meteor-xiv · 4 years
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Yusuke Mogi’s artworks for Shadowbringers ;
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
Eira Aren - Info
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• Monster Hunter & Wandering Mage 
• Dravanian/Western Coerthas Keeper 
• Dragon & Beastmen Sympathizer 
• Open to old and new connections, friends & contacts 
• Carrd here!
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
Amazing, as always! Your art is to die for, and I couldn't be more happy with how this turned out! Thank you, Ony! This is amazing!
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Trystan Faye - [ FFXIV Patreon reward ] 
One very good WoL chibi to start the year with!  Support my art (and get freebies like this one) at:
[ patreon.com/onyrica ]
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
The Radiant Plume’s 1 year Anniversary BASH!
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When: January 14th, this Thursday @ 9:30 PM EST Where: Hyrstmill, Central Shroud [Balmung Server]
As of next Plume we will officially be a little over 1 year old! We want to thank absolutely everyone that has come out to the events over the past year and kept us going, even as we changed and evolved to become what we are now. You’ve always made things fun for us and we hope to keep continuing to please as we move into a new year for not only us, but everyone! 
Why pitting you all against one another as usual of course…with a small change! Instead of our usual one fight per person matches, we’ll be doing a tournament when we open back up on January 14th and resume our usual every other week schedule! The way fights happen will stay the same, you can use whatever weapon or magic that you desire so long as you don’t literally bring the house down. We’d like for you NOT to kill your opponent but it’s not against the rules to get close. You won’t find any dulled weapons here. Usually.
Fights will be Grindstone rules, with roll vs roll determining the fight after an initiative roll. The first person to 3 OOC hits wins, IC you’ll want to aim to down your opponent so our refs can put a stop to it! There will be a first and second place prize this time around! Don’t worry, we’ll have an explanation posted for everyone before the fights begin!
1st Place will receive a Calfskin Riders Jacket!
2nd Place will receive the consolation prize of a Flying Chair Mount.
This will be a tournament style bracket with random matchups, due to the need for even numbers and because we want to allow as many sign-ups as we can and not less…this will by taking place in HYRSTMILL so that we can run 2+ fights at a time. 
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The small hamlet has seemingly been paid off by the Proprietress herself, and schmoozed into the idea by the promise of Adventurers hanging around for even a day, how could they be any safer?! The fights will be held in the back portion of the village (the X), with a small makeshift bar (the star), and a small infirmary (the heart)! Patrons can still order simple drinks and get some basic fare while the rest will be business as usual! We hope to see you all there, since there is a limit of 16 spots we encourage everyone to use the link below to sign up as early as possible!
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
Underrated form of intimacy:
The quiet discussion and good-luck affirmations between you and the person helping you don your armor. The comfort of knowing that the straps and buckles are perfectly secure, because the person who did them up loves you more than words can say.
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
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[Balmung] Winter’s Knell Garlean Holiday Event Monday Dec 28th 7:00PM EST  Starting: Kugane Airship Port (Shirogane W6, P2 @ 7:30PM EST)
“Get away from the chaos and enjoy some holiday cheer on a magical airship ride to Aquae Niveus nd a festive celebration of Winter’s Knell.”
This year, the Garlean Consulate of Kugane is sending us home to Ilsabard. In the mountains, Aquae Niveus is a quaint imperial town with a lush hot springs ready to welcome all imperial citizens and their friends for a night of festivities. But how do you get to Aquae Niveus? On the Cupid! A HOLIDAY AIRSHIP waiting in the Kugane Airship Port to take you away to the party! The Cupid is equip with music, booze, cookies, and most importantly ceruleum heating to allow you to travel in style!
Once you land in Aquae Niveus, join the locals for a Father Frost hide-and-seek game. Did we mention this was a combat sport? Snowball combat. Because everything is a competition in the Empire. The last team standing will be crowned Father Frost’s Favorite and celebrated at the village party afterwards!
Come out of the snow after the Father Frost competition and enjoy some holiday cheer and ice skating down at Lake Niveus. Stay warm with some famous Garlean beer, brewed piping hot.  And of course sample the local underground culture with the traditional Winter’s Knell after party rave. 
Schedule of Events and Locations: 
 7:00PM EST - 7:25PM EST    Kugane Airship Port  — Get your bags packed and get ready to get loaded onto the airship! Now’s the time to say hello to old friends and reassure yourself that you didn’t leave the magitek iron running.  7:30PM EST - 8:45PM EST   Cupid Airship (Shirogane W6, P2) — Sit in the lap of luxury on the Cupid Airship, decorated warm and holiday fresh for this wonderful voyage. Drinks and snacks served in flight.  9:00PM EST - 10:00PM EST Father Frost Competition (Behemoth’s Dominion, Coerthas Central Highlands) — Team up and get ready to battle! It’s a snowman fight to the finish. But be careful. It’s really cold in Ilsbard. If you lose, you might turn into a snowman! (Mechanics for the game will be posted in event document. Please try to have the snowman mount available!) 10:00PM EST - 11:30PM EST Winter’s Knell at Aquae Niveus (Goblet W6, P5) — Come into the village and enjoy the Winter’s Knell decorations, the splendor, the beer, and the ice skating. The winning team will be crowned Father Frost’s Favorite.  11:30PM EST Winter’s Knell Rave in the Boiler Room (Goblet W6, P5, Room #007) — The traditional Winter’s Knell Rave can be found at the Boiler Room, a literal basement boiler room that heats one of the village’s many hot springs venues.  NOTE: If you cannot make any of the events or locations, you can rejoin us any time during the night. Just note where we will be located in the schedule of events.  WHO MAY JOIN: This is a Garlean event! Any Garlean (regardless of loyalty) is welcome to come home and enjoy the holiday with us. Friends too! This is a very neutral event to celebrate the holidays.  This event is hosted by the fustuarium @fustuarium if you would like to join our discord and join other Garlean events, recruit members for YOUR Garlean events, or chat about RP and lore, visit us at: https://discord.gg/vpeNZhT RULES: We understand many people are looking for contacts to participate in their Garlean themed plots and personal arcs. We encourage you to jump in our discord to find partners. But this is a neutral “no hunt” event. There will be no acts of aggression on either side, spying, or subterfuge! Though that may be disappointing, we want everyone to feel safe to bring their character to this party and we hope you have fun!
