symptoms you haven’t mentioned?” Her tone was concerned, clearly, but not judgmental. “Increased appetite? Frequent nausea? And is your weight continuously growing, or has it plateaued, do you think?”
"I didn't know you wore a corset." Her eyebrows were raised, with a tiny smile on her face. What a nice view.
“O-oh…” A blush grossed his face and he rubbed the back of his head. “I not usually… wear a corset… but have been feeling… more confident… with it… in days of recent.”
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“Do… do you… like it? Not made of… the nicest materials… but good as… can get currently…”
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medicalouisa-blog · 8 years
“That makes sense! I haven’t actually gotten to do any of those yet. I guess everybody already has their medics. Well, I do Tom’s.” She shrugged. “I guess they just want to make sure no one has anything that’ll interfere with their ability to respawn. It can worsen pneumonia, and I imagine other diseases can cause even worse things to happen... Plus, you know, paperwork. I like the paperwork.”
She hummed, glancing back at him. “Peppermint tea? I don’t believe so! I’ll have to look for some, it sounds good! I have a lot of sweet teas, but I keep chamomile and a few herbal varieties around too.”
"I didn't know you wore a corset." Her eyebrows were raised, with a tiny smile on her face. What a nice view.
“O-oh…” A blush grossed his face and he rubbed the back of his head. “I not usually… wear a corset… but have been feeling… more confident… with it… in days of recent.”
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“Do… do you… like it? Not made of… the nicest materials… but good as… can get currently…”
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medicalouisa-blog · 8 years
Lou stayed quiet while he decided, certainly no stranger to the hesitance he seemed to feel. When he agreed she smiled, using her hands already up there as leverage to get on her tippy toes and kiss Prawn’s nose. “Okie dokie.”
With a nod, she dropped back down, taking one of his hands in hers to lead him to the Medbay. “I can make tea, if you want. Or we can even go into the offshoot rooms, if you don’t like the kinda clinical medical feeling. I know it unnerves a lot of people. But that’s... also my bedroom, so that might be weird. I don’t think I made the bed today. But it’s up to you!”
"I didn't know you wore a corset." Her eyebrows were raised, with a tiny smile on her face. What a nice view.
“O-oh…” A blush grossed his face and he rubbed the back of his head. “I not usually… wear a corset… but have been feeling… more confident… with it… in days of recent.”
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“Do… do you… like it? Not made of… the nicest materials… but good as… can get currently…”
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medicalouisa-blog · 8 years
“H-Hey, I, uh--Heard, some people talking earlier, about some weird laundry they found? Like, uh, lacy stuff? Does anyone... know what happened to that? You know, uh, just... out of curiosity. So I can, uh. See it for myself.”
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medicalouisa-blog · 8 years
“Hmm...” She nodded a bit, mentally cataloging his symptoms. “Well, either way, this doesn’t seem too comfortable,” she pointed out, tugging on the corset. “You can hang around in the medbay with it off, if you want. Nobody really comes in there. And that way if something changes, we’ll already be there. And, you know, I won’t judge. ‘Cause I like your mass.” Lou smirked a little at the joke, reaching up to pat Prawn’s face.
“Besides, don’t you have lung issues? Compression’s not good for that...”
"I didn't know you wore a corset." Her eyebrows were raised, with a tiny smile on her face. What a nice view.
“O-oh…” A blush grossed his face and he rubbed the back of his head. “I not usually… wear a corset… but have been feeling… more confident… with it… in days of recent.”
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“Do… do you… like it? Not made of… the nicest materials… but good as… can get currently…”
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medicalouisa-blog · 8 years
“Yeah, it’s cute. I think I’d like you without it, too, though. I like my men big and husky.” She hesitantly put her hands on the corset, feeling the material of it. 
“...days of recent? Have you been having some sort of rapid change? I know you don’t like too much doctor prodding, but that could be a symptom of something.” Lou cocked her head, concerned. “Are you feeling alright, besides?”
"I didn't know you wore a corset." Her eyebrows were raised, with a tiny smile on her face. What a nice view.
“O-oh…” A blush grossed his face and he rubbed the back of his head. “I not usually… wear a corset… but have been feeling… more confident… with it… in days of recent.”
Tumblr media
“Do… do you… like it? Not made of… the nicest materials… but good as… can get currently…”
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medicalouisa-blog · 9 years
“Personally, I’m enjoying the view.”
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medicalouisa-blog · 9 years
She studied Percy’s face skeptically, arms crossed over her chest. He seemed... genuine. “...If you can promise I won’t be fired, so long as I can do my job. Then I will go see this Dr. Emerson. None of it, none of who I am or the experiments I do, none of it interferes with how well I can help my teammates. None of it hurts anyone else.”
Percy tilted his head and blinked. Something seemed oddly familiar about that. “Well… Let me give you a little word of advice. I recommend Dr. Emerson for pysch. She’s… a lot more open minded about things many aren’t.. I would know, I go to her for therapy and I’ve faced.. similar issues before. She’s also discreet and might leave off more.. private info from the official documents. Of not, I can see to it that that info is sealed of you’d like.”
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medicalouisa-blog · 9 years
Her face soured. “No. I don’t want the company to know everything in my head. I’ve been fired for things like this before. I’ve been chased out of homes for things like this before. I’d rather take a pay dock.”
“You’re trying to Not scare them off but if you can get people in for their evals, by all means. Are you registered to do psych evals too?”
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medicalouisa-blog · 9 years
“...Hmph. I guess that’s a good point. I’m not registered for psych stuff, but I don’t think I’m qualified? I only took a few psych classes, and last time I scanned the DSM I fit, like, four of those categories,” she admitted with a sheepish chuckle. “Though I’d argue that some of them shouldn’t even be considered illnesses--wait, why do we need psych evals? I didn’t think the company cared if we were crazy...”
“You’re trying to Not scare them off but if you can get people in for their evals, by all means. Are you registered to do psych evals too?”
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medicalouisa-blog · 9 years
“Can we, though? I don’t think anyone knows where my office is. And you don’t know how fun it is to jump out at someone with the annual eval posters in hand...”
“A shout out to Medics, you don’t need to hunt down your coworkers. Avoiding an eval affects their pay grade, not yours. It will affect yours if you don’t get evaluated yourself however.”
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medicalouisa-blog · 9 years
“It’s my favourite time of year again...”
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