meeklyadmiringgirth · 7 months
From instructions on how to opt out, look at the official staff post on the topic. It also gives more information on Tumblr's new policies. If you are opting out, remember to opt out each separate blog individually.
Please reblog this post, so it will get more votes!
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 7 months
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Undo the Damage of Sitting
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 7 months
Frick, meant to do that from here. This is maybe easier tho.
Hey while I wait for the shadowban to be fixed,
I will be using a side blog called "miffedlyadmiringgirth" for comments and DMs. Don't freak out. It's me. Unless it being me is cause for freaking out. Bring it on, punk, I'll freak right back.
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 7 months
If I've been DM-ing you please let me know if you have another form of DMs you're comfortable sharing with me. I'll even make a new sideblog for you to DM the new DM platform to. I won't do it until I know it's worth it, though. The basket of tumblr has proven itself unwelcoming of my eggs.
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 7 months
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 7 months
Hey while I wait for the shadowban to be fixed,
I will be using a side blog called "miffedlyadmiringgirth" for comments and DMs. Don't freak out. It's me. Unless it being me is cause for freaking out. Bring it on, punk, I'll freak right back.
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 7 months
reblog to smooch a trans girls cute tummy
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 7 months
Hey, Gojacrispy, if you can see this, yeah I was able to see your comment but the comment where I said "yeah I can see it!" disappeared. Also I can't DM people. So uh, yeah.
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 8 months
I'll be supporting the strike and avoid posting art this week, but I'm hesitant to share donation links as we know most aid is stuck outside palestine even according to Bisan. Call reps and strike and protest all you can in any way you can
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 8 months
Resources for Gaza/Palestine
On the last day of the strike, and in the days/weeks following the end of the strike, please give your time to these resources and share them with others.
Donation Links:
The PCRF has been able to bring tangible resources to those in Gaza.
World Food Program has also provided food inside the Gaza Strip, and Hind has reported on this a few times.
This PayPal belongs to someone on the ground in Gaza who has been able to distribute aid directly to people in Gaza. You can find more information and proof of these purchases at @helpgazachildren.
UNRWA recently had their funding cut off by the US. They bring aid across Falasteen but you can choose to donate specifically to Gaza on the page I linked.
Gazaesims is a direct way you can donate esims to Gaza to help those inside the Strip stay connected to the rest of the world. If you have any questions about donating esims you can ask me directly!
Anera provides relief items to those in Gaza.
Islamic Relief does work globally. You can choose to donate specifically to their Palestine Emergency Aid program (name might be different depending on if you're on the US site or the global site).
Educational Resources/People to Follow:
DecolonizePalestine is my go-to when giving resources to people who are new to hearing about what's happening in Falasteen. It's a comprehensive, easily navigated archive of the history of Falasteen and the occupation, common myths surrounding the occupation, and resources for learning.
The Palestine Academy has courses on the history of Falasteen, resources on actions to take/education, and resources for Gaza.
IMEU provides news and education about all of Falasteen including Gaza, and provides fact sheets, photo essays, and personal testimonies from Palestinians. You can find their Instagram here.
Hidden Palestine tells the history of Falasteen through photos. They also provide updates about Gaza and other parts of Falasteen on their Instagram.
Subhi is a Palestinian-American who does a lot of work and makes educational videos about Falasteen and Gaza. He also provides many resources and shares news about Gaza/Falasteen in general.
Mohammed El-Kurd is a Palestinian writer who became well-known after defending his family from being evicted from their home for settler theft in Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem. He shares news, provides educational resources, and shares his own videos/writing on the topic of Gaza and Falasteen in general.
Salma Shawa (anat.international) is a Palestinian from Gaza who is not currently in Gaza. She shares videos, news, and resources about Gaza.
Noura Erakat is a Palestinian-American lawyer and activist who shares education, news, resources about Gaza and Falasteen.
Bisan is a young journalist on the ground in the south of Gaza
Hind is a journalist and reporter who has mostly been reporting from the middle areas of the Gaza Strip.
Bayan is a journalist and photographer on the ground in Gaza. She gives updates on what's happening around Gaza City.
Motaz is a journalist and photographer who was on the ground in Gaza until a few days ago. He continues to share news and stories from Gaza.
Princekouta is a Canadian citizen who has been unable to escape from the North of Gaza since the beginning of the genocide. He shares updates on what's happening in the North, which has essentially been cut off from the rest of the Gaza Strip. You can donate to his GFM here.
Miriam Barghouti is a journalist and writer in the West Bank. She shares news/updates about the West Bank and Gaza.
Eye.on.palestine shares videos of people on the ground in Gaza, in the West Bank, and in the '48 territories.
Translating_gaza provides English translations of videos from those on the ground in Gaza/new reports from other sources.
Middle East Eye brings news from Gaza and Falasteen. Here is their instagram.
Electronic Intifada has news about Falasteen along with updates about what's happening in Gaza.
