lroa46 · 3 years
Tale as Old as Time - Prologue
A/N: This has been a long time in the making, but let's see where it goes. Drop your thoughts let me know if you wanna see more of this.
Synopsis: Two people both with a past. One locked in a tower, living only through pictures. The other determined to challenge.
Pairing: Bucky X Reader (eventually......slooooooooowwww burn)
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There is a door in the tower. A door at the end of a hall that more times than not has the lights off. The door remains in the shadows and unopened. It is an unspoken rule that no one is allowed into the room. No one really knew what was behind the door. The few that did, did not speak of it remaining stoically silent about it. As time passes rumors and urban legends are created from it bringing more mystery. So what lies behind this door?
Bucky is new to the Tower, not so much the team, they had decided to move back from the compound. It would now be used as more of a training center for new recruits but they could go back when they wanted. This being his first time in the Tower he decided to wander, giving himself a complete layout of the place he would now call home. Steve and Natasha had told him all the floors that they resided on the rest was either Tony’s company or rented out space the lower you got in the Tower.
This was the last residential floor, for the life of him he couldn’t figure out who lived on the floor. As the elevator doors opened the floor was dark, the only light being from the window at the end of the hall. He turns down the hall heading west, he keeps his hand on the wall in case he reaches a light switch or door handle.
The first thing he finds is a supply closet, nothing much to look at just a common space. Every door after that is locked tight, not even a little jiggle from the door handle. Strange he continues on looking for any open door. Finally, he notices the door at the end, he had missed it quite a few times if he was honest. Grabbing the handle he finds it opens, he pauses the only door to open that was slightly suspicious. He was on alert now, sneaking through the door he entered. He is met with a glorious sight, the sun just starting to set glimmered through the sheer curtains framing the window. Upon the walls were hundreds of pictures, each one a different city or person. Some were photographs and other paintings. Each one is a part of a series, from sunrise to sunset. He took his time peering at each one. There was little furniture in the room. Just a couple plush chairs and a small table between them. On the table sat a book, it was a book of fairytales, stories that transcended time, the book worn with yellowed pages, but still in excellent condition.
Suddenly an adjacent door to where he was standing opened, you walked in not realizing there was someone in the room. You have a book tucked under your arm and a cup of tea in your hand. You were dressed in sweats and a baggy hoodie. Your eyes were hooded and looked exhausted, deep purple bags under them. Your hand is shaking slightly as well, a telling sign of how tired you were.
Bucky clears his throat, prompting you to drop your cup and clutch your chest with your book. Almost fending him off with the book. Your eyes shoot up to him. You take him in assessing his threat level to you, unfortunately, you got distracted by how divertingly handsome he was. His grey-blue eyes locked on yours, a toned lean body taunt with hesitation. You lower the book, and step back carefully.
“Wait.” He lifts his hand, halting your movement. “Who are you? Do you live here?”
You nod your head slowly, uncertain of where this is going. Almost as if he could sense it, he backs up hesitantly saying “it’s just no one said you were down here. It’s almost as if you don’t exist.”
Again you nod your head that’s the way it should be, you think. He turns to the room again, “Did you do all this?” Once more a nod. You head to the door you came from leaving him staring after you. “Wait, who are you?” But it was met by the door swinging shut and the snick of the lock.
He takes one more look and exits the room heading back toward the elevator. He had questions, questions that needed answers.
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lroa46 · 4 years
Mission Gone Wrong 5
Bucky X Reader 
Warnings: None
A/N: Sooo I have been gone a long long while mostly because Tumblr marked me as explicit and I could only read things. Also I just got a new computer so yeah I can write more. Not saying much will change in regards to updating but I will attempt to be better. 
This will be the last chapter.
Masterlist     Previous Part
Last Time: 
“They mean nothing to me. Nothing not if I can have you in my life.” He hummed while pressing down on your fingers for a harder feel.
“Excuse me if I don’t hold my breath.” You set him back on the floor as you reach your room. You step in wanting some privacy to shower from the small herd you have following you. “Oh and Pietro? You might want to run. I don’t think he appreciated being shoved to the floor.”
Pietro glanced over his shoulder to see Bucky crouched low to the ground, silently approaching him from behind. Pietro jumps startled and takes off down the hall Bucky close on his heels.
Man this was working out to be quite an interesting week. The one thing you can say though is you were learning new things about this team and in turn growing closer by the hour. 
A Week Later: 
To say that tensions are high is an understatement. The majority felt that Cho was taking too dang long to come up with a solution. She was being extra careful considering that she had to turn the world’s mightiest heroes back into humans, one wrong move and the world could lose them all in one fell swoop.
Currently you were all on the roof. Tony had convinced you that he needed a greenhouse up there and that you were the one for the job. What he didn’t tell you was that there wasn’t a physical building and he wanted you to redo what you did in the gym last week. 
“Um Tony, I’m not sure what you are expecting but…” You try to protest though it fell on deaf ears as Tony is quick to interrupt you. 
“Eh no, consider this a test slash creative time. Unleash that power that we all now know lays within. This is your space, your creation, do what feels best.” He flings his arm out indicating the expanse of the roof. 
“You’re not worried about what it looks like?” Still uncertain as to what he is asking for. 
“Nope, this is to be your space with the rest of us having access.” He practically is rubbing his hands together waiting for the “magic” to happen. 
You shoot a look around to the group, everyone looks just as eager to see what would happen next. Your eyes finally land on Bucky last, he is gazing at you almost at eye level as he was perched on a duct next to you. He seemed to read the fear in your eyes, he tilts his head gesturing to the side. Turning you walk away from the group. When you are a good distance away he stops and levels his gaze on you locking eyes instantly. 
“What has you so scared?” He whispers as if not wanting to scare you away. 
“I...I just… I just don’t want to mess anything up. I mean I could collapse the roof. I could make a plant that someone is allergic to. I... I can’t.” You attempt to shift your eyes away but they keep flickering back to his. 
“We both know that is a load of crap.” He leans himself closer to you and instinctually you bring your hand up to rub down his back, bringing you an instant sense of peace. “You have an amazing ability one that has gone unappreciated for far too long. This whole situation has been a pain to say the least but I think there is some good to come out of it. We finally got a chance to grow together to be a family more than just a team. We got a break from the chaos that ruled our world every day. But most importantly we got to know you and see you for who you truly are. You are amazing and your powers are an absolute gift. You’re one of the few that has a gift that doesn’t just bring pain and suffering meant to destroy. You create and bring things together, you make gorgeous things. You’ve shown me this all week and now you can show them.” 
You were sniffling trying to hold back all the emotions you were feeling. This week had been everything Bucky had said. Though for you the best part had been finding a friend in Bucky and maybe a little bit more. You had spent almost every hour together both waking and sleeping. This team had gone from busy all the time with an occasional team night to sleeping together, eating meals, and movie night every night. You finally felt like you belonged in the group, getting to know each member and their different likes and dislikes. It was an eye opening experience. 
Looking back toward the group you can still see the excitement on their faces but you can also see the awe of what your powers will bring. 
“Ok let's do this.” You turn to walk back but pause looking back at Bucky. “Oh and Bucky, thanks for all this. For the pep talk.”
He nods, “Any time doll.” 
Reaching the group you stretch, “Ok let's do this, but let me go grab my music.” 
Tony stops you though, “Already taken care of, I had FRIDAY filter it to the speakers up here. That and I want to hear what you’re listening to while working on it.”
“Oh thanks, a little invasive but ok.” You can’t help but chuckle, even as a lemur Tony still seemed to get his way. “FRIDAY play the Zen playlist.” 
The music begins to drift through the speakers. You let it flow over you. Capturing the bubbling feelings and moving with it. You stretch your hands out, directing the tree seeds to land in 4 spots to start growing to begin the support system. Then they begin to grow reaching up to the sky soaking in both the sun and your energy. They start to sprout and reach out toward each other forming the roof of the building. You then urge vines to twist around each of the trees to support and then creep out towards each other forming loose walls and an archway. Each vine then has numerous flowers bloom and cover the remaining spaces forming an intricate pattern of swirls. Moss appears on the floor making for a sponge surface to relax on. You leave free spaces for benches and other items. There is also a hole in the roof to encourage sunlight to stream in, more vines dange down to twist into what one can only see as an egg chair. 
Stepping back you invite the others to roam the space and see what they like. Also asking if they wanted anything changed or added. This of course was met with hurried nos and grunts from a couple as they were too busy exploring. Bucky, down with his initial sweep, comes to rest next to you.
“Well done.” He says simply, keeping his focus on the group. 
You plop a hand on his head, “Thanks, couldn’t have done it without you.”
“You sure could have but I’m always happy to help.” 
The group spends the next while chilling in the gazebo talking and enjoying the fresh air. Suddenly FRIDAY chirps out that Dr Cho would like to see everyone in the lab. It seemed they had made a breakthrough. Rather begrudgingly, considering this could be the chance they were waiting for. The group makes its way down. 
“Welcome, so straight to the point. I believe we have found a solution. I won’t get too technical considering most of you will have no idea what I’m saying. But we have a solution and if you step into this chamber we can give it a go.” Cho says smoothly not once looking up from her tablet. She gestures her hand toward a glass box that takes up a large amount of space in the room.  
“Um.. before we go jumping into boxes as thrilling as that sounds right now” Steve replies, “What are the odds of this working?” 
“95.9% with the other variable is that pretty much you are still an animal afterwards.” FRIDAY chimes in. 
“OK, Sam you get to go first then.” Bucky turns to him as if he was stating the complete obvious. 
“HAHAHA you're so funny, might want to quit your day job to do that instead.” He goes to shove Bucky to no avail as he jumps over him and settles on a table instead. 
“Well it doesn’t matter to me who goes first but I do suggest one at a time.” Cho states, opening the door to let the first person in. 
Vision steps up, “This is the safest option, I shall be the as you call it ‘guinea pig’ for this operation.”
