megumicandy-blog · 12 years
In times of Distress and anxiety, depression and oppression... we express through poetry or stories and literature... we give emotions through words, words of deep longing and hope... these words lasts for a lifetime, and will be remembered through history...
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megumicandy-blog · 12 years
If only we could see the thread of fate... then it wouldn't be this hard finding you... Whoever you are..:/
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megumicandy-blog · 12 years
"Last Breath"
           I don’t know when was that I forgot what it feels having my hair long. It felt like I had it a very long time ago when it actually was just months ago. I had always had long hair, ever since childhood. I decided to cut it short because of just some random curiosity, and then suddenly, for a brief moment, it felt as if I never had the feeling of having it being long. Just like what I felt about what happened to us. We were always together; and it felt like forever, loving you that is— and then suddenly… just like my hair, all those feelings, suddenly disappeared. “すきです— あなたのこと。。。” those were the exact words I told you that day. I thought I never had the courage to tell you but I did. You smiled that day and said the exact words I’ve always wanted to hear from you. I didn’t expect to receive those words but you gave it to me whole heartedly and it filled my heart with warmth and happiness.
“どうして。” I thought. You said you wouldn’t lie to me. It made me sad when you didn’t tell me the truth. Hearing it from somebody else made my heart ache, and suddenly I felt helpless. Why? Why should it all come to this?
“しあわせ。”What is it? I stared at the space in front of me, feeling lonely and troubled because you’re not here. Was it enough? How long should I wait for you? My eyes are now all tired of crying and all the tears had dried up. I don’t know what to do now.
“あいしてる。さよなら”Is this it? We had all the time in the world but the world wasn’t ours to begin with. I know you will be sad and I know that I shouldn’t leave you behind but I can’t do anything. I don’t have the right to decide whether to stay or not. I only have the option to follow. You know how I felt, you know I’ve always waited for you, and I had always loved you till the last of my breath. But it’s time, my time has come and I have to stop everything, till the last breath that I could breathe. I love you. I always had and always will.  ©yumeshi—12.5.12  
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megumicandy-blog · 12 years
My Letter to a Bitter-Sweet Candy
           If there was a thing such as love at first sight, then I might really started loving you right when I met you. You were the first guy to actually appreciate me, in a very different way. You were a bully and a mean person but I see deep down inside you were the kindest guy and the sweetest friend. You took a lot of firsts from me, and you were the only one who were able to make me feel I was a girl and a very special one at that. You were the one who gave me confidence and courage to be who I am and to be proud of being a girl. You were a one of a kind. I, sometimes question myself why I loved you, even now, I still do. Loving someone doesn’t need a reason or a meaning. Loving is, knowing nothing matters as long as you’re with the one you love. Love makes you foolish, it makes you blind, it is your weakness as well as you’re strength. You find yourself finding hard to say no to the one you love because you want them to be happy. But even though you know that you may face lots of risks, heartaches, disappointments, and sacrifices, but you still want that person to love you and wish you both have those mutual feelings. No matter how many times you fall, you could always stand up. And every fall makes you even stronger as you stand up to face another set of struggle to find the right person who ties your destiny.
You taught me a lot of things even though it was just a one-sided love. You taught me patience and understanding. It may broke my heart when I realized there wasn’t any space for me in your heart but it taught me that somewhere out there in the future, there might be somebody waiting for me, just like I was waiting for you.
And lastly, I just want to say that “I never regret that you were my first love and my first broken heart”
 It takes a second to love someone but a lifetime to forget...
(but why should i forget you? when u were the one who taught me how to love...:)
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