metalstairs4-blog · 5 years
Metal Compared to Wood Stairs
Then chances are you are going to need a set of stairs, if you are remodeling or building a new home.
Modular & Customizable Metal Stairs: 
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If so, then have you contemplated using metal stairs rather than wood?
Many modern and contemporary homes these days are starting to use metal stairs instead of wood. Metal stairs have three main benefits to the homeowner:
Strength Quietness Versatility
Metal stairs are far more superior than wood staircases! Most staircases made of wood use a douglas fir 2x10 sidewall or stringer that is notched and the true strength is more like a 2x6 sitting vertically. This more than enough for most homes but compared to metal it is inferior. A metal staircase can easily support the weight of the entire home! You can literally drive a truck over them and they won't budge. Because they are, this makes them feel safe and sturdy.
If you live in a dry climate, when it pertains to wood staircases noise is an issue especially. Wood contract and expands during assorted seasons and weather. When you walk on them, in the wintertime they shrink from the low humidity and they make a lot of noise. Just getting a glass of milk at midnight can wake up other people. Because the use shims and wedges to fasten the stair treads that expand and contract, this is unavoidable with wood stairs. In the summer time they can be quite but are very creaky during the winter. Metal stairs, on the other hand, are welded solid and make almost no noise.
Modular & Customizable Metal Stairs
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