meowbrown · 1 month
2 Japanese resources that are good for N3 level
Sesame Street Japan
Sharing one of my favorite episodes, going to the beauty salon.
美容院 (びよういん) - beauty salon
エルモは可愛いです!世界で一番 (echo: 番番番)~~~~ you'll get this after you watch it 😆
NHK for School
I used to think NHK stuff is boring until my Japanese teacher shared it with me today. They tried to "animenize" some dry topics like environmental topics. I find it quite cringe to watch the actor, but also much more fun if they didn't do that.
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meowbrown · 5 months
Nostalgia Steeped | Blog Info
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"you open the tin to find a letter, a dusty fountain pen and a pressed leaf."
This blog is being made to encourage myself to keep up with my language learning endeavours. I suppose its a studyblr? well, its probably going to be more of an online diary. I'm not exactly the studious type, but language learning has slowly been growing into a passion for me. I also want an outlet to try typing in my target language, and maybe make some friends?
Goals for this blog:
document and encourage myself while learning. I kind of want to treat this blog as if I'm talking to an audience, but also I'm really just talking to myself lol.
organize any information i find useful, or want to remember.
update it semi-frequently? don't expect a content hose or anything. this blog is for me, primarily.
document what I'm immersing in. Primarily using immersion based methods to study, and honestly id like to talk about the experience more than just gas-lighting myself into acquisition lol.
practice some self output. talking in my target language is still far a ways a way, but i still want to get used to flexing that muscle more.
so yeah. if you'd like to talk about language learning with me, please feel free to shoot me an ask or a dm. I'm far from an expert, more just soap-boxing on my own, but I'm always looking for new things to immerse in and love talking about media. :)
This is a side-blog, so it stays on topic. Interactions from me will probably go through my main! @lukrio99990
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meowbrown · 5 months
て form song
There are so many て form songs on YouTube, but this is the one I learned in class a couple of years ago and I couldn't find the exact one. So I'm recording it for backup purposes in case my memory fails me.
く->いて ぐ->いで
例外 (れいがい)→行って
For る verbs like 食べる, all you do is replace る with て so no need to memorize.
I wonder how everyone else learned their て forms 🤔
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meowbrown · 5 months
Sounds like 國家 said in Taiwanese.
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meowbrown · 5 months
This reminds me of カタオモイ from Aimer
シワが 増えても それでも良いんだ
シワ here is the same as しわ, I'm guessing it's a "song" thing like the song's name using カタオモイ instead of using 片思い.
しわ - wrinkle, crease
Before wearing this suit, let's remove the wrinkles with an iron.
Recently, the wrinkles on my face are increasing.
I'm 40 years old, but I don't have wrinkles.
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meowbrown · 5 months
Seitokai Discord・May Japanese Bookclub
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This month we are reading わたしの幸せな結婚 in novel format in the Seitokai Japanese Bookclub!
Join us in the Seitokai Discord Server and grab the Japanese bookclub role to get started!
The book club starts May 1st! There's also an English book club if you'd like to join that!
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meowbrown · 5 months
소개하기 Self Intro
Here's my fake business card (명함) to help with the exercise in the lesson I'm taking:
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제 이름은 미아우브라운입니다. My name is meowbrown. 제 직업은 블로거입니다. My job is a blogger. 사무실 전화번호는 02-1824-7195입니다. (pronunciation: 공이에 일파리사에 치릴구오임니다. Office phone number is... 핸드폰 번호는 010-3379-9154입니다. (pronunciation: 공일공에 삼삼칠구에 구이로사입니다. Mobile number is... 이메일은 [email protected]입니다. (@ 골뱅이, . 점 pronounced as 쩜) Email is... 주소는 서울시 종로구 광화문로 142입니다. Address is...
Question: Do Koreans really carry over the sound for phone numbers when they speak? I'm wondering whether the teacher is trying to make us practice the carry over pronunciation or is this normal in Korea 🤔 The reason I can't ask the teacher is because it's an online course, that's a difference between having a 1:1 session.
