merimuses · 2 years
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"That's quite slanderous, you know!"
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“What exactly might you be talking of? Mind being a bit more specific?”
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merimuses · 2 years
Aw. “Who knows, you might surprise yourself.” Blackfire surely was open to him perhaps being the right one, for some company for now at least.
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A dragon? Now if that wasn’t something unique to hear. “Fascinating. I’d be happy to entertain you.” She gestured for him to sit with her, though if he’d suggest to go somewhere else, Blackfire would be all up for that too. “I always imagined dragons more… scaly,” she hummed. “I’m Blackfire.”
It almost sounded like the dragon was the one who was getting company, instead of him being the one who asked why the woman was always by herself. It was somewhat odd, but the end results would hopefully remain the same.
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“Your imagination is true to the facts. I just choose to remain in a form that fits to living with humans.” And well, his true form being awfully large, not to mention arm-less. Both which are a hindrance to his hobbies.
“I figured I would be doing the entertaining, but it is a pleasure to meet you nevertheless, miss Blackfire. I am known as Mercphobia, the sea dragon god. Don’t let the long title impress you.” 
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merimuses · 2 years
@leafstcne​ liked for a starter.
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“You seemed to be lost in your thoughts.” Hence why she went and touched her cheeks. “Is something wrong? If it’s anything I can help with, don’t hesitate to tell me.”
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merimuses · 2 years
@nekasu​ liked for a starter.
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“I do not know the circumstances on why you were allowed in, buuut I guess worse humans have snuck in. Are you looking for anything specific?” 
Said the librarian’s assistant as the other entered the library. Koakuma had been informed of the other beforehand, so she would not treat the other as an enemy.. As long as she did not try and steal any books, that is.
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merimuses · 2 years
@merimuses liked for a starter
"Yes can I help you with something? I'm trying to study and practice, but I can try to be of assistance if you need it," Momo looked up from her textbook at the other. "You don't seem like a UA student thought, or am I mistaken?"
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“Oh! Sorry, I must have come odd looking like that. I don’t need help or anything.. “ She muttered in response as she caught the attention of the UA student. Feeling somewhat nervous of how she must have appeared to the other. 
“I’m not a student here, no. But my brother is.. “ Yes, her brother, not her. As someone who was not gifted with an extraordinary powers like everyone in UA, she would never get in as a student. Being quirkless herself. 
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merimuses · 2 years
🍎 。:*• ─ IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME !     ›    ( a symbol meme for muses who want to do something special and fun together this christmas / holiday season. )
send a symbol for our muses to:
🌲  ─  visit a tree farm to pick the perfect christmas tree 🎄  ─  decorate a christmas tree together 💋  ─  be caught standing under the mistletoe 🍽  ─  prepare the christmas dinner together 🍪  ─  bake & decorate christmas/holiday-themed sugar cookies ☕️   ─  drink something warm and/or festive ( either at home, at a coffeeshop, christmas market, etc… ) 🏠  ─  decorate a gingerbread house together 🎬  ─  watch a christmas movie 🎭  ─  see a christmas musical/play at the theater 🔥  ─  have an indoor picnic by the fireplace and/or christmas tree 🌟  ─  drive around the city to see the christmas lights ✉️  ─  send each other a christmas card 🎅🏻  ─  be each other’s secret santa 🎁  ─  exchange & open chistmas presents 🛍   ─  go christmas shopping together 👕   ─  go out wearing matching christmas sweaters  🎉   ─  attend a holiday party together 📷   ─  have a holiday photoshoot 🎶   ─  go christmas caroling  💃   ─  dance around the living room to christmas songs 💖   ─  volunteer together at a local charity  ✈️   ─  go on a christmas getaway ✏️   ─  create their own christmas/holiday tradition 😈  ─  decide who has been the naughtiest and the nicest and give each other rewards & consequences accordingly  ( can be funny/platonic or sexy/nsfɯ, depending on muses’ relationship ) 🃏   ─  wildcard !  choose your own activity !
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merimuses · 2 years
@queenofthegalaxxy​ continued from here.
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“I don’t think I’m the... Right person.” As confusing as the answer was, Mercphobia still tried his best to make a sense out of it. “Though if you were to accept an old dragon’s company, I guess I can play the role of the right person for now.” It would be a difficult to form a friendship with someone who lived in basically another world. As old as dragons were, what felt like ages for humans and people like them were mere blinks to dragons.
