mellifluoustarot · 7 years
free readings closed until further notice
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Dear ones, recently I’ve been getting a lot of asks with people requesting free readings--apologies, but my free readings have been closed since January 20. Right now, I am in the midst of writing my Master’s thesis, have been looking for a job, and am currently in the midst of looking for another place to live after I graduate, so there is no time for me to give quality free readings as of now. Please respect this choice. I will be sure to open up free readings again once I find the time to do so.
The only readings that are available right now are paid. Please refer to my divinatory services page for more information. Please also note that any requests for free readings will be deleted upon receipt.
If you are looking for some free quality readings as of now, I hope to refer my dearest friend Lauren (@tarotjedi) as someone you can consult! Otherwise, I will be sure to take free readings once again as soon as things settle down!
Thank you for understanding, and sending you my deepest and kindest blessings. I hope that you will still find comfort, and that you will wait for my return!
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
gentle reminder
‪try to break your goals down into smaller ones - every journey is made up of small steps; I believe in you, you can get there‬
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
Everyday Witchcraft
1. Meditate - still the mind, the breath, the heartbeat, open a channel through which the spirits can communicate if they wish to, listen.
2. Walk - honour the genii loci, notice the changing seasons, observe signs and omens, traverse the kingdoms of humanity, flora and fauna, give aid where it is needed.
3. Divine - build relationships with divinatory tools, sharpen skills, train intuition, ask questions, receive answers.
4. Invoke - the presence of spirits to assist in tasks, to protect on journeys, to grant guidance, maintain connections and uphold contracts.
5. Craft - use the hands to create, to construct, imbue each creation with spirit and purpose, a meal, a potion, a carving, a weaving, enchant the mundane and material.
6. Sing - the old songs, the power songs, the prayers, the chants, to heal, to awaken, to enforce, to ward, sing the sun to sleep and the moon to rising, sing in the bath, at the hearth, in the heart.
7. Read - widely and deeply, old and new, academic and popular, across boundaries and taboos, slowly and with full attention, take notes, research, reflect.
8. Write - record experiences, practices, thoughts. keep journals and grimoires, spellbooks and scripts, remember, elucidate, illuminate.
9. Draw - sigils and runes, symbols and signs. Carve, paint, scratch, blacken, redden, scrawl, in the sand, with salt, in the air, with chalk, ink, blood, charcoal, the mind.
10. Collect - herbs, woods, stones, feathers, bones, teeth, soil, the raw materials of natural magic, fill jars, boxes, bags, gather, forage, wildcraft, thrift, take that which is discarded, value the found over the bought.
11. Observe - the cycles of moon, sun, planets, stars, take heed with the eyes as well as the almanac, feel the sap rise, the birds migrate, the bulbs awaken, the leaves wither.
12. Renew - old spells, old wards, protections, and boundaries. Clean what is obscured, recast what has weakened, maintain what is working, replace what is lost. Tie up loose ends.
13. Communicate - with everything, stones, trees, spirits, the dead, that which grows in the garden and that which visits it, other practitioners, mentors, students, seekers, the younger self, the higher self, the wyrd. 
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
Joshua Graham (via ashenccold)
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.
A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh (via urbankoi)
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
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Another shot of the gorgeous 7 point clear quartz crystal cluster.
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
You may not think you are extraordinary but I do. You see, you haven’t seen yourself the way I have seen you, in the quiet of a rooftop at 4 a.m. the sky spilling the moon’s light just to illuminate your skin, your eyes star-sung bright whilst you talk about all those soft little things you love so well. That’s the version of you that has permanently implanted itself in my heart. That’s the version of you I will always see and no matter what happens between us, that is the version of you that will never leave me.
Nikita Gill (via meanwhilepoetry)
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
Be okay with becoming anything, because you are nothing. Then you will have nothing to fear and nothing to resist. 
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
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💥POWER UP💥⠀ ⠀ 🎨@subliming.jpg http://ift.tt/2wdchZl
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
Hello, i like to get free reading.I'm R,(Aries). My fav. Flower is rose.What near future holds between I and my crush D,(cancer)? Does he have romantic feelings for me?could we get into a relationship?
Hi dear one, many thanks for your message!
My free readings have been closed for a while since you messaged me. However, please check back again and look forward to further notice when my free readings will perhaps open again (as listed in my services). I hope to receive a message from you next time!
If you would like to receive a reading now, please consider purchasing a paid reading. Thanks again, and sending blessings!
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
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Botanical Necklaces (1/?) | by rubyrobinboutique
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
Let today be the day you learn the grace of letting go and the power of moving on.
Steve Maraboli (via lifequotes-daily)
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mellifluoustarot · 7 years
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