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meowbrown · 5 months
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it's been a while—a bit more than six months!—since i first made an intro post for this blog, and since then, i've gained a lot of followers, and my focuses have shifted slightly, so i wanted to make a langblr reintro post to reflect that.
you can call me jiayi (家宜). 2023-2024 is my third year in post-secondary education overall, and my first year working on my bachelor's degree.
originally, i was an intended combination STEM-humanities major, but due to a variety of reasons, i am now exclusively focusing on humanities. my majors are chinese, middle eastern languages and cultures, and linguistics. i'm also passionate about translation and sexuality studies and asian languages in general, especially turkic and sinitic languages.
i am west asian and speak english, chinese, and turkish as my mother tongues, and i am more or less functionally conversational in german, at around a B1 level. my current language focuses for independent study are kazakh and korean, but i'm also interested in mongolian, vietnamese, shanghainese, and kurmanci.
for my study tools, you can find an ask i answered here that extensively details what programmes, apps, and sites i use to study (slightly out of date currently, but not wildly so). besides that, you can find my collection of resource posts generally under the tag #resources, my chinese-specific posts under #汉语, and answered asks under #inbox.
i'm always open to asks and dms! i want to use this account as a resource for other people with interest in learning languages, and i'd love to make friends :)
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meowbrown · 5 months
Checked it out and the catalogue is great for Indonesian and German. Not much for Japanese and for Korean it seems to be all in the category of spiritual at the moment.
my friend and i were going to study a language together and wound up having to cancel our plans due to scheduling pressures, but! through research we came across a really cool resource for reading in a TON of languages: bloom library!
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as you can see, it has a lot of books for languages that are usually a bit harder to find materials for—we were going to use it for kyrgyz, for example, which has over 1000 books, which was really hard to find textbook materials for otherwise. as you can see it also has books with audio options, which would be really useful for pronunciation checking. as far as i can tell, everything on the site is free as well.
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meowbrown · 5 months
Thanks for the detailed review, exactly what I'm looking for. I'll listen to this episode today!
Podcast Review: ことのは
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Podcast Title: 日本語の会話のpodcast −ことのは−
(にほんごのかいわのpodcast −ことのは−)
Available On: Spotify, YouTube
Ease of Listening: ★★★★★
Length of Episodes: ★★★★★
Level of Engagement: ★★★★★
Episode Frequency: ★★★★★
Overall: ★★★★★
Today I will be reviewing the Japanese conversation podcast ことのは (Kotonoha) by Yamamo-sensei and Kibi-sensei. They have episodes for all levels, separated by JLPT level N5-N1 and labeled so you can determine which episodes best suit your level or challenge yourself with a higher level.
Do I currently listen to this podcast?: Yes, I like this podcast a lot and listen to it frequently.
General Overview
Good For Levels: Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced
In this series, Yamamo and Kibi, two Japanese language teachers based in Japan, speak on a variety of topics in a conversation style of podcast. The conversation-style format is good for training your ear to listen to questions and responses, and every day banter between two speakers. They talk about Japanese culture and their own personal experiences which gives listeners an insight to the particulars of daily life in Japan.
Length of Episodes ★★★★★
The podcasts are usually around 20-30 minutes long. This is ideal for a commute or when you have some down time. They cover 2-3 subtopics within each topic they pick, so the conversations are very interesting and catch my attention and they don't seem too short or too long. They plan out each conversation topic carefully and keep it interesting and informative.
Level of Engagement ★★★★★
The conversation format is very engaging because they cover 2-3 subtopics within the main topic and structure the conversation to focus on each point of the topic. They keep the listener engaged with carefully planned-out topics and conversations, and there is obviously a lot of work that goes into their podcast. They match the vocabulary and pace of speaking with the level they are targeting, but even in the higher level podcasts I believe beginners would be able to catch the general flow of the conversation and challenge themselves to understand the content.
Episode Frequency ★★★★★
New podcasts come out once a week, and with the planning that goes into each episode it's a very good pace. There is also a lot of episodes already produced so you can go through them fairly quickly without running out of material.
Overall ★★★★★
This podcast is designed by two Japanese language teachers to convey information about Japanese culture completely in Japanese. The episodes are labeled by JLPT difficulty and I find the label system to be very accurate. It is a good podcast with which to practice your listening skills for every day conversation and to learn a bit more about Japanese culture.
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meowbrown · 5 months
How I get stuck with conversations
I take classes once a week so it usually starts with my teacher asking:
では、週末は何をしましたか? What did you do on the weekend?