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
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when you forget to mammet-proof your nap spot
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
“Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”
— Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear (via thoughtkick)
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
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I got to 80 NIN, and got my favorite top. No regrets on all of the waiting and grinding. NONE. Now she can blade dance!~
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
Hey everyone! I have a carrd now! Please check it out, if you have the time! I'm always looking for more connections for Trystan!
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
Looking For Contact -- Conobharo Cobharo
NAME: Conobharo Cobharo, “Conor”
AGE: 20
RACE: Plainsfolk Lalafell
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
SERVER: Balmung
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HAIR: Ginger
EYES: Emerald
HEIGHT: 38 ilms (3′2″)
BUILD: Popoto-like frame, deceptive strength
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Jungle green bandana, Storm Lieutenant’s jacket (occasionally)
PROFESSION: Freelancing sellsword
HOBBIES: *Organized sparring *Underground arenas *Xaelic wrestling *Long walks with his puppy
LANGUAGES: Common and Lalafellin
NATIONALITY: South Sea Islander
RESIDENCE: Limsa Lominsa
AMBITIONS: *Uncover the fate of his father *Prove himself as a warrior *Start a family of his own
FEARS: *Loneliness *Bitter failure *The consequences of his past *Spicy food
CHARACTER CLASSES/JOBS: *Primary - Dark Knight (formerly Paladin) *Secondary - All DoW
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SPOUSE: Unmarried
CHILDREN: None currently, wants several
PARENTS: *Malolo Malo - Mother. Status: Alive. Current residence: Kalasadra, South Sea Isles *Jerikobo Jakobo - Father. Status: Unknown. Current residence: Unknown.
SIBLINGS: (Note: All alive, all currently in Kalasadra, South Sea Isles) *Siobhana Siana - Sister *Shalelo Shelo - Brother *Gaelilo Gilo - Brother *Llymlaro Llyro - Brother *Poporu Poru - Brother *Fufuzu Zuzu - Brother *Fafango Fango - Brother *Zorizi Zizi - Brother *Babalaimo Bailo - Brother *Helozi Hozi - Brother *Shakoko Shako - Brother
PETS: *Mug - Wolf Pup. Shows unusual intelligence. Utterly adorable.
MOUNTS: *Mackenzie - Chocobo. Bred for war. Unshakably leal.
ASSOCIATES/ Friends: S’mira Asah, Hadriel Isenhart, S’era Rarku, V’halia Bhisa, V’shesre Bhisa, Osric Slater, R’zevi Tia, Jaykob Guillford (no tumblr)
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / emotional / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
bumpkin / urbanite / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / pitiless / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
restrained / feisty / in between
well-mannered / crass / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
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SMOKING: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes (currently) / frequently / to excess (formerly)
CONTENT WARNING: Aspects and plot points of Conor’s RP and backstory deal with sensitive/mature subjects. 18+ advised.
ERP?: No.
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
“This is what the good guys do. They keep trying. They don’t give up.”
— Cormac McCarthy, The Road (via books-n-quotes)
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
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[Balmung] The Coconero Cup Part 1: Nov 29th @ 7:00pm EST Part 2: Dec 6th @ 7:00pm EST Goblet W6 P5
Deep in the seedy slums of Ul'dah, Don Coconero of the Honey Bee Inn (YES, that Don Coconero) has created his own coliseum!
The Coconero Cup pits man against magic against magitek against beast in a truly ANYTHING GOES FIGHT TO THE FINISH!
Teams! Singles! Machines! Pets! Magic!
The only rule is: TRY not to kill your opponents! And BEWARE the Don has a few tricks up his sleeve!
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
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[Balmung] The Coconero Cup Part 1: Nov 29th @ 7:00pm EST Part 2: Dec 6th @ 7:00pm EST Goblet W6 P5
Deep in the seedy slums of Ul'dah, Don Coconero of the Honey Bee Inn (YES, that Don Coconero) has created his own coliseum!
The Coconero Cup pits man against magic against magitek against beast in a truly ANYTHING GOES FIGHT TO THE FINISH!
Teams! Singles! Machines! Pets! Magic!
The only rule is: TRY not to kill your opponents! And BEWARE the Don has a few tricks up his sleeve!
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meteor-xiv · 4 years
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Thank you for commissioning! (Gift for @/kuhrrren from Instagram)
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