megwillis-blog · 11 years
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Trail riding fun! #countrylove #glenworthvalley #trailriding
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
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Competitive Memory with wine and good friends #memorybydave&eirian #latergram @eirianb @davebinggeli (at Cessnock)
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
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#countrylove #latergram @eirianb @davebinggeli (at Cessnock)
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
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Shake it! #jazz #frenchmansstreetneworleansjazzband (at Carrington Place)
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
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@kathrynfranchini @kiphazrd #powerwalktowork #thatsright #mirandahealthkick
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
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Nice day with the Franchinis #oldfriends @kathrynfranchini @kiphazrd (at Main Beach Yamba)
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
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Beautiful Day! #sydneylove (at The Coffee Place)
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
You need this if you're having a rough day. This post was inspired by a Reddit post asking people to share "the happiest fact you know."
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
Last day of work! And a Suess-ical!
I got to Alfarero at about but no one was there to work with because of the late finish last night. I think I had arranged to work with Yeyo, but he was sick... So I worked on my notes for the we page for a little bit, but it wasnt long before Marco came to get me for lunch! Woohoo! Siesta. Check. Nothing. Check. The SUESSICAL! Friday night we had been invited to see a production that one of Debbie and Graham's son has been working at school as part of the team. $30B's per ticket and it was sold out both nights! Before the show we had a light supper at Debbie and Graham's, with their sons, as well as Joanne and her sister Loly who was visiting from Canada, and Becca from England – we had the whole commonwealth! I think... Or is one missing? Ok theres a few missing, but everyone was from the Commonwealth, thats something! Heeenyway, we had a nice dinner in English, and before long it was time to leave for the big show. We were super early, so we could get good seats and as usual they were keeping us outside until it was time. But we eventually got to our seats and settled in for the main event. The students did so well, they have some real talent, if I don't say so myself, there was laughing and there was tragedy. Sitting with Becca and Lyndsay, there was a lot of laughing and cheering come from our row. 'A persons a person no matter how small' Dr. Suess. Genius.
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Above: Gertrude, and Horton sitting on the egg for the fun times bird.
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
After the chaos of the event, there was some really great outcomes! Praise God! And although we were worried, God knew all along how the night was going to go!
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Fun Fact #4 The first Alfarero project was in Sucre, started in 1997 by Graham and Debbie and their team, and in 2007 the leadership team had become all nationals, and was mostly run by locals. Fundraising and prayer Thursday night there was an event to raise money for some of the costs of the final details, and also to gain some continuing support for the ministry. So, I had the morning off to catch up on down time, although reading my other posts it doesn't sound like there was a lot of 'up' time! Anyway, I got to fit in some blogging and some reading, and general 'soaking' up of surrounds haha I can hear some people reading this, 'arghghgh!'. And thats why you weren't invited... j. We all had lunch together again, Annalea cooked up some amazing food as usual! And I could eat most of it! Needless to say I was looking forward to lunch... One way to stop snacking through the day, take away your fridge and add a language barrier, that makes you not really want to go buy as much as you feel like... 2 points to Bolivia. Siesta. Check. After lunch, Debbie picked me up to help clean for the event, but the industrial cleaners had done a lot of the work, it was good to see what goes into setting up the fundraising events. The event was for businessmen, and they were hoping to impress and open opportunities for donations to the ministry. I was helping to serve drinks and food for the night. The guest started to arrive and we welcomed them and served them drinks. Then Graham took about 14 of them on a tour around the building. While we waited for them to come back and start serving dinner, we were chatting about the cafe, previous fundraising and who works which events, and then we realised that the chef hadn't checked in, and we were supposed to serve the food when they got back from the tour, in 15 minutes... Samuel got out his phone to see how far away the food would be. 'where are you?' ... 'yes its today?' ... 'its always Thursdays' ... 