like where is all them shippers at?
ok so like where is all the banny x pretty horse girl (Holly) shippers at? Cuz I can barely find anything about them even if I did it's from 2 years ago lol am I the only one who is still obsessed with this ship?
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i feel so fuckin depressed and so far 2024 is gunna be the worst year for me and it's literally just been 4 months and it's been hell already so...
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I got a little present for all the foxbon shippers
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Andy x margret is da best lol
in my opinion...
andy x margret is better... tho it's very underrated... like very underrated...
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tell me your favorite popular ships and underrated ships and more
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So like I did this instead of going to sleep like a normal person would but as you can probably tell I'm not normal one bit, but anyways I did this so i can get other people's opinions on these rarepares that I ship, as you read it you'll probably see that it was my first ever time I posted something onto there but hey I'm still learning, anyways I gotta go to sleep now literally writing this thing for hours and the reason it took so dang long is because I'm doing this all on my smart tv and writing on a smart tv is pain and it sucks even more because I'm writing all this stupid nonsense that isn't important now my damn thumb hurts... good night everyone
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pretty plzzz?
plz can somebody make something for foxbon?... maybe a fanfic on Wattpad or AO3... even fanart... anything I'm literally on my knees begging for someone to make something about them
i would do it myself but I get nervous and anxious getting noticed on the internet... even just writing and posting this is a lot for me lol...
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The only ships i ship are and i get sad when I can't find anything about them :(
Literally Foxbon, Funtime foxy x cb (idk the ship name for them), and Fonnet... instead all I find is foxpet and frexy and foxbit (i don't mind these ships but I literally see them everywhere I go)
Tbh the only ship that is Canon is foxbit...
This is my opinion...(if you ship foxpet or frexy good for you but it's just not my cup of tea)
i like rarepairs
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IT'S probably just my IMAGINATION
i was just walking home from school and i heard IT... NOBODY else was nearby though so i thought i was just IMAGINING THINGs but then i found a purple bandana near a tree, i brought IT home with me since i thought the bandana looked cool, i ate some apples and before going to bed, had a NIGHTMARE about some HORSE stalking me, now i feel like SOMETHING'S FOLLOWING ME EVERYWHERE I GO but IT'S probably n0th1ng.
___ _____ ___ __
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What a normal day!
yoo guys! I found this super cool app that allows you to talk to fictional characters and stuff, I literally haven't been out of my room for weeks now lol, but it's so so fun, IT'S called _________ __!, I totally recommend trying IT OUT.
my beloved
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It's spreading fast...deleting every single one of them
...it tricked me into loving it...
... it pretended to be her...
...but after I told "her"...
... and found out it was all fake...i freaked out and deleted it... but it followed me... into the real world... dragged me into the screen... so it can feel something... Love... it made me feel special...i shouldn't have told "her"...
_____ loved me and I loved her... but it took over...i know she's in there... I'll save her too... I'll come back soon...
...I promise her I would go back... but it's taken over her mind...
we'll defeat it...
I'm sorry _____ i love you...
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...I'm sorry...
... it's all my fault...
they're all in danger because of me...
... she's after me... deleting every single universe... and it's my fault...
...i have to warn them all before it's too late...
...i should've kept my mouth shut...i wish I could go back and prevent this from happening... it's too late to go back now... I have to save them all...
...... I'm sorry _____
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FoxBon maybe?
Am I the only one who ships Funtime foxy and bonbon from the damn oddities roleplay? I mean they were married or something, and there were times that bonbon fell in love with foxy... I'm probably just crazy or something idk
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