You really aren’t sure what happens next but the chamber fills with smoke and there seems to be a loud popping. When the smoke cleared there stood Vision, as far as anyone could tell he was in perfect condition. 
“With a self analysis it appears I am back to normal. There is one fact that must be brought to light.” He looked down, following his eyes the group found a praying mantis sitting next to him. He gently scoops it up and proceeds out the nearest wall to the outside. 
“Whelp if that is the worst that can happen let's do this.” Tony marched into the chamber closing the door after him. 
This continued until each of the members were back in their own skin. The real side effect came when each appeared butt naked. Tony took it in stride, preening like a peacock before moving to a cabinet in the corner to find a spare set of clothes. Apparently nakedness was a common occurrence in the lab. You quickly set off to grab everyone else a set of clothes before things proceeded. 
Each was examining their counterpart animal. You on the other hand were just glad they were back in their human form. Though at the same time you felt your heart break. You had enjoyed this last week, spending time snuggling with the animals and getting to know who they were deeper than teammates. 
You finally settle next to Bucky where he gently stroked the cat that lay in a carrier. “So what's going to happen to all these animals?” You ask softly. 
“I’m not sure, I think Tony said something about finding homes for all of them. Donating them to different zoos and what not.” He shrugs not really sure. 
“Oh, I guess that makes sense.” You cast your eyes down. Feeling a sudden tightness in your chest from the thought of  having to say goodbye to these animals. Of course you understood there was no way you could keep or take care of all of them but… well it wasn’t your decision. 
You traveled to all the crates and petted the animals that you could, most seemed to recognize you or at least not deem you a threat, and allowed a gentle petting. Saving the cat for last you spent the longest, you would miss him the most. You leaned into the crate and kissed him on the head. You finally force yourself to head for the door. 
“Seeing as you are all human again I’m sure you would all like a human meal tonight. If there are no objections I thought I would make something for you all.” You pass your gaze over everyone to see how they felt. 
Steve chuckles, “I think it should be the other way around. You’ve taken such good care of us that we should treat you to dinner.” The rest nodded their heads vigorously. 
“How about this? I will make dinner tonight and you all can make dinner tomorrow?” You quirk an eyebrow daring anyone to object. 
“Fine but we clean up tonight.” You merely nod in acceptance. 
The evening seemed to be an extension of the last week, just with human them. It was amusing when everything seemed to wind down and you got up to go to bed and the group followed you to your room. They didn’t even seem to notice until you opened the door. They seemed to snap back to reality and coughed with a blush that creeped onto their cheeks. 
“So this is awkward.” Sam whistled. “I will say, I am going to miss the snuggling. Can that be an option? Like if I need to, can I join you?” There is a spark of anticipation in his eye, that when you looked over the group they held the same look though some were better at veiling it. 
“I mean… I guess it's not much of an issue for me.” You rub the back of your neck. 
A chorus of appreciative noises went through the group. They soon all wandered away to their own rooms to get ready for bed. It didn’t take you long till you as well were relaxing in your bed but with the feeling of emptiness. The bed seemed so large compared to last week. Shaking the feeling off you grabbed a book and nestled in some more. 
Not 10 pages in though you heard a knock on your door. You called whoever it was in. Wanda swung her head around the door frame and smiled at you. 
“Umm you did say whenever so I figured that meant whenever.” You chuckle and pat the bed next to you. She quickly hurried in and tucked herself next to you. It seemed as soon as she was comfy there was another knock. This time it was Pietro. 
“I was looking for Wanda.” He said shyly, which was odd for him. Seeing his sister though prompted him to get settled as well. Right next to her. 
Well, you thought, the empty feeling is gone now. 
Once more a noise emanated from the door. This time Sam snuck in entering with his back turned to you. When he swung around he froze seeing the other 2 intruders. 
“Dang, just jumping in on my idea.” He didn’t even bother waiting for a reply and scootched onto the empty side of you. 
“This is going to be a thing isn’t it? I’m never going to sleep alone in my own bed anymore?” You whisper not really looking for an answer. 
“Nope I don’t think so.” Sam said. 
You give up reading and hunker down in the bed, soon with the lights off you drift into a peaceful slumber.
The following week is filled with intruders/guests in your room, pretty much anytime you were in there one of them was also. The only one that didn’t join you was Bucky he seemed to keep his distance. It wasn't until a few days after their human return that he found you up in your garden gazebo. 
You were laying on the moss staring up in the sky watching the clouds go by. Not saying anything he laid next to you, putting an arm under his head and one across his chest. You sat in silence for several moments until you felt the urge to speak. 
“It's only been a few days but I already miss our conversations.” You speak in a low voice so as not to break the comfortable stillness that has settled around you. 
“Yeah me too.”  Came his short reply. 
“Do you think we can make it a thing for us?” You lift your head up so you can see his reaction to the question. Startled you find him already looking right at you. 
“Yeah,” he sounds a little breathless, “Yeah this can be a thing. To be honest I was hoping that wouldn’t change between us.” 
“Then lets do it.” 
Since the switch you had been visiting the animals everyday. Playing with Steve the dog, petting Bucky the cat, and feeding the rest. The arrangements had been made to have them shipped off to several locations so they could get the best care and life they could, some would even eventually be released into the wild. 
Despite the groups begging to at least keep one or two, the pleas had fallen on deaf ears. Tony would have none of it spouting cleaning and messes, and how it was his building so he got to make the rules. You were sad to see them go so when the day came for them to be shipped off you spent the whole morning hanging with them getting one last moment together. 
When the courier came you had tears falling down your face. Bucky appeared beside you and tucked your head under his chin until the last animal was loaded up. He then pulled you along onto the roof where you spent the remainder of the day. 
By the time you headed back down you were exhausted and just ready to curl up in bed to forget the whole day happened. When you opened the door though you found a dark chocolate brown cat sleeping on your bed. Having made itself at home right in the center. You whip around to Bucky a question on your tongue that never did get spoken. 
“I kinda sorta guilt tripped Tony into letting us keep him and the dog. Said it would be good for team morale and that if he didn’t, I would have to make his life a living hell for making you so sad.” 
“But he left and I saw him get carted off.” You couldn’t seem to wrap your head around the situation. 
“Nah he just went to get shots and chipped at the vet. Steve the dog as well.” 
You wrapped Bucky up in your arms, squeezing him tight while chanting thank you over and over. 
“So good surprise?” 
“The best surprise.” 
@geeksareunique @justreadingfics @iamwarrenspeace @veronicalei @theassetseyeliner @marvelous-imagining @metalarmproblems @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @stevieang @danielabetancourth @noworriesfitness 
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lroa46 · 4 years
that helicopter scene from civil war with my heart will go on as music
so i saw something like this almost two years ago but i couldn’t find it again when i wanted to show it to a friend so i made it myself.
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lroa46 · 4 years
I'm so glad you're excited for the next update of A Thief's End! I tried to reply to your reply but I think tumblr has marked you as a blog "with sensitive content" so it makes it so you don't appear when someone tries to '@' you 😭💔 I just wanted to let you know so maybe you can reach out to tumblr and get that fixed! ❤
It has been an ongoing battle with them causing only stuff I like not write but I am so looking forward to the next chapter.
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lroa46 · 5 years
It's really made me smile to see you working through my masterlist. Thank you for the likes! - @illegalcerebral
It has been wonderful reading everything!! They have been great stories.
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lroa46 · 5 years
Mission Gone Wrong PT 4
A/N: I’m not dead!! I have had the worst case of writer's block but I have pushed through and written something decent. I shall be updating my other story soonish. 
Warnings: None, just some shenanigans.  
It was the glint in his eye that got you curious and letting Bucky lead you out of the room. He slinked down the hallway keeping to one side, scanning the who area as if someone would come out at any moment and ruin the surprise. 
Moving silently, he weaved back and forth, hugging one wall before moving to the other. It dawned on you just how cat-like Bucky was in real life. Maybe he was a cat in a past life, you thought as you followed as quietly as possible. As you approached, Bucky slunk down closer to the floor, you quickly crouched down behind him sticking to the wall. 
You could see a majority of the gym from your position. The others were still at practice, struck once again in awe at their movements you couldn’t break your gaze until you felt a hand on your leg. Drawing your gaze to meet him, he pushed himself up on that paw closing the distance between your faces. 
“You ok there?” He cocked his head slightly. Silent awe from you went out as you nodded your head. 
“Yeah I just, I was just thinking how great they were in human form but how well they adapted to bring animals.” You break your eyes away as you feel a blush grace your face at such a sappy answer. 
“They are pretty cool, but then they act like animals most days so it must be second nature to them.” He looked back at them. You couldn’t help the snort but he sounded so resigned and ashamed by this fact.  “You good now?” 
“Yeah, so what’s the plan?” 
“This is where it gets fun. Let’s start with Sam.” You shake your head, of course, it was Sam it was never, not Sam. He was currently doing laps in the air dipping up and down during some. “Make him do a barrel roll, but into the wall.” 
“Really?” You lift an eyebrow
“Well duh, I want to see his face, but also he needs an attitude check.” His eyes don’t leave the panda as he swooped and jumped between beams, waiting for you to decide. 
You send the signal and watch as Sam turns with a look of absolute horror on his face smacking into the wall. It was almost like a cartoon as he slid and landed in a heap on the floor. The others rushed over, concern and confusion written on their faces. They begin to question what happened. 
“I don’t know one moment I was just flying along with the next I had the urge to just spin, the next thing I know I’m smacking into the wall and then the floor.”  He is shaking his head trying to figure out what happened. 
Bucky is downright cackling. It’s kind of weird. It’s not a sound you would expect from a cat. You can’t help but catch on. Unfortunately, it draws everyone’s eyes you blush but Bucky has an evil grin. 
Sam’s eyes narrowed as he focused in on the two of you. Lifting one wing he pointed toward Bucky, “YOU, You did this to me.” 
Bucky met his stare head-on and merely shrugged. “How could I have done it, lord knows you don’t listen to anyone.” 
