megarawtf · 10 years
Suicide is not funny. Don't use it as a way to joke around.  No- stop. You're going to follow me without talking. Got it? Good.
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[ Megara led the way; taking Castiel to her apartment as she pushed the door open and walked in, not even caring if it slammed in his face. ]
I’m gonna have decline the acceptance of seeing myself as a mere human, I prefer suicide      isn’t that something depressed humans do? I don’t like emotions, they’re awful. I had to experience them once on a some sort of test and it was horrible. I understand. I don’t live on earth but I’ve came here once or twice over the years to check up on some of your kind. I said I would didn’t say I actually am gonna do it       plus, I wouldn’t even have cared to talk to you this much if I had my Grace, which would’ve probably been a mistake since this is being pretty fun. Whatever you say, blondie. I’m listening, I’m listening. Lead the way, Meg.
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megarawtf · 10 years
Well-- you have to accept it, Cass.  So what--? We've got emotions. We can feel.. We don't have as much responsibility as you angels do. I'm sure. I don't know. This angel talk is very weird.. How would you know? You don't live on earth. How nice of you.. To use me as bait even though here I am, trying to help you out. No, people aren't weird. Angels are. Okay, you'll have to be nice and listen to me then. Fine. Come on. Let's go. I really can't stand the sight of blood, you know..
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I never said it was bad but I’m also pretty sure it’s not as good as being an angel. I mean, we’ve got wings, we have Grace which means we can do a tons of awesome things and we don’t feel pain or much of any other human feeling, for that matter. There”s no such thing as superheros and no, I’m afraid I haven’t. I would probably make you give me everything I’d want or maybe use you as sort of a bate to get God to communicate with me again. People are weird. Yeah, I’m gonna pass on that pepper spray shit. Sounds great. Even better, now.
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megarawtf · 10 years
Yes and you have to act like a human-- I'm sorry that you lost them but you should know that being like me and all the other people.. it isn't so bad. He's a superhero. Haven't you heard of him? You would what--? Tell me. No. People think talking to spirits is fascinating and sorta creepy which is why they do it. So? Who cares? It does hurt.. a lot actually. Burns your eyes and gives you abnormal pain. You're going to follow me to my apartment and you're going to sit there like a good angel while I clean you up. Sounds good? Oh and luckily for you, you fell right by my apartment. So you don't have to walk too much.
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Not all… okay, I lost all of them. Wait      who’s superman? I didn’t say I was gonna do something about it, I just felt like you should know. Not just shut you up, dear, I would…       never mind. It isn’t? Wouldn’t that make people not want to use it or something? That’s interesting but you know spirits are just humans trapped in the veil, they’re not that friendly. I really doubt they’d know but, hey, why not. Acting like what? Does that pepper spray hurt?, because, if it does, m’not interested. I’m all ears, princess.
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megarawtf · 10 years
Then that's just sad. No, it is a big deal. You lost all your powers. That's like--.. superman losing his flying power. And you're slightly rude but you don't see me doing something about it. You need to stop being a d-bag and understand that I'm just going to help you. I know. You'd shut me up. Good for you. It's not meant to be pleasant, duh. No, you can summon spirits using that board. You can even speak to it. Hey, maybe I'll ask them to how to get you back to wherever you came from since you're starting to break the first rule of me helping you. Oh but I would if you keep on acting like this-- I may be nice and perky but I do have my limits; oh and I also have pepper spray that I sure as hell am not afraid to use it. So, you either man up and listen to me or I'll make sure you understand how painful it is to a human when you're sprayed with pepper spray.
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I prefer to live in a lie than to obligate myself to believe I’m not an angel anymore. I am an angel, I just lost some of my attributes, not a big deal. You know you’re slightly annoying, don’t you? Well, I have to be able to do something about all of this, I’m just not sure of what yet. Consider yourself lucky because, if I had it… It won’t work, so don’t get your hopes up. Ouija? Not the most pleasant name. I’m pretty sure you can only summon spirits with that sort of thing. You’d need several lit candles, a bowl of mixed ingredients atop a symbol made with blood containing a pentacle with a drawing of the head of a goat inscribed within it to actually summon a demon. You could, but you won’t.
