melaniejngstudies · 5 years
Chinese Proverb
Shuǐdīshíchuān, shéng jù mù duàn.
Meaning: Constant dropping wears away a stone.
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melaniejngstudies · 5 years
Chinese quote
业精于勤,荒于嬉,行成于思,毁于随。  - 韩愈
Yè jīng yú qín, huāng yú xī, xíng chéng yú sāi, huǐ yú suí.
Meaning: Achievements are reached by hard work rather than recreation. Actions are done after thorough consideration rather than a casual decision.
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melaniejngstudies · 5 years
Chinese quote
英雄出于少年。  - 吴敬梓
Yīngxióng chū yú shàonián.
Meaning: Heroes come from the young.
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melaniejngstudies · 5 years
Chinese quote
成大功者,不顾小嫌;建远略者,不期近效。 - 陈宏谋
Chéng dàgōng zhě, búgù xiǎo xián; jiàn yuǎn lüè zhě, bù qī jìn xiào.
Meaning: The one who makes great success does not care about trivial grudges; the one who builds a long-term strategy does not expect short-term effects.
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melaniejngstudies · 5 years
List of interests on Weibo - Vocabulary (Part 1)
I signed up a new Weibo account to update more about my idol and this list popped up. I found it kinda funny and useful so I want to share it with you guys!~
 1。 娱乐 yúlè = entertainment
音乐 yīnyuè = music
电影 diànyǐng = film, movies
电视剧 diànshìjù = TV dramas, TV series, sitcoms, TV documentaries, etc.
综艺节目 zōng yì jié mù = a variety show, normally broadcasted on TV
2。时尚 shíshàng = fashion
时尚潮流 shíshàng cháoliú = trendy, modern fashion
奢侈名品 shēchǐ míngpǐn = luxurious and famous product
街拍 jiē pāi = street style
时尚资讯 shíshàng zīxùn = fashion news
潮流 = trendy
3。星座命理 xīngzuò mìnglǐ = knowing your fate by reading natal chart/astrology
命理 mìnglǐ = fate
运势 yùnshì = horoscope, one’s fortune
风水 fēngshuǐ/ fēngshui = geomancy
星座 xīngzuò = constellation
4。娱乐明星 yúlè míngxīng = Entertainment star
演员 yǎnyuán = actor,  performer
海外明星 hǎiwài míngxīng = overseas star
韩星 hánxīng = Korean star
歌手 gēshǒu = singer
偶像 ǒuxiàng = idol
5。媒体 méitǐ = media
海外 hǎiwài = overseas
公益 gōngyì = public welfare
时事评论 shíshì pínglùn = commentary
政府 zhèngfǔ = government
时事新闻 shíshì xīnwén = news on current events
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melaniejngstudies · 5 years
精彩才刚刚开始 - 易烊千玺’s thoughts and sharing (part 1)
Hello! 你好!
易烊千玺 is so humble and hardworking and special that I truly adore and admire him. 精彩才刚刚开始 which means 《The great has just begun》 is a story of him, from a diligent kid to a famous star in Cbiz (fyi, he has 75m followers on weibo and it is increasing).
I tried to listen to whatever he said and wrote everything down. Of course, I could only hear about 65% and had to replay a few times.
Okay let's get started!! 
溜走 liūzǒu = to leave or escape secretly (v)
一声不响 yìshēngbùxiǎng = not say a word, to keep quiet (phrase)
Adj + 地 (de) + verb => adj + 地 (de) = adv
S +从来 cónglái + 不 = never
准备 zhǔnbèi = prepare (v)
回望 huíwàng = look back (v)
过去 guòqù = the past (n)
头 tóu = side  (in this situation, 那一头 indicates 过去) (n)
自己 zìjǐ = oneself
望 wàng = watch, look into the distance (v)
V + 着 zhe = the action won't just happen and stop immediately; it will continue for a while
这么 zhème = like that
努力 nǔlì = try hard (v)
放弃 fàngqì = give up (v)
成为 chéngwéi = become (v)
想要 xiǎngyào = want to do smt
样 yàng = type (measure word)
子 zǐ = person (n)
现在 xiànzài = now (n)
那么 nàme = that much
棒  bàng = great (adj)
全 quán = entirely (adv)
世界 shìjiè = world (n)
认识 rènshi = know (v)
累 lèi = tired (adj)
S + 跟 + somebody + 一起 + V + O = do something with somebody
啊 a = used in questions with concern for the listener, put in the end of the sentence
舞 wǔ = dance (n)
练 liàn = practice (v)
清楚 qīngchu = clear (adj) 》
NOTE: I will only break down the details of what is new to me, the rest is quite simple and easy.
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melaniejngstudies · 5 years
Welcome to  my langblr ♡
Hello! 你好!
It has been a few months since I started learning Chinese seriously. After following some Chinese langblrs silently, I decide to make my own langbrl to share vocabularies and grammar that I learn.
Besides using the textbook, I find it kind interesting learning Chinese by watching shows, films, movies, listening to Cpop as well as reading interviews of my favorite idol - 易烊千玺 a.k.a Yi Yang Qian Xi a.k.a Jackson Yee. I try to break down the vocabularies and grammar he uses in his shows, interviews, songs and so on. I will also do the same thing with other Cpop songs, TV shows but well, he is my top priority!!
Last but not least, feel free to point out if there are any mistakes in my posts. I truly appreciate!
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