'I've got to go.' The chef thought the event was tomorrow! He didn't have a thing ready! WE HAD NO FOOD TO SERVE! We were asking these people for money to finish the things we needed to finish, and now they would really see we really are in need and so were they! hahaha it was crazy! After she realised it wasn't a joke, one of the Directors, Fatima, just kept saying 'wow...' 'wow...' 'wow...' Samuel disappeared and Becca, Ellie and I were left to hold the fort, although we weren't really guarding anything and we didn't know anything if anyone asked anyway! Eventually we got a call from Sam telling us to lay out the plates and he'd be back soon. We moved it to the down stairs kitchen, so that the guests wouldn't see us unpacking the food from the takeaway containers! We plated it up and served the food, I think we kept our cool very well, but I wonder if they noticed! Dessert was cooked by Ellie and Samuel, so by the time dessert was called for we were a lot more settled. Everyone was pretty exhausted and we prayed like crazy it wouldn't effect the outcome of the event and the view of El Alfarero that the guest would take away! After the chaos of the event, there was some really great outcomes – praise God! And although we were worried, God knew all along how the night was going to go! On top of some very generous donations on the night, one of the attendees of the event has offered to pay for all the signage or stickers in the building, which will be an amazing help (they're pretty expensive)! And even more incredible still is the story of another possible networking opportunity, with a couple (who didn't even plan to come to the event until after it had already started) who's friend is a business man looking to give to projects like ours! Praying that this connection with El Alfarero will lead to further contact and partnership in the gospel by giving this much needed funding! After it was all over and Marco came to get me, I was glad to find friendly faces at home to unload all the stress I'd been keeping under the surface! (Hey if the waitresses are stressed it gives it all away! 'Keep it together man!')
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
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In crazy traffic where rules are suggestions, taxis have lowered shocks on cobbled streets, loud mufflers that protect anyone in the back seat from hearing anything anyone in the front seats says and you can hardly see out the windscreen because of all the stickers on the glass and paraphernalia hanging from the rearview mirror. BUT they are a pretty common way to get around, at the right time of day, and really cheap! As a gringo, you might get over charged by $4-5Bs so you can bargain or argue with them about the price, but it would still only be about $3 AUD to get most places in the inner city. It was fun watching different people interact with the drivers, its seems everyone has different views on etiquette.
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
Meet Saul (saa-ool)
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Fun Fact #3 El Alfarero has a team of about 8 staff workers, who all have incredible stories about how they came to be part of the ministry. Image stolen from El Alfarero Courtney and Carmen, called a friend who’s a taxi driver – Saul (not Sawl, but Saa-ool), to get me to work, and wow. Taxi's, you crazy! $14Bs, which is about $2 AUD I think, not only cheap but there are literally no enforced road rules, except the side of the street you drive on, the rest is courtesy and prayer. Saul is the son-in-law of Joanne who is one of the Directors of El Alfarero, so everyone felt very good about sending the foreigner off with this particular taxi-driver. Find place to work, is this the day no one was around and I had to find the maintenance man, Tatu? I think that was friday. Anyway, I got to try out out some Spanglish and it was succesful! (nAiled it). home for lunch and I was hungry! We had lunch together as a family of mixed sorts, and enjoyed chatting and laughing and getting to know each other. At lunch we were comparing all the words in Spanish that can be said in a slightly different way, and it completely changes the meaning… some of them are pretty hilarious and not what you want to be saying to strangers on the street hahaha siesta. check. Pj Party… Courtney and I enjoy an showing of Mulan, I think both of us were feeling a little fragile, so it was nice to have the comfort of a story about a girl who conquers the world and becomes a ninja, while we sat on the couch in our pjs. Downton Abby! Ive been catching up on Downton, Ive now finished season 3. To say I was ‘involved in the story line’ may be a dramatic understatement. The Plaza for Dinner
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Carmen and Marco, and I went out to dinner at the city plaza, to have a look around and see what we could see. Carmen and Marco are so beautiful, they have a lovely friendship and were so excited to show me the different parts of the plaza. We ended up at La Pascana, which has a roof top terrace, we had Carne and Euka (like a sweet potato)… lol meat! Over dinner Marco told me about his life and family, about how he grew up, and how God has been working in his parents lives, he was so open! We’d only just met, I hope I didnt break any cultural rules here…
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