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megarawtf · 10 years
I'll try to not hurt you then. Well, I'm just being honest here. Wouldn't want you to live in a lie, you know. My pleasure. Listen up, you're going to deal with it now because it happened. You can't stop it nor can you do anything about it. Good for me that you don't have your grace. It's how it works to me.. Or here to in this world. You never know. Ouija. You know, you summon demons or something and ask them questions. It's pretty fun once you get past the creepy part. I can leave you here to die, you know. 
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Just be gentle, okay? This shit really hurts and I’m not used to pain, like at all. I’m already kinda depressed and that just helped a lot, thanks dear. I don’t want to deal with this because I shouldn’t ever had to deal with this! This is some fucking wicked game God is playing on us. I’d so take your voice forever if I had my Grace, right now. That’s not how it works, deary, m’sorry to break it to you. Demons don’t go around waiting for an angel to have angel written on their forehead. Play what? Make me.
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megarawtf · 10 years
Fine. We'll go tomorrow but I'll have to clean you up tonight-- no matter how tired you are. No, you're a human. You're no longer an angel, I guess. You'll have to deal with it and I'll have to deal with taking care of a previous angel. All of our lives changed today so don't be so shocked. You're welcome. Yes, I am blackmailing you. So, you'll listen to me or suffer my wrath.  You just told me they do exist; so now, I can write angel on your forehead and do some vo-do magic or whatever it is they do to summon them.. or even play some Ouija board. Oh, that'd be fun! I never done that before. So, listen to me. 
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No, no no      not now, please. I’m too tired to even walk let alone to make up a good fashion sense, since I’ve never had to have one. Don’t call me human, I prefer the term angel without Grace or wings. We’ve gotta go there, then. I just said that, if I were a normal person, it’d be weird for you to offer help so easily but, seeing that I ain’t, I’m actually grateful you can help. Are you blackmailing an angel, miss Megara?        I like it. And just how come you make me demon bait if you’re not even sure of their existence? But yeah, they do exist.  
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megarawtf · 10 years
Oh. So you want to come with me now? Great! Just at least tell me your fashion sense isn't going to make me barf. Well, you don't have your grace. Your human now and you have to deal with it. It is a fancy thing-- very relaxing, to be honest. I need to go after this. You're so.. ugh! You yell at me for not helping you and when I help you, it's creepy. Make up your freakin' mind, Castiel. Yes, I think you would or else you can be a homeless angel. Or-- do demons exist? Because if they do, I'll make you demon bait.
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Okay, we can do that tomorrow because I’m too tired for shopping right now. Good, one less problem for me. Weeks? I could heal it in a blink of an eye if I only had my Grace… Thanks, sweetie. And what just is a spa, may I ask? Sounds like a fancy thing, so I’m in. Kinda creepy to know that you’d willingly help a random guy that you just met, but sure. I don’t even obey to God that much, do you think I’d obey you? It’s actually just the truth, m’dear.
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megarawtf · 10 years
I'll have to go shopping for some clothes since the ones I have obviously don't fit. As for the first aid kit, I can help with that. I'll clean all the wounds and whatever else. It takes quite awhile-- maybe weeks but less if you take care of it. I'll clean it for you then cover it up. Probably take you to a spa or something to clean the dead skin. Fine. I'm just going to pretend that you are a normal guy. Technically, I can boss you around if I want to but I won't. Please. Some-one has an ego- a big one, actually.
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I couldn’t care less about medics, right now. Give me some new clothes, a first aid kit and a shelter and I’ll be alright. The holes will heal faster than you can imagine, I’m an angel, after all. Oh, wait      yeah, my Grace’s gone so I take that back. How many time exactly does it take for humans to heal holes full of dirty and dead skin? Covering them won’t make’em better, Meg. Pretend I’m just a normal guy requesting your help      y’know, to make it less overwhelming for you. Okay okay, nice Cass it is. Don’t think that just because you’re helping you get to boss me around. You should feel blessed for having the chance of meeting such important angel like myself. 
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megarawtf · 10 years
Ugh! How am I supposed to help you? -- I'm not a medicine major so, I absolutely cannot help you. The only thing I can help with is the blood; not the holes. Just cover them! I don't know, okay? I'm trying to help here so, stop pressuring me. This is already too overwhelming. Yes! You're an angel. No-- stop, ugh. Do you want me to not help you then? Be nice if you want the opposite.  At least while you're here, follow what I say and I'll make sure your entire visit here is as comfortable as it may be.  
