metaharlot · 3 months
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So a free tool called GLAZE has been developed that allows artists to cloak their artwork so it can't be mimicked by AI art tools.
AI art bros are big mad about it.
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metaharlot · 4 months
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metaharlot · 4 months
Do you think hauntings can go both ways. Like, if a ghost is a dead person who can't move on, what is an alive person who can't let go of someone dead? Grief as a form of haunting. Dragging the memory of a corpse with you because it's all that's left of them. Seeing them out of the corner of your eye sometimes. You know. It pairs nicely with obsession of revenge
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metaharlot · 4 months
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metaharlot · 4 months
Nerdy Prudes is so funny, it's like: Local prude Grace Chasity has one (1) sexual fantasy. Six dead, four injured, one driven insane.
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metaharlot · 4 months
the "canon isn't real we make our own rules" to "i am begging you people to revisit the source material" pipeline
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metaharlot · 4 months
"did i tell u this already?" we are in a timeloop and i am in love with u tell me again
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metaharlot · 4 months
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She went home with them...
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metaharlot · 4 months
"They don't teach us about that in school how am I supposed to know" well you seem to know a lot about Bakugou but they don't teach you about him in school. Do they
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metaharlot · 4 months
Isaborou x Gintoki (tormenting Oboro with varying levels of awareness)
With how closely Isaborou and Oboro work it's inevitable they had to have hate sex at one point (credit to @averagelonelypotato for this genius headcanon)
This doesn't do anything for their working relationship in fact they seem to hate each other more after each interaction
After the Baragaki arc however their hate-fuck sessions, few as they are, dwindled even further
Oboro didn't really notice or care until after one session where mindlessly looked over Isaborou's shoulder to see who he was texting and realized it WAS GINTOKI (credit to @averagelonelypotato as well lmao)
Needless to say it was a long, long time before their next hate-fuck
After that, Gintoki basically became Isaborou's secret weapon for getting out of any future interactions/meetings with Oboro
If Isaborou thought a meeting with Oboro present was lasting too long? Brings up how he just bought Gintoki some lingerie for special occasions wink wink
If Oboro showed up as backup for a large battle unexpectedly? Brings up how he thinks Gintoki's abilities with a "sword" are really sexy
If Oboro accidentally bumps into Isaborou in the hallway because they're going to the same place? Starts playing his recordings of Gintoki's moans
Oboro feels like this is the closest he's reached to a living death even with Utsuro/Shoyou's blood
It all comes to a head when Isaborou and Oboro are forced to have a meeting after a really hard week in Isaborou's home (neutral zone) and they're both getting on each other's nerves
And then someone knocks on the door
Isaborou and Oboro lock eyes as Gintoki's annoying voice drawls through the door
In less than a second Isaborou's leapt out of his seat and shoved Oboro into a side closet just as Gintoki opens the door
Oboro's just staring at the closed closet door in disbelief, then his hand starts creeping towards his hidden needles
Gintoki obliviously sits in Isaborou's lap and starts complaining about his shitty day and Isaborou just hums non-commitedly as he wraps one hand around Gintoki's child-bearing hips and frantically texts Nobume with one hand behind his back
"nobume-chan >:((( did you forget i'm having a meeting with Obo-chan right now??? why did you let Gin-chan come in???"
"did you forget I was in the house the last time you fucked Oboro senpai at 4 am in the next room???"
"nobume-chan plz"
"daughter <3 <3 <3 has her notifications silenced"
Though his face doesn't change Isaborou desperately fights back tears, especially as he sees the closet door open slightly, needles gleaming in the light of his elite lightbulbs
Biting back a swear, Isaborou shoves Gintoki down under his desk and points his gun towards the closet door, disguising the sound of the safety clicking off by strategically slamming his knee into the side of the table
The movements of the needles freeze as Gintoki starts screeching under the table, none-too-pleased by the sudden turn of events
"Gin-chan" Isaborou coos, effectively drowning out Oboro's overpowering bloodlust with his own and successfully capturing the attention of both silver-haired warriors with the sickly sweet tone
"You're not the only one who's had a rough day. So I suggest you stop being an entitled brat and figure out how to make it up to me before I start choose to end our peaceful relations right here and now."
Oboro knows he's not just talking to Gintoki and reluctantly lowers his weapons to sulk in the closet. Isaborou is too valuable of an ally to lose at this time, even though it drives him insane to know just how easy it would be to kill the samurai right now
Isaborou relaxes minutely and switches the safety back on as a loud whimper comes out from underneath the desk
He looks down to see Gintoki has dropped into sub-space at the sudden tone, looking up at him with a mixture of confusion and fear
Isaborou softens, placing his gun in one of the many hidden compartments in his desk and pulling the samurai back onto his lap
"I'm sorry pet, that tone was uncalled for. I didn't mean it darling, Daddy was just in a terrible mood."
