merrisworld · 9 months
I have always been a really quiet kid at school,ever since I was little.Therefor I have found it hard to work with people ever since I moved to Texas.I only spoke one language then later learned English,so it got kid off made it harder for me to talk to people.Now,I can tolerate working with people,I would prefer not to but if I have to I will.Sometimes my “teammates” are also quiet.Therefor,sometimes I have to be the one to ,at least talk a bit so we can get our work done and get a good grade.Workin with people really is easier than working alone,even though I don’t really like talking to big groups of people.Some advantages I find when working with people,is getting the work done faster,it is easier to manage the assignments or project and we can all partake in the roles.
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merrisworld · 9 months
I’ve always been a really quiet kid,it really started when I moved to Texas,from Mexico.I moved away from everything I knew at only 6 years old,so I think that kind of affected the way I talked to people and how much I talked.I realized I’ve only really made a few friends in my life,other people are just people I talked to once in a while or because I had to,not because I wanted to and was actually interested in a friendship/relationship with them.My mom thought It would be easy for me to talk to people since I learned English pretty fast for a little 6 year old,but moving away just kind of made my communication skills worse.Even after being here for almost 12 years,communicating with friends or just random people is still hard for me and I think it’ll always be but now I know I can control it and I’m trying my best to get more involved with the people around me,now that I’m in my last year of high school and will graduate soon to hopefully go to a community college.
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merrisworld · 9 months
Every since I was a little girl,maybe 6-7,I always thought about my eating habits.They haven’t always been good eating habits but over the years I have learned how to eat in a way that benefits me.I was always very skinny,which I didn’t like,at that young age.So my main focus has always been to gain weight,and I found out it isn’t as easy for me as it is for other people.I wasn’t happy with being the “skinny” stereotype,to the point where I hated myself for being skinny.I always hated hearing comments like “you’re so skinny,omg” which over time turned into “you’re gaining some weight huh”.Over the years,I found ways to gain weight and I’m still learning to maintain a good eating habit.What has always motivated me to keep trying has been people posting their experiences with gain loss and gain weight,even Ed’s,and have learned from them that it takes time to get to where you want to be and to keep trying,in a healthy way,despite what other people want you to be.
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merrisworld · 10 months
Time Management
With school, work and other family related issues, time management may be hard for most of us.My week is all about school from 6 am to 3pm/4pm and then work from 5:30 pm to 9-10 pm.If im not at school or work, im laying down enjoying the peace and relaxation I need after a long week/day.I would say I don't really have a schedule but I do.I think it is because I only go to school, leave school, go to work, leave work and then go back home and restart the same type of day, the next day. There's always something im doing at every hour of the day, even if I don't have a schedule.
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merrisworld · 10 months
I started high school in 2020,when the pandemic hit,we had the option to go online or go in person.My mother wanted us to go in person,still taking all of the precautions.That year went by fast because of the fact that not many kids were coming to school,they were all taking classes online.My sophomore year,I wasn’t taking it too serious,therefore I was doing a lot of bad things(lol).I made some friends that year and hung out with a lot of younger students(maybe a year or 2 younger)(under my grade).My junior year,I took things more serious,didn’t talk to that many people,and I always kept things to myself.This year I regret not talking to many other students here,so to fix it,I promised myself I would take school and friendships more serious,talking more to people and forming bonds,which at this point,I’m actually trying to do.I hope senior year goes smoothly and I’m able to choose a school to go to study phycology.My interest in true crime opened up that thought in my head.”What if I study phycology,since I like to listen to True Crime podcasts,that talk about why people seem to do what they do and how their brain processes their actions.I am thinking about just doing online school,so I can get a job and set up a good schedule for my classes and my job.
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merrisworld · 2 years
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