“Oh no, you used (Y/N). Don’t know how but you must have twisted her mind made her do your bidding. Poor, sweet (Y/N) used for such evil.” Sam fake cried mourning the loss of your “innocence”. 
You, on the other hand, were trying to keep yourself from laughing. As much as you felt embarrassed by being caught, it had been rather funny doing it. Based on everyone else, they felt the same. Their shoulders were shaking. Some like Tony and Wanda had turned away each with a paw over their mouths to keep from laughing out loud. 
“See, your evil spreading to others.” You were pretty sure at this point Sam was on the verge of crying for real. 
You walk slowly over to him and scoop him up into your arms. Gently you start to rub your fingers down his head and over his back making small circles. Sam started to preen loving the way your fingers felt working through his fur 
He was leaning into you more and more. “What do you say? Forgive me?” 
“I… I guess. I mean that sounds like a good idea. Just don’t stop.” 
“Hey bird brain, you need a moment to yourself.” Tony came over and looked up and the two of you. 
“Don’t be jealous, you don’t know what this is like. (Y/N) really knows how to work these fingers.” 
“Please don’t say it like that.” You weren’t sure if your face could get any hotter. “It’s just a pet. I’m just petting him.”
Tony jumped on the opportunity to tease you. Jumping on your shoulder, wrapping his tail around your neck to stabilize himself. “Oh so is this a free service for everyone? Put me in the queue.” 
“Once again that is not what is happening.” You practically shout. You gently set Sam back on the ground and made sure that he was stable. 
“Are you sure? I could use a good scratching. And maybe when I’m back to being human, there is another itch you can scratch.” Tony rubbed his head against yours curling into your body. 
Suddenly he has tackled off you. Bucky had him pinned under him. A hiss emanating from him. 
“Don’t be gross, Tony. (Y/N) has better taste than settling for you.” Nat said winding her way up to your arm gently. Out of habit, you ran your hand along her spine, she gently constricted, sending tremors through you. She wound farther up giving you more access to her. “Woah, never mind. If someone doesn’t claim her I certainly will. She really does have magic hands.”
“Ok people, let's break it up.” Steve had his mom voice on in full effect. “Bucky let Tony go. Nat, Sam, stop embarrassing (Y/N), I’m sure she has many benefits being able to talk and work with animals. Let’s not send her running away because you all just want a pet.” 
“Fine!” They all break off heading toward the door. Bucky jumps back into your arms and lets you carry him.
“He’s just jealous that you haven’t pet him yet.” You giggle, sending Bucky straight into purring again.   
Your arms are quickly filled with another furry animal. Pietro shoved Bucky out by squeezing between you and him. Bucky’s angry meow fell to the floor. “Hey, baby you can control me anytime you want.” He rubbed his head against the bottom of your chin. You couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped you.
“Is that right? And pray to tell what did you have in mind?” You had always enjoyed listening to Pietro especially when he was in a flirty mood. You hadn’t been on the receiving end too often but when you did it sent you into a flurry of giggles, like a freaking school girl on her first crush. 
“Oh, just you wait. Maybe a snuggle or I could even catch you a mouse if you wanted. Or you could wait a little longer and when I’m human you let me take you out on a date.” The smirk on his face had you back to giggling. 
“As much as I would appreciate that, I’m sure Jessica wouldn’t like that. It is Jessica, right? Or was that last week and now its Christina? I get so confused with your little parade of women.” You scratch beneath his chin forcing his eyes to close in pure enjoyment. 
“They mean nothing to me. Nothing not if I can have you in my life.” He hummed while pressing down on your fingers for a harder feel.
“Excuse me if I don’t hold my breath.” You set him back on the floor as you reach your room. You step in wanting some privacy to shower from the small herd you have following you. “Oh and Pietro? You might want to run. I don’t think he appreciated being shoved to the floor.”
Pietro glanced over his shoulder to see Bucky crouched low to the ground, silently approached him from behind. Pietro jumps startled and takes off down the hall Bucky close on his heels.
Man, this was working out to be quite an interesting week. The one thing you can say though is you were learning new things about this team and in turn growing closer by the hour. 
@geeksareunique @justreadingfics @iamwarrenspeace @veronicalei @theassetseyeliner @marvelous-imagining @metalarmproblems @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @stevieang @danielabetancourth @noworriesfitness @
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lroa46 · 5 years
Hey! This is Dani from WritingForTheAvengers and I got your reply asking to be tagged in Prom Night, but the thing is that I tried writing your username and it just doesn't let me tag you. Is there another blog i can tag instead of this one? If so, please write to TheKairos (which is my other blog that accepts messages) and we'll figure something out. Hugs!
One thing that does happen it's an L not an i for my user name so Lroa46
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lroa46 · 6 years
You wrote a novel about a demon falling in love with a human. Then, you summon a demon in order to get “real” feedback and constructive criticism. To your surprise, the demon laughs at your work.
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lroa46 · 6 years
Why are you flagged as Explicit, I can’t find you if I search for you, pleaseeeeee tell me you have a back up blog or account somewhere else. 💖💖💖💖💖
I have no idea!! Stupid thing is giving me problems I am also on ao3 as lieserulerofall.
I am working on getting it fixed
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lroa46 · 6 years
My attempt at a Masterlist not pretty but until I figure that part out here is what I got. ENJOY!!
Worst Day Ever
Belated Birthday
My Girl
Why Just Why
What’s Mine is Yours
I’ll Be Here Series 
Steve X Reader
PT 1
PT 2
PT 3
Am I Enough Series 
Bucky X Reader
PT 1
PT 2
PT 3
PT 4
PT 5
PT 6
PT 7
PT 8
PT 9
PT 10
PT 11
PT 12
PT 13
PT 14
PT 15
PT 16
PT 18
PT 19
PT 20
Start of Something New 
Bucky X Reader
PT 1
PT 2
PT 3
PT 5
PT 6 
PT 7
Mission Gone Wrong
PT 1
PT 2
PT 3
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lroa46 · 6 years
What’s Mine is Yours
Bucky X Reader
Summary: This is based on the song “What’s Mine is Yours” by Kane Brown. I really loved this song and I hope you enjoy this fic. 
It was just another day, rather routine, and to him, it was becoming the norm. Bucky rolled out of bed, preparing for his run with Steve. He didn't have to worry about being quiet as you were out of town visiting family. A small twang went through him at not being able to kiss you good morning, something he was quite fond of now.
The run was fast and focused, the usual banter that was passed was now met with silence as Bucky set a grueling pace for himself. He wouldn't admit it to anyone but himself, but he was trying to distract himself from your absence. It really didn't work all that well, especially when it ended with Sam just complaining more about ‘stupid super soldiers’.
His shirt was plastered to his chest when he entered his room. Usually, as long as you were awake, you would cat call him, letting him know just how hot you found him. He chuckled, hearing your voice as he pulls his shirt off, getting ready to shower.
Emerging he reaches for a towel only to find your bra hanging on the hook. The towels have fallen to the floor, grumbling he dries off and steps out going to the sink. He finds your makeup and hair things spread all over his counter seeming to take up every inch of space. How one person could have so much is beyond him, especially when you took a bunch with you on your trip. What made it more astounding was that this was his room. You had your own just down the hall.  He should be frustrated at the mess but instead, he finds a smile forming on in face instead. You have somehow managed to worm your way into his life and into his heart as well.
After dressing, he heads to the kitchen to start breakfast. He starts cracking eggs and putting the coffee pot to boil, the bread in the toaster. When the toaster pops he carefully removes a slice before putting it down again to toast a little longer. He pauses as he goes to place it on the plate realizing that he was preparing it just the way you liked it. This seemed to be a reoccurring thing the first day after you leave, he just automatically starts doing things and realizing that he didn’t need to. It was either, him being very intuned with how you worked or as Clint and Sam would put it, he was whipped. He really didn’t care what they thought, he was sure though that you put a smile on his face and he wouldn’t give up a single moment of it.
He could hear your key sliding into the lock. His back tensed as he waited for the moment you would finally open the door and see him. Sweat formed on his brow as you finally released your bag, calling out to him. He didn’t reply but as you throw your shoes off. You finally rounded the corner. He met your eyes and his heart started to fill and exploded with feelings. He had set up the room perfectly, candles arranged on almost every surface. Flowers were in a vase next to him along with a bottle of champagne. He could tell you were taking it all in and couldn’t find any words based on the slight quirk in your eyebrow. He decided he would do all the talking for the moment.
He lowered himself to one knee.
Take this ring
Forever now
'Til death do us apart
And take this vow
What's mine is yours
Every breathe I take, every choice I make
It might sound crazy
All my pain, washed away, in the blink of an eye
What's mine is yours
Every breathe I take, every choice I make
It might sound crazy
All my pain, washed away, in the blink of an eye
Yeah, you saved me
You got all of me and I don't need it anymore
@geeksareunique @justreadingfics @iamwarrenspeace @veronicalei @theassetseyeliner @marvelous-imagining @metalarmproblems @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @lordemjay @stevieang 
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lroa46 · 6 years
Mission Gone Wrong PT 3
Warnings: none 
A/N: Hello all and so we continue the writing streak. I have managed to get back in the groove of things I hope you enjoy this next part. 
It soon became obvious that they weren’t getting turned back in the morning, nor in the couple days following. It was a little strange how quickly everyone fell into a schedule though. Every morning you stumbled out of bed to let them all out. Then you not being a morning person fell right back in bed to sleep longer joined by a couple of them. Next, when you were more awake you fed and watered them. Then you fed yourself, before changing for the gym.
You turn on a couple treadmills for them and let Steve and Bucky begin walking slowly turning it up as they requested. This was definitely going to be a story no one believed. The others were attempting to practice maneuvers and other things; it seemed like a waste of time though, not like they would be sent out on any missions.