Oboro shudders in disgust in the closet and covers his ears
Gintoki's still deep in sub-drop on Isaborou's lap, confused and hesitant to touch the older man
Isaborou clicks his tongue, causing Gintoki to flinch before Isaborou leans forward to kiss him deeply
Gintoki gasps into his mouth before quickly accepting the tongue invading his mouth, letting it explore as he moans loudly in the room
Oboro has retreated to the other corner of the closet, covering his ears
Isaborou continues lazily exploring Gintoki's mouth, only taking breaks to tease and apologize breathily into his ears, causing Gintoki to mewl helplessly against him
Once Gintoki has gone pliant beneath him, Isaborou murmurs against his ear:
"You're always such a good boy for me~ Why don't I make both our days better, and fuck my thanks into you pet?"
Gintoki moans helplessly, hearts in his eyes as he whimpers out a "yes please Daddy~"
Thus starts Oboro's seven hours in hell
With the exception of the closet, no space in the office was spared from these two animals
The floors, windows, desk, and yes even the closet door were repeatedly used for the insane mating that went on between the two pervert samurai
Oboro had curled into the fetal position at the other end of the room, fruitlessly covering his nose and mouth against the smell of hardcore sex seeping under the door
Nobume had smartly left the house shortly after switching off her notifications, another L for Oboro as his texts for help on his rarely-used phone were promptly ignored
Only after the sun had set and rose once more did the two samurai finally call it quits, Isaborou carrying Gintoki out of the room to wash him off in the bathroom and leaving a flippant remark that the maid will come in eventually to clean up the mess, anything in the room can handle itself for the moment
After he was sure no one would be returning to the room, Oboro crawled out of the closet fighting back tears, before accidentally touching something on the ground and jumping to his feet
He considered using one of Isaborou's guns to off himself or at least momentarily erase the memories, before seeing how Isaborou's desk was covered in more mosaics than an art exhibit and skedaddling out of there
Needless to say Oboro never set foot into Isaborou's house again and Gintoki gladly accepted the random extra sugar baby money that came with Isaborou's usual monthly deposits (wink wink) with glee, no thoughts in his empty, sugar-addicted, horny brain
Any reposters feel free to expand 😈😈😈
But plz credit me tho 😘😘😘
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metaharlot · 4 months
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i really fucking hate job hunting
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metaharlot · 4 months
Call me corny the way I'd gladly choke on your cob LMAO
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metaharlot · 4 months
Hijiginpachi Unfinished Draft From Years Ago lol
This is an unfinished teacher/student Hijigin scenario I’ve literally held since I was in high school lmao
Spoiler alert: I’m not into underage shit. So this is a Mr Young(?) situation where Gintoki/Ginpachi somehow became a teacher as a teen & was the same age as everyone he taught (everyone was aged down accordingly)
Why was this happening? Genuinely I don’t remember why but I think it was smth about budget cuts to the anime in-universe lmao
Anyway here’s an unfinished snippet + ending notes
Also I’m aware that you probably don’t have to go to a police academy to become a cop but back then and even now I don’t have enough respect towards cops to research them. I hear enough on the news
The Shinsengumi & Mimawarigumi are on thin ice cause they get made fun off enough/their force literally got dissolved 
Anyway Gintoki & Hijikata liked each other while they were teacher/student but their emotionally constipated asses only found the courage to confess after graduation/before Toshi was literally about to leave on the train for school
They stayed in touch & Toshi was like if our feelings haven’t changed by the time I become a cop do you want to try this for real?
Obviously their feelings remain the same and they entered a happy if not extremely dysfunctional relationship
And three years after they entered said relationship, Toshi finally feels comfortable enough to make a certain kinky request…
Ginpachi tried to cover his growing smirk with hand, but with how he could see the tips of Hijikata's ears turning bright red it seemed he wasn’t very successful.
“I’m not judging man. It’s just…wow it must have been a struggle holding this one in for so long.”
Hijikata turned to the side face burning as he clenched his fist.
“Look if you’re not interested you can just say so, you don’t have to tease-“
Hijikata’s speech was cut off by a finger on his lips.
“Now, now my darling little tsundere. I never said that, did I?” Ginpachi said, slowly climbing onto Hijikata’s lap.
 Hijikata sputtered, seemingly unsure of where to put his hands before resting them on Ginpachi’s waist. Ginpachi raised an eyebrow before moving those shaking hands down to cup his ass.
Gintoki cut him off with a kiss, both of them moaning into it as Hijiakata gripped his old teacher’s ass tighter.
Both of them were panting by the time they parted, a string of spit stretching put between their mouths.
