mhagravitygirl · 9 days
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"You think I'm cute?" | "The cutest girl in the whole world."
togachako CM for @daemonofrazgriz! THANK YOU SO MUCH! ❤
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mhagravitygirl · 9 days
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Commissioned the great @hazel0217 once more but a fun story this time. I was sent the 2nd image first, as there was confusion on who was supposed to be cutting who's hair. Small mistake that lead to 2 distinct pieces of art! Thanks again!
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mhagravitygirl · 9 days
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394: Ochako Uraraka vs. Himiko Toga
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mhagravitygirl · 12 days
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mhagravitygirl · 30 days
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erasergum <3 they’re crushing on each other
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mhagravitygirl · 1 month
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mhagravitygirl · 1 month
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mhagravitygirl · 2 months
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how did it end up like this? it was only a kiss
(maybe i'll start reading mha lol)
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mhagravitygirl · 2 months
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All Might's stepchildren
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mhagravitygirl · 3 months
Prompt: TamaNeji; Tamaki accompanies Nejire to the hospital following the Paranormal Liberation War; en route, Nejire's heart gives out from a combination of overusing her Wave Motion Quirk and her burn injuries from Dabi and Tamaki tries to revive her
Waaaait! It’ll be a angst mix fluff, right? That’s okay? Cause I don’t want Nejire to diiieeee! Sorry, this is bad again!
Can I Save You?- TamaNeji
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Tamaki sobbed outloud hysterically, fingers feeling for the unresponsive Nejire’s heartbeat on the soft skin of her neck as his hands quickly ran up to her chest, leaning up in preparation and pushing down to try ignite her heart again with CPR. The poor young woman’s heart suddenly gave out upon the machine’s alert, yet, he needed to make sure the machine wasn’t buggy
All the exhaustion, quirk overuse and the many nasty burns caused Nejire’s senses to shut down after only a few hours of being treated in the hospital after that horrible fight with the villains. Recovery Girl nor Mirio was in the room as everybody, except Tamaki left to speak with All Might at the man’s request. Tamaki couldn’t leave Nejire alone for longer then seconds, somebody needed to stay with her. Protect her, ensure she’ll push on
Tamaki kept working, ignoring his arms beginning to sting in pain. His eyes flooded with tears as his heart cracked apart, not wanting to believe his longtime crush was dead as his head tried just as hard to gaslight himself. He couldn’t bare the idea of Nejire kicking the bucket, he cursed himself and went off at himself! Why couldn’t he have been the one who suffered injuries this bad, she didn’t deserve to be in such pain but he, for sure, did
To Tamaki, Nejire was completely unstoppable and her defeat shattered his world. Her stamina was endless, he had never seen her falter once and her character intrigued his heart. Her bravery, her skill, her good nature, he fell head over heels for her but was far too self-conscious to express it. He stayed in the background as Nejire willingly grew closer to him and his dear childhood best friend, Mirio
Tamaki was completely unaware of the fact Nejire had mutual feelings for him. She is always impressed by his quirk, she had always found the shy guys the best and she always wants to squish his cheeks, she loves kittens and he was just like a kitten to him. A tough, skilled but kind timid little kitten! Nejire’s soul broke into pieces when she felt herself slipping, Tamaki’s calls growing fuzzy
She didn’t want to leave Tamaki yet and her subconscious screamed at her breaking-down mind to keep fighting, stay alive. Don’t across the rainbow bridge yet and like a real life miracle happened, her eyes shot open suddenly and her hand clutched his wrist like she felt unsteady and needed support. She swore she saw death’s doorstep but a flame of heat chased away the cold darkness
The heartbeat monitor fluttered and the line weaved back to a faint state. Her heart’s beating stably again! Tamaki felt a mix of pure relief and joy overwhelm him, his slightly puffy dark eyes glaring at the monitor humming with each beat. His muscles screamed out in exhaustion with how fast and hard he was submitting CPR. He didn’t care for himself, he just needed to keep Nejire alive until Recovery Girl returns
Nejire begun breathing heavily in sync to the pushes as to try keep her heart beating for the two of them, both of her hands holding onto his wrist and eyes gazing up at him. They radiated life, colour and beauty as they always did before. Nejire was getting a hold of herself quickly. Tamaki couldn’t help but croak out his wails, removing his hands from her chest altogether and ignored the sharp pain shooting through his senses, he leant down and pressed his head into the nape of her neck without a second thought
“You’re okay… you’re okay” Tamaki chanted mindlessly, carefully placing his arm over her waist as to not hurt her. Nejire’s face flamed as she ran her hands through his hair slowly, her strength recuperating at a surprisingly fast pace as her heart returned to a usual pace. The CPR worked! It brought her back to the land of the living. It was silent for quite some time as she listened to Tamaki pant, sobs breaking through on occasion, and looked inbetween the hospital roof and Tamaki’s dark purple hair
A small group of people suddenly entered the room moments later. Recovery Girl, Yuyu and Mirio all arrived silently, the two teens’ were thrown back in shock whilst Recovery Girl rushed over to her chair to get to work as the three could sense the relief and love flowing around the atmosphere. Mirio quietly approached Tamaki and gently pulled him off, patting his hair in attempts to ease him as Yuyu grabbed Nejire’s hand, her eyes flooding in happiness. Her best friend is alive, thank the gods above!
Recovery Girl immediately hovers her hands over the first burn of choice to begin heal them and dispose of the pain as fast as she could. Tamaki grips Mirio’s hand a bit tighter, tears overfilling his eyes as he truly couldn’t help himself but let his happiness overwhelm him. He thought she was going to die, his emotions flood out like a mighty waterfall as Mirio smiled besides his best friend, patting his shoulder
Nejire managed to make herself smile rather calmly and lightly whilst Yuyu moves out of the way entirely for Tamaki to take her spot besides Nejire’s laying form, his hand slithered through her shoulder-length bangs to twirl them inbetween his fingers, smooth like silk. So beautiful, her face may be drenched in burns but he could still sense her unbreaking smile and feel silky smooth skin. He could never be disgusted by her, no matter how destroyed she may look, she’ll always be beautiful to him
“You’re so beautiful…” Tamaki whispered shakily, making Nejire jolt slightly in surprise. The girl laughed gently, wincing in pain at the action seconds after. It did hurt but she couldn’t argue with admiring her longtime crush and her longtime crush admiring her. He was worried about her like all of her friends, he missed her and she felt her now sensitive heart ping
“I’m fine, kitten” Nejire chirped cheerfully, leaning her head to the side slightly to press a kiss on Tamaki’s hand when she felt it gently brush over her burned cheek, her eyes basically formed into love hearts as Tamaki locked his to hers, his cheeks flaming rosy red. That gaze, it was full of love
Did she… love him the same way?
I don’t know the artist name but credit, of the art above, goes to him/her/them!
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mhagravitygirl · 3 months
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a small collection of mina and co doodles
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mhagravitygirl · 3 months
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Commission for @clemprime13
For their MHA fanfic, The New Normal (Ch 13)! Thank you so much!
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mhagravitygirl · 3 months
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she is the cutest (,:
this is part of a commission for a charity event on twitter! check it out HERE if you’d like to commission me or some other cool, talented artists/writers for a good cause!! :>
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mhagravitygirl · 3 months
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wouldn't it be funny if he just. Didn't know
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mhagravitygirl · 3 months
The sun
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The moon
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mhagravitygirl · 3 months
Kacchako chuuuus~ 🩷🧡🩷🧡
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mhagravitygirl · 3 months
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@mishidefresa My Yuri Academia
(I know she's done more but these are just the ones I comm'd)
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