You begin your own workout though not really putting much in it. You were one that likes to workout alone. There was a big difference between you and the rest of the group, yes you had powers but as for physical strength and endurance, you were no super soldier. Climbing onto an elliptical you begin at a slow steady pace, pulling out your phone you plug in and begin your music. It is almost like the music absorbs you carrying you away on its notes.
(3rd person POV)
The group hears a cracking from below, looking over the group sees vines curling around the machine (Y/N) was on. She was so wrapped up in what she was doing she hadn’t noticed. The vines begin to sprout blooms and wave to a melody they can not hear. From somewhere, butterflies emerged but that seemed to happen when (Y/N) was around.
It could be anything from bugs to birds even the occasional deer. They would randomly roam to get a closer look at the girl.  Once again the butterflies began to float around her as if trying to get her attention. Her eyes remained closed moving slightly faster.
A few birds followed beginning to twirl among the vines as they spread. “I kind of wish I knew what she was listening to,” Natasha whispers.
“Right, I’ve never seen her powers like this,” Steve replies, watching almost mesmerized by the sight. The feeling to join almost moving him from his seat.
(Your POV)
Finally, the song comes to an end and you open your eyes mostly to check that the others are okay.  You find that all their eyes are already on you. Glancing around you finally see what you have done while getting caught up in the song. A blush creeps up on your cheeks, embarrassed by the lack of control you seemed to have.
“Sorry I wasn’t paying attention, I won’t let it happen again I promise.” You were completely distressed. No one else seemed to lose control as you did. Of course, it just had to be in front of all them too.
Dismounting you head to the door, keeping your head down so that you didn’t have to see the look of disappointment on their faces. Doing this though you missed the look of wonderment and sadness on their faces.
The sharp blue eyes of the feline quickly locked onto your back, following silently like he could both now and in human form. You head to your room, picking up the pace he slips in just as the door begins to close. Collapsing on the bed you bury your head into the pillow tempted to stay that way for all eternity. A sudden weight is perched on your back, you move your head to see who your captor is but find that you can’t turn your head far enough.
A voice drifts down to you, “Why did you run?” It caused you to jump out of all the people you thought would follow you it wasn’t Bucky that instantly came to mind.
“I messed up.” You started to turn and he walked with you, settling on your stomach pulling his paws underneath him. “I lost control.” Flinging your arm over your eyes, going back over how much you had screwed up. Plus you hadn’t even cleaned it up, leaving it for them.
“You’ve done nothing wrong.” You peak out from under your arm making sure you had heard correctly. “As far as I can tell you haven’t done anything wrong.”
“I did though, I ruined the gym letting the vines grow.” He shakes his head at you. He lifts a paw and places it over your mouth.
“From what I saw you merely got lost in the music and had the whole team entranced. I mean the way the plants and the butterflies seemed to move with whatever you were listening. It was beautiful and I hope someday I can see it again.” He starts to need his paws into your stomach, a soft purr emitting from his throat.
It takes you a moment to register that he is indeed purring and when you do you quirk an eyebrow. “Are you purring?”
It stops as soon as you say something, his eyes getting wide. “No.” He looks away but it soon starts again.
“Yes, you are.” You chuckle sending him bouncing on your chest.
“Ok, so I am but I’m not sure how I stop it.” He looks genuinely concerned over this fact.
“I don’t mind so much if you want to keep going?” You start to stroke his back. He leans in and his purrs get stronger.
“Fine, but just for you and please don’t tell Sam.” He settles himself once again.
You sit in silence each lost in your own thoughts, your hand still methodically petting Bucky. After what seems hours, but was only 45 minutes, you are closer to sleep now you had forgotten that you had just gotten back from a mission. With everything that had been going on, you hadn’t really had a chance to relax. Bucky was also going limp turning his body to lie lengthwise on you. Suddenly his head shoots up and he stares at you.
“I have a couple questions for you.”
Rolling your head to meet his gaze again, “Go for it.”
“You control animals right?” You nod in agreement “So we are animals right now.” You nod again not quite connecting the dots to his thinking. “Well, could you control us? If you wanted to?”
“You know I don’t know I mean you are animals but it might depend on the fact that you are humans regularly but stuck in animal bodies.” That was the best you could give him. “I feel like what I do is give them suggestions and commands not so much control them.”
“Want to find out?” He jumps off you. Perching on the side of the bed.
“I guess but how do you suggest we do that?” You sit up throwing your legs over the side of the bed.
“Well, why don’t you give me a command how you usually do? Something simple.” He twitched his tail in excitement.
“Ok.” You seem a little hesitant but you draw on your power anyway. You sent a command to jump onto the dresser nearby.
From your end, it seemed to work, it sent in a manner of speaking. For a second it didn’t seem like it worked, suddenly Bucky sunk down slightly coiling himself then launched himself onto the dresser. When he turned around both your eyes were as big as saucers, both with the same thought running through your minds. ‘HOLY CRAP!’
“I can’t believe that worked.” You exclaimed moving over to where Bucky was. You pick him up and tuck him into your arms. “We have to tell everybody.”
“Wait, wait. I have a better idea.” From the look on his face, it seemed to be an evil plan.
“What did you have in mind?” You decide to go with it. His face breaks into what can only be described as a Cheshire grin. He begins to tell you his plan.
@geeksareunique @justreadingfics @iamwarrenspeace @veronicalei @theassetseyeliner @marvelous-imagining @metalarmproblems @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @stevieang @danielabetancourth @noworriesfitness 
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lroa46 · 6 years
Start of Something New PT 7
Bucky X Reader
Warnings: usual self-depreciation, awesome friendness (that's totally a word) 
A/N: Hello All! Yes, I did actually complete 2 chapters this week hopefully I can keep this up! As always comments and even likes are appreciated. 
Everyone was finally seated at the table, drinks were served and food placed around to be passed, backups at the ready. Everyone was chatting until Tony stood up from his seat at the end opposite from Steve.
“Alright, people we may want to start with a prayer cause I heard one of our resident assassins cooked the meal.” He clapped his hands.
Sam chuckles and offered up, “It’s okay (Y/N) helped and I watched as we should be good.”
“Well, if I die it’s on you.” He sits down again.
With that dishes are pulled from the center and are passed around. There is a quiet chatter and praise from the smells. When the group begins to eat there is another round of praise. You are sitting next to Bucky and Wanda, for once you don’t feel a blush gracing your face. You had spent so much time talking with him you slipped back into the conversation from earlier.
Wanda nudges you gently, “Thank you for this fabulous meal it is perfect like usual.”
You nod but lean back to let Bucky into the conversation. “Well it wasn’t all me I had help and he did most of the work.”
He shakes his head denying that statement. “Hardly, I just followed your instructions. It was all you, do..” He cut himself realizing what he was about to say.
You cock your head trying to figure out what he was going to say. “Either way, thank you both for making the meal this evening it is delightful.” Bucky nods once again before going back to his food.
Steve strikes up a conversation with Bucky. “So did you learn anything from cooking with (Y/N)?”
Bucky nods, he had learned a lot especially little tricks that made things easier when cooking. He had found it mesmerizing the way you controlled the kitchen and the ingredients, seemingly making them bend to your will to create the perfect dish.
“I did learn some things, but mostly that I will never be as good a cook as (Y/N), she is a force to be reconned with. Especially with a knife, right training she could be better than most agents, with the knife control she possesses.” The group nods their heads and you see the wheels turning actually taking the statement seriously.
“Oh no, no whatever you people are thinking the answer is no.” You wave your hands to clear that idea away, shaking your head as well. “Nope, double nope.”
“Oh come on it’s not a bad idea,” Natasha says leaning to the side looking at you. “I mean you do live here what if something happened. You need to be able to protect yourself.”
“That’s what you people are for. That is one reason I moved here. I mean I don’t just keep you guy around for your looks. I mean you are here solely to protect me. Didn’t you get the memo.” You try to joke hopefully making them shift the conversation.
“Yeah well, what happens if we are all gone?” Sam says.
“That is why I have attack cats.” The group just looks at you, not sure if they should be laughing or not. “Yeah that’s right I have attack cats kind of like ninja cats. They will claw your eyes out.”
“I’m just going to ignore that though Skipper could probably just sit on someone and immobilize them,” Tony says actually thinking about it. “Regardless, this is a good idea, we should train you in self-defense.”
“Here let me say this again maybe a little slower though because it can be a hard word to understand. NNNNOOOOOOOO!” A scowl crosses your face that says that you are done talking about this. You turn to Bucky again to find a confused look on his face. “So would you like to do this again?”
It takes him a moment to respond before he nods his head. “If that is all I’ll let you digest my answer I’m going to call it an early night.” You get up and take your plate to the kitchen. With that, you head to your room.  
You felt stupid letting your emotions carry you like that. It wasn’t that it was a terrible idea it was more the things that came with that idea. With going to the gym came the questions and comments on how you could do so much better. ‘Why don’t you go on a diet?’ ‘You shouldn’t eat that it does nothing good for you.’ Not to mention the outfits you had to wear. It was either the skin-tight leggings that showed off every bump and roll or the sweatpants and baggy shirts that made you look even bigger. You were a have to lose weight before you go to the gym kind of person. Worse yet the thought of Bucky seeing you in said outfits; there were no-win scenarios for you.   
The next day at work went as expected, you were a little sluggish after last night. You weren’t quite sure how to handle the situation from last night. You were trapped in your own thoughts when Richard strolled up to your counter. He leaned over and paused not getting his usual greeting from you. He took his hand and waved it in front of you, attempting to get your attention. You finally blink and make eye contact with him.
“Hey, there you are sweet thing. Something bothering you?” The concern evident in his tone.
“No.. yeah,” you shake your head in an attempt to clear it. “Yeah, I’m just not sure how to handle it.” You let go of a giant sigh.
“What’s the issue? Maybe we can figure it out together.”
