meganburrows · 9 months
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Im just feeling a certain way rn
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meganburrows · 9 months
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this is from a real diary by a 13-year-old girl in 1870. teenage girls are awesome and they’ve always been that way.
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meganburrows · 9 months
friendly reminder that you didn’t waste your year. any moments of happiness or comfort, any small accomplishments, they all matter. this has been a really hard year, and simply surviving is something to be proud of. 
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meganburrows · 9 months
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meganburrows · 1 year
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reblog or else solas will appear in your dreams and eat your socks
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meganburrows · 2 years
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6. What music do you listen to when writing?
About a year ago, some friends of mine put together a playlist to help me get the vibes for the book. I often listen to that when I’m looking for inspiration or don’t have a movie or something going on in the background.
Highly recommend. Some of these same friends also organised it into a “chronological” order where the vibes suit each other? It’s magical.
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meganburrows · 2 years
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5. What genre is your WIP?
A Masked City independently is a fantasy murder mystery in an urban setting.
I would like to develop the book from a standalone to a trilogy, which would move the book from a murder mystery to more of a general fantasy drama? I have plans for an adventure-themed sequel that leads to a pretty intense third book, so I’m keen 👀
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meganburrows · 2 years
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4. Tell us about your MC?
Her name is Tourmi, and she’s a taurven* mercenary. She’s impulsive, stubborn and passionate. She struggles with magic of any kind, but she’s decent with a weapon.
She came from a large farming family. Her father worked tirelessly to provide for her brothers and sisters, and her mother cared for them, but Tourmi always dreamed of travelling. When her siblings started to grow up, she knew there wasn’t the space anymore for her there, and she took off with her family’s blessing. She’d learned how to fight sparring with friends in the town near their farm, and she felt capable enough to go out alone.
She visited cities and towns and mountain ranges and beaches, but her journey was only truly beginning when she was caught up in a mess in Restuchen; a coastal city a few months travel from her hometown, and ruled by nine powerful families. The city was beset by creatures, and Tourmi rushed in to try and help, but in the scuffle she hurt one of the nobility. A serious injury, but the family did not let it go. She ended up forced into prison, and without someone she knew to speak for her and help her escape, she would have been left there to rot. Instead, she was bailed out by a local merc company; they’d offered to help her in exchange for a debt, and that’s how she ended up as a mercenary for the Quickshades.
A Masked City begins two years into her service for the Shades, on her last mission before her debt is paid off.
*taurven - Minotaur-like humanoids
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meganburrows · 2 years
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3. Free Friday
Because I’m cheating a little and doing this whenever I remember throughout the rest of March, I am going to use the first Free Friday to give an update?
Still currently going through the first chapter for A Masked City, and I’ve made the chaotic decision to change from third person limited to first person. I don’t know why, but I’ve jumped back and forth with both perspectives, and I think first person is what I need? I want to lean into the unreliable narrator aspect of it, especially as a mystery.
Wish me luck? 😬
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meganburrows · 2 years
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2. Tell us about your writing style
Chaotic. I was always a little in between a plantser and a plotter. I like to have some idea of where I’m going with the work, but I like developing characters in situations that I divert to on a whim.
I write by first creating the worst “outline” - lots of sprints, really generic and boring descriptions. It’s just about getting the meat of the story down first.
Then, I go over everything and make it into a readable first draft. I’m in this stage with A Masked City right now. I have only shared the first few chapters with one other person, and even then, was immensely embarrassed. But their feedback is helping me go and make something really cool. Currently at the first chapter, woo!
Then I guess I just draft and draft again, send to beta readers and editors and revise, revise, revise.
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meganburrows · 2 years
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This is me♡♡
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meganburrows · 2 years
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Bonus if is a purple Hawke
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meganburrows · 2 years
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fenface 💜
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meganburrows · 2 years
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1. Introduce yourself and your WIP
Hi! I’m Burrows, and I only just realised this Camp Prep was a thing today so I’m going to be a little chaotic with it
By day, I have a regular office job. But the rest of the time, I am playing a lot of tabletop RPGs, writing fantasy, and drawing and creating art for my online stationery store. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. My parents bought me a cheap laptop when I was about 7 or 8, and I spent hours and hours on that brick writing for as long as possible. I also created a few different notebooks filled with words about my worlds that I still have, and I’ve utilised that in both my writing and in my TTRPGs.
I am trying to only focus on one WIP until its complete, but I’m working on A Masked City: a fantasy murder mystery taking place in a predominantly urban setting. Our sleuths are our scrappy mercenary Tourmi and Esther, a councillor’s daughter searching desperately for her missing sister. When Tourmi witnesses the death of one of the nine city’s councillors, she’s tasked with guarding Esther while the city is on high alert. Esther is making plans for the Regalia; a gathering to try and calm the nobility’s nerves, but has accidentally made herself a more significant threat than she expected.
I started a few chapters in 2020, then wrote a decent about in 2021, and even more in 2022. The plan is to finally get to the third or fourth drafting stage by October this year! I want to start a new project for 2023’s NaNoWriMo, but I’ve made a promise to myself to make sure I finish one project before starting anotherrrr.
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meganburrows · 2 years
I used the Flycam mod to go to the Black City.
Ever since I first played Origins 14 years ago, I’ve been curious about how the devs represented the Black City in the game. There are a few main masses, and they generally look equidistant from most areas of the Fade. But I noticed a long time ago that when Sloth sends you to your personal nightmare in the fake Weisshaupt in Broken Circle, one of the Black City islands looks way, WAY bigger. I just happened to be playing that section today, and I’d been using the new Flycam mod to take some screenshots. It occurred to me: why not see the throne of the Maker, and find out if it is empty? 
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Keep reading
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meganburrows · 2 years
i’m so glad i started writing when i was young enough not to care that i was bad otherwise i absolutely would not have persevered long enough to become a good writer
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meganburrows · 2 years
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Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin (2018), dir. Arwen Curry
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