“I was a little surprised by the ageplay aspect, though it does make sense in retrospect. You were pretty into that Kondo kid who got held back for a while huh?”
“Don’t call Kondo-san ‘kid’ he’s literally a few years older than us. And still in our lives.”
“But Gin-san still won your affections in the end didn’t he.”  Ginpachi slid his hands off of Hijikata’s shoulders to flex dramatically.
That caused the first peal of laughter to burst out of Hijikata’s mouth since he made the initial request. Despite the fact that it was teasingly at his expense, Gintoki couldn’t help but soften. As much as he loved to tease his thorny cop he loved his laugh. He was so serious at only 27. Gin-san refused to be a widow because his stupid loved didn’t know how to relax.
Ginpachi placed a hand on Hijikata’s face and turned him until they were looking each other in the eye.
“So let Gin-san share some of his own affection for you, hm? It’s not like this is a hardship, otherwise I wouldn’t do it.”
“And I would have had to deal with your bitchy complaining the whole time.” Hijikata nodded solemnly.
“And you would have had to deal with my bitchy complaining the whole time.” Ginpachi nodded solemnly.
They made eye contact again and started laughing. Hijikata sighed and rested his head on Gintoki’s voluminous chest.
“…thanks Gin.”
“Hey you gotta learn to rely on your old teacher more.” Then Ginpachi snorted. “Oh sorry, should I wait to pull out that line tomorrow? That sounds like something you’d obsess over your dilf teacher saying if you were still a cherry boy teenager.” 
“Oh, shut UP.” Hijikata slapped Gintoki’s shoulder.
“Whaaaaat. I just said there’s no shame in this Hijikata-kuuuun.”
Hijikata rolled his eyes and pressed his face further into Gintoki’s chest. 
“…You sure the school is empty tomorrow?”
“Yeah there’s some important district-wide teacher conference that lasts a few days and everyone has to go. Luckily for us I got banned from that YEARS ago after kicking the main speaker in the nuts.”
“…you’re such a menace.”
“But I’m your menace.” Ginpachi fluttered his eyelashes at Hijikata sickeningly sweet.
Hijikata just stared back at him unimpressed.
“…let’s just go to bed. I don’t think I can handle any more of your corniness.”
Hijikata started walking to their bedroom, carrying Gintoki in his arms.
“Hey!!! You love Gin-san’s corniness! Otherwise you wouldn’t be choking so often on his cob!”
“D-don’t tease me!”
“Don’t tease you?”
Ginpachi-sensei gasped as he was pulled up by his hair and forcibly turned to face Hijikata.
“You made me wait four years to have you.”
Ginpachi-sensei wailed as Hijikata slapped his ass with his graduation certificate, continuing to thrust into his former teacher’s needy hole.
“You rejected me again, and again, and again.”
“N-noooo!” Ginpachi-sensei gasped as Hijikata blew into his ear.
“Then finally in my fourth year, you said that we can try after I graduate.”
Hijikata flipped Ginpachi-sensei over on his desk and slammed his wrists down.
“I’m leaving for the police academy.”
Hijikata stopped thrusting, laying his head down on Ginpachi-sensei’s shoulder.
“I won’t see you for years.”
Ginpachi-sensei stared at the younger boy’s head, then sighed, wrapping his arms around Hijikata and holding him tight.
“I know.”
“...Will you miss me?”
Ginpachi-sensei gripped onto him even tighter.
“More than you could ever imagine.” 
Ginpachi-sensei felt his shoulder growing wet and shook his head fondly.
What a troublesome person.
“Thank you. I feel so much better after hearing you say that.”
Deep blue eyes looked up to meet Ginpachi-sensei’s wine red ones. Then Hijikata grabbed Ginpachi-sensei’s hips and thrust in as deeply as he could.
Ginpachi-sensei screamed.
“H-Hijikata-kun no~!”
“W-wha-?” Ginpachi-sensei’s back arched as Hijikata started going even faster.
“Call me Toushiro.”
“T-Toshi~” Ginpachi’s eyes start rolling up into his head at Hijikata’s merciless thrusts.
“Come on you can say it~. Or have I already fucked you so stupid you can’t say three simple syllables?” Hijikata grinned ferally.
Tears beaded in Gintoki’s eyes, one dripping down and leaving a trail of eyeliner.