You take a deep breath. “So last night Bucky and I made dinner.” He quirks an eyebrow at you. “No not what you think he wanted to learn how to cook.” Richard’s eyebrow lifts higher before he sighs and shakes his head at you letting go of whatever he was about to say. “So we made dinner and we are all sitting down and Bucky comments that I have great knife skills. Well, apparently their minds all connect this to that I need to start taking self-defense classes because in a building full of agents there could be a moment where there is no one here.” You look at Richard and see the exact same look the others had, that oh-that’s-a-good-idea look. You throw up your hands. “No, not you too. I am not taking lessons. This is my issue now I’m reacting the same way I did last night and I know I’m overreacting but still, I do have a say on what I will and will not do.” He didn’t seem to be letting the idea go either. “Oh please don’t do this to me can’t one of you respect my wishes. I would hate to have to find another place to work.”
That seems to shake him into focus. He looks at you seeing a distressed woman that very well could leave just because of not wanting to go to the gym.  He looks around seeing that the cafeteria was mostly empty. Looking toward the grill guy signaling to watch your station. He drags you over to a table in the back. Sitting you down facing the wall so you wouldn’t get distracted.
“Alright, so tell me why you don’t want to go to take lessons.” He grabs your hand that is twisting in your other hand, halting all movement.
“Its everything I mean, I already work like 12 hours days, not that I hate it but still. Then I would have to find time to do that, then go through my days sore and tired. Plus I have to work out with the Avengers. I don’t think that some people are mere mortals and can’t keep up with them.” you know you're rambling but you can’t seem to stop. “Then I’d have to find things to wear, which I don’t own a lot of.”
Richard squeezes your hand making you stop and look at him. “Hey, I get it going back to working out especially after a long while can be rather difficult and so is finding the time.” He begins to rub your hand. “You do have a point I think they do forget that not all of us are as strong as them. What I am hearing from you though is that you have no real reason to not do this. So what I want to know is why you are so scared of doing this.”
“I told you…” You protest.
“No, what you did was give me trivial things that can be fixed easily.” He denies. You look around trying to find a way out. Maybe there was a line that you could help with. Richard snaps his fingers drawing you back to him. “Everything is good there, stop trying to avoid the situation. You complain, but I can’t help you until you tell me what is really going on?”
You shift your eyes around before finally giving in. “I just…. I’m the kind of person that needs to lose weight before they go to the gym. Mostly I’m scared of doing it. It’s the looks and the “advise” that everyone throws me. I mean you see me I’m not exactly small, add that to the gym and I look like a whale in spandex. Not a picture most want to see. I get comments while I’m wearing my uniform, I don’t even want to imagine while wearing gym clothes.” Looking down at the table, you are too embarrassed to make eye contact with him. It’s not that he would say anything mean or even try to hurt your feelings it’s more that you were so weak in this area. “I don’t expect you to fully understand but things are always different when you are big. There seems to be a double standard for people like me. I try to eat a cookie and watch a movie, and it’s ‘you should cut cookies out of your diet that will help with the weight’ but if a thin person does it it’s ‘man that cookie looks good, you deserve to relax and a treat’. I go to the gym and I get looks like maybe if you had tried harder before you wouldn’t have to be here looking like that. It’s hard to stay motivated when you’re a walking what-not-to-do poster. So I don’t try, not anymore.” The shame of admitting that out loud coursed through you. All you really wanted to do was run away and maybe go die in a corner for being so petty and self-centered.
Feeling fingers under your chin you allow them to move your head to meet Richard’s gaze. He had tears in his eyes, not at all what you were expecting. The hand that was previously rubbing yours was now holding it firmly, and you were gripping it back just as fiercely. He pulled you into him wrapping you up in his arms as you felt a few tears drop. You clung to him, taking all the strength that he offered.   
“It’s okay to feel this way. It doesn't make you any weaker. Emotion is a good thing.” He rubs your back hoping to sooth your cries. “You’re right I don’t understand how that feels, I have been blessed with this gorgeousness my whole life.” He preens a bit at this causing you to chuckle and pull away.
You wipe the few tears left on your cheeks. “Yes, I’m sure you were.”
“There she is, I’m so sorry that you were ever made to feel this way, you are perfect the way you are and don’t you ever change for anyone you got that. I do think though that the lessons are a good idea. As a just in case.”  You open your mouth to protest slightly. “How about just me and you, I can reserve a room so that no one else will come in. Until your comfortable in your ability and how you look.”
When he pauses you give him a look thinking it over. “Man you know just what to say to make me feel better. I’m mean it may be like a century and a half until I’m comfortable with how I look but, okay, we will try it your way, but not everyday alright?” He nods, standing up he goes for one more hug. “You’re too perfect. Why are all the good ones married?”
“Just my burden to bear. Someone has to do it.” He gives a dramatic sigh, to which you roll your eyes.
“Do think your wife would mind sharing you? You might be the only man for me.”
“We both know that’s not true. You seem to have a thing for a certain blue-eyed bad boy. I will check with the wife though who knows. I can’t just keep this perfection that is myself to just her, so greedy that one.” Both of you laugh at that before you turn back to the counter feeling lighter than you had in a while.
@justreadingfics @cami23593 @ashleydivine @toniinhere @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @iamwarrenspeace @veronicalei @melconnor2007 @magpiemischief @prettybubblesintheair @sarahp879 @geeksareunique @aquabrie @noworriesfitness @stevieang @lordemjay
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lroa46 · 6 years
Start of Something New Pt 6
Bucky X Reader
A/N: So the last chapter was supposed to be twice as long but my stupid computer/ tablet deleted it and I just noticed so this is a mighty long chapter. It picks up directly where the last one left off. This is super long considering I haven’t posted in forever but here you guys go I hope you enjoy it. 
The team dives into the meal, each acting like they hadn’t eaten all day. A silence descends upon the group as they eat each solely focused on the food. There is many a moan and groan in appreciation.
Slowing down the conversation picks up once more. There is the talk of past missions and stories to go with it. The group laughs at each person’s failures and the accuse then tosses someone under the bus. It’s a jovial time that shifts into the living room. You pass around plates of cookies and brownies that you had managed to bake while the team had been busy, leaving twice as many left than normal.
You should have known that the conversation would come back to you. This time it was in a game of truth or dare. Nat had been last conquering the last date of giving Steve a lap dance, which if you thought about it seemed like more of a dare for Steve than Nat. So Nat challenged you, seeing the glint you knew that either was going to be tough but figured truth was the slightly safer option.
“Truth please.”
“Really?” She smirks at you giving you an evil eye. “Alright, Miss Sassy, since you won’t give me a straight answer any other time. When was your relationship and with whom?”
“Never mind give me a dare please.” You shake your head.
Nat quickly denies you. “Nope too late, answers the question or it’s 3 shots for you and a double dare.”
“Fine!” Huffing you had slightly hoped she would let it go. “The last relationship was never, which kind of answers the follow up with no one.”
“What?!” It seems to come from everyone rather than one person in particular. Each with a rather shocked face save Vision who merely looks thoughtful instead.
Nat though is the first to recover. “That’s not possible. How in the world have you never been in a relationship?”
“Ah, you already asked your question my turn now.” You really didn’t want to get into it. The bottle lands on Wanda but you don’t get to ask the main question as Tony stops you with his outburst.
“Wait wait wait, you are how old and never been in a relationship?” He looks at you, his mouth in a firm determined line.
“Really, you guys, do we have to talk about this? It’s not that big of a deal.” You plead with him with your eyes to let it go, especially with Bucky sitting in the room. This was not a therapy session, why did you have to be the one laying it all out for them.
“It’s just that… I mean you are the first person that I know to never have been.. you know not single. I mean even the 100-year-old virgin, Capsicle has been in a relationship and that's saying something.” Steve hollers in protest but is ignored. Tony makes it sound like the most bizarre thing in the world.
“I’m pretty sure it is not that strange and you guys aren’t the best people to say that, you’ve slept with a bunch of people. Us normal people know its not the strangest thing in the world.”
Wanda decides to chirp in, backing up Tony’s view. “It’s not so much everyone else it's more you. I mean you have so much going for you.”
You sigh they weren’t going to let this go. “Well, I guess I just don’t have enough for anybody. It's not that big a deal.”
Tony comes back, “But don’t you ever wish for it? Do you not want to be in a relationship?” Everyone leans closer at this, waiting for your answer.
You run a hand over the back of your neck. “I mean I guess. Who doesn’t, I just… You can’t really miss what you never had. I guess it will happen when it happens or if it never does then so be it.”
Taking a long drink you clear your throat letting them take that in and hope it is enough to put them off continuing. You see several people look at Bucky, you can’t quite figure out why but from the look on his face he seems just as confused.
“Alright fine, that's a mostly reasonable point, may I just ask one follow up question and we can drop this.” He waits for you to nod before continuing. “What have you done? I mean like in ways of dating or the like?”
“Really?!” Are you guys trying to make me a dating profile or something?”
Nat perks up at that, “Why? Would you like me to make you one? I know some people I can set you up with a few guys, test the waters or something.” She was way too excited about this.
“Slow your boat there. No and No. I am more of a traditionalist, though that may be my problem. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea so I like to know a person first. Test the waters before they try to merely make bets to see how long I will wait before realizing they are never going to come or be a joke date to people.”
“Wait, people have actually done that to you?”
You shrug not really wanting to answer but you kind of already did. “As I said, there is not a person out there, apparently, that can handle all this fabulousness.”
They all chuckle, breaking the tension sitting on the group. The game comes to an end as the group chats amongst them. You can feel their eyes on you, it is no surprise given the information you just dropped on them. You decide to break out some snacks for everyone. Preparing some platters you start filling it up with treats, you turn back from the cabinet to find Bucky lurking by the island.
“Can I help you with anything?” He asks not quite looking you in the eye.
“Uh, sure would you go to the fridge and grab some grapes and apples?”
“Yeah, sure thing.” He quickly goes to get it done when he turns back you set up a cutting board and knife.
“Would you chop the apples in nice size slices? I’m going to make a dip real quick.” You both work in silence, putting together a fruit plate with a peanut butter dip. Taking it out to the table you ask, “Anyone need another drink since I’m up?” A few hands went up.  “Tea, coffee, another beer?”