何が予定がありますか? Do you have anything planned?
先週は何をし��したか? What did you do last week?
Main reason is 語彙が足りない
語彙 (ごい) が足りない (たりない): Not enough vocabulary
I had a health checkup recently, I know health is 健康 (けんこう) but don't have the words to say checkup. If I knew the word, it's just 健康診断 (しんだん) に行きました。It make sense to not know all of the words such as 採血 (さいけつ) or 血液 (けつえき) 検察, but at least I can say something like 血を取られた, but at that time I can't even remember 血。
Saying I need to travel around the end of February, all I can remember is 二月中旬 (ちゅうじゅん) and not have the vocabulary for 下旬 (げじゅん), which is supposed to be a pretty common word when talking about my activities.
Explaining things that's too hard for me
Recently, I've watched 陰の実力者になりたくて (The Eminence in Shadow) and am having trouble to explain what the anime is about. I feel it's okay-ish for not being able to say it in Japanese because I'm even having a hard time saying it in English.
The main character is actually really strong, but has severe 中二病. He also has a hobby of acting like a background character that you usually see in anime. I tried to explain the "what you see usually" part as: like being the first one to get injured, and stuff like that.
It's hard for me to explain it clearly, I should've focused on how the main character hides his powers and stop there.
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meowbrown · 5 months
The earthquake yesterday seemed to have caused a couple more buildings in Hualien to become slanted 🥺
What a coincidence, didn't expect to see someone staying in Taiwan on tumblr. Hi (BIG WAVE OF WAVES) 👋👋👋👋👋👋
地震 (じしん) related words
April has been full of earthquakes in Taiwan.
In the past two days there's been so many earthquakes 🥺 I wanted to talk to my teacher about it, so here's the list of words I've collected.
Related pronunciations
地震 - earthquake
自信 - self-confidence
自身 - self
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Related words
震度 (しんど) - seismic intensity 震度5強 (きょう) の地震があった。 There was an earthquake with a seismic intensity of strong 5.
余震 (よしん) - aftershock 大きな地震の後に何度も余震が続いた (つずいた)。 After the big earthquake, there were many aftershocks.
断層 (だんそう) - fault (geology) その地域 (ちいき) は複数 (ふくすう) の断層が存在 (そんざい) している。 There are multiple faults in that area.
震源地 (しんげんち) - epicenter 震源地は市 (し) の中心部 (ちゅうしんぶ) 近くにあった。
マグニチュード - magnitude その地震のマグニチュードは7.2だった。 The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.2.
地震計 (じしんけい) - seismometer 地震計が大きな揺れを検知 (けんち) した。 The seismometer detected strong shaking.
揺れ (ゆれ) - shake 地震の揺れがとても強かった。 The shaking from the earthquake was very strong.
Difference between マグニチュード and 震度
マグニチュード: total amount of energy released by the earthquake at its source 震度: how big you felt it in your local area
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meowbrown · 5 months
The blog seems to be on hiatus, but seemingly has a lot of past content I can check out.
Saya merasa tidak ada banyak orang belajar Bahasa Indonesia 😭
hello!! I'm starting a langblr because I've been slacking a bit and need to hold myself accountable lol. so here's a bit about me!!
- I am currently focusing on learning Bahasa Indonesia 🇮🇩 and that's about it, because I want to be really good at it one day haha. I love reading and writing so I would love to be able to do those at the same level that I do in English! and of course I want to be able to fluently communicate with my relatives in Indonesia!
- I live in America and I'm half Chinese- Indonesian and half German :)
- I am a college student so I don't have a ton of time to devote to learning
- I love learning though and am trying many new methods to try! Always open to new methods and ideas!
- I've been trying to learn on my own for almost a year now and it's not going too great because I focused too much on Duolingo for a while and don't really know what I'm doing haha
if anyone else is also learning Indonesian or is able to speak it and is trying to learn english dm me!! I'm no pro, but it could be fun to talk :D
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meowbrown · 5 months
Itu sangat bagus untuk menemukan (temu) blog yang memberikan informasi tentang bahasa Indonesia.
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Hi friends!
