metallsinne · 4 years
it’s me. i’m the buddy.
a buddy of mine is returning to their erik lensherr blog so if i dip out at some point to finish acanthectomy at last, no u didn’t <3
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metallsinne · 6 years
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metallsinne · 7 years
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metallsinne · 7 years
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metallsinne · 7 years
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metallsinne · 7 years
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metallsinne · 7 years
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metallsinne · 7 years
semi hiatus...again - 12.18-12.23
my stepmom practically begged me to come down for christmas and since i actually have a few days off thanks to some scheduling issues at work i’m gonna do exactly that. will bring my computer this time bc i was so bored last time at night (#foreveranightowltho). 
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metallsinne · 7 years
i am to a point aware that i’m probably being paranoid as fuck but i have a terrible feeling that my stepmom wanting me to come home for a few days near christmas to surprise my dad is going to be less a surprise for him and more a trap for me considering he just shelled out nearly 1k to keep me and my rm from being evicted. like i really wanna go bc i wanna see them again even tho i saw them like less than a month ago but i am also really really really wary about the motivations behind this like oh god i don’t know what to do and i gotta decide soon cause i gotta leave by wednesday at the latest help
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metallsinne · 7 years
semi hiatus...again - 12.18-12.23
my stepmom practically begged me to come down for christmas and since i actually have a few days off thanks to some scheduling issues at work i’m gonna do exactly that. will bring my computer this time bc i was so bored last time at night (#foreveranightowltho). 
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metallsinne · 7 years
also i got my haircut today so early munday under the cut
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metallsinne · 7 years
semi hiatus...again - 12.18-12.23
my stepmom practically begged me to come down for christmas and since i actually have a few days off thanks to some scheduling issues at work i’m gonna do exactly that. will bring my computer this time bc i was so bored last time at night (#foreveranightowltho). 
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metallsinne · 7 years
If you want to interact with me and don’t, tell me why:
☹ I’m an anxious mess who’s too scared to approach people
⚠ I’m intimidated by your writing
⌚ I have no time right now and need to wait until I’m less busy
☯ I can’t see how our muses would meet/interact
✂ I sent you something and you never replied
✒ You’re mutuals only and you don’t follow me because I’m a side blog
✑ I’m a side blog and I’m worried you don’t know about my blog or don’t want to interact with a side blog
☢ Your rules intimidate me
❧ I feel like your blog is too organized compared to mine
☒ I’m worried my blog isn’t fancy enough for you
⌇ Your face claim makes me uncomfortable
✎ I can’t write long enough replies and don’t want to annoy you
☾ I feel like I bother people
⚔ Our headcanons don’t align to the point where our muses couldn’t interact
⚖ I see you interacting with a select group of people and am worried you don’t want to interact with new people
⚐ English isn’t my first language and that makes me nervous to approach people
✉ I don’t know how best to contact you
☆ Other: ____________ (write in your own reason)
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metallsinne · 7 years
i just want to fucking die nothing is going right this year and everyone would be better off if i didn’t make it to my birthday 
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metallsinne · 7 years
Do you have Hanukkah plans, Erik?
they had kept the menorah in the window, visible mostly to the animals that had always come in droves in response to nina’s powers. the prayers had been his responsibility to half-speak, half-sing in a musical chant reminiscent of how his mother and father had chanted them. how nina had SMILED in that child-like way, full of wonder, each time a new candle had been lit, and oh, how she had BEAMED when she watched her father do his metal magic to build them a new menorah every year. each time a candle had been lit, he felt himself transported back to his own childhood, to his mother’s warm smile.
a lie, spoken to try and protect the sorrow that swims in his chest. he has built himself a menorah from scraps of metal and he will say the prayers to himself and to the two humans whose images are in the locket that hangs around his throat. 
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metallsinne · 7 years
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metallsinne · 7 years
lowkey slides marvel a twenty let me write a magneto movie for you
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