mentechancha · 2 months
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“The ending we deserve” feel free to color and or repost
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mentechancha · 1 year
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Samuel T. Owen - Sato ♡
Coloring by me :)
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mentechancha · 1 year
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Anime vs. Live action
A sneak peek of what is to come of web c-drama The Comic Bang/开画少女漫 based on Tsubaki Izumi’s manga series Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun.
Watch Trailer Here
Featuring:  Wang Ruoshan as Lu Dao (Kashima Yu) Zhao Yiqin as Gu Zhengxing (Hori Masayuki)
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mentechancha · 2 years
"Unexpected Response"
Art by me, Melonsodacream
Inspired by @incorrect-nozaki-kun post.
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ASDFGHJKL!! It's finally done!! 🎉🎉
Sorry it took so long, this is my first time making a digital comic so im still learning and trying new stuff. Not gonna lie tho' if there's an awkward line stroke, please ignore it! 😭💦
So yeah, i presented to you my first comic and please expect more to come! Stay tune! ❤️💕
Inspiration :
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Rough draft
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For Mayumiko / Horikashi fangirls and fanboys ✨
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Thanks for your like, follow, and re-blogged! 💕
And if you want to support me for making more of this, please leave a tip on Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/melonsodacream
I'm really touched with your support guys! AAA!! You guys are the best! 😭❤️💕
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mentechancha · 3 years
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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun vs THE STEEL TANUKI 🎢
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mentechancha · 3 years
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Once I read a post from someone asking for an adaptation of “perfect” by Ed Sheeran for KakaSaku (or something like that I can’t remember that clearly) and well here it is, I don’t remember how long ago it was or who was the person, but hey, here it is random citizen. It took me forever to make so please don’t repost without asking, don’t be rude or mean :c Ko-Fi
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mentechancha · 3 years
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Enjoy some more of @cosmic—moth ‘s kakasaku Au . I prefer this in minimal or greyscale color. I don’t like the colored version much.
I’ve been struggling with coloring lately, and I hate it cuz I used to love coloring . Now I’m just preferring my line work over color. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Anyway, enjoy
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mentechancha · 3 years
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Happy 10 years, monthly girls nozaki-kun 😂
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mentechancha · 3 years
YutaMaki and Itakugi, possible endgames?
I wanted to talk about the possibility of Yuta/Maki and Yuji/Nobara being canon at the end of the show. Or at least, having some romantic confirmation.
Now before we begin I just want to say that I would GLADLY make an entire presentation about Nobara and Yuji's and Yuta and Maki's development and their relationship but because people are going to ram my post with comments like "oh so you only ship them because the boy is nice to the girl??? Or because the girl is nice to the boy?? heteronormative!!" so for now we'll be focusing on the romantic aspects of their relationship, aka the blushing and etc.
This is just my opinion and you're free to express yours, by the way.
Let's start off with the fact that Jujutsu Kaisen has zero romantic relationships. Shounen anime are often known to not know how to write romances well since half of the anime is action, but Jujutsu Kaisen shows us romance subtly yet still effectively.
Yuta and Maki's conversation. Yuta is the first person (besides Toge and Panda) to know about Maki's upbringing.
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Now I know this might be hard to explain for those who don't see it so I'm going to try my best.
Maki and Yuta's conversation showed that she was flustered about his response. Maki blushes as she leaves and deflects his compliment that he thinks she's strong and resilient, Yuta already holds a deep respect for Maki however the way he talks about her suggests more personal feelings rather than just talking about Maki like she's his friend.
He tells Rika to hold an unconscious Maki gently, almost as if she were a butterfly or a flower. He gets angry at Rika for screaming at Maki. And you know what Rika screams at Maki for? Because she got angry that Yuta is always thinking about Maki.
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Not to mention there have been plenty times where romance was subtly shown between Yuta and Maki. Such as:
In an interview, Gege Akutami said that Yuta could potentially fall in love with another girl since Rika is gone. Maki’s view on Yuta changed from an “irritating beansprout” to an “amazing beansprout”. (source)
Panda asks Yuta if he prefers women with large or small chests, and after Yuta replies with "Medium-sized", Panda begins teasing Maki by saying that they have a chance on getting together. In Jujutsu stroll for episode 15, when asked "What's your type?", Maki says "At least someone stronger than me." Yuta, a Special Grade Sorcerer, could easily fit that description.
Not to mention when the 2nd years were introduced, Panda once said that Maki’s softer with Yuta when he’s around.
I think it's notoriously easy to understand that there is romance hinted between the two.
Now let's look at Yuji and Nobara.
Now before you say "impossible they're sibling-coded!!" or anything about Nobara finding interesting in girls, please read the Manga before making accusations over HEADCANONS popularized by the fandom. After Nobara and Yuji defeat the curse womb brothers and walk back, we get to see their first one on one conversation without Fushiguro.
[read right to left]
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Nobara in the English translation of the Manga considers Yuji her "ride or die" and that he had crashed her way into her life, their discussion inevitably leads Nobara to say that this makes her and Yuji accomplices.
In the original translation by Gege and in the anime it was differently.