“T-Toshi! Toushiro pleaseeee. M-mercy please~”
Hijikata then rips open Ginpachi-sensei’s shirt and starts playing with his nipples
Ginpachi screeches at Hijikata and tells him to slow down cause he’s too old for this. Hijikata retorts that Ginpachi is literally only 27
Hijikata licks up Gintoki’s neck and starts muttering how jealous he is of all of Ginpachi’s other admirers that haven’t graduated yet. How they better appreciate the fact that they can still see Ginpachi everyday
G: Brat it’s not like I make it a habit of dating my students! For better or worse you’re my only exception
Hijikata gets like 85% rougher after that while Ginpachi can only wail and moan on his giant dick
Cue Ginpachi cumming violently but Hiji just keeps going
Ginpachi-sensei’s just begging him to stop but he’s not so lots of sobbing
Hijikata proceeds to fuck him in all the spots he fantasized about while he was still a student:
He slams Ginpachi’s face into the blackboard, hand in his hair as he lifts one of the teacher’s legs over his shoulder, forcing him to stand on his tip-toes and clutch desperately at the protruding bottom part of the blackboard. Slamming into Ginpachi’s prostate as the helpless teacher cums all over himself and the floor
He sits himself down on Ginpachi’s chair in the front, and forces Ginpachi to bounce on his dick and play with his nipples. If Ginpachi slows down or stops, Hijikata will grab both of his wrists and rub him off multiple times. Otherwise this is Ginpachi’s one “reprieve” from cumming, as this is the only time Hijikata focuses more on getting himself off than making Ginpachi cum his brains out
Then Hijikata switches places with Ginpachi but with a twist. Hijikata maneuvers himself underneath Ginpachi’s desk as he places both of the teacher’s legs on his desk, leaving everything out for Hijikata’s eyes, and mouth, and hands, and tongue only. Regardless of his exhaustion, Ginpachi still finds the energy to scream as Hijikata offers his dick, balls, perineum, and asshole no mercy
After that meal, Hijikata gives Ginpachi a quick water break as he opens the window blinds and brings his old desk to the window where he saw Ginpachi waving at him just before he left for the academy. So of course he fucks him over that small desk and Ginpachi has no room and is forced to rest his upper body against the window, screaming as his burning nipples feel like they’re being iced against the window, and leaving various handprints, breathmarks and drool against the window
Hijikata also pulls him up by his hair once more as he slaps his ass with his graduation certificate once more
There’s nothing coming out of Ginpachi’s dick, it’s not even standing up anymore and Ginpachi collapses, Hijikata following him and gently lowering him down to the ground
Ginpachi’s gasping and crying as he’s crushed under Hijikata’s weight and dick, trying and failing to crawl away as Hijikata fucks him into the ground
Hijikata rolls them over to the side to give Ginpachi a second to breathe, lifting the poor teacher’s leg up in his arm and fucks him slowly and sensually for the last time
He then rolls Ginpachi onto his back, and sees him all messed up, wearing nothing but his lab caot which has fanned on the ground beneath him, thighs spread, legs trembling & cum leaking out while Ginpachi-sensei is whimpering 
H: I’ll miss you so much Ginpachi-sensei…
Ginpachi-sensei gets irritated and yells about him going overboard with his stupid youthfulness and how he should think more about elders who still have to work the next day
Then Ginpachi-sensei softens & sits up groaning (Hiji has to fight hard not to jump him again especially cause Ginpachi-sensei gives him warning look)
G: “Five years will pass in a flash Toushiro, even if it doesn’t feel like that at first I promise it will”
Then Ginpachi pulls him in close for a hug. “I will miss you. I’ll be the one who waits this time. I love you.”
Hijikate tears up as he hugs Ginpachi-sensei back. 
H: How is it you still make me feel like such a kid? I swear I’ll come back as a man you can be proud of.
The Roleplay ends as Hijikata whispers that he hopes he’s lived up to that promise.
Ginpachi rolls his eyes and kisses him back hard
G: You never needed to prove yourself. I’ve loved you back then and with every person you’ll become
Then Hijikata has to carry Ginpachi home and gives a lot of aftercare while Ginpachi teases him a little more aggressively than usual
Because even though it’s still Saturday he’s exhausted from the sex and cleaning up and they both have work on Monday
I also had a note that went like: Gonna leave a butt(?) imprint if you know what I mean wink wonk (dirty talk)
I think I was trying to say they’ll fuck on the desk and Gintoki will leave a sweaty butt print (like that one Sakagin fic)
Very unimportant to the story but it’s haunted/lifted my spirits for years so you guys get it too
I might write/rewrite it in better detail one day but I’ve had so much writer burnout. Just in case, here y’all go
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metaharlot · 4 months
Hey guys! So this is my first time doing this but uh same rules as all nsfw blogs.
This is a purely 18+ blog. I know I can't control it but please minors dni you literally have all the time in the world to check it out in the future lmao.
Will mostly be finishing up my ao3 smut stories under the same name as well as random nsfw musings.
Feel free to reach out, just know that I am shy so please be kind for the inevitable & initial awkwardness.
Will eventually make this a masterlist once I've organized my main thoughts (& figure out how to do it cause I am a grandma at tech lmao)
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