megashinx · 2 months
Public speaking is actually really easy if you don't respect a single soul in that room. I've had an incredibly easy time delivering speeches when I hated everybody I saw and they all thought I did amazing because my disdain was read as confidence. I don't have any tips for you I'm just telling you a fact
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megashinx · 2 months
hi guys im normal *has a serious infatuation with pinocchio and it's themes*
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megashinx · 2 months
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did you know it's migraine awareness month? are you aware of migraines? you should be.
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megashinx · 2 months
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Happy 10 years in the ball pit
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megashinx · 3 months
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megashinx · 4 months
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megashinx · 4 months
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megashinx · 4 months
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Guess what!!! The animation in the new timeloop RPG In Stars and Time Launch Announcement Trailer was made by the amazing Mimi Chiu!!!
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megashinx · 5 months
the lesbian computer from portal was right. given the circumstances ive been shockingly nice
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megashinx · 5 months
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megashinx · 5 months
Things that work in fiction but not real life
torture getting reliable information out of people
knocking someone out to harmlessly incapacitate them for like an hour
jumping into water from staggering heights and surviving the fall completely intact
calling the police to deescalate a situation
rafting your way off a desert island
correctly profiling total strangers based on vibes
effectively operating every computer by typing and nothing else
ripping an IV out of your arm without consequences
heterosexual cowboy
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megashinx · 5 months
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the chibi graysons (season 1)
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megashinx · 5 months
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megashinx · 5 months
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megashinx · 5 months
Please use the arrow keys to guide my white ass towards safety. Please.
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megashinx · 6 months
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Stick Bug Flood
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megashinx · 6 months
You know how sometimes you see a character and you’re like “okay I know I have a type but jesus c h r i s t”
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