medicatediq · 10 years
Cedric walked into the café slowly, looking around very nervously before taking off his large sweater, reveiling the uniform he had been given, and hugged it tightly to his chest. Needless to say, he looked extremely skiddish. After another moment of looking around warily, he stepped forward towards the counter, clearing his throat quietly. "H.. Hello. My.. Name is Cedric. I-I'm here for the.. The new job..?"
Amir was told that he was going to be training a new worker at the cafe, which was quite exciting! He loved it when new people came to work at the cafe! He was there for opening shift, cleaning up the counters and writing the specials of the day on the chalkboard out front. Once everything was ready to go, he got himself a cup of hot chocolate, sipping on it and waiting for the new employee. medicatediq
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medicatediq · 10 years
He shuffled nervously, tensing a bit, "I-I s.. S-Said no.."
At the Library~ (@Medicatediq)
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medicatediq · 10 years
He was taken back. Ouch.. He chewed his bottom lip, mumbling a small "no". HUGE lie
At the Library~ (@Medicatediq)
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medicatediq · 10 years
"Friends..? ... With.. With me...?" He didn't dare make eye contact, and just wrung his hands. "I.. I s.. Suppose.." Honestly, he hadn't been asked before.
At the Library~ (@Medicatediq)
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medicatediq · 10 years
He looked down at her hand, up at her, then away. He was really confused and nervous, and he honestly didn't know what was going on. He wasn't used to this.. ".. K.. Keep me.. S.. Safe..?"
At the Library~ (@Medicatediq)
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medicatediq · 10 years
Cedric stood a moment, staring at the ground and wringing his hands before looking off to the side. "W.. What do you w.. Want to know....?"
alvin hun cedric is very sick
"W-what..? Why?" Alvin’s expression turned from questioning to sad.
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medicatediq · 10 years
He swallowed thickly. "Y-Yes-sir.." Cedric didn't care if Alvin was younger than him- He felt it proper to adress him in this manner, especially in the current situation. He didn't want to step on any more toes..
alvin hun cedric is very sick
"W-what..? Why?" Alvin’s expression turned from questioning to sad.
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medicatediq · 10 years
He shrunk back, trembling and wringing his hands. "I-I-I.. I-I'm s-sorry-" he squeaked, "I-I n-never m.. M-Meant.."
alvin hun cedric is very sick
"W-what..? Why?" Alvin’s expression turned from questioning to sad.
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medicatediq · 10 years
"I-It doesn't b.. Bother me..!" He squeaked, "I'm just not worth- ..." He trailed off, ".. The worry.."
alvin hun cedric is very sick
"W-what..? Why?" Alvin’s expression turned from questioning to sad.
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medicatediq · 10 years
"O-oh no, i-it's okay-!" He choked, "I-I.. I just... Please.. P-Please don't w.. Worry about me.."
alvin hun cedric is very sick
"W-what..? Why?" Alvin’s expression turned from questioning to sad.
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medicatediq · 10 years
The fragile man looked up slowly, large, pale blue eyes full of confusion. He.. Had never been asked such a question before. He quickly looked away again, struggling to find his words. "I.." He stopped again. What was he supposed to say..? Honestly, all he wanted was to.. Be safe. That's all. He just didn't want to be hurt. "I-It.. It's okay.. I.. I-I'm fine.. W-With.. With whatever you.. S-So choose.." He squeaked, wringing his hands nervously.
At the Library~ (@Medicatediq)
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medicatediq · 10 years
He tensed, swallowing thickly. "A-Alvin, I-.."
alvin hun cedric is very sick
"W-what..? Why?" Alvin’s expression turned from questioning to sad.
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medicatediq · 10 years
"I-I.." His breath caught, and he shrunk back again, wringing his hands a bit more. "I.. I-I d.. D-Didn't.. W-Want you t.. T-To worry, I-I-I.."
alvin hun cedric is very sick
"W-what..? Why?" Alvin’s expression turned from questioning to sad.
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medicatediq · 10 years
He was quiet for a long time, wringing his hands and looking at the floor. "Th.. That was.. V-Very nice.. Thank you.. F.. For sharing.."
At the Library~ (@Medicatediq)
Winnyao’s eyes widen as she looked at the book again before back up at Cedric. “There is….MORE than one kind of English?” she spoke with surprise. “You, are very knowledgeable.” she smiled sincerely to him. 
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medicatediq · 10 years
As soon as he saw Alvin's hurt expression he shrunk back. "N-N-No, the.. Th-They're l.. Lying!" He squeaked, trembling as he wrung his hands, "I-I-I'm fine!! I-I'm okay!"
alvin hun cedric is very sick
"W-what..? Why?" Alvin’s expression turned from questioning to sad.
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medicatediq · 10 years
Cedric seemed taken back. She just.. Stoppes mid-sentence..? "Y.. Y-You can.. Tell me your l.. Lesson." He said quietly. He had such a mild, calm tone about him. "I.. I-I don't mind.."
At the Library~ (@Medicatediq)
Winnyao’s eyes widen as she looked at the book again before back up at Cedric. “There is….MORE than one kind of English?” she spoke with surprise. “You, are very knowledgeable.” she smiled sincerely to him. 
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medicatediq · 10 years
"N-No! N-No no-! I-I'm okay..!" He really didn't want Alvin knowing about this.
alvin hun cedric is very sick
"W-what..? Why?" Alvin’s expression turned from questioning to sad.
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