mel-it · 1 year
Wren and his Trumpet
trumpet jpg cause the ability to draw a trumpet eludes me (I also can’t draw hands very well)
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Stuff involving his trumpet? The one he plays the most and has been confiscated more than once for playing a tune to add “ambiance” as Wren puts it to the students at school.
He did it to Vil once upon a time, thinking it would make him laugh… he didn’t laugh. So Vil’s off limits but everyone else is still fair game.
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mel-it · 1 year
Wren Mavis, drawing
so yeah I ended up drawing Wren right after posting his character summary. Haven’t had this much fun with an oc in awhile. I wanted to base him on a humming bird so I debated a lot with colors, ended up with vibrant green vase hair with bright colored “feathers” interwoven throughout his hair.
“He fell flat on his face after not paying attention to his surroundings again. He’s a bit of a hot mess but hey who isn’t. He does hope not to run into the dorm leader though, Vil would not be happy with him.”
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mel-it · 1 year
Wren Mavis, Twisted Wonderland OC
Note: This is not a Yuu, this is a character is just another student in the school. Now onto a simple breakdown.
Wren Mavis is 17 and a second year attending Night Raven College and is part of the Pomfiore dorm. He’s energetic and cheerful. His impression on others is that his head is always in the clouds. He’s always on the move and anything that takes too much time isn’t worth his time doing. This applies to his appearance and schoolwork alike.
- I based Wren’s design on a humming bird and like one he has naturally growing vibrant colored feathers interwoven with his hair. He is also of a medium height and build, not short and not tall. His eyes are very dark in color.
(Do bird people exist in TW? Don’t recall but they do now if not).
Natrually his hair needs much more maintenance than normal but it takes too long for him so he just doesn’t. This causes a lot of loose feathers to fall out or they become entangled with his hair.
His fast pace also applies to his uniform with it being thrown on and often missing pieces. If he’s getting yelled at he doesn’t notice (or chooses not to?) and keeps on moving.
-Music is a passion and he enjoys rock the most. He gets yelled at for it being too loud so he’s taken to earbuds instead. This still causes problems as he doesn’t pay attention to his surroundings
-His eating habits consist of a plant based diet since eating any kind of meat makes him sick.
Wren’s also partial to eating flowers, having often taken bites of flower arrangements around the dorm. Which has gotten him yelled at more than once.
-Wren has been labeled as naive by those around him and while he is the type to act first think later, he is very aware of the risks he takes.
He just doesn’t waste his time thinking on them, if he wants a rose from Heartslabyul’s garden he’ll risk Riddle’s wrath if so pleases.
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mel-it · 1 year
a little bit of lee gilyoung appreciation
this is a tidbit of a fanfic I wanted to write that showcased lee gilyoung's underappreciated perspective- but I liked the beginning so much so I'm posting it here,
it's more a look into what his thoughts could have been in the beginning of orv, and my interpretation of it and his backstory
"Do you want to live?"
Ragged breaths. Faint dings of notifications lit up his vision an electronic blue. Lee Gilyoung focused his eyes back into reality, dragging his eyes across the splats of red that decorated the innards of the train, to the man in the ordinary suit standing across from him.
Live. All his life, adults had never wished for him to live. Lee Gilyoung had heard it all- every muttered breath, every shout behind closed doors, when they thought he couldn't hear, and when they knew he could. 
Auntie- just then, she had joined the bloodthirsty fray; her eyes filled with such a ravenous greed for the continuation of her own selfish life that she left him as soon as she could - a useless weight dropped into the current of the river, forgotten. He had watched her beat the grandmother, the grandmother’s choked cries ringing out as sadistic adrenaline twisted Auntie’s mouth in a frightening scowl. 
Want to live. 
An overwhelming fear of death had gripped his consciousness upon seeing her face, but yet woven into the fright was an acute awareness of her movements - watching as she turned around, scrambling for the insects that had been strewn over the carriage. Self. The most important person is yourself. This is what Lee Gilyoung learnt that day.
Now she lay on the ground; her blood splattered such like the crimson wine in the glass he had accidentally knocked over earlier that week. It had shattered onto the tile floor, spraying out the liquid everywhere, vermillion droplets staining his caretaker's clothes. He looked at the hand that had slapped him right after, now motionless on the carriage floor. Her clothes were now stained an even deeper shade of red.
The sticky insides of the insect were still stuck to his fingers, the hard casing easily crushed when he had squeezed his fist. The gifter of the insect, of his second chance at life, was now looking at him, expecting an answer to his question. 
Slowly, Lee Gilyoung nodded his head. 
"Then, let's go together."
He looked at the man properly. Someone that had wanted him to live. An adult like no other. 
And thus, he latched on.
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mel-it · 1 year
I drew Gorou as an Idol
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mel-it · 1 year
Reigen and Ritsu Analysis
I thought about it for awhile and decided I really wanted to compare how Reigen and Ritsu are similar to each other. So these are my thoughts.  Lots of speculation this just for fun.  