They give their answers and you head back to the kitchen, Bucky follows you helping you get cups and bottles out and taking things to people. As you waited for the water to boil for tea, Bucky keeps glancing at you as if wanting to ask you something.
“Hey… (Y/N)...you know… I mean… I kinda… what I mean is..” He can’t stop stuttering.
“You okay, Buck?” You’re concerned, he is usually in control of himself, so seeing him like this was a little off-putting. You place a hand on his shoulder hoping that maybe you can help him focus.
He freezes and you realize you have placed your hand on his metal arm. You keep still, maybe he wouldn’t brush you off.  
He takes a deep breath finding your hand reassuring. But when he looks into your eyes he loses his focus again. “You see I have… wanted to learn to cook, and I thought you would be the best to learn from.”
You hear a smack come from across the room and see Sam with his hand on his forehead, Steve and Tony are shaking their head, while Nat and Clint look rather amused. You quirk an eyebrow at them wondering what the heck had happened. You turn back to Bucky to find his face red. You rub your hand up and down his arm in reassurance.
“Hey, no need to be embarrassed. I would be happy to teach you. How does tomorrow sound you can help me cook dinner?”
He merely nods. The teapot whistles jolting you out of the moment and you remove your hand. You quickly get some tea together and join back up with the group. Enjoying the rest of the evening swapping stories.
The next day after work you head upstairs wondering what to make. You head straight to the fridge when you glance in nothing really stood out to you and there really was no meat and veggies were running low. You may have to go on a grocery run. Maybe you could take Bucky, teach him how to pick out good foods.
Bucky came in still looking a little nervous, he seemed to have a moment where he retreated but was soon back in the kitchen rubbing his neck. You send him a smile, he returns it with a small one of his own.
“So it seems we are out of most everything, though it is rather surprising since Tony’s people are usually on top of it. Would you mind if we made a run to the store?” His eyes shoot to the hallway as if seeking an answer there. You mentally hit yourself for making him nervous. You see a hint of a nod come from him. “I mean you don’t have to,” YOu try to backpedal give him an out if he wanted it. “I can go grab some stuff and meet you back here. I just thought… maybe you would like to … you know learn how to pick out good food.” Darn your stutter coming back at the most inconvenient times. You just didn’t want to make the man uncomfortable. Way to be awkward, (Y/N).
He shakes his head at you, gaining your attention. “It’s no problem, (Y/N). That would be nice.”
“Oh good well, you ready to go or..” You trail off.
“No, I’m good.”
“Awesome let me grab my keys and we can head out.” You grab your purse opening a drawer at the end of the island you fish out your keys and a Stark credit card. No way could you afford to pay for the amount of food these heroes ate.
You slide into the front seat of your car, Bucky quietly into the passenger and you soon on your way. Your radio was playing your favorite station, it was the only noise in the car. You couldn’t exactly call it awkward, but it wasn’t unpleasant. It was like you were both waiting for the other to speak. By the time you figured out what you could ask you pulled into the grocery store parking lot.
“So what would you like to have tonight? You are cooking so maybe something a little easier to do, we can get fancy later.” You pull out a cart and place your purse on top. You start to push it through the produce section running your eyes over the offerings and the sales. Tony may be rich but you always had an eye for the sale. You found raspberries quickly along with grapes and blueberries. They seemed to be the fruit you could never keep in stock. You grab 5 of each. Heading over you grab potatoes always a good staple to have, along with onions.
Bucky finally speaks ups as you head toward the bread section. “Can we do pasta, maybe spaghetti?”
You turn to look at him, he has a light blush crawling over his cheeks, as if the idea is childish. “That sounds like a perfect idea. Would you like to do salad and garlic bread to go with?” He nods quickly at the idea. “Awesome, let’s grab some lettuce and the like and then we will grab some french bread.”
You chat about the different vegetables, how the good ones should look and feel. As you get to the lettuce you let Bucky grab it. He grabs the first decent looking one and returns. You stop him before he puts it in the cart. “Here let me show you a trick. When you grab lettuce like this what you want is the ones that are flat and compressed. This one isn’t bad but has been creating gas. To get the best you sometimes have to reach in the back.” You pull out a nice flat package, to show him. He inspects it as if memorizing it for future use. You nod in satisfaction.
Continuing back on to bread, you grab 5 of the biggest loaves you could. You chatted once more as you picked out the ground beef and Italian sausage. Next goes in tomato sauce and finally the pasta. Quickly browsing other aisles for the team's favorite treats and of course a few of your own.
You keep up a constant stream of information for Bucky, though you are hoping you aren’t boring the living daylights out of him. He hasn’t said much this whole trip, mostly nods of the head and grunts of understanding or approval. He insists on putting everything in the car, once completed he runs the cart to the shed and hustles back.
As you are pulling out you pray the ride back won’t be as silent as the ride in. “So you have a favorite dish or something?” You ask hesitantly, Bucky isn’t exactly known for being the most forthcoming with information.
“I’m partial to Romanian dishes not sure how to pronounce them but I seemed to enjoy them while I was there.” He mumbles.
You nod in understanding, “Hmm maybe I can look some up and we can attempt them later.”
You were soon pulling into the Tower parking lot. Bucky quickly scoots to the back of the car gathering all the bags. You tried to protest but he left you by the car, you ran after him as the doors to the elevator opened.
You got to work putting on an apron and handing one to Bucky. You quickly contain your hair and get to work.
“Could you start a large pot of water. It’s going to take a while for it to boil.” He only nods and goes immediately.
You turn to the chopping board and start to cut onions and garlic. Sam saunters in curious about the noise coming from there. He perches himself on a stool.
“What’s going on in here?” He looks at Bucky moving the giant pot to the stove and turns on the flame.
“Bucky asked me to teach him to cook. So we are making dinner tonight.” Sam nods in understanding but continues to observe.
“Alright, Bucky we are going to start making the tomato sauce. I have started cutting up the onion and the garlic we will sweat these so that they add good flavor but also add sweetness to the dish. Would you open the cans of sauce for us and add to that big saucepan over there. Once again Bucky nods and does as you say. It becomes awkwardly silent as you both complete your tasks. You keep glancing at Bucky trying to figure out a topic of conversation that you would both enjoy. Every time you go to speak though, you hesitate and ultimately go back to what you were doing.
Sam casually gets up after your fourth attempt to speak, “Buckaroo, may I talk to you for a second?” He motions to the hallway.
Bucky nods and follows him out. This confuses you but there wasn’t much you can do not like you were talking to him. You can only hear the hum of their voices speaking though it holds an angry tone to it.
Sam turns to Bucky when they are out of earshot. “What are you doing man?”
“I … I don’t know every time I go to talk to her I freeze up, and then she asks me something and it’s like my brain stops working I don’t know what to do. I mean shopping wasn’t so bad.” He runs his hands through his hair pulling on the ends in frustration. He takes a big breath in.
“You're the one that wanted to get to know her. Aren’t you some big bad Russian assassin. This should be easy for you. Don’t choke on this it’s not that hard.” Sam is just as frustrated, him and the rest of the team wanted this to happen. “Now I can understand a pretty girl looking at you and you forgetting yourself but you will never get close to her if you don’t talk. She needs to know the real you. Ask her about her family, her cooking. I can give you some cues but I’m going to find an excuse to leave but I need you to continue when I do. Got it?”
“Yeah,” Bucky takes another deep breath and straightens his shoulders. “I got this. I can do this. Thanks, Sam.”
“No problem now go get her tiger.” He leads the way to the kitchen.
You are currently undoing the last of the cans. “I didn’t want to do anything else so you wouldn’t miss anything.”
“Oh thanks, I’m ready.” He comes over to your side, Sam returns to his seat. You move around the kitchen showing how to different things and letting him take over. With the sauce simmering you have a little downtime.
“So (Y/N),” Bucky starts, “how are the cats? Are they adjusting to being here alright?” It’s a simple question but if there is one thing that you love more than anything it’s your cats.
Your face lights up at the question. “Yes, I think they really just enjoy having multiple people that will pet them and feed them. I’m pretty sure that Skipper has gained like 5 pounds since we got here.” As if he heard you Skipper jumps (ish more like hoists) on to the counter next to you meowing. “Yes, I’m talking about you chubby bubby.” You run your hand over his fur as he leans into you.
“Well, he is one handsome fellow,” Bucky says while reaching over to pet him.
“Oh and he knows it.” You quickly agree. “He also has this look that judges your every move.”
“How did you get your cats?” Sam asks having started to scratch Private Pepper who had quickly joined his brother.
You jump into your story of how one was born into the family while the other you got from a friend. You tell Bucky to quickly stir the sauce and then through the pasta in the now boiling water. Continuing your story as he does that. The three of you share stories but eventually, you notice that Sam has left, you're not sure as to when, but you and Bucky swap stories as you continue to work. The whole time you feel a pleasant warmth while getting to know Bucky more, glad that he was opening up to you.
The group was huddled in the hallway lured in by the smells but crowed around the doorway. Watching the two of you chat while setting the table, gentle smiles on your faces that soon spread to them, happy that you guys were finally connecting.
Of course, that came to an end when Clint’s stomach let out a giant growl, causing the two of you to jerk your heads to see all the wide eyes staring back at you. A blush quickly covers your cheeks making you look away while Nat slaps the back of Clint’s head.
“Hey like you guys aren’t hungry too.” He grumbles while he shuffles in. The group laughs while taking their seats for the meal.
@justreadingfics @cami23593 @ashleydivine @toniinhere @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @iamwarrenspeace @veronicalei @melconnor2007 @magpiemischief @prettybubblesintheair @sarahp879 @geeksareunique @aquabrie @noworriesfitness @stevieang @lordemjay 
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lroa46 · 6 years
Am I Enough Epilogue
Bucky X Reader
A/N: This is the end we are coming in for the close. Thank you all for reading this for every comment and like and reblog thank you so much. I hope you enjoy.
