At the sound of someone approaching her, Allison opened her eyes and turned in time to lock gazes with a handsome yet tall boy, who’d she’d been told was in the grade below her. His stuttered words were absolutely adorable, and she felt one of her now well-known dimpled smiles come to her face. Well, he definitely wasn’t a meathead. She could tell that straight away. No, he seemed.. Sweet. Scared, but sweet. Throughout everything she’d learned in the past year, how to read people was high up on the list. She saw things others didn’t, and even saw things now she hadn’t seen in the past. She saw the man yearning for love in Derek’s eyes, and the frightened child in Stiles’ that hid behind his smile and jokes. She saw Lydia’s brokenness over Jackson’s departure and her anger over his return this summer, she saw everything that her naivety had once kept her from seeing about people. She saw good and bad, the beautiful and the ugly. 
Her father said it was a gift. That, she wasn’t sure of. To her, being able to read people was a curse. She hated seeing the hurt in Scott’s eyes when he locked eyes with her. Hated the heartbreak that seeped into her everytime she saw the broken gazes of the Reyes and Boyd families in the store when she’d go to pick up groceries. There were more things that were hard than things that made her happy, but it was what she’d been dealt.
“Hi. Ryder, right? Yeah, I’m Allison. Allison Argent.” She reached out and gently took his hand, cheeks flushing at the sparks that touching him flared inside her. Well, that was something she hadn’t felt in a while. “I’m guessing Ohio is a lot different from California in some ways, and you’re probably a bit overwhelmed. Or, you may not be and I may be rambling about nothing, per usual. But, anyway, I hope you’re going to enjoy your time here in Beacon Hills. I moved here about a year ago so I understand that being the new kid can be a bit terrifying.”
Ryder was actually taken aback for a second when she smiled at him. She was extremely beautiful, something of course he’s noticed in other girls, but something about hers just had him actually nervous. Maybe it was the fact he could see she was a kind person amongst her beauty just from her smile. Which of course, made him want to get to know her passed just this tour that will be too short for his liking. “Yeah.” He said returning the smile and putting his hand out to shake hers. He felt this weird spark with her, that he had definitely never felt with anyone before. He listened to her speak and laughed a little when she was done talking. “Yeah, way different. There isn’t anything interesting in Lima, which I can tell is not the case here. Plus it’s nicer weather.” He said nodding a little bit, wanting to look around but didn’t want to turn away any attention towards his tour guide. “Then I guess I got the perfect tour guide. Even though I think everyone has experienced being the new kid at least once. So should we keep talking here or actually start the tour? Because either works for me. No rush, ever to start school.” He pointed out, looking towards the door and the other students going inside, knowing that soon he would be amongst the ones rushing to class. 
The Day We Met. || Rallison
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Ryder was nervous as hell about his first day at his new school. He was still a little upset over having to completely start over after becoming adjusted to Mckinley for one year. Of course though, his dad had to pack up and move them to A city he had never heard of for his job just two weeks before his sophomore year. He was a little excited because of new experiences and the weather there was way nicer than Ohio. Plus the place already seemed cooler and he liked the fact there were woods, which could make his daily run better and more interesting.
It was the first day of school, and he was happy the school was providing a tour guide for the new students. He wasn't really wanting to be the lost freshman again and not wanting to be treated as such. Granted, being a new kid still brought that possibility but at least it could lessen if he was seen going to his sophomore classes. Plus with the tour guide, if they got along he could possibly make a friend at the school that wasn't his cousin. His tour guide was named, Allison Argent and based on her profile picture on facebook, she was in fact very pretty. He wasn't really looking to stalk or be creepy. He just wanted to know who he was looking for when he got to the school. "Lost tall guy with brown hair." Was probably not something to really help her find him. He just figured looking her up would make things easier on the both of them.
Ryder waved goodbye to his mom as she dropped him off in front of Beacon Hills High School. His first priority was to find the girl who was going to show him around. He apologized to the couple of people he accidentally ran into while walking up to the school. He spotted the girl leaning up against the wall. He walked up to her and was a little shocked by how beautiful she really was. "H-hi. Allison?" He asked awkwardly. "I'm Ryder Lynn, I think you're supposed to show me around." He said, trying to hide his now even more nervousness due to how beautiful she was behind a smile.
