megrefs · 1 month
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Pretty great stickers by this artist
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megrefs · 1 month
By the way here's a little cheat: if there's something you'd love as a poster, like an old comic cover or something but no poster exists, either find or make the highest resolution image you can (even if you have to use one of those automatic online upscalers; better than nothing!) make an account on redbubble or vistaprint and upload it. On redbubble you'll have to keep it private, on vistaprint it's private automatically because that's a site strictly for "personal office use." I've done this a few times over the years and they never took notice or cared that it wasn't my art as long as I wasn't selling it publicly. Restaurants do this all the time for their kitsch decor and I don't think a human even checks it before it ships out. They might if you were printing tons of the same one because then it's obvious you're selling them, but otherwise they just like the extra money and you get consequence-free pirated wall art.
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megrefs · 1 month
A really good designer has a crazy amount of REALLY GOOD FONTS available for free.
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The most they're asking for is a follow and it's worth it for ALL of these.
ORIGINAL POST: https://twitter.com/yuta_ptv/status/1818558025185013903
ACCOUNT: https://twitter.com/yuta_ptv
LINK TO FONTS: https://yutaone.booth.pm/items/2890872
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megrefs · 2 months
Master doc that contains different resources and support for many countries including Palestine, Congo, Haiti, Hawai’i, etc ((op is underneath the link))
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megrefs · 2 months
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Published in “Transvestia” magazine #38 (April 1966). I think original art could be by Bob Tupper.
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megrefs · 2 months
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This may seem like a meme, but it is real. It's formatted like this to get people's attention and be memorable, in the hopes that maybe it saves some lives.
Edit 1: If any of you are unsure that this is real, check out the notes of folks talking about it.
[transcript of sign] 
Are you currently struggling with … MEDICAL BILLS? 
… Perhaps you should try … FAPping! 
Financial Aid Policy 
Did you know that most hospitals and some doctor’s offices are what is known as a 501r, or “medical non-profit”? 
This means they are legally required to have a “financial aid policy” or “charity care policy” 
What is means, is that they are LEGALLY REQUIRED under United States Law to provide FREE OR DISCOUNTED healthcare, and also to FORGIVE EXISTING MEDICAL DEBT to individuals with financial difficulty. 
Basically, every household making und $100K a year is eligible for a reduction in their medical costs. 
Billing departments often try to push people to get on a “payment plan” if someone asks, but don’t accept it! 
Ask if they have a Charity Care or Financial Aid policy “Based On Income.” 
If it looks like you might not qualify? 
Apply anyway. They try to scare people away with scary processes. 
[/end sign] (Credit to Moonlit-wings for the transcription.)
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megrefs · 2 months
for those of you who remember cgtextures circa 2008, texture.ninja has a large repository of public domain textures without annoying hoops to jump through.
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megrefs · 2 months
A free digital book is out that compiles production art from several unfinished, scrapped or drastically altered animated films!
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megrefs · 3 months
This website is full of free sewing patterns that will automatically alter to ur measurements
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megrefs · 3 months
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megrefs · 3 months
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Needle felted jumping spiders by Lyntoys
This artist’s Etsy shop (prices are very reasonable!)
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megrefs · 3 months
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Dropping this here for anyone who may not already know about it. paywallreader.com
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megrefs · 3 months
Online archive of almost 500 VHS transfers of Palestinian music performances/videos, mixed w/ theater, poetry, & films ranging from 70s to 90s.
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megrefs · 3 months
spotify is raising prices again here's the apk that gives you premium for free
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megrefs · 3 months
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megrefs · 4 months
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Alt Text / Image Description below
To do or not to do?
Pacing and Activity Decision Chart*
A. Will it cause so much pain or fatigue that I can't function for days?
If NO then :
B. Given current symptoms will I be able to complete the task?
(If you answer YES to question B go to D, if NO then go to C)
If YES then :
C. Can I make it manageable by:
Splitting the task into smaller sections?
Using an adaptation or aid to make it easier?
Asking for help with challenging parts of the activity?
(If you answer YES to C go straight to D)
D. Is there enough recovery time between now and when I next need to function?
If you answer YES/PROBABLY to D then LET'S DO
If you answer NO to both question C and D then:
Best not. It's OK for an emergency, but not for routine tasks.
*A simplified version, The full version would fill a book. Process varies between individuals.
**Most activity can aggravate symptoms, so it's not about avoiding pain and fatigue, but trying to keep them manageable. Trial and error is required to find this level and it can change over time.
StickmanCommunications.co.uk (HMSA)
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megrefs · 4 months
people say folks with adhd struggle with "delayed rewards" aka long term goals and as such we tend to focus more on short term rewards. what they don't talk about is that at when we Do accomplish long term goals we don't actually feel anything proportionate to the amount of work we did to achieve it. In my head I suffered for a while and then money spontaneously appeared in my bank account.
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