memoirsofmemmories · 5 years
Thoughts on ‘The Miracle of Enzym: Self-Healing Program’ by Hiromi Shinya
Months ago I told you that I am going to change my diet to lose some weight, 11 kg precisely. In the process of tight diet, I stumbled upon a YouTube channel that tells everything about dieting. Well, I learned that the vlogger knows a lot about diet science and I guess she knows about the digestive system that has become my numero uno problem so far. 
She mentioned about Hiromi Shinya couple of time and shows the books as well. She ensured me that the book tells people what to eat or what to do to stay healthy. And that is beyond just losing some pounds. 
I rushed to Gramedia (bookstore) and enthusiastically read the book a couple of months ago. ‘The Miracle of Enzym: Self-Healing Program’ is then the second book of Hiromi Shinya I read. The first one was ‘Mukzizat Enzym’ with the green cover. I loved the first book and I still craved for more detailed information. And here are my thoughts on the latest Shinya’s book that’s been released in Indonesia:
‘The Miracle of Enzym: Self-Healing Program’ is written by a Japanese-American doctor and expert in colonoscopy, Hiromi Shinya. He pioneered modern colonoscopic techniques, and invented the electrosurgical polypectomy snare now common on colonoscopes, allowing for removal of colon polyps without invasive surgery.
On the cover of this book, you can see that Shinya offers his theory can be applied to prevent heart attack, osteoporosis, cancer, and to bring a more healthy and happy life. He has this simple idea that every human has a key enzyme that keeps people stay young and able to recover from any sickness. So this book is absolutely non-fiction.  
Let me be honest with you. This is not a book for everyone who has no interest in the medical field. Sometimes I felt like the doctor explained his studies in a too detail way and it made me both confused and bored. You’ll find many Latin names and whatsoever in the pages and wondering whether you need to know this deep or not (and whether your brain can record ‘em or not).
But the good news is, Shinya will tell the information again and again. So, you’ll start thinking that the information he wrote cannot be overlooked. Reading his books actually felt like having a conversation with your personal internist. He will try to read you and give you a suggestion very meticulously. That’s what I like about this book. You just need to open your mind, be more patient and start to absorb his experiences of 30 or more years.
The After Effect
A good non-fiction book always contains a bunch of information I can apply on a daily basis. And so does this book. I learned that I:
1. Need to drink more water and know when to;
2. Need to do more exercise, starting with the light one;
3. Chicken, red meat and other animal protein sources should be limited cause they may cause more fat (for people who want to lose weight) and furthermore can cause allergic;
4. Need more veggies;
5. Stay away from alcohol and smoke; 
6. Need to keep our environment healthy cause you know, Mufasa was right. We are in the circle of life!;
7. Every disease (cancer includes) starts from the digestive system. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.
7/10 for enlighting me on clean healthy diet and life.
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memoirsofmemmories · 5 years
From 50s to 40s eps #1
Hi it’s been years since the last time I touched my tumblr. But today I think I kinda need a space to write a diary which is about my journey from 50s to 40s. It’s definitely not about age but none other KG!
Yup, my weight has been going uncontrollable these past years until I realized that I have been categorized as an obese level I. I am 54 kg, 144 cm tall, 27 in age. It started to annoy me cause I can no longer fit. I got sick easily, I am weak and my body feels really heavy. And plus I cannot use my cute dresses anymore!
The number one and major reason of why I got this weight went crazy was because I have a peptic ulcer. I had been so sick of it that I sweared I would never suffer from hunger anymore. And so that was why I overeate everything meanwhile I hate sports.
Sports and I have this love and hate relationship. We went on and off because one or two reasons in the past (love it was). I was also 100 percent sure that someone could lose weight without doing any sports because with my two eyes I witnessed some of my friends really did. 
I did couple diet plans and I was suffering from hunger again. Once I finished the diet, I avenged that pain and gained more weight. It was almost even twice than I lost. My ulcer went nauseous and that’s how I know I need a help medically to assist me cut some fat while keep me all together.
I did some research about diet plans and none felt really asurring. Some undetake low carb or low fat, some consume diet pills or herbal medicine, some do crazy cardio (which is not my preference) and et ce tera. 
I found fermented plum product that was recommended by one of my friends. He was far worse than me, but he alerted me that I am on my way just exactly to be like him if I do nothing with my diet. I bought that imported plum for almos 350K IDR and started hitting the gym for a week. I cut only 0,5 KG. That is not worth it, my heart yelled.
I kept doing some research and I found a documentary film by CNN called ‘EXPLAINED’. One of the episodes enlightened me of ‘WHY DIET FAILS’. It is because no one can stick to a tight diet plan when food is so easy to find  anywhere and at anytime. There is’nt a single recipe of how people lose weight. It is totally different from one people to another. Diet plan for me must be customized with my condition.
Finally, I found a diet clinic on Instagram which turned out has a branch in Lotte Shopping Avenue. I came by and asked for several information. I made an appointment with the doctor and I learned couple things from that first meeting.
#1 Meeting
I met the doctor that explained to me how my shape is. That is how I know I am obese level I (in Asia) because my BMI is 26.  Normally it is 20 or less. My fat is basically more than half of my body. The doctor made sure that I can go under some treatments that can shape my body just in 3 months. I want to cut 11 KG, and she basically offered me dozens kind of treatments that I can take.
But I know I do not need those kind of treatments because I am not in a rush and you know, probably have low budget too. So I considered to take the basic program which consists of 12 meetings with the dietarian. It costs me like 1 million or something for the whole 3 months. 