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You know I think I might just enjoy this place #recharge #dessertforlunch #santiagolove #rainydaysarenyfavourite #americasadventure2013 #lastarria (at Wonderful Café)
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Text Above: Ephesians 4:29-32, Bible passage for Tuesday, 14th May 2013
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Fun Fact #2 El Alfarero, was started by Debbie and Graham Frith, along with their 2 boys are missionaries with SIM UK, who've been serving in Bolivia for over 17 years! This building is part of the realisation of their dreams and lives over that time. Image stolen from El Alfarero Meet The Team I arrived earlier than I need to, but it meant I could get settled in for a little while before, the regular team meeting scheduled 10:30 am, Sydney-siders beware, time is flexible, it starts when it starts. Until about 1:45 the team spent time sharing and singing and praying together, and chatting about what people need, while Debbie translated for me what was happening, it was good to see the way the meetings ran and the way the team works together, even if it wasn't smooth. There was a miscommunication, and somehow I nearly missed the main meal for the day! But phew, Carmen found me something for lunch and sat with me and made polite conversation while I ate. Its a strong cultural thread Ive noticed, that eating alone is not really frowned on, but its almost rude to leave someone eating alone. Siesta. Check. After lunch it was easier for me to work from home again, the meeting in the morning was draining, while I tried to pick up the jist of the conversation and smile and not speak at the right moments, and Courtney was still sick, so I ended up not having a chaperone for the micro it was easier to work from home, which meant I didn't really get a lot done... But it was a nice afternoon hanging out with Courtney, pretty sure we ended up watching Mulan... English course 6pm came around and it was time for the counselling course that was running in English, it was a good opportunity for me to see what the sessions and discipleship is like at El Alfarero. I was a little unaware or unprepared with what to expect, but the content was really great. Hearing from Joanne about some really hard lessons from her experiences growing up and the last 26 years as a single missionary in Santa Cruz, Bolivia was great as well. After an hour or so there was a break, and Debbie asked that I sneak into the next room, and get some shots of a course being running, as they taught up the front. Chatting in Mamítas room Marco picked me up and we got home to find everyone in Marco and Carmen's room watching a movie, which they stopped and kept chatting to us – its nice how open the family home is, every thing is shared, Mum and Dads room was a second lounge room, haha it was nice. I was also quickly adapting to calling Carmen, 'Mamíta', an affectionate name for Mums, Im not sure if its a Bolivian thing or a South American thing, but if you want to show affection or a familiar feeling behind the word, you can add 'íta' or 'íto' i.e. Mama becomes Mamíta, or Papá becomes Papíto (I think...) Bed time. Big day. So. late.
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
Get to work!
Morning! Sorry for the delay, this post starts a few on the week in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, where I spent time working with El Alfarero checking out Cafe Ministry and what that can look like and how it can meet the needs of the community its part of. ~~ Monday 13th May We had arranged that Courtney and I would catch a 'Micro' together to El Alfarero, but the night before Courtney had a massive headache and through the night, fevers pointed to her having Dange Fever! aka 'Bone Breaker' Fever. So my adventures on a Micro, a 25 seater bus with a horn and 'Vin Deisel' driving style that rules the road with quick spontaneous stops, and taking off before you've fully grounded yourself on the bus, were delayed.
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Fun Fact #1 El Alfarero in Santa Cruz, has taken about 2 - 3 years to build, but its finally set to open its doors on the 7th of June. Image stolen from El Alfarero After a tour around the building and meeting a few people, and hearing a bit about the different comisions or ministries of the building, my new friend Yeyo, explained the work they were hoping to get done, and questions they had. I explained the skills I had and we decided to start with a little bit of website. I haven't worked on a website for about 3 years or more, but I was able to sit down and find my way through it and make suggestions on changes that could be made to improve the site, especially before they open, and start to target corporate clients as well as the other pregnant women in crisis. (such different audiences!) The big meal for the day was together as a family at home, Courtney and I included. Most days Marco comes home from work, and Anita was home from class as well, and Carmen works at home most days, this is something I really grew to love. Sitting and chatting and eating and getting to know everyone, everyone speak English very well and I even learnt a few things from them about English, and they have a lot to say, they are very warm.