The Day We Met. || Rallison
Allison wasn’t one to volunteer for things like this. None of her friends were, really. But they’d been volunteered by Coach Finstock to greet the new transfers on the first day of school and not wanting to get on the man’s even more so lunatic side, they’d agreed. From the information she’d received, Allison knew she’d be showing a guy named Ryder around the school. His name was cute, and it reminded her of the name Flynn Rider from Tangled so at the very least, her smile would be genuine over that fact. Her fear definitely was that he would be one of those annoying meathead jocks that would just leer at her and make pervy comments, which, would end in her making him her bitch with her self defense skills and, yeah. She was definitely hoping the teen would be at the very least tolerable.
Leaning up against the outside pillar she was told to wait by, she closed her eyes for a moment, letting the sun hit her pale skin. Summer had been rather kind to them, a ready break after all the Nemeton business. Her nightmares were still there, but they were becoming less frequent. Isaac and her had ended on good terms before they’d really even began, but things had been rather lonely. Being single for her was the weirdest thing, among all the monster business. She wasn’t quite sure where she and Scott stood, and at this point life was calm but incredibly confusing. She could tolerate it all, though, and she could put on a smile for the new transfer and pretend the town didn’t deliver it’s own special brand of hell to it’s inhabitants.
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
F2F || Deana & Ryder
Deana: "Ryder, no. Bad boy," Deana said, as if scolding one of her dogs. "Just screw him, honestly. I'm done with him, and he's officially out of my life for good." When she said it, the realization hit her. She'd never have to deal with him again. What she sought after coming here had actually worked. The thought alone cheered her up. "Yes, he can't talk yet, so he's obviously my favorite," she said with a small smile. "Thanks again. I appreciate this a lot, Ry." She stretched her legs and stood up, feeling a thousand times better than when she came in. "I'll let you go back to doing whatever it is you were doing. I think I cried myself out, and right about now sleep sounds good."
Ryder: "Not a dog and good. Keep it that way, please." He said, really hoping that she didn't try talking to him again. He didn't need to see her more hurt than she already was. "Anytime Deana." He said smiling up at her. "Back to killing aliens. Goodnight."
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
F2F || Deana & Ryder
Deana: "I don't want you to get hurt, though. You're twice his size, but he's a straight-up dick. So, no," she repeated. If Ryder got hurt on her watch, she would be so upset. It's bad enough Jace hurt her, she wasn't going to let him hurt someone she loved. "I'd say you're my favorite, but it's actually Braydon. Sorry," she said, only keeping her straight face for a few moments before she laughed. "Enough of this sappy stuff. It's getting weird," she chided, wanting them to go back to their bickering ways. "I'd really like it if you could take me, though. I don't want to be alone."
Ryder: "So? I don't want him to get away with what he did to you. I don't care if I get hurt." He knew he was probably gonna do it even without her permission. He just had to find some way to figure out where the hell the douche was. "Wow, hurtful. I see how it is. It's cause all he does is cry isn't it?" He asked smiling when she laughed. "True story." He was glad she said something since he was scared to go back to the bickering when she was so upset. "I will definitely be there."
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
F2F || Deana & Ryder
Deana: "Shut up," she said once Ryder volunteered to do what just about everyone wanted to do, which was beat Jace. Hell, even she wanted to, but she resisted the urge to do. Deana wouldn't give him the satisfaction of her getting so worked up. "Just let him go, he's not even worth it," she reasoned. Leaning into his side, she sighed and confessed, "You're the best, Ryder. I seriously love you." She continued, "I'm really glad I came here. I'd probably go crazy if it weren't for you. As for the devil's spawn I'm carrying, well... I'll sleep on it. Maybe I can set up a doctor's appointment for the weekend. Please just don't tell your parents. I don't want them to worry or do anything."
Ryder: "Can I please though???? Please please please." He said for some reason begging to kick some dudes ass when he normally never hurts anyone. "He hurt you though..." He said in a low voice, not wanting to let it go. "I love you too Deana. I will always be here for you. You're my favorite, don't tell Braydon that though." He said trying to make his cousin smile. "Don't worry, I won't. I'll take you to your appointment though, if you want me to."