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merimuses · 2 years
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   “Uh-huh.” Far be it Riley to pass up free grub; she mounted the opposing chair, picked up the discarded menu. (It’d better be free. If this was some weird, sneaky way to drum up business – have a pretty lady ask passers-by to eat with her – well, that’d be depressing.) A peach parfait sounded perfect. “You invite a lotta strangers to play tourist with ya, or ‘m I just lucky enough to be the first? ” 
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“I wonder. I feel there have been a good number of strangers I’ve dined with at the very least. Better than to just be by my lonely self.” Free it would be, or perhaps the other woman was paying the spriggan back with her company alone. Being someone high up in a military, it was difficult to have any form of relaxation with anyone who was part of the said military. Hence why she resorted to inviting strangers to relax with her. 
“Order what you like. It’s all on me.”
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merimuses · 2 years
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“Oh? Is that so?” Mash felt no reason to not push herself, but if she took a moment to step back and think… she was only demi-human.. “Great idea, Senpai!” She was onboard. “Well, what do you suggest we do to rest?” She asks.
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“To rest we should... Rest.” She stated bluntly. At the very least, they should recover their strenght with a good meal and perhaps some sleep. “I would like to sit down for a bit. Let’s have a lunch shortly after and after it... Let’s see after we have eaten.”
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merimuses · 2 years
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Startercall for all the good fellas. Like this for a starter. Specify muse if you wish.
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merimuses · 2 years
Starters | Cold Personality
“I don’t remember asking for your opinion.” 
“You’re completely useless at this.” 
“I didn’t ask for your company, you came along on your own.” 
“Can you do anything right?” 
“Will you please shut up for once?” 
“Hey, look at me. Either you obey me, or you die.” 
“I’m not interested in hearing about it.” 
“Did you really think I cared about you?” 
“You’re just a tool, to me. A poor one, at that.” 
“We all have our vices, don’t we?” 
“My god, you’re oblivious. How long were you in the dark?” 
“Hurry up, I don’t have all day.”
“What happens to you isn’t my concern.”
“Shut up before I cover your mouth.”
“I can do anything I want to you, and you’ll still enjoy it. Pathetic.”
“You’re starting to bore me.”
“You can do better than that, can’t you?”
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merimuses · 2 years
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Startercall for all the good fellas. Like this for a starter. Specify muse if you wish.
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merimuses · 2 years
as requested by a very wonderful, very dear, very lovely friend! i hope you all enjoy using these as much as i enjoyed writing them! i honestly found these so nice and therapeutic to write tho like oml i cannot get over it! DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST PLEASE! 
“ oh, i knew you could do it! i’m so proud of you! “
“ i’m thinking of doing a movie/game night at my place, if you wanna join in? “
“ how many mugs of coffee have you had today?! that’s enough, now, you go take a nap before you buzz through the ceiling! “
“ i’ll send you the recipe, if you like! but, in the same breath, you should know that i really don’t mind continuing to cook this for you; it’s no trouble at all, really! “
“ are you sure there isn’t anything i can do to help you in the kitchen? “
“ come on in! take a seat! i’ll fix you up a plate, there’s more than enough to go around! “
“ why don’t you spend the night here? really, it’s no trouble to fix up the guest room, and we have plenty of spare pajamas and toiletries if that’s what’s bothering you! “
“ look, i get the whole lone wolf thing, trust me, i do. but… you do understand that there’ll always be a place here for you, don’t you? that door is always open to you, no matter what. that’s a promise. “
“ why don’t i make you a cup of tea, and you can tell me all about it? “
“ [NAME]? hey, hey, hey, what’s the matter? are you okay? what’s wrong? oh, come here… “
“ jeez, i don’t even wanna know how you got that battle wound there; sit down and let me fix it up, won’t you? “
“ hey, stranger! it’s been a minute, huh? what’ve you been up to? how have you been? hell, where have you been? “
“ now, now, don’t be silly; put that wallet away. i invited you out for dinner, so i’ll pay the bill, right? you can get the next one! “
“ hey, you didn’t order anything! don’t worry about it, huh? here, take half my sandwich; i can never finish the damn thing, anyway, you’re really doing me the favor! and there’s coffee in that flask, so help yourself to that, too! i’ve been trying to cut back, anyhow. “
“ hey, i know it’s really late, but… i didn’t know who else to call. “
“ everything’s gonna be okay, i promise. just tell me where you are, okay? and i’ll come and get you right this second. “
“ well, we have to celebrate your good news! what’s your favorite dinner? oh, and cake! we can’t have a decent celebration without cake, right? “
“ hey, hey, it’s okay, relax. i’m not about to nag you for skipping out on curfew, alright? have you eaten anything? because i saved you a plate, and it’s in the oven if you want it. “
