medtobsavot · 2 years
medtobsavot was founded in the year 250, in a location well-suited for further expansion in the world of [augh need to look at what the world is called], created by the dwarven civilization of the free glorious turquoise. seven dwarves joined the initial expedition, but in a year and a half, only two of those remained. the initial construction and operation went well, but soon enough a weremonkey descended upon the unwitting and unprepared fortress, and the militia, not yet armored, suffered casualties and injuries from the attack. within a month the bitten transformed into ghosts of that initial instigator, and soon the plague of lycanthropy spread throughout the population. weremonkeys were killed when they transformed, but more would be infected as the rot grew. eventually, all those afflicted were either killed or expelled, and a lucky 15 survived the crisis--cut down from the 60 that had resided in the fortress before. for a tine, the large halls meant to suit such a relatively large population were abandoned, the dwarves subsiding off of the ample food and drink supplies meant to sustain more for longer. eventually though, migrants came in and the fortress was at full operation again, producing wealth at an enormous rate and eventually becoming a barony, with a necromancer baron and an elite team of soldiers (the ashen soldiers, as they were named) was headed by the surviving militia member Oddom. the fortress sought to help fight in the war of its home empire (the free glorious turquoise), and so sent a militia out to attack a golblin pit--it went wrong, and one soldier was captured, one slain. the next year or two was spent defending against sieges and building up an army. the population reached 160, and the fortress had acquired nearly 2.5 million in wealth. their captured soldier was rescued, and for a time all seemed like it would be well. miners uncovered massive caverns full of wealth, and even dug so far as to strike adamantine!
but they wanted to go deeper, probing the semi-molten rock to find a way in but couldnt. and then--after all, adamantine is strong. it could stay solid past that layer with ease! they tunneled down, curiosity driving them. they weren't prepared for what would follow the fleeing miners back up. caverns, fortress, and dwarf alike (as well as a human caravan) all burned in the hellfire that came rushing up to greet them, slaughtered by nearly a hundred demons. the strongest soldiers did manage to kill almost thirty of them though, let it be known. it was not without a fight that medtobsavot fell, though the last dwarf standing did spend his last moments trapped in a cage he had fallen into. by the summer of 255, there were no survivors, and the fortress had come to ruin.
note: i would like to think that many of them were warned in advance of the danger and what had caused it, as many miners escaped to the shelter, and i moved the shelter to outside, which i choose to interpret in terms of the story as them abandoning the fortress and fleeing. so, i think that canonically in this world dwarven and other civilization have learned about the horrors lurking below and the dangers of adamantine.
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