The dietarian explained to me that I have to tackle 4 phases of diet in 3 months. They call it “Induction’, ‘PHASE 1, ‘PHASE 2′, and ‘PHASE 3′. 
As a beginner I have to undergo Induction phase where I can only consume fruits and vegis for 3 days. Right after that, I have to only take fruits, vegis and protein which are not more than 800kcal a day. That aint easy cause I am totally blind about how to count these food. But the dietarian shed me some light by giving me couple of recipe that I can follow during the second phase. This phase is 11 days long. 
I will start the first phase tomorrow. Wish me luck!
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memoirsofmemmories · 7 years
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Today was an extraordinary day to me for sharing my amateur experiences on YouTube in front of Britzone classroom. Basically I was trying to encourage people in the class to speak English on social media platforms so they can learn public speaking individually yet probably give impacts to others. But then, soon to be DKI Jakarta Governor came in and I was like...'what should I do?' to 'OK, Sir. You can continue this class by sharing your promises. I'll go home now'. Let alone his photo session. Gosh! Thank God we managed to continue the class until the very end. Anyway, it was a unintentional surprise and I feel honoured to be the conductor today. (at Perpustakaan Kemendikbud)
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memoirsofmemmories · 7 years
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Thank you for the good and bad days... thank you for the ups and downs. Thank you for providing me a place to share everything, to exchange ideas and to let me stay for who I am. Sukses terus untuk kita semua!
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memoirsofmemmories · 7 years
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Goodbye promises a new hello! See you on top @adityagemapratomo (at INews Center Kebon Sirih Jakarta)
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memoirsofmemmories · 7 years
Malam Termenye-Menye
Jakarta - Malam menye-menye yang pernah gue alami ada banyak karena pada dasarnya gue adalah makhluk dengan hati hello kitty. Tapi malem ini gue mood banget nulis karena selain menye gue juga pengen sorting out my head. You, readers, pasti udah pernah denger wise words macem "Tuhan memberikan apa yang kita butuhkan bukan apa yang kita inginkan". This whole time I was like, "yeah sure. Those are two different things. Who cares?". Now I care. So I've been in love with a guy for almost one third of my age -which is 25- now. This guy I believed was the love of life or anything related my dreamy man. I thought I'd be happy with him around. I am quite not sure now. After long and tiring journeys, I managed to be his girlfriend and is pronounced as his future wife. However, it's not that I badmouth him, we slightly ever available for each other. We keep encountering new problems and can never talk about those. He breaks promises and keeps me insecure. These facts slap me in the face, telling me that maybe he isn't the man I need. Maybe he isn't the one though he's good enough and I would sacrifice anything just to make him happy. But hey, I deserve to be happy too. With him, I am happy but feeling sad, disappointed and insecure most of the time. Hasn't he been ready yet? Could be so. What I am trying to say here is God probably is telling me to face the fact that he is not the one for me or maybe not yet. And also, if he's the one, - I am telling you that working on with your dreamy future husband will never be easy.
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memoirsofmemmories · 7 years
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Looking at my future intensely (at Dunia Fantasi (DUFAN) - Taman Impian Jaya Ancol)
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memoirsofmemmories · 7 years
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Wif the boys behind my CLBK song called 'I still love you'. (at INews Center Kebon Sirih Jakarta)
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memoirsofmemmories · 7 years
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How to pose like a swag lady boss! #swag #dufan #carriage #monochromestyle #monochrome #piknikasik (at Dunia Fantasi (DUFAN) - Taman Impian Jaya Ancol)
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memoirsofmemmories · 7 years
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Kenapa cewek suka foto di kamar mandi? Hmm salah boy, cewek suka foto di depan kaca. Kenapa kaca? Karena cewek dan kaca itu udah dab dari sononya. #mırrorselfie #mỉrroronthewall #whosthefairestofthemall (at Inewstv Building)
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memoirsofmemmories · 7 years
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Yup, I learned how to pretend that I don't love you much nor miss you every single day that it makes me hard to focus on anything else. And I am just not in the mood of pretending today. I love you 😘
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memoirsofmemmories · 7 years
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Biarkan bibirmu merekah tawa walaupun pipimu sak tampah #dreambig #okezone #officedesign (at Studio Redaksi Okezone)
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memoirsofmemmories · 7 years
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People have different ways of thinking, paths, and backgrounds. They don't stand a chance for asking to be born in particular families or cultures. They are always in the states of searching and researching. Judging and discrimination are then the least things I do from now on. (at Jakarta, Indonesia)
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memoirsofmemmories · 8 years
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I turned 25! Today is another chance for me to look back whats I've been through and whats I am gonna do. I'd like to use this chance to say I am super grateful for Allah SWT has given me so many opportunities to live a life that I love. He lets me write, sings, He lets me have family, friends and mates that are totally supportive for every decision I choose. They let me smile though I am not a tidy flat mate nor a perfect daughter. Thanks for all the wishes. You guys made me possible.
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memoirsofmemmories · 8 years
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Super sekali dinner @dynod_ malam ini. Terima kasih undangan makan mevvahnyaaaa... semoga umurnya barokah yaaa !!! #seafood #muaraangke #foodporn #jakarta #indonesianfood (at Pasar Ikan ”Muara Angke” Jakarta Utara)
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memoirsofmemmories · 8 years
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Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light. - Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. #harrypotterquotes #quotes #quotestoliveby #ootd #ootdindo @ootd.indonesiaa @ootd_inspirations @ootdmagazine (at Mall Kota Kasablanka Shopping Centre Jakarta Selatan.)
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memoirsofmemmories · 8 years
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GAC!!! Love talking to em so much... (at INews Center Kebon Sirih Jakarta)
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