melodyd57-blog · 6 years
5. Can your edited or unedited images be used as press photographs? Please elaborate on why you think they can or can’t be used by news media?
I think my edited picture can‘t be a press photograph because it’s more based on the creative vision of a photographer. The press photographs have to state the facts.
6. What are the main differences between art and press photography?
       The similarity between art and press photography is to tell a story or convey the message. For both contents, the creative and good eyes will be needed in order to visually explain or show the meaning. Even there are some similarities between art and press photography, they both have different purpose and meaning. Press photography is taken for a specific reason and used for supporting the wording of an image. But for art photography, it is based on the creative vision of a photographer.  
        Firstly, both art and press photography is telling the story but none of them has unlimited boundaries. In module 4 “From today painting is dead” or let’s paint with the camera” mentions “Is photography art or does it have only one purpose: to capture reality?” Which the answer is “No”. The art photographer is the boss, they do not have to abide by any rules when producing different works and their boundaries are limitless. In most cases, the photo taken tells a creative story meant to share an insight with the viewer or for the viewer to find something out about themselves, the piece or the artist. The photographer is also allowed to manipulate the image after it has been taken. This lets them take a step further artistically to apply talents outside of using camera equipment. For example, many people are skilled photographers but may not be the best at photo manipulation (and vice versa). Being exceptional at photo manipulation after a picture has been taken is almost a completely different skill, as technology has advanced incredibly. The main take away of art photography is that a photographer can capture an image any way they please, do not have to shed light on truth or abide by any rules and have no superior to report to.
       Secondly, Press photography, comparable to art photography, also tells a story but must be ethical and abide by certain guidelines. Not only does it have to abide by certain guidelines but it informs the public and must be an accurate representation of what is really happening in the picture. In “A Brief History of Photojournalism” mentions that consumers depend upon photojournalists to bring them the images that allow them to feel connected to far-away realities, and to be educated about those realities. For example, it cannot be biased in any way to skew the mind of the viewer and should give a simple depiction of the events taking place just by looking at it (the viewer should not have to second guess). In newspapers, press photography is a useful tool to gain viewership and get people to read more about the subject based on looking at the photos while flipping through the paper. There is also no photo manipulation allowed and the photographer is not the boss, they report to someone and usually are employed by a firm (instead of being their own boss).
        At last, press photography is taken during an actual situation and event where you can visually appreciate what’s happening in the picture and actually feel the situation. Press photography is synonymous with Photojournalism, which is essentially news photography where it uses a series of photographs to record news, current events and lifestyle stories. Art photography, on the other hand, is creative and comes from the photographer’s idea. In a simple sentence, art photography is photography created in accordance with the vision of the artist as a photographer. Art photography is, in a sense, entirely controlled by the photographer and what he or she envisions. The art photographers are entitled to reposition objects, or people, change the lighting, the setting, and/or the scenery as they wish. And the art photographers can manipulate, edit, and composition a photograph however they like. in summary, there is no limit in creativity when it comes to bringing an envisioned “dream”, “image”, or even memoirs from the mind to “reality” in art photography.
        In conclusion, art and press photography share many differences and similarities which it is very important for the public and the people. Because people have different opinions and ways of thinking based on different photography. 
Week 9.Course Notes Module 8
Week 4. Course Notes Module 4
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melodyd57-blog · 6 years
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The second photograph I choose to manipulate is the one I took on the Beer Festival in China. I had to mix it with another picture I took at the same place which with the carousel. I made the opacity to 50% for more transparency so it looked more illusion. The picture was full of action which the fireworks were so beautiful and flashy and I put the carousel together and I mixed with a galaxy image which made the prefect photography.
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melodyd57-blog · 6 years
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The first photograph I choose to manipulate is the one I take the shoot of Ontario Lake. The reason I choose this photograph to manipulate is that this picture has more space for me to do something creative. This photo manipulation is done by Photoshop. I have picked another photo which i took on a small town where it was located at Niagara Fall. It was a green chair with the greenish background. I used the eraser tool to erase all the background they had and put into the image which made it look like a green chair in the middle of the lake. Then I changed it into the Black and White picture that it made the chair stands out more. I used the Polygonal Lasso tool to select half of the picture and made it into the green it looked like more balanced with the chair. The reason I did those editing in order to make it more unique and artistic.
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