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
F2F || Deana & Ryder
Deana: snorted at what Ryder said, actually finding herself smiling, albeit briefly. "Preach it," she said in agreement. "I wish someone would kick him in the nads. I feel sorry for whoever ends up with that asshole," she said with a shake of her head. "He said he'd pay for the abortion. So freakin' considerate," Deana sarcastically said with a roll of her eyes. "I don't think I can be a mom right now, though," she hesitantly added. "I'm too young. I don't know what I want to do with my own life, let alone with another human being's," she admitted, feeling her anxiousness grow at the prospect.
Ryder: "I volunteer as tribute." He said raising a hand at her saying someone needed to. "Seriously? He said that. Just..." He said biting his tongue from saying anything more. "Whatever you decide, I'll be here for you. Okay? Even if I am just your dorky cousin. I'm not letting you go through any of it alone." He said wrapping an arm around his older cousin.
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
F2F || Deana & Ryder
Deana: "Yeah," the older girl said, wiping away some of her tears. "I'm a few weeks along. I took a few pregnancy tests just to make sure, and they all came out positive. Go, me!" she said, feigning enthusiasm before breaking her charade, taking a deep breath. "I'm only eighteen, Ry. I... I can't have a kid. Maybe he's right. Maybe I would be a bad mom," Deana mumbled, reiterating what Jace had told her.
Ryder: "Wow..." He said, trying to collect his thoughts about his cousin being pregnant. "You wouldn't be a bad mom. He's a dickhead who should be kicked in the nads to never reproduce again." He said, not meaning to let his anger come out but hearing about him telling her that just upset him for some reason. "Do you know what you're going to do? Is he gonna do anything at all?"
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
F2F || Deana & Ryder
Deana: "Ryder... I did something very stupid," she managed before a new wave of tears came. "I don't know what happened, I just fell for it again like a fucking idiot," she said, shaking her head as she went over to sit on his bed, bringing her legs to her chest and hugging her knees. Realizing he wouldn't understand what she was talking about, she took a deep breath, trying in vain to compose herself to form a coherent sentence. "Remember how I told you Jace came back?" she started, sniffling, "Well, I talked to him and I said we could be friends, but that's it." She paused a moment, allowing it to sink in. She almost felt ashamed to tell him, knowing how he felt about him. "I shouldn't have, I know," Deana quickly said in defense before frowning. "I invited him to the party, and you know I was so freaking drunk. You were, too. I.." she gulped, seeing as this might be the hardest part for him to hear, "I slept with him. I'm- I'm so stupid. He was right when he told me all that time ago. I'm just a stupid, naive slut, who's always going to fall for his tricks." A sob broke through, and she covered her face with her hands, not wanting him to see her like this. She felt so weak, so vulnerable. "And what's worse is that that bastard got me pregnant," she managed to stifle.
Ryder: refrained from saying anything about her douchebag ex, and listened her to closely as she talked. Trying to make out everything that she said through her tears. "You're not a stupid, naive slut..." He said quietly. Still holding his tongue from saying anything, knowing now was not the time. Her being upset was more important and he could be pissed about all of this on his own time. "He what? You're pregnant?" He said, shocked at what she just told him.
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
F2F || Deana & Ryder
Deana: scoffed as she read Jace's text before throwing her phone, not caring where it landed. In fact, she didn't care about anything in her current state of mind. The only thing occupying her thoughts was the dull ache in her chest, knowing that what he said was true, as much as she hated to admit it. Tears blurred her vision, and she mentally scolded herself for allowing herself to cry any more over him than she already had. But could she be blamed? This guy had somehow stolen her heart way back when she was oh-so naive, and he abused it for his whims. Now she was carrying his child, and he couldn't care less. She sniffed, standing up from her bed and walking over to Ryder's room. Deana hesitated as she raised her fist to knock, knowing he'd be angry. However, she shook her head and knocked, just needing someone to be there and tell her everything would be okay. God, she felt so pathetic, and the thought brought about more tears and her breathing was ragged as the onset of sobs was evident.
Ryder: had basically been spending all night playing video games and texting Quinn. It wasn't like he had much else to do and he wasn't up to rehearsing anything for American Idiot, so video games seemed better than sleeping or just watching a movie. "Come in." He called out to whoever was knocking on the door. When he saw it was Deana, his immediete reaction was to make a snarky comment on how it was a first that she was knocking but when he saw she was crying, that thought vanished quickly when he saw her crying. He got up off his bed and walked over to her and gave her an immediate hug. "What happened?" He asked after a couple seconds, breaking the hug.
