megabeatz · 6 years
i really wish everyone had good hearts and good intentions for others. honestly.
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megabeatz · 6 years
I'm still here.
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megabeatz · 6 years
You deserve to love yourself
One thing I've learned from going through abuse and bullied is that evil and hate is very real. There are people in this world who do not feel compassion or love or show kindness. They spew hateful words and use violence as a form of control. Knowing this hasn't protected me from being hurt or abused but it has shown me that I have a choice in how to deal with it.
My adversities are my biggest teachers. I've learned so much from the people closest to me in my childhood. I've learned how not to be. I've learned how it feels to be put down constantly. I've learned what it feels like to have zero self worth. To want to escape and numb the feelings of doubt and self hate. To never think you're good enough because they keep telling you that you aren't. And the list goes on. I have always been the underdog who will never amount to much.The drug dealer. The alcoholic. The rebellion. The skrew up. These were my titles. But that's not who I became.
Today I'm here to tell you that I am strong. I am brave. And I am proud. I'm here to tell you that I made it through it and you can too. Your self worth isn't based off anyone's opinion of you. Regardless of what the people closest to you say or how they treat you, you have to look out for you. You have to keep moving and you will have to be brave. Running from this will only prolong your healing. Take it from me, it won't be easy, but you are worth it and you deserve to feel love for yourself.
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megabeatz · 6 years
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Happy first day of Autumn!
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megabeatz · 6 years
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megabeatz · 6 years
Stop trying to ruin someone else because you ain’t shit.
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megabeatz · 6 years
My ex definitely didn't.
Unpopular opinion: Some people absolutely do not deserve a second chance
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megabeatz · 7 years
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megabeatz · 7 years
I've been forced against my will more times than I can count.
I've been hit, punched, kicked, and held down.
I've been intimidated and threatened.
I've been bullied and called names.
Held down against my will. Forced to do things that I never would have never consented to.
I spoke up once and got beat to the ground.
The police did nothing. No one cares.
They called me a victim and it makes my skin crawl to hear that word.
I never considered myself a victim. I'd rather be a warrior.
But the truth is, I'm hurt. My heart is still healing.
My dreams aren't dreams. They are reoccurring nightmares to make me relive every terrible act done upon me.
They ask why I stay. They don't understand.
I don't know why I'm here. I have no where to go.
My head isn't right. I'm losing my mind.
I scream in my sleep and get punished for being loud.
I wish I didn't have to close my eyes.
To live those nights over and over.
There's no justice. The secrets eat me alive.
I want peace and I am alone.
Too afraid to end it. But too afraid to keep on.
I help others day in and out.
Do the right thing to be relieved of my fears.
Nothing will change what has happened to me.
How do I keep going when I have no where to go...
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megabeatz · 7 years
Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness.
Katherine Henson (via grayskymorning)
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megabeatz · 7 years
Pay attention to the signs. Stop making excuses for people. Stop defending their inconsiderate ways. Start taking care of you and your own needs.
Reyna Biddy (via deeplifequotes)
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megabeatz · 7 years
It’s funny how artistic we become when our hearts are broken
Hotel Books, I Always Thought I Would Be Okay (via help-n-quotes)
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megabeatz · 7 years
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Accept it
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megabeatz · 7 years
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megabeatz · 7 years
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megabeatz · 7 years
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megabeatz · 7 years
She remembered who she was and the game changed.
Lalah Delia
(via kushandwizdom)
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