medievaltalia · 10 years
[NOTICE to all members]
In an attempt to get this thing moving, we're now going to be enforcing activity checks starting on the 31st. Inactivity that hasn't been cleared with the mods for more than two weeks will result in suspension from the ring (though you reapply).
We are introducing a most wanted page HERE: characters you'd like to see in the ring. Send the main blog an ask with any character you would like to request, or have moved onto the requested section.
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medievaltalia · 10 years
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{Fantasy Medieval-verse Hetalia RP Circle}
A population of many creeds inhabits this fair kingdom. Are you born a nobleman, or commoner? Luckily for you, all people here share the capacity for something — no, not syphilis. Camaraderie and love, should you seek them.
[accepting applications!]
Info || Occupations || Taken || Application || Most Wanted || Source purged
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medievaltalia · 10 years
Please unfollow:
Prince Alfred
Princess Laura
These characters have been reopened.
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medievaltalia · 10 years
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Upon an Earth not too different from our own, a city of curious characters awaits. Your role is often a lottery of birth; will you be a nobleman, commoner, or forge a destiny yet untold?
Medieval AU Hetalia roleplay circle accepting applications!
Home || Info || Occupations || Taken || Application || Source ||
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medievaltalia · 10 years
[NOTICE to all members.]
Admittedly we've been off to something of a slow start, but we hope to make the dash faster by introducing events as we expand. If there's anything you would like the ring to undertake, we are open to suggestions.
As of yet, we're not enforcing activity checks due to our size, but we might be sending nudges to members we believe could be more involved!
A reminder to all members:
You must be following the main blog.
You must follow all members of the ring.
Please pass this on to other members. Thank you!
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medievaltalia · 10 years
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Upon an Earth not too different from our own, a city of curious characters awaits. Your role is often a lottery of birth; will you be a nobleman, commoner, or forge a destiny yet untold?
NEW Medieval AU Hetalia roleplay circle accepting applications!
Home || Info || Occupations || Taken || Application || Source
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medievaltalia · 10 years
Hello, I sent in a submission for Amelia F. Jones as a princess, under the blog name claunchers. Tumblr deleated that blog and this is my new one, im sorry for any inconvience
Sorry, we didn’t receive one! Not that we don't believe you -- Tumblr has been somewhat wonky with notifications lately.
I'm sorry for the hassle, but if you’d like to write it again, we’ll be glad to take a look at it. I’ll put her on reserve until the 18th!
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medievaltalia · 10 years
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medievaltalia · 10 years
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medievaltalia · 10 years
Italy Application
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Welcome, Mia! Please have your blog up in 48 hours.
Name: Mia
Age: 16
Timezone: Pacific
Character: {and human name} Italy, Feliciano Vargas
Character’s Age: {doesn’t have to be their canon human age} 18
Role/Occupation: {Check the list of available positions and choose one} Herbalist (faith healer)
Preferred ships: I ship anything as long as it makes sense during the course of the rp.
Prospective Blog URL: {the url that I currently have will change for this rp} sussurro-di-foglie
Para sample (Two paragraphs minimum):
“Come on, blessed thistle, blessed thistle! Can’t be that hard to find around here!” Feliciano’s voice called across the field he had been gathering in. Covered in dirt, a bright smile filled his face as soon as he found the herb he had been searching for. Placing it into his basket, he continued walking across the large expanse of plants, hands covered with green color.
Pulling on his shoes and cloak, he digs through his basket.
He recalls a memory as soon as he deems his collection acceptable. When he had first seen a wound, Feliciano remembers almost passing out at the scent of iron and salt that filled the room. His face had gone pale, and he forgot all he had learned in his fear. At some point he managed to calm down, to clean the wound with shaking hands and offer a shivering smile once the person left to return to their own duties.
But now, he doesn’t feel the fear anymore, only acceptance of that fact that he would have to see the blood on his hands every day, to offer a sympathetic smile towards the hurt and make sure that they felt better again. It didn’t bring much, but he was happy.
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medievaltalia · 10 years
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Upon an Earth not too different from our own, a city of curious characters awaits. Your role is often a lottery of birth; will you be a nobleman, commoner, or forge a destiny yet untold?
NEW Medieval AU Hetalia roleplay circle accepting applications!
Home || Info || Occupations || Taken || Apply || Source delected
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medievaltalia · 10 years
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medievaltalia · 10 years
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Welcome Hugo! Please have your blog ready within 24 hours.
Name: Hugo
Timezone: CET+1
Character: Nyo!Belarus. Human name Nikolai Arlovski.
Character’s age: 19
Role: Robin Hood, helped by criminals.
Preferred ships: Belarussia and Belacest are preferred, but anything’s fine with if it’s not yaoi. Bromances are fine.