Oh and just in case, SPOILERS FOR THE SERIES. 
As fans of MP100 are aware, Ritsu is not Reigen’s biggest fan. There are several reasons for this but I’m here to say one reason or possibly the biggest reason he doesn’t like Reigen is that he sees himself in him.
First I’ll provide a general summary of traits Ritsu has. He is the youngest in his family and he has an older sibling. He’s charismatic, has decent athletic ability, and has had good grades in school. Here’s the kicker, I could replace Ritsu’s name with Reigen’s name and all the same traits will apply.
However, unlike Ritsu Reigen’s relationship with his family doesn't seem as well off let's say. We don’t get much regarding Reigen’s private life; his mother sent him an email on his birthday and also sent emails when he was exposed as a fake. We hear mention of his father is worried about him according to his mother. We don’t hear anything about his big sister. So if we were to infer about his family situation, a fallout with them is very likely. 
His mom is the only one attempting to contact him and his father speaks through her it seems. And he and his sister are presumably not on speaking terms. This is important because when we take a look at Ritsu’s character and his arc/story we can see the seeds that could sprout into the same result as Reigen’s. The difference lies in the fact that Ritsu couldn’t drive Mob away no matter how much he tried, the same didn’t seem to apply to Reigen.
Another side to their similarities are/was their desire for psychic powers. Reigen doesn’t believe he’s anything special, as he says himself ‘no one is special’ even if he’s aware of this and considers it as true. That doesn’t contrast with his insecurities in how he views himself. A nothing person with no one in his life. That’s why his greatest desire was to be somebody and he believed psychic powers or pretending to be a psychic would help him achieve that. He didn't realize that just by being him he was already somebody with connections in his life.
Ritsu as we all know also desired psychic powers, his big brother had them. He believed psychic powers to be the norm of the world since he was little. That is not the reality obviously. Ritsu wanted powers so he didn’t have to fear Mob’s powers growing out of control, so he could have a sense of normalcy with his brother. So he could understand him. And in my own opinion because he didn’t recognize his abilities as worth something. He would be praised over Mob for his grades but in his eyes grades meant nothing. Mob had everything he wanted, the thing he could never have no matter how hard he worked. That is until he gained them. 
From my interpretation, the reason Ritsu’s powers manifested was because of the guilt that ate away at him for what he did to the other students at school. A darker side to him that he didn’t like but embraced more and more as time went on because he wanted psychic powers. So, the lies kept flowing. He deceived and harmed a lot of people and his biggest lie was to Mob, luckily for him, Mob was able to see through it. But, this sounds familiar, doesn’t it? A liar that tells lies to have power and despises that side of themselves but couldn’t stop themselves either. And to be completely honest (ha) Ritsu was a liar even before all of this, he lied all the time to everyone around him. Just like Reigen.
I know I’ve been talking about hypotheticals and speculation a lot. So I will make a direct story comparison between story arcs. I covered Ritsu’s (close to) falling out with Mob but I haven’t talked about Reigen’s own (temporary) falling out with Mob. Already a parallel with them both having that problem. Continuing this may sound strange but looking at the anime adaptation and episode numbers there’s an interesting similarity when the falling outs really start.
For the brothers falling out, it’s in season 1 episode 6 when Ritsu helps frame Tenga and the anger and resentment are building in him to where his powers awaken and he sees Dimple for the first time.
For the teacher and student, it’s in season 2 episode 6 when Reigen berates Mob in his usual way of speaking to convince others he’s speaking the truth. He didn’t want Mob to have so many attachments outside of him cause frankly, Mob is the only connection he has (While work is also a factor a big underlying problem is Reigen relying on Mob too much not just for work but also as his only source of connection with another person).
So the beginning of the falling outs occurs on the 6th episode of their respective season. It’s interesting and if it was intentional or not I have no clue. It’s just another connection between these characters.
I won’t be going into the falling out of Reigen and Mob (that may be an analysis for another day). But, the point I want to bring here is how similar these falling-outs are. They happen for different reasons with background influences of the desire to be something weighing in the background and both Ritsu and Reigen instigate and take out their own issues on Mob. Another similarity is that in both Mob reached out once he could see the truth in both of them. He saw through Ritsu’s lies and he saw through Reigen’s sincerity. 
Now in regards to Mob being able to see the truth I present a ‘what if’. What if Mob couldn't see the truth or what if the lies Ritsu told were the truth? Where would they be in the future? Where would his relationship with Mob be? Where would it be with his parents? Other people? If he grew and stayed in that mindset would all his connections be lost like Reigen’s? 
I’d say yes.
Reigen is essentially Ritsu’s bad end. No connections with family, no psychic powers, and did well in school but never became something. 
In my view, this is why (or at least one or a big reason) Ritsu doesn’t like Reigen. Because he sees too much of himself in him.
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