“ now, now, none of that self-hate talk! we all have bad days, right? we all mess up sometimes and make silly mistakes. but it doesn’t matter at the end of the day; it just makes the good days all the better! “
“ guess who has an extra ticket for the concert this weekend! wanna come with me? they’re practically front row! “
“ you’re still coming over for dinner tonight, right? “
“ hey! what are your plans for the holidays? because, if you didn’t have any, i have an offer for you! or an open invitation! “
“ did you do something different with your hair? it looks amazing! “
“ oh my god, where have you been?! i was so worried about you! are you okay? did you get hurt?! “
“ we should go out tonight! come on, you can ransack my wardrobe if you like! i have a friend who’s the bouncer at that new night club, they can get us in for free! “
“ i made you some breakfast, if you’re hungry? it’s your favorite! unless you’ve got a new favorite, in which case… “
“ don’t forget to take an umbrella! “
“ let me know when you get there so i know you’re safe, okay? “
“ i watched that show you recommended last week! it was so good! can you believe that season finale, though? “
“ rough night, huh? i know that feeling. here, help yourself; the coffee is fresh, and the waffles are pretty damn good today, if i do say so myself! “
“ i knew you’d forget yours, so i brought extra. go ahead, help yourself! “
“ you’re welcome to stay for as long as you like. what’s mine is yours, okay? you don’t need to ask permission, just take whatever you want. “
“ you should get some sleep, okay? my room is just down the hall if you need anything. “
“ you don’t need to be so polite around here, you know! help yourself; i don’t bite! “
“ hey now, never apologize for feeling emotions, okay? humans are meant to feel all this stuff, no matter how good or bad the feelings are. besides; shoulders are built to be cried on! “
“ you should keep that sweater! it looks much better on you than it does on me; brings out your eyes! “
“ i never realized you could cook! the apron suits you very nicely! “
“ if you don’t have any plans this weekend, we should do something together! “
“ remember, if you want to leave early, just call me and i’ll come get you, okay? “
“ would you come on in inside out of that rain?! you’ll catch your death! “
“ don’t worry about it, okay? no apologies necessary; just breathe, everything’s good. “
“ it’s okay! no use crying over spilt milk, am i right? fetch me that mop and i’ll clean it up; you should find a clean shirt in the third drawer in my room, too! “
“ here, grab a plate; i made your favorite, and there’s more than enough for you to have seconds and take home a tonne of leftovers, too! “
“ would you mind setting the table for me while i finish up in the kitchen? “
“ you want some hot cocoa before you go to bed? i’m more than happy to have one with you; not to praise myself or anything, but my hot cocoa is the best in town! “
“ you did it! oh, congratulations! quick, i’m gonna fetch the sparkling cider, and then i’ll book a table somewhere fancy; we’re going to celebrate in style! “
“ oh god, you’re burning up a fever, you poor thing! here, lie down, let’s get you some water and a nice cool cloth, huh? “
“ how are you feeling? i thought you might be hungry, so i made some tea and toast. “
“ i thought i might find you out here… this must be your favorite spot, huh? it’s nice! “
“ how are you? and be real with me, now; i can tell when you’re not being honest with me. you’ve got a tell. “
“ figured you might be needing an extra blanket in this weather. you mind if i sit with you for a while? “
“ let’s go for a walk, huh? i know this place that does the best coffee you’ll ever have! “
“ i can’t believe you’ve never seen this movie before! we have to fix this immediately; you get the popcorn, i’ll order in the pizza and get the tv set up. “
“ wow… that pun was so awful, it actually became good again. nicely done! “
“ i know you have that meeting today, so i thought i’d come wish you luck. and give you my lucky socks! “
“ hey! i hope you’re hungry, i spared you some waffles and pancakes from breakfast this morning! “
“ maybe you’re not ready to talk just now. but i want you to know that, whenever you are, my door is always open to you. understand? “
“ i’m not here to say i told you so, don’t worry. i’m not that cruel. i’m just here to comfort my friend. “
“ you’re here so often, i figured it was about time you had your very own mug! “
“ do you mind if i put you down as my emergency contact? “
“ you should move in with me! i have a spare room, the rent is cheap, it’s closer to work… i mean, only if you want to, but i’m very much in favor of this! “
“ i know that things haven’t been easy for you lately, so… i was thinking, maybe we could plan a little vacation together? “
“ pull the car over, alright? you can get some sleep in the back seat, and i’ll take over the driving. “
“ woah, woah, woah… slow it down a few miles, huh? what’s going on? where’s the fire? “
“ do you want a hug? i give some really good hugs; i nearly got voted the best hug-giver in the continent, once! come on, you know you want to! “
“ hey! so i’m after having a really crappy day. you wanna get take-out and watch a movie at my place tonight? “
“ i remember you saying you didn’t like this ingredient last time, so i fixed you up something else. “
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merimuses · 2 years
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“No, actually we are finished for today. I just worry we have been going too hard about this lately.” Yes, not to mention she herself was also growing tired from all the repetive missions the two had been doing for a while now. 
