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“Well, Based on what I hear, Evren has the majority of the kids of Ratta’s fam beat.”
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“Rich coming from someone who fell in love with the person that sat on him~”
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“Careful, you’re easier to tease than Oz based on your own circumstances.”
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   “Because you are our younger siblings. And the look on your faces are adorable when you get flustered.”
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  “Oh? And which receipt are we pulling up tonight~?”
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   “Why is the topic of love lives even being brought up?”
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   “Why else, dear brother? To tease you~ But we do so out of love. That and I still remember some of the stories mom used to tell of when  mom and dad were dating~” Oh boy, sounds like she can see where this was going.
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   “Carina, sunshine, remember this moment for later, will you?” There is a mirthful smirk on his face as the gears were turning in his head.
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    “Beat? What do you mean by that? Sat on? What in the world?!” So, that means this guy fell in love with the person who sat on him? Isn’t that awkward?! And what of Iora? 
     “I’m not sure I like being the easiest to tease, Carina...”
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     “I’m sure you won’t be the only one that will be easy to tease, Eden. Oh, I do like the stories from mom about dad. From what I hear, he’s a big, cuddly teddy bear that can’t get enough attention~”
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“Apple pie or the swear jar? I can’t tell most days” he’s teasing.
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    “If not that one, then certainly this one over here.” Ratta is teasing too.
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   “Oi. I’ve been good.”
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  “Now, now~ Settle down, boys~” Oop, and there is Carina, right behind Evern, giving him a pat on the shoulder.
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    “Not you all too! Why must you all tease Evren and I? What have we done to deserve this? Ratatosks from other families are now joining the pack to tease me...”
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    “You’re both easy to tease..”
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    “Have a girlfriend, yet?”
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     “Nope...! ...Why?”
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     “Just wondering. Married to apple pie, perhaps?”
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{Also, for whatever reason, Hali is hard to write a bio for. o-o It shouldn’t be so hard at all.}
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     Erased from history? “Not often that documented annals are suddenly erased, unless they were never recorded to begin with?” He questioned while thinking. “What historical sources are you looking into for your information? Instead of family libraries or public libraries, you might find better worth in catacombs and underground storages not meant for common or polite society.” He offered, assuming that’s perhaps where the gentleman was looking. Though he couldn’t be sure, not much was told. Nor did Glehri need to be. Whatever information was private, he wasn’t about to pry.
“Though with Catacombs, that will generally mean pillaging the graves, if the information is there that is. Many societies still haven’t adopted not burying the dead, so there’s a chance that whatever lost history you’re trying to find is there.” Then again not everyone feared Necromancers. They really should though. Nothing is weirder than rekilling the dead.
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     Catacombs? That’s a daring adventure in itself. However he did have a point. There could be nothing written in books or documents, but there could be some hints within the graves. 
     “I’m trying to delve into my family’s history. While there’s some information available, certain things are... missing. I’ve followed the family tree and it appeared incomplete. I’ve read books and pages were missing. Sometimes I would find crumbled parchment with a name crossed off and in my mother’s handwriting. The word “sister” always came up. Why in the hell would my family want to hide something like that?” He paused a little and scratched the back of his head.
    “As Duke, I should be able to know who else was in the family line. Even if they weren’t the most pleasant of people, I’d still like to know. I need to know. I have to.” Did this all seem petty? Maybe... 
    “I do apologize if this all seems like a petty dream. I always crave knowledge regardless of how silly it may be.” Well, you are the spirit of knowledge, goofball. 
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     Glehri was also getting nowhere in his research and he knew he was on the edge of figuring this out however the answer eluded him. The exact concoction of herbs and ingredients that would incur other issues was just… right there, but putting two and two together at this moment was not happening. Granted, stepping up to the plat to challenge the modern science on health wasn’t an easy feat. Most Clerics would rather do an all size fits one with their cures and shrug their shoulders when it obviously doesn’t work for races with very different immune systems and functions. Clerics that wanted fame, not for doing their job but just stepping up to the plate.
     He had no respect for those healers. His current research needling him on how one goes about curing hybrids of combined races that wouldn’t be otherwise possible yet are. Their immune systems sometimes reflected the one race, yet the all fits one and the specialized cures wouldn’t work. He had suspicions why, however before pursuing illogical routes it was better to pursue logical routes. He didn’t want to jump into pseudoscience too early. However, he was pretty sure he could figure out a specific hybrid race’s illnesses. Half Spirits were the issue, however a very similar hybrid race of fey was close to an answer…. if he could put in the final puzzle piece.
     He sighed and tapped the top of his head with the book he had been reading in for research, wracking his brains before noticing another on a different bench seemingly struggling to figure something out themselves. It was most definitely a relatable feeling. 
     “Struggling with something?” He asked, sometimes everyone needed a break from their mental gymnastics to figuring things out and indulge in casual conversation, and though Glehri wasn’t known to be the most social, he didn’t mind it from others who seemed scholarly themselves. 
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      His attention turned to the stranger who had asked him a simple question. Was he struggling with something? Surprisingly Andru was struggling with a handful of things. Why was finding things out about a family’s history so damn difficult? 
      He understood why they would want to hide some of their troubles, but why hide it from other family members...? Was it for protection? Several answers rolled through his mind.
    “Unfortunately. It doesn’t happen a lot, but what I’m looking for seems to be... elusive. As if it was completely erased from history...” And maybe it was. Burned, torn, whatever it may be. However, he feels like there’s still a piece out there he could take. A written document to find. 
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     Andru set down his notebook with a long sigh. He seemed to be getting nowhere with this research. Well, to him it felt as if he hit a dead end; as if is not gaining the information he needs or wants. 
    Another sigh escaped him and he sat down on the bench. For now, perhaps, would be the best time to do something else other than research... A change in his schedule. Lucky for him, he might get his wish.
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{Ha! Thank you guys @fleeting-wishes​ and @kakuchu-hansha​ <3 }
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{Oops. Seven constellations might become eight. >3>}
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Reblog if I’m allowed to send you in character asks even if we have never talked before.
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Send me hearts
💖 - I admire you
💓 - You give me feels
💜 - You’re intimidating
💌  - We should talk more
💟 - How are you so cute
💝 - Love seeing you on my dash
💗 - I miss interacting with you
💞 - You’re amazing at ______
💘  - I’m crushing on you
💕  - I ship you with ______ 
♥ - You make me uncomfortable
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Reblog this if you roleplay or are willing to roleplay on Discord
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Could you please reblog this if it is okay to ask you straight up if you want to ship?
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@memento-masquerade or @spiritual-court
{I’ll be on either blogs if you need me. I have to kick my own ass to get all these done.}
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[ Mew won’t regret it, I’m paw-sitive~! ]
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   Oh, so this guy is one of those. Yeah, he’s a clown for sure. “...Nice.”
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Send 💘 if your muse has a crush on mine
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