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Now am I? What, we walk over there and you say I fell?       Yeah, because that’s gonna definitely justify the two huge wholes I have on my back, where my fucking wings were suppose to be! Really? Are we so famous that people actually care to make movies about us? I feel flattered. A tv show? God was right after all, humans really are maniacs. I’m not gonna change the way I am just for your content, m’dear. With that second one I agree. Don’t worry because God’ll get bored of this sick game in no time and’ll get us all home very soon.
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megarawtf · 10 years
Now you're overreacting! You do realize there are more reasonable excuses? You just-- you don't talk, okay? Let me do all the talking since no one will believe you if you said you were an angel. You think the attack of the angels isn't something people make movies about? They do! There's even a TV show that explains everything. Fine. Let's say I believe you and I plan on helping you-- you are to not be a major d-bag. You won't tell anyone else you're an angel. You can even stay with me until we find a solution to your.. problem. Deal?
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You take me to a doctor?      You can’t take an angel to a doctor! If he asks me what happened am I suppose to say, “I’m an angel and I was kicked outta heaven. I hit the ground pretty strongly, but no big deal”? He’s gonna put me on a madhouse right away. Here because coming to Earth is an angel’s worst nightmare, and God is obviously playing with us. You just happened to be at the right place at the right time. You’re suppose to believe the most truthful source you have now…. me. 
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megarawtf · 10 years
Fine, fine. I'll help you. I'll take you to a doctor or something since that's what nice people do. Thank you. It just doesn't make sense! I mean, why here? Oh and why me? I'm totally not fit to become an angel carer as you can see, since I find it so hard to believe. Oh really? What else am I supposed to believe then? Before this day, I've never even had to argue about this. 
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Because I’m hurt, bleeding and broken in more places than you can ever imagine. Megara, hm     very beautiful name, I have to be honest. Most angels are nice just because they’re afraid that the way they act is gonna make Him punish them, which is a complete lie. I just do as He says and I can behave the way I fucking want that He doesn’t really care. Well, at least I though he didn’t… C’mon, don’t be one those that believes everything she reads. 
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megarawtf · 10 years
Why would I help you? You're not even nice, for god's sake. It's not Megan, it's actually Megara. -- wait, hold up. Shouldn't angels be.. I don't know, nice? Or at least, not so rude?! If you are an angel, you'd be less of a grump and more of a halo type of person. So, I have no reason to believe you.
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Look, sweetie       I’m not in the mood to take that attitude of yours so, if you don’t want to help me, just walk away. Both, actually. Megan — or Meg, or whatever it was — I have no way of proving that I’m an actual angel because my Grace is gone and my wings are gone too but you have to believe me.
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megarawtf · 10 years
How am I acting so dumb? I'm acting like how any sane person would act when someone approaches them claiming to be a freakin' angel that fell out of heaven! Or get kicked out-- or whatever. Okay. I'm officially convinced you're either high or you just have a huge head injury. Your choice.
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Stop acting or being so goddamn dumb and I may lower my voice. Non taken, but only because that was kinda the reaction I was expecting. God kicked me and a few more out for some unknown reason and trapped us in this fucked up place       Earth, that is.
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megarawtf · 10 years
Lower your voice! No offense to you but you're absolutely mentally insane! Why would angels be kicked out of heaven? -- why would they come to earth? You need to get your head checked.
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Yeah, I fell. Newsflash, babe: it’s what angels do when they are kicked out      they fall. My head, my shoulder, my back and I kinda lost my wings too. Okay, Meg it is from now on. 
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megarawtf · 10 years
I know right?! I met two. One was like help me! And the other was sorta nice or quiet. He said he didn't know many people which is totally weird but oh well.
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The new people are kinda weird, I’ll admit that. And I’ve met one of them. It was kind of weird encounter, too. But otherwise I’ve been pretty fine.
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megarawtf · 10 years
Stop yelling! Of course you're going to hit the ground! You fell? -- No, I think you hit your head too hard when you fell. Oh and also, my name is Meg! Not blondie. 
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Maybe because I fucking hit the ground! Yeah      I just fell from the fucking sky, no big deal, blondie. I’m Castiel, also known as Cass.
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megarawtf · 10 years
My thoughts exactly! Crazy kids. I've been actually good.. Well, except the whole new people coming into town. It's weird. How about you?
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Um. Yeah. In that case, maybe Lina and James should stay away from each other. But how’re you been lately, otherwise than gossiping with Carlie?
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