3 Months Later
It was late in the evening when you stepped off the plane. You were ridiculously tired considering you hadn’t slept on the plane ride home and had gotten up what you guessed was early morning London time.
You were more than ready to be home and ready for your bed. You had extended your trip by a whole month wanting to visit some of the seasonal events that you would have otherwise missed. It had been worth it and you had the pictures, souvenirs, and stories to prove it.
You were focused on your phone trying to figure out who could be picking you up. Stark wouldn’t tell you but you had been adamant that the whole team did not have to come to get you. Especially because of the time you landed.
Clearing through the security gate you looked up to find only a single member standing with a sign stating: IN SEARCH OF A WOMAN REALLY NEEDING AN AMERICAN HAMBURGER!
The laugh that escaped you was half from joy from being back and half exhaustion. You raced toward him and barely giving him enough time flung yourself into his arms. His quickly clamped around you pulling you as close as he could to himself. You take a deep breath taking the scent that was so Bucky and was so comforting to you.
“I missed you, Doll,” He says into your hair not wanting to let you go.
“I missed you too. I had so much fun but I’m glad to be home.” You nod into his shoulder just as equally not willing to separate.
“You must be exhausted, why don’t we get your jet-lagged butt home to some sleep.” He carefully lowered you to the ground. Drawing back only far enough to look at him, you peer at his face wondering just how much a man could change in 3 months. He seemed tired but also relieved, he had grown out his beard causing you to reach a hand up to run your fingers through it.
“What is this? You couldn’t go three months without turning full hermit.” He chuckles while leaning into your hand slightly.
“Nah, just going for a new look. Apparently, it makes me look very mature.”
“Oh is that what it does?” Noticing how much lighter he looks as if a heavy burden has been lifted from his shoulders. You smile slightly and finally take a step back from him. “More like a girl’s walking wet dream.” He nods enthusiastically and reaches for your carry on, you quickly collect your other bags and head to the exit.
The ride home is a quiet and comfortable silence. When you exit the elevator into the common room you are surprised by the rest of the team standing there with a WELCOME HOME sign. You can’t help the tears that form though when asked you blame the jet lag. You go to each of your friends and give them nice warm hugs. Sam gives you a kiss on the cheek as well and you follow it up with one of your own. You had to admit he was one person, that you had greatly missed hanging out within your time away.
The group quickly separated after that each seeing you quickly fading from being up so long. With couple more hugs, kisses, glad-your-backs you headed into your room for a peaceful nights rest. Your room was exactly like you left it just a little cleaner. Shedding all your clothes you quickly slip into some PJs too tired to even consider a shower at the moment. You were out like a light as soon as your head hit the pillow.
The smell of bacon woke you the next morning, softly calling to you from the kitchen. It was one of the best ways to wake up. You quickly jump in the shower to wash off the grime of the plane and quickly dressed. You quickly grabbed your bag of goodies and heading out you could hear the quiet noise that you had somehow forgotten yet missed all at the same time.
Sprawled around the room was the group, Clint was in the kitchen whipping up some breakfast. To your surprise, Bucky was there as well manning the grill and flipping what looked like french toast. The smell alone drew you in making you drift closer to see what the spread would be.
When you get to the island counter you perch on one of the bar stools and gaze over. It was a giant buffet, from yogurt to fresh fruit, muffins and of course, bacon. It all made your mouth water. Steve leans over to you catching you staring at the food.
“He started going back to therapy after you left. To all of our surprise, he became fast friends with Clint. Taught him how to cook.” You raised an eyebrow at that. “Yep, he is doing a lot better than when you left heck, even better than when he stopped the first time.”
You smile at that glad that Bucky seemed to be finding his way. Bucky finally looked up from his station to see you glancing at him, he sends you a small smile and continues to flip.
“Good Morning, (Y/N).” Clint waves from his spot in the kitchen. “Go get comfy it’s going to be maybe 5 more minutes before breakfast is completely ready.”
You wander over to the group on the couches finding a seat next to Sam. He wraps a hand around your shoulders pulling you into him.
“So Miss Adventure tell us about your trip.” They all nod in agreement.
You began your storytelling them about all the places you had seen and the friends you had made. As you went you pulled out the souvenirs that came from that country. They oohed and aahed each grateful for the gifts, there did seem though to be a lack of gifts for Bucky though. Shifting to the table to eat when breakfast was ready and you continued. By the time you were all done eating all the gifts had been passed out and they were telling you about their own journeys while you were gone.
Everyone separated to go do their own thing, most having paperwork or training still to do for the day. Bucky remained sitting while the others filed out.
“Don’t move, alright?” You tell him getting up quickly to go back to your room. Grabbing one more bag you head back.
For some reason, you felt nervous, even though you knew Bucky, but you didn’t know how he would react to this. The two had left things on weird unspoken terms, they weren’t exactly bad terms but they definitely weren’t great. You did have to talk and you had a feeling that this is what would lead to that talk.
“I made this for you over the course of my trip. I… I … I mean it's nothing much and I’m kind of wishing I had gotten you something else as well.” Debating actually giving it to him you start pulling away. “Ok, now that I am giving it to you it’s dumb.”
He stops you quickly pulling the bag from you. “Stop, I’m sure if you thought of me while downing it, it will be perfect.”
He carefully pulls out a leather journal, the cover is embossed with an outline of the world and his initials right under that. When he opened it up he found a short message on the inside cover.
To Bucky,
This is for you it's all my thoughts and feelings throughout this trip. Most of all it’s all the moments that I wish I could share with you and maybe one day we can.
Love (Y/N)
Each part starts with the name of the place and the dates you were there. Next comes the postcards, each of the best sights and things you had witnessed. When he flipped them over there were the words you had written as if you had actually meant to send it to him. Some were joyful and excited. Others only a few words were written and he could see the tear stains that smudged the words. He spent the next moments drinking it all in following you on your journey. He teared up in places and chuckled at others. About halfway through he stopped and looked up at you. Taking in the blush that covered your face, eyes that shone brightly at unshed tears, uncertainty written on whether this had been a good or bad idea.
He set the book aside and leaned in close, never once breaking eye contact with you until your lips hovered over each other.
5 years later
It was a calm day nothing really happening. You woke up to the sheets beside you empty, but still warm. You quickly sit up unsure of where your companion had gone. You don’t hear anything but as you gaze back to the spot that he was previously in you spot a letter.
Picking it up you find your first initial on it, carefully opening it. There is no real occasion for this, it's not a birthday or an anniversary as far as you know. You pull out a simple card. A heart wreath on the front. You open it with a smile already spreading over your face.
I know you're probably confused about this but today marks a special day for us. Mostly for me. 5 years ago you came back from your adventure of a lifetime. You gave me the best gift a guy like me could ask for. You gave me hope and a future. You forgave what was unforgivable.
We have had our highs and lows, and there is no one I would rather go through it than with you. That day you had asked me a very important question something that could very well change the outcome of our future.
That day you asked me “Am I Enough?” and I knew exactly what I should say. I told you then and I made sure you knew the day you finally became my wife and I will remind you for the rest of eternity.
You are more than enough. And my everything.
Now stay put so I can bring you breakfast and prove it to you,
Yours eternally,
PS You still need to make up for kissing Sam. I mean really Pigeon Brain?!
@veronicalei @ohlookfanfiction @theassetseyeliner @bustanut2k18 @luckynumber1213 @owhatshername1 @chipilerendi @caelestiside @anbrax5553 @fandom-writers @boundtomyfate @annie-are-you-okay @megs4real @marvelous-imagining @mizzzpink @coffeeismylife28 @yknott81 @winter-in-wakanda @genlovesdcb @loveyourselfcreateyourself @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @sammysgirl1997 @unicornqueen05 @magpiemischief @steggy4ever @greeneyedgirls4 @melconnor2007 @iamwarrenspeace @justreadingfics @buckyismyaesthetic @gondorgirl01 @winterbuttmunch @s7sense @couchpotato24-7 @saysay125 @magellan-88 @sweetlittlepieandberrycustard @photography-for-you @geeksareunique @prettybubblesintheair @joannie95 @ktrivia @101killer @flowerchildqueenlovely @lostinthoughtsanddreams @sarahp879 @stevieang @whiw0lf @n7siha @lordemjay @crazy--me @honey-bee-holly 
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lroa46 · 6 years
Crazy Realzation
So I had an amazon my dream last night and it involved Steve Rogers and Loki.
Fast forward to this morning I realize no one ever pairs these two so I was mixing their names together.
Steki- cute but a winner
Lokve - not so much
It’s then I realized their names combined make
And that’s perfect for me cause they are complete opposites but it totally worked in my dreams at least.
Why have I never realized this before.
So this is me kinda requesting some LoVe fics
@magellan-88 @justreadingfics @emilyevanston
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lroa46 · 6 years
Am I Enough PT 20
Warnings: fluff, implied smut, angst-ish, poor cheesy writing
A/N: I LIVE!!! Man my life has been extremely busy, I’ve been trying my best at this adulting thing but man is it hard. Thank you all for your patience, I hope you enjoy. This will be the final chapter followed by an Epilogue of course. Just as an FYI this has a lot of time jumps.
Ah, adventure the freedom of not having to work and not quite knowing where you were going. It was an exhilarating feeling and if you were completely honest you were kind of addicted to it. There was so much you had seen and so much you still had to see. You were ready for the next leg of your journey.
Traveling to Washington and Oregon, taking in the natural beauty of the west coast. From the ocean to the forests you covered it all. It was while you were in the mountains that you ran into a pair of brothers. Since Natasha was your wingwoman you ended up in a little dive bar. You were leaned over a pool table when a flash of plaid and the greenest eyes you have ever laid eyes upon caught your attention. Seeing you attention slip Nat quickly turned and eyed the man, with a smirk of approval she sashayed over to the two men.