"There are only so many open seats in my life, and I don't want to let my heart be swayed by anyone who's not sitting in them. Is that mean? Of course, there are also people like you who bring their own seat and sit down." Nobara tells Yuji that she doesn't want her heart to be "swayed" by those who don't have a seat in her life. And yet she says that Yuji is the one who brought his OWN seat in her life. Which means that Yuji had swayed her heart in a sense.
Japanese translation:
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It's the same translation here too except there's something else,
Nobara tells Yuji about her heart not wanting to be moved by those who didn't take a seat in her life, she used the Kanji "心" which means heart but it also means "core" core is most familiar used as a noun referring to the central or most important part of something. So in that case, Nobara is telling Yuji that she doesn't want her core/heart to be swayed by people who don't have a seat in her life. But she follows that saying that Yuji is the one who brought his own chair into her core/heart. Which means he has an important role into her heart.
Moving onto chapter 64, Nobara (after watching movies with Yuji) meets Ozawa. Ozawa had a crush on Yuji since middle school and has always wanted to tell him that. Their conversation leads to Ozawa asking Nobara if she had a crush on Yuji too, which Nobara responds that even if heaven and earth danced to lambada there would be no way. And you can see a tiny illustration of "heaven" and "earth" dancing on the cups, and guess what happens?
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Her heart skips a beat at the thought of that.
Now if you've watched a lot of anime you would know that this is the most obvious trope that's often used in romance anime including tsundere's. But it's also so convenient by itself that this happend, she says that even if heaven and earth were to dance there would be now way, yet, when heaven eand earth dance together her heart skips a beat.
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As for here:
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Yuji and Nobara have a mutual trust towards each other, in chapter 5 they even blush at each other (multiple times if you've paid attention to the panels).
As for additional information:
Gege mentioned that chapter's title "Accomplices" refers to all duos who appeared in Ch.63. It makes Yuji and Nobara accomplices too. When Nobara fights Momo Nishimiya, there is a scene where she gets a flashback of Yuji. In the Manga the panel made him look funny, however in the anime that was changed and Yuji looked more happy, presumably from Nobara's point of view.
In an official art created by Mappa, I made a post about how Nobara gives Yuji flowers that have a lot of romantic meanings. You can read that here to add onto this.
There is also Nobara's flower language that can add onto Itakugi as well and this analysis I made of their relationship.
I guess that's all I had to discuss about. Sorry if this is badly explained, just wanted to share my thoughts and all.
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mentechancha · 3 years
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The results for the 2nd Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Best Pairing Poll have been released!
This focuses on the main characters (our high school gang + Monthly Girls’ Romance magazine crew + Ryousuke + Mayu)!
The editorial department’s comments on the Top 10:
Fighting off the mad chase from Nozaki & Chiyo, who ranked 3rd in the last ranking, the previous 1st place Hori & Kashima made a strong defence for their top spot in the 2nd Best Pairing ranking!
Having no partner, a lot of Mikoshiba combinations placed in the Top 10 in this round too. In particular, he was paired with Mayu so much that they made a big jump from 12th place to 4th place!
Out of everyone, what caught our attention was 7th place. Ryousuke and Miyako-san, who have greatly shortened the distance between them, managed to place in the Top 10.
And, back in Round 1, 8th and 9th places was a fight to the death over Ken-san(!?) between Nozaki and Maeno. This time, Nozaki has the overwhelming victory, and he’ll surely be pleased with that!
We’re truly grateful for the massive participation!
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mentechancha · 3 years
El co-protagonista es un estudiante transferido! El tipo ideal de Yumeko ❤️ Me encanta que se usen esos detalles.
Ya espero saber más de la historia.
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A sneak peek of Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Volume 0 (aka Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-san)!
A glimpse of high school girl and protagonist Yumeko, the transfer student Miyoshi Ritsuo, plus high school boy Mayu and older Nozaki + Mikoshiba!!!!
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mentechancha · 3 years
the way they looked at each other (。•́︿•̀。)
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mentechancha · 3 years
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I like you. We’re the same type. ‘I don’t like it.’ But it’s true.
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mentechancha · 3 years
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Had to redraw this with them.
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mentechancha · 3 years
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GSNK Volume 12 BONUS Illustration (とらのあな)
(rough translation: After seeing hell from seriously chasing him around, Kashima saw an unexpectedly fun and cheery Hori)
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mentechancha · 3 years
GSNK Pairing Poll voting guide
Hello readers! After much anticipation, the 2nd pairing poll for GSNK has officially opened online \o/ and lucky for us international losers readers, we too can participate! (we just can’t get the prizes, so r.i.p anyone outside of Japan who wants the chance to score the goods below)
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Prizes are categorised from A-F and are as follows: Wakamatsu plushie, Sakura plushie, Mikoshiba glasses stand, Hori glasses stand, GSNK badges, and a GSNK clear file.
There are a couple of questions to fill out, although you don’t need to fill out all of them (compulsory questions are marked with  (必須) in red). You can vote once per day, and voting closes on 20th May 23:59 Japan time. Results will be revealed in the August update. I’ll leave the instructions under the cut.
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mentechancha · 3 years
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itakugi sketch I don’t feel like fully rendering; planned scene from my WIP fic
Insta/Twitter: FaindriArt
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