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Wöhner CrossBoard® Modular power distribution system
Copper or aluminum busbars are present in any power distribution system. While the traditional busbar systems are cost-effective and robust, they suffer from several drawbacks. These shortcomings include lack of safety due to open installation and time consuming laborious operation for making connections.
Despite its downsides, the traditional busbar system did not have a viable alternative - until the launch of Wöhner CrossBoard® system of covered busbar with a family of add-on adapters.
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Smart electrical Distribution Solution for Villas, farmhouses, Hotels & more.
Messung Works with clients to offer them the safest & most efficient solutions ensuring that every panel is made to order for clients specific requirements.
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Benefits of Using IEC 61439 Standard in Electrical Busbar Systems
The Industry-leading electrical power distribution systems. Explore Messung Wöhner track busbar. Our Industrial-grade power distribution reduces downtime.
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