Prospective blog URL: The-hooded-evil
Para Sample:
The morning red, together with the birds and other wildlife announced the beginning of a new day in the woods where Nikolai Arlovski had set up his camp. He is deemed both good and evil by many people. Some say he’s good because he rarely keeps any wealth for himself, others say he’s bad because of his theft and rumored ruthlessness. The latter one is true, but no one ever lived to tell the tale. And since people are prone to deem anything as bad they don’t know, Nikolai was a bad person to them. But not to all. The people who lived in poverty, had next to nothing and always had to wonder every day if they would have anything to eat…they loved him. And they would defend him. Yet Nikolai always refused their help. He was convinced that they would get scared and run. And rat him out. That’s why he chose to surround himself with other criminals. Men and women, not much older than himself, all with a dark past which they ever rarely spoke of. But the truth was, Nikolai didn’t exactly care about any of that. It worked and that was important to him. They got to take the wealth and give it to the poor and no one caught them.
And he was relatively content with this life. No obligations, no one telling him what to do, no one to boss him around. He left his cabin, which was bigger than the others because he is the boss. Outside, he was greeted by a rising sun, a lot of trees and a few of his ‘associates’ making breakfast out of some berries found nearby. Seems like it’s going to be another day. He greeted his ‘associates’ and then sat near a fire, looking into it for a moment. He let out a small sigh, then stood up to look for some food. After finding a few berries, he sat down and ate them, not liking the fact there wasn’t much wildlife to hunt on. It meant that they could only have meat in the evenings. After his breakfast, he stood up and took his knives, putting his hood over his face and headed towards the town. He was sick of the berries, he was going to get something better. Soon he had reached the bustling town, where he heard a town crier about some sort of evil spirit in the woods and adviced to stay out of them. It didn’t matter to him. As long as he kept working in the same way, he could continue his business anywhere. The announcement merely made him smirk. He then continued to wander throughout the town, taking his hood off because he realized no one would recognize him anyway. And in the very unlikely case they did, no one could prove anything. So he felt pretty safe, for a man leading a horde of criminals, for a good cause with morally questionable ways. His relatively good mood seemed to disappear when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around and glared at the other. “What do you want?” he asked, his tone venomous.
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medievaltalia · 10 years
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Welcome aboard, Aly!
OOC Name: Alyssa (Go ahead and call me Aly) Age: 17 Timezone: Pacific
IC Character: Nyo!Romano/Chiara Vitale Character’s Age: 27 Role/Occupation: Witch Preferred ships: If it has chemistry, I can ship it. Seriously— Prospective Blog URL: stregaitaliana Para sample (Two paragraphs minimum): Chiara frowned as she flipped through the old, beaten grimoire before her. It was her mother’s, and hers before that, going back generations in the Vitale family. Magic ran deep in their blood, so it was no surprise to her family when Chiara showed signs. The ink was faded and had run in some places, making the spell difficult to read. What little she could gather from the worn pages told her of the plant needed. There was a little girl in the next village over, sick with something terrible.
That was the way of her family. Not exactly the way of Chiara, but close enough. White magic was her family’s speciality, even if she wasn’t very good at it. No, darker magics came to her easily. The spells were strong, quick, and often destructive. But she resisted the urge to use those abilities on people. Her mama would have been distraught at her daughter’s path in life. Dropping a flowering plant into the small cauldron, Chiara began to stir the contents. It bubbled and churned, the water changing to a deep shade of blue. The liquid smelled sweet and had become very thick.
"… Hmm… The script says to let it sit for three hours…" Chiara murmured to herself, checking the color of the brew. Hopefully the color would lighten soon, or else… Irritation burned in her. Nearby, a lit candle began to blaze brightly. The wax was quickly melting, pouring down the sides of it’s holder, "Dammit!" She cursed and blew the flame out.
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medievaltalia · 10 years
may i reserve nyo!england?
Sure thing! She's reserved until the 4th.
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medievaltalia · 10 years
Nyo!France is on reserve until 01/08/14
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medievaltalia · 10 years
So I've been thinking about joining this RP group and wanting to roleplay as Nyo!France (if possible). I plan to have her as a tailor but unfortunately I have very limited knowledge on how tailors work in medieval times. Do they own shops where they sell the clothes they make or make clothes for specific people only ?
We're currently accepting nyo applications so that should be fine!
As for the setting, it's not strictly historical. It's a rather romanticised/simplified interpretation of the era, rather than the societal structure. However, I can tell you that though tailors did own shops, ones who worked on more extravagant clothing would only be frequented for work by the rich.
Clothing for commoners was generally made at home or bought cheaply from markets - so it depends on how you wish to play the quality of her creations.
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