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Above: Just above the head of my bed, was the Bolivian flag. Just incase I forgot... Im in Bolivia! siesta, its good to get into the culture. The afternoon, working from home The work Id been asked to do, I was able to continue from home which is probably one of the best parts of working with online mediums! So I spent the afternoon, trying to beat tiredness and chatting to Courtney, and working a little as well. Becca and Lyndsey, Id been told about this lovely pair of Short Termers, (Becca - 9 months, and Lyndsey - 2 years +) who I'd get on with and we did. It was great to meet them. Becca is British so we cherished the opportunity for sarcasm to be understood and enjoyed! Although, I do realise its not a very encouraging way to relate to people, and its very hard to be taken seriously if you're trying to say something uplifting and genuine! Dinner or supper here is always something small, and not really a family event... which was a shock to the stomach... but we found our own snacks and continued on with whatever we were each working on.
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Chanel. The house guard dog. She's cute, and friendly, but she likes to 'sing' loudly...at night.... Chatting and baking a cake That night it was decided to solve the dilemma of an abundance of ripe bananas by baking a banana cake! Woohoo! So Courtney and I enjoyed chatting and cake tasting, in our pj's until the cake was ready. The smell was pretty good, and it brought a few people down stairs so we got to have a late night cup of tea, and fresh banana bread with Marco and Carmen
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
Sunday in Santa Cruz
Time in the airport We had to wait a fair while, because the flight was delayed for a couple of hours, but it gave me time to ring Mum and wake her up before Mothers Day finished! The flight was pretty quick and I was very happy to be back on lower ground and in the warm humidity! Seeing family again & snack at the super market It was nice to enjoy the company of the whole Frith family, while I was sitting in the car listening to Debbie and Graham catch up, while the boys were tickling and laughing together, begging for snacks on the back seat next to me. Some how or another we ended up getting a snack at the supermarket on the way home, which gave me the perfect opportunity to get some groceries for the week. Woohoo! Fruit and veg, and chocolate soy milk. Cuñape's and 'Sonsons', both are food from potato-y heaven! Monk 'it's a jungle out there... It's tough to be a...' (The song is in my head). I've had a few opportunies to relax at the Friths house and most of the time it was with an episode or three of Monk. I've officially become a fan, although there's a little too much of his cautious, planned, perfected personality in me, which Im not sure is good or bad, either way Im a new fan with a new tv show to watch! ...or maybe its just that it was in English and it meant we were having much needed zero out time. Big meals in the middle of the day Im not sure Ive mentioned the culture here for meals and the different structure of the day. The daily timetable is something like this:
7:30, breakfast, then work or class
12:30, back home for a big meal for lunch
1:30-3:30, siesta! Shops shut and everyone sleeps off the big meal
4:00, back to work or class
7:00, back to the house
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Im in favour. I vote we bring in the siesta in Australia! Or maybe I'll just nap under my desk at work... Packing again, lost my book and meeting my hosts! After the relaxing came packing, while I was packing a few things I realised I've lost the book from Missions Interlin. I was reading, so annoying! I was actually reading haha 3/4s of the Friths and I made our way to meet my hosts Marco, Carmen and Anita, and Courtney (again). We sat on the couch and they were tame and spoke English for the night, 'mañana, mañana' I begged... haha I was so tired. Staying with Marco, Carmen, Anita and Courtney, in this amazing house! Cuñapes, made from Eueka (a type of potato or root vegetable) flour are good for ceoliacs! And they have cheese in them.. so good... Anyway they had these for me to eat, because they were worried about my wheat intolerance. A welcome afternoon tea for my tastebuds and my belly! Tea and chatting and bed Courtney and I were talking through afternoon tea, and she was excitedly translating conversation for me while everyone else continued their conversation in Spanish. It didnt take long and it was time to figure out what to do with the rest of the day light. We talked about getting ready for church, and in the end we didnt go, and had an early night sleep before the week started. More tomorrow M xx
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
This week in Bolivia
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After a delayed flight in Sucre, we're finally on our way back to the main base while I'm in Bolivia – Santa Cruz. This week will be a few meetings with the El Alfarero Directors, as they prepare to open on July 7. From what I can see the way I get to volunteer this week, is by helping Yeyo with the Communications and Media work. So I think we'll be doing a fair bit of social media and a little bit of document design. Hopefully I'll also get some time for language practice somewhere quiet, as well as some time for reading and photography of Santa Cruz.
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