Leaning in to whisper in his ears, she maintains eye contact with you. Your cheeks flush in embarrassment, why did she have to be so bold. The man had developed the same smirk as her, straightening he headed your way. Turning back Nat to silently scold her you found her already wrapped around the taller of the two guys gently tugging on his hair to keep him completely focused on her.
When you lift your eyes to him you find him closer than you expected. Perching his hip on the side of the table he leans in close, capturing your gaze in his.  
“Names Dean, your friend over there said you were the person to know.” He licks his lips slightly making you heart putter.
“Oh… did she?” Man, why did your brain have to melt down now? “She must have me confused with someone else.”
“Oh I can assure you, you are the best thing I have seen. With or without your friend's excellent recommendation.” Your face flushes red and you can hear him chuckle. Feeling his fingers gently lift your chin. “No need to be shy, I’m just telling it how I’m seeing it. Now, what's a gorgeous girl like you doing in a place like this? Not that you shouldn't I’m just wondering why such a gorgeous creature has graced us mere mortals with her beauty.”
‘Holy Crap!’ The man had you wrapped around his finger and you had only been talking to him for 2 minutes. “I...I am…” Your grasp of the English language was quite amazing right now. “I am traveling the country. Thought I should see what this place had to offer.”
“Well, I for one am glad you decided to do that. What’s been your favorite part so far?”
“You’re definitely on top of the list.” It took you a moment to realize you had said that out loud. If the ground would swallow you up you would welcome it. The sheer embarrassment you felt on your face as an ever deeper blush coated your face.
He threw his head back and let out a belly laugh. He quickly leans forward and wraps one arm around his stomach and the other around your shoulders. When it slows a little he gives you a peck on the lips, retreating back to gauge your reaction. You’re not sure how to truly feel but it is definitely not unpleasant or unwanted.
“That certainly makes me happy. What say we start this game over and get to know each other and you can see how truly awesome I am.” You can only nod and start to rack the balls again.
For the whole game, he did nothing but flirt and lean into you while stealing kisses whenever he could. By the time the game was over you both were buzzed and couldn’t seem to keep your hands off each other. Casting a quick look around you find Nat gone with as you learned earlier was Dean’s brother Sam. He takes your hand and leads you outside, holding the keys to his vehicle you find he owns a gorgeous black ‘67 Impala. You raise a brow at him, being around Tony had rubbed off on you so you could appreciate a classic when you saw it.
Pulling him so you can get a better look you pull him around it. By the time you make it around the car, he had pulled you into his arms pinning you to the side of the car, locking his lips to yours. The alcohol makes you brave you returned with equal fervor while pulling him toward the backseat. It felt amazing to be able to let go like this exhilarating considering you were in a parking lot and at any moment someone could come out and find you. Hastily pulling the door open you flung yourselves inside barely parting the need to connect overwhelming you. That was the start of a very long night.
You woke slowly feeling the need to stretch your muscles, arching your back slightly you felt a firm grip around your stomach holding you to a warm, solid body behind you. With memories of the previous night flooding your mind you quickly found yet another blush coating your face. It was rather surprising though to find Dean still here though. He seemed like the one and done kind of guy. Charm the pants right off her and then gone before morning. You couldn’t help the warm feeling that came with the thought that you were special enough at least for him to stick around for.
The arm around you tightened, causing you to tense. It was quickly followed by his lips meeting your neck, gently placing kisses along its length. You ease back into him, relishing in the feel. You lean your head to the side allowing him more access emitting a small moan in pleasure.
“Got to admit nothing better than waking up to a gorgeous woman in your arms.” His voice is still gruff with sleep, he continues his discovery of your neck.
“Hmm, I wouldn’t know, I’ll take your word on that.” He lets out a small laugh and nips your shoulder.
“Think your darn funny do you?”  Loving the playful attitude your giving him.
You nod your head. “I’m hilarious. As much as I’m enjoying this though I do have to pee so move it, Handsome.”
He seemed to think about it for a second before letting you go. You quickly roll out of the bed. It seemed you had found some real confidence last night as you don’t even try to cover up and just sashay into the bathroom. Not wasting any time, you are soon opening the door finding Dean had barely moved. He was now on his back with his arms tucked under his head. His gaze was, of course, focused on you, taking in all your curves and letting out an approving groan.
You chuckle while sliding into the bed next to him. “I have to admit I thought for sure you would be gone when I woke up.” You wrap your arms around himm snuggling into his heat.
“Normally I would be but after last night talking to you, I thought, this girl needs to be shown how a proper man aught to treat you.”
You can’t help the giggle that comes out. “Oh wow well thank you for gracing me with this rare occurance.”
“Oh you're welcome, now I don’t know about you but want to grab some chow with me and maybe we can convince our counterparts to come as well?” In response, your stomach let out a loud growl. His laugh causes you to bounce on his chest, you are burying your head once again in embarrassment.  “I think that answers my question, a woman after my own heart.”
The rest of the time spent with Dean was short and sweet. He was a real charmer and if anything you just hoped that you had looked cool or at least not a klutz in front of him. You had parted with a couple tears but you couldn’t have asked for a better time.
Your year went on each journey you went on made you grow and brought new memories. You grew closer to the team. Even as you had to be working most times you grew more confident and more assured in yourself and your abilities. You picked up hobbies and let some go, lets just say you definitley were not designed to be a runner or cook professionaly.
The thing that most changed was your relationship with Bucky. It had morphed into a friendship but at some times it could be very awkward as you both slipped into more than friends mode. Amost like teenagers in love but to scared to admit it. You held back though not that Bucky hadn’t proven himself time and again. It was the traveling that rreally made you step back and reevaluate. There was so much you wanted to experience and to be honest being single was the only true way to do that.
So finally the day came, you were packed and ready to head overseas your trip would last over 2 months taking you to all the places you had only viewed on Pintrest and Instagram. You were just putting the final things in your bag when you heard a light knocking on your door.
“Come in.” You called, Wanda had gotten you a journal for you to document your every step.
Bucky’s head popped around the door. You shut the journal and shifted so that you could face him. He seemed agitatied and nervous. Stiffening just a little you grabbed hold of a pillow placing it in your lap. That look usually meant he had something to get off his chest.
Scooting the chair so that he could sit close enough that he could place a hand on your knees. He didn’t immediatly say anything simply looked down while stroking him thump against your exposed skin. “Bucky, what did you want to talk about, you’re making me a little nervous.”
“I.. I” it was like he was already regretting the words that were to come out of his mouth. With a deep breath, he finally met your gaze. “I don’t want you to go.” His hand tightened on your knee but not to the point of pain. It was more like he was pleading with you to understand his words. “I know that sounds selfish but I feel like I just got you back. That I got my best friend back and I don’t want to lose you again.”
“Bucky, I don’t know what to say, I mean I leave tomorrow. Why did you wait till now to say anything?” You can feel your breath quicken and your eyes start to sting. Not truly understanding why this was happening now.
“It’s because I just got you back. I really do want you to go on your trip. I know you will have an amazing time. I know that this is everything you always wanted to do. I just, I get the feeling that if you go I’m going to lose you forever.” He looks away for a moment but quickly loos back and lifts his hand to rest against your cheek. “Just look at this past year, everytime you go you come back changed and more beautiful than ever. It sends me reeling and I have to hold back from doing anything more than hugging you because I screwed up. I just want another chance with you but I fear that if I let you go I will lose that chance.”
His thumb brushes against your cheek catching the single tear that had escaped. Thinking back on the past year you realize Bucky had been there. Everytime you had to pack a bag he had helped you making sure you had  everything and even more for your trip. He had made sure to check in while you werre gone. If there was a late night airport pick up he was there waiting patiently with flowers or a funny sign, anything that would make your face burst into a smile or blush. He had been anything you asked for, a pillow, a friend, a listening ear and even that blockade from others when you had a rough day. Never once had he pushed you to be anything more and never once had he looked away when you told all your stories. You really had taken him for granted. You gently cupped his cheek, gazing into those blue eyes and for a moment getting lost in them, searching for answers that you knew only you held.
“Bucky, you mean the world to me and even though I’m going I want you to know that I will come back. i can’t say for certain what will happen or who I will be when I get back but I can promise you this I will come back to you.” He nuzzled into your hand clasping his own around your wrist to keep the connection between you. “I know I haven’t thanked you for everything you have done for me but you are the main reason I have been able to do what I have been doing. You are my best friend and I can never thank you enough for that. I do want to give us a chance but I need to do this this is for me and me alone. Through this year you know what I have learned the most?” He shook his head slightly. “It’s who i am and how I deserve to be treated. I know now that I deserve to be treated like a princess, then a lady, than a goddess, and back to a princess. You have showed me that but you need to let me go so that we can truly find out if we belong. This will be the first time we have truly been away from each other, it will give us time to reflect. I know every encounter and every memory has made me who I am and there were just some things that needed to change. All I ask is that you ask yourself if you can treat me the way I want, no need to be treated, I will do the same thing. And if its fate will that we be together than we will be. I have absolute faith in that. Can you do that for me, Bucky?”
You both had tears running down your faces, you both realize it is the end of an era for you. What happened next would forever change your relatioinship. His voice was horce with emotion but he nodded and replyed. “I will, (Y/N). I will do that for you. It’s more than worth it to me.”
With that, you both seperated taking in deep breaths and drying your cheeks. “Now want to make sure I’m already to go?”
“Of course.” He begain to rifle through your things and when the night grew late he laid down next to you. You fell asleep holding each other.
The next morning the whole gang showed up to see you all. You had made them agree to not show up randomly. This was for you and you alone, there were a few disgruntled people but in the end, they all agreed. You made the usual promises to write, call, and even FaceTime before hugs were given to all. Bucky was the last and the longest hug.
“I love you.” You whispered in his ear trying to pull him even closer.
“I love you too.” He responded with just as much fervor.
You finally seperated and with a final nod to them, you made your way to the security line. You barely made it through when you turned back to wave one last time. It was time for the last leg in your adventure.
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