About me
Hello!   My name is Melnichenko "Olymp" Ilya, I am 34 years old and I am an instructor in sports tourism. I prepare individuals for challenging, sometimes not in any way touristy routes. I arrange and execute trekking, canoeing, caving, sailing, multi-day skiing and hiking excursions. But before that, being included with orienteering, I was practically constantly in the woods at training camps or competitions for many days, and even months at a time.
I'm not only an athlete: an instructor in sports tourism is considered a separate professional name. I have completed dozens of paths of varying levels of problem, I understand how to get ready for them and what issues may be encountered during the trek. I am able to tell you what to wear, what to devote a rucksack, distinguish edible from inedible mushrooms, create a fire with no matches, mend a leaky kayak, also provide first aid - such as in any game, alas, accidents occur. However, my job will be to guide tourists along the route as quickly as possible.
Few people understand that hiking isn't only about getting out into the wild; it's a sport that requires a sufficiently large degree of physical and psychological preparation of their sportsmen. In the procedure for instruction, which are often held on both natural and artificial terrain, great care is paid not only to technique of managing special gear, but also the growth of general physical strength and endurance. In addition you become great expertise in orienteering and map function.Hiking is an officially recognized sport, it is a doctrine of existence. Today an increasing number of people are selecting active diversion, some extreme. And it's me that knows how to turn your vacation into a real adventure: after all, there's a enormous difference between a climbing wall and a real mountain climb. And our country is really a treasure for those sports tourists: hiking in the mountains of the Crimea, canoeing on the Dniester, both ascent and descent into the caves in the Carpathians and a whole lot more. Choose where you want to go, then it is up for me!
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Words can be razor sharp and undermine both reason and heart … The words can be soft petals in flower, barely touching the skin and leaving burning in the depths of being.
siir-poesia ©
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Las palabras pueden ser afilada navaja y socavar tanto a la razón como al corazón… Las palabras pueden ser suave pétalo en flor, apenas rozando la piel y dejar ardor en el fondo del ser…
siir-poesia ©
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