Organizations for Palestine:
Palestinian Youth Movement (resources, actions, organizing, protests)
Adalah Justice Project (actions, organizing, protests)
American Muslims for Palestine (education, organizing, advocacy)
USCPR (resources, actions, updated protest lists)
Actions You Can Take:
BDS provides a list of companies to boycott/pressure to divest from Israel.
Global Protest List
US: Call your representatives to demand a ceasefire now.
Email template for Congress.
USCPR action toolkit.
Canada: Call your MPs.
UK: Write to your MPs.
I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but in case it wasn't clear: continue to spread awareness about what is happening and Gaza and about Falasteen as often and as loudly as you can. When you see news coming out of Gaza, allow yourself to be moved to action. Share news and resources with others, pressure your governments to call for a ceasefire, make sure your money is not going to a corporation that supports Israeli apartheid, and above all else, do not lose hope. The horrors we are seeing now are not normal, nor will they ever be; use the resources and tools you have at your disposal to take whatever action you can to stop the genocide. And when we do get a ceasefire, we must keep on pushing and doing the work until we achieve a totally liberated Falasteen.
From the river to the sea 🇵🇸
*note: falasteeni friends please feel free to add on any donation links or resources you know of that i may have missed!
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 8 months
tail make ramen
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 8 months
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thougt to myself i am going to anthropomorphizr the fuck out of this cloud
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 8 months
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 8 months
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Pandora doodle nr 32434234
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 8 months
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Little flat color warmup I did this afternoon while watching @jimbohusky's art class stream!
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 8 months
Umm so basically I'm trying to get on estrogen and there's the fat redistribution factor but ig it only redistributes new fat so I've been trying to lose weight so I can Replace my fat with new Feminine Fat but the thing is I've unintentionally gained over the last year and I don't know how to stop. I've hit 200lbs recently from like the 130s just over a year ago and it's so hot but it's getting kinda obvious and a bunch of my jeans aren't fitting. Nobodies giving me any comments about it but I can't suck in my belly anymore and it's so obvious. I like being fat but I don't wanna be the person who Got Fat before they even hit 21, which is dumb i know. A lot of my family members are fat so I think I have the genes and the past year has been filled with a lot of refused meals and dieting and excercise but i still end up gaining like 5lbs a month. Should I lose it and see where the estrogen takes me after or should I just keep eating and let the estrogen do its work after I'm already like 220. Ik what your answer is gonna be but maybe you can help me feel better about this stuff?
so, first thing's first, try not to let the hrt mysticism get to you, "feminine" and "masculine" fat isn't really a thing. fat redistribution is going to happen to you on a properly-dosed hormone regimen, regardless of how heavy you are, so don't worry about like, trying to be a good "starter weight" first or anything like that.
it does, however, take time, and that time is really variable from person to person. in my personal experience, having been on extremely inconsistent doses for about 3-4ish years, it took at least 2 before i started noticing any Real progress. its also pretty genetics-dependent, but that's the sort of thing you can't predict - like, i'm a full cup size bigger than my mom or sister. the chips just kinda fall where they may, yknow
second, you've definitely got a lot of hangups about gaining weight, and i super get that. We Live In A Society and that's just how it goes. but you gotta be careful, bc you're on the edge of some pretty dangerous brainstates here, and i say that from experience
i spent most of my teens and early 20's in the throes of some absolutely gnarly eating disorders, proc'd by and large by the constant war in my brain between the diet culture shit instilled in me by my mom and my emotional/sexual need to gain weight. it wasn't very fun, and i'm still dealing with the fallout from that even now (and, probably, will continue to for the rest of my life)
for this, i have two very important pieces of advice: 1) dieting (for the purposes of losing weight) doesn't work, pretty much at all, and trying is only going to make your life miserable, and 2) you need to let your body do what it needs to.
to expand on that second point: right now, your body wants to put on weight. fighting against that tooth and nail is not only difficult, but actively counter-productive - restrictive eating will only make your body go into famine protection mode (the thing you're evolved to do, by the way. humans are good at pretty much two things: resisting famine and not dying from broken bones), and it'll be even harder to not gain weight. your body will hit the equilibrium it wants to sooner than you think, so try not to worry about it too much. i promise you're not gonna just instantly blow up to 300 pounds overnight
ultimately just, yknow, try to relax a little, okay? you're okay. you're fine. it's alright that you're getting a little fat. there's nothing wrong with being fat young, being fat isn't going to ruin your transition, and getting emotional/sexual enjoyment out of getting fatter isn't a bad thing.
chilling is a skill and an art form. it's hard to do, and harder still to acquire the temperament for. but it's better to force yourself to learn it now, because learning it later after you've got even More baggage to unpack super sucks. just try to enjoy the positives, and worry a little less about the negatives. i love you <3
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meeklyadmiringgirth · 8 months
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Luxray <3
Trying some different stylistic approaches.
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