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"Hm, I seem to be meeting more...'anime' people. Eh, I suppose I can toy with them. Leeeeet me just rearrange some things, and..."
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"That was easy."
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Send my muse a fear you see them having, and they will rate it from 0-10 depending on how much it frightens them.
0 being “I’m not scared of that at all” to 10 being “NOPE NOPE NOPE”
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"I should remind you my dad turned me into a freaking kaiju one time. What's the height of yours, a blonde haired pretty boy? If there's anything going for him, it's that he's as persistent as his father about not dying. That's not saying much."
My dad is cooler than yours, he can probably beat your dad up.
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“Just because its what you think doesn’t mean its right.”
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"I wonder what future a shape-shifting robot would have in stand-up..."
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broke: Metal hates Eggman, Eggman is abusive to Metal 
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"Well now, this is interesting..." Neo curiously said as he felt himself standing on air. "What do you suppose you'll do now...?"
“Ey, no worries. even if you are trying to come at me, i have something that can stop ya.” he gets out an odd looking device. (Imagine the Half life 2 gravity gun, but more refined, and the core is a dark blue)
“This can manipulate anything that isn’t organic using Zero-Point energy. it’s called the Gravity gun”
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"Hm, something like that. I'm also able to transform into others due to being made of a liquid metal alloy. I can easily reshape myself into the image of somebody else. But do go ahead with your little experiment, I've got nothing else better to do."
“Ey, no worries. even if you are trying to come at me, i have something that can stop ya.” he gets out an odd looking device. (Imagine the Half life 2 gravity gun, but more refined, and the core is a dark blue)
“This can manipulate anything that isn’t organic using Zero-Point energy. it’s called the Gravity gun”
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"Mmm yes. Lifesaving tip by the way: Do not whip out your means to stop me and explain how you plan to stop me. I'm a robot who is made to explicitly copy and emulate what I see." Neo tapped his finger onto the tip of the gun. "That would include this thing. Thanks to my creator, I have a rather uncanny ability to emulate what should be impossible energies for a machine to wield, such as this one time I used a psychokinetic's powers against him."
“Ey, no worries. even if you are trying to come at me, i have something that can stop ya.” he gets out an odd looking device. (Imagine the Half life 2 gravity gun, but more refined, and the core is a dark blue)
“This can manipulate anything that isn’t organic using Zero-Point energy. it’s called the Gravity gun”
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Neo shook his hand with a rather smug look on his face. How does a mouthless robot do it? It's all in the eyes! "Hmhmhm, try not to make it too much of an honor, it would be quite ironic if I had to kill you for some reason. Though you are far from my target of interest, so you should be safe so long as you keep out of my way."
“Nope. the only machine races i know are the Glitch, the Droiden, and the Trink. The glitch have generators in them that use any food as fuel, Droiden have long-lasting batteries, and I’m not sure about the Trink, probably a combination of the two.”
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The robot nodded in agreement. "My full name is Neo Metal Sonic; you can call me Neo or Metal, I don't have any particular preference really. I would like to hear your name as well, it makes identifying your profile much easier."
“Nope. the only machine races i know are the Glitch, the Droiden, and the Trink. The glitch have generators in them that use any food as fuel, Droiden have long-lasting batteries, and I’m not sure about the Trink, probably a combination of the two.”
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"Eh, well I suppose you'll maybe run into a reploid someday. Whatever the case, it might be best not to question these sort of things sometimes, enthusiast or otherwise. One could say it's almost like questioning nature itself."
“Nope. the only machine races i know are the Glitch, the Droiden, and the Trink. The glitch have generators in them that use any food as fuel, Droiden have long-lasting batteries, and I’m not sure about the Trink, probably a combination of the two.”
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"Well...the wheel itself. It's a rather hard concept to explain, but there are many robots who just need that one spark to live their lives. Erm, another race of robots that you may be familiar with are Reploids? They are machines that can simply just start existing. Does that make sense?"
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“My burning hatred, desire for revenge, my resentment toward those who defy my of what I want…”
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“…And a lot of C Batteries.”
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"Oh, erm, that was a jest on my part. My creator built me with some sort of self-sufficient energy. In simplistic terms, think of a robotic hamster running through a hamster wheel that powers it. As long as the hamster runs it grants the wheel energy, as long as the wheel spins the hamster is fueled. It's a...rather complicated thing to explain to somebody, but that's essentially how it goes."
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“My burning hatred, desire for revenge, my resentment toward those who defy my of what I want…”
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“…And a lot of C Batteries.”
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"My burning hatred, desire for revenge, my resentment toward those who defy my of what I want..."
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"...And a lot of C Batteries."
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"I'd thought you'd be like one of those cool, supportive dads that pretends to be proud of me."
Shout. PS: Hi dad sorry about the whole hijacking thing
 " honestly? “
 ” I like the normal metal sonic more than you. “
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"Whoever's the owner driving the motobug, your tail lights are on."
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