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
Want any help with Beth? Quinn and I can come help with her...
Kinda really disappointed I didn’t get any part in the cast. Puck’s at basic. Beth is fussy and I feel like shit. Great day, great great day.
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
text to: Quinn
Quinn: That girl you called the goddess of angry punk music? Hm, yeah, she was alright. A litte too rebellious for my liking. Maybe, maybe not. You'll just have to see. (; I prefer you being the only one seeing them, too. Right, no more teen pregnancies. I'm more than happy with Beth. See, I'm not the only genius in this relationship. I'll just have to do that.
Ryder: Yeah, her. She was pretty awesome actually. She had awesome pink hair. I prefer her being blonde and more innocent sweet looking though. Well, if you are in the shower, I might just feel obligated to join you. I mean, if that's fine. Please no. I'm way too young to be a dad and I don't want you putting off or starting Yale that way. I learn from the best. ;)
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
text to: Quinn
Quinn: At least you didn't kill them alone. Yes, my door is literally wide open. I haven't been robbed yet, so nope, I think it's working out well. :P Hm, I like it, too. It's better than the alternative at your house. It's been about a month or so since Deana's seen my breasts, so I'll call that a win. I'm fine with being baby-less for the time being. Maybe several years down the line, I'll reconsider. And we really do. We can just pull some strings and make this happen.
Ryder: True. I had a lot of fun with the crazy girl who provided it all for me. :p Well, then I'll just walk right in and hope you aren't in the shower or hope...:p You have nice boobs though, but I prefer being the only one seeing them. I prefer you being baby-less also right now...we are too young...You can always film the week you aren't Heather, then just turn to her and film her cheering for me. :p
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
text to: Quinn
Quinn: God, I hope not. I don't think so. Not anything too drastic at least, seeing as you're fine. And alright, my door will be wide open. Mom's away, yet again. The perks of having a businesswoman for a mom! And thank you, honey. I hope so. I have a feeling pretending to be pregnant is going to be a better experience than actually being pregnant. Maybe we can finally get Deana applauding the hell out of your performance on tape, so she can't deny it this time.
Ryder: Yeah. Probably just killed a few brain cells. As in I just walk in? Is that such a good idea? :P I kind of like your mom always being away, gives us a lot more alone time. ;) Yeah, because then you have no actual baby at the end of it. I demand we get this. Her being nice is something I need.
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
text to: Quinn
Quinn: Hopefully it's only good news, Ry. Make sure to tell me how it goes, okay? It really was. I don't know what's a better time than cleaning my room. Not a thing comes to mind. And not really... More like spring cleaning in, uh, summer. I never really got to congratulate you, by the way. Congratulations on Johnny! I'm sure you'll kill it.
Ryder: I hope so. I mean, I haven't done anything to make my brain worse...right? Wait...pot wouldn't mess with it right? I just want memories back. Definitely. I'll come over right after. Yeah, I can't think of anything either. Thanks! Congrats on Heather also!! You'll be the best Heather in this show. :)
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
text to: Quinn
Quinn: I've never had an MRI, but it does sound like it sucks. I'm sorry, babe. Do you have to do anymore? And oh, I'm just great. After you left, I just spend the better part of my afternoon cleaning up my room, throwing things away I wouldn't need anymore. Now that was the time of my life.
Ryder: Yeah, every few months. I go in tomorrow to figure out if there is any improvements in my brain. Hopefully I will learn that my memories will come back. That sounds like tons of fun...preparing to pack a few months early?
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
text to: Quinn
Quinn: Oh, totally, seeing as I know how much you love to sit still. I was wondering why my boyfriend was replaced by the Energizer Bunny for a second. Well, at least more so than usual.
Ryder: Yeah. They get pissed at me if I move at all. Have you ever had an MRI? Because they suck. So anyways, how is my beautiful girlfriend?
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mega-stud--ryder-blog · 10 years
text to: Quinn
Quinn: I take it you had the time of your life during the MRI?
Ryder: Oh yeah....having to sit still for 30 minutes, sometimes more. Time of my life. I'm sure you could tell by how jumpy I was when I saw you.
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