Please welcome the new face of Words in Bahasa! With the new face, I feel like it's only fair that I throw out some facts about our brand new logo, here are my favorites:
The color purple represents creativity. Words in Bahasa hopes to increase creativity and innovation in helping others learn about Indonesia's native language: Bahasa Indonesia in various ways.
The text outline portrays Batik. Have you ever heard of Batik? It's one of Indonesia's national treasures. A hand-crafted cloth, made of wax and love, Batik is very well-known here in Indonesia, and all around the world. As you see in the picture below, crafters would draw various motives such as flowers, leaves, etc. with wax (malam) using a tool we call canting. Most of the time, the center of the drawings will be left hallowed. This then inspires the idea of our logo text.
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(picture from Kompas.com)
3. The slogan: "satu, dua, tiga kata", literally means "one, two, three word" or in French "un, deux, trois mot". I can bet on my sweet potato chips, that one of our first-ever learning experiences in life (besides ABC's) is one, two, three (unless you're a prodigy who might've done algebra by 5 years old, kudos to that though!). I was inspired by this, then made the slogan, it defines our time as learners, slowly but surely studying about Bahasa Indonesia with Words in Bahasa.
I hope you guys like the new face! Please send away I can't wait to share more of the words in Bahasa Indonesia with you here in Words in Bahasa! As always, if you have questions, please do drop them here!
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meowbrown · 5 months
Another word that sounds like Mandarin 技術
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meowbrown · 5 months
地震 (じしん) related words
April has been full of earthquakes in Taiwan.
In the past two days there's been so many earthquakes 🥺 I wanted to talk to my teacher about it, so here's the list of words I've collected.
Related pronunciations
地震 - earthquake
自信 - self-confidence
自身 - self
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Related words
震度 (しんど) - seismic intensity 震度5強 (きょう) の地震があった。 There was an earthquake with a seismic intensity of strong 5.
余震 (よしん) - aftershock 大きな地震の後に何度も余震が続いた (つずいた)。 After the big earthquake, there were many aftershocks.
断層 (だんそう) - fault (geology) その地域 (ちいき) は複数 (ふくすう) の断層が存在 (そんざい) している。 There are multiple faults in that area.
震源地 (しんげんち) - epicenter 震源地は市 (し) の中心部 (ちゅうしんぶ) 近くにあった。
マグニチュード - magnitude その地震のマグニチュードは7.2だった。 The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.2.
地震計 (じしんけい) - seismometer 地震計が大きな揺れを検知 (けんち) した。 The seismometer detected strong shaking.
揺れ (ゆれ) - shake 地震の揺れがとても強かった。 The shaking from the earthquake was very strong.
Difference between マグニチュード and 震度
マグニチュード: total amount of energy released by the earthquake at its source 震度: how big you felt it in your local area
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meowbrown · 5 months
me- prefix for verbs in Indonesian
People can still understand you even if you don't know this.
Why I'm learning this now
I started Indonesian with conversations and didn't want to care too much about rules and grammar. Up until now, I've randomly add me- when I feel like it 🤣 truth is, people will still understand.
I feel like I've been stuck in the same level for some time, so trying to pick up these rules bit by bit.
How is it used
Used for active verbs, indicating an action performed by a subject.
Prefix: root word starts with (red means the letter is dropped)
me + m: b, f, p
me + n: d, j, c, t
me + ng: vowels, g, h, k
me + ny: s
me: everything else
B: beli (buy) – membeli
F: fokus (focus) – memfokuskan (make notes on the -kan affix in the future)
P: pakai (use) – memakai (note: 'p' dropped)
D: dengar (hear) – mendengar
J: jual (sell) – menjual
C: cuci (wash) – mencuci
T: tulis (write) – menulis (note: 't' dropped)
A: ambil (take) – mengambil
G: ganti (change) – mengganti
H: hafal (memorize) – menghafal (note: more academic word than mengingat)
K: kirim (send) – mengirim (note: 'k' dropped)
S: salin (copy) – menyalin (note: 's' dropped)
L: lihat (see) – melihat
M: minum (drink) – meminum
N: nanti (wait) – menanti
R: rata (flatten) – merata
W: warna (color) – mewarna
Y: yakin (assure) – meyakinkan
What's next
My TODO list:
-kan affix
pe- prefix
ter- prefix
ber- prefix
-i affix
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