But unlike her, Mash had been pushing herself far more than necessary, and Ritsuka liked none of it. She was her precious kouhai afterall.
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merimuses · 2 years
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“Money? But I thought the shrine never got any visitors?” Well, visitors who actually offered money or prayers. Or so she had heard when her mistress and Reimu had their first meeting during the scarlet mist incident. 
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merimuses · 2 years
@incubabe​ liked for a starter.
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“My business here is simple. The local delicacies are worth the trip, and the reason why I bother to come to this small town island.” Namely the parfaits were to die for. The previous time she had the pleasure to visit this small island nation, she was interrupted by her work. 
Which meant she could not truly enjoy any of the local foods. “If you wish to join me, feel free to.”
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merimuses · 2 years
Confrontation! Sentence Memes
You don’t think of anyone but yourself.
Admit it, you’re scared aren’t you?
You’re out of control!
I hardly ever recognize you anymore, you’ve changed.
You spend all your time locked up doing lord knows what!
Don’t sneak up on me like that.
I heard the commotion last night… it must of been a terrible dream.
Listen, about last night…
Here’s a tip, stop hiding behind excuses each time someone is worried about you.
Why are you alone most of the time?
Weren’t you friends with them?
Aren’t you tired of lying to yourself?
I should have known better… than to be fooled by you.
You’re pretty satisfied with serving on your knees most of the time, huh?
Quit getting in my face.
I’m warning you, get off my back.
I didn’t need your help.
What’s your problem with me?
You say you don’t recognize me, but you’re the one who’s changed.
When will you quit pretending to care? I’m tired of your lip service.
You can’t stand being next to me. Why is that?
Not everyone is going to leave you, but not everyone is going to stay.
You’re gonna get nothing but sass from me if you don’t change the topic.
How many have you killed?
What if they catch you?
This is dangerous…
I know you didn’t have the best relationship with your father/mother…
You’re tired of fighting, aren’t you?
What have you ever gotten out of this?
They’re using you. 
I was only using you.
I’ve known your secret this entire time.
Do you really think no one will find out?
Someone is bound to see the true you and I’ll be there for your reckoning.
You only push me away. Let me help.
Are you suggesting we commit treason?
Don’t fool yourself, you’re just as loathsome as I am.
Stop. I won’t have these unnecessary misgivings. Focus on your task.
Your skepticism is easy to read. What is it that you’re doubting?
In the end, we’ve only gotten more pain. I’m sick of this.
You’re going to run away?
We’re escaping. Tonight.
Make no mistake, we’re not friends.
You’re low. Lower than scum.
I’m only helping you this once.
Be a little more grateful about my help, you would of been a goner.
You can’t do this alone, let me go with you.
You keep can’t doing this yourself, let me intervene I’m sure we can resolve this.
You keep being singled out, it isn’t fair.
Quit mothering me, I said I’ve got this under control.
Maybe you should stop worrying about me and look at yourself first.
Help me? You could hardly help yourself.
Of course making friends would be easy for you, you’re eager to please.
You really are an emotionless robot.
How can you brush me off, if you’ve never even given me a chance?
Don’t touch me.
Get out.
Get away from them!
Watch out!
You’re in danger.
Your loved one is in danger.
If you won’t do it, I’m sure your friend wouldn’t mind being in your place.
Please. Talk to me.
Don’t you ever say that again.
Don’t pretend we’re friends.
It was easy for your friends to abandon you. 
Shut up!
Let go of me.
Tell them how you really feel.
You’re not fooling anyone with your haughty display of strength.
Offended? I’m surprised. I thought you were hollow and unfeeling.
Tell me where it is.
 You said you’d never lie to me.
There’s nothing wrong in doing what is absolutely necessary. The ends justify the means.
You obey order without question, you’re just a docile dog aren’t you?
Maybe if you stopped being such an ice queen people would enjoy being around you.
You scorn others around you but you’ve never once stopped to open your eyes.
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