mhdiaries · 14 days
Are you okey?
Yes, so sorry for ghosting this blog! I am here just have not been posting as frequently, I apologize!
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mhdiaries · 2 years
Could you upload the physical pages of Robecca Steam's wave 4 diary? I know the content itself is there, but I mean the actual pictures of her diary.
I sure can try when I get the free time to do so!
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mhdiaries · 2 years
Hi i was wondering if you had kiomi's diary
Kiyomi Haunterly's diary is uploaded already :)
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mhdiaries · 2 years
Diary of Clawdeen Wolf
This is my diary. If you want you life to last longer than in takes to read it. You won’t.
July 14th
I got up late so there was no hot water left then I cut myself shaving this morning cause my razor was dull and I was in a hurry to get out of the freezing water but amazingly enough the day actually went down hill from there… Later on Crescent, the alpha kitty, must have sensed my mood cause instead of spending the night prowling around her curled up in my lap and kept me company while I sorted through my funk.
July 15th
It rained today. I hate the rain. It totally caused my hair to poof out and I was not about to spend the rest of the day looking like a were-poodle. So I grabbed a pair of electric clippers and 15 minutes later I had new ‘do. It’s short, scary cute and perfectly wolfish. I think I’ll keep it for a while or at least until this rain goes away. I have decided that when I control my own fashion empire I’m going to have a stylist on call just for rainy days.
August 4th
I hate, hate, hate! Sharing a room with my sister. Howleen totally growls in her sleep, she wears my clothes and she got sprayed by a skunk last week which means that every time she takes a bath, which isn’t often, it stinks up the whole room. I’d hope she gets fleas but she’d just spread them to me.
August 7th
I’ve got to get serious about planning what I’m going to wear on the first day of school this year. I mean it’s not like I’m worried about some monster showing up and looking more fabulous than me but I feel obligated to set the bar for everyone else. Last year on the first day of school I caused a minor traffic jam just walking across the school parking lot. Its going to be hard to top that but I’ve been experimenting with some new hair styles and I’m considering just asking for a school assembly so that crowd control won’t be a problem.
August 10th
I tried a new hair remover made especially for werewolves. The label says it will totally eclipse unwanted hair and it’s supposed to keep you hair-free for a week…not. It’s expensive, it stings worse than wolfs bane and I still have to shave twice a day! What a rip…I could have used that money for a new belt.
August 15th
Spent the day at Draculaura’s. She’s the absolute sweetest BMFF ever! Although if she doesn’t stop trying to feed me tofu I’m going to bite her j/k ;p. She has like rooms and rooms of clothes. It’s like a fashion museum. So awesome! She always says that we’re going to pick out clothes to give Ghoul Will but she always gives most of them to me. I pretend I don’t need them but with so many brothers and sisters it’s not like there’s a lot of extra money to go around for new fashions. I guess we must have gotten a little loud though cause we woke up her dad. He doesn’t really like werewolves very much but he tolerates me cause I’m friends with Draculaura. Whatever. It’s not like I want to hang out with him either. Anyway, the best thing about Draculaura is that she doesn’t give me clothes because she feels sorry for me, she does it because she’s my friend.
August 19th
When to The Maul with Clawd today. He needed a new football and I needed to get some ideas for my next hair style. While I was there I saw the strangest thing. I was walking past the Witches Kitchen supply store and saw Deuce Gorgon reading a cookbook! I yelled “Yo Deuce, trying to find a recipe for snake?” He dropped the cookbook and looked all embarrassed; at least I think he was. It’s hard to tell what’s going on behind those glasses. I think he would have tried to stone me but Clawd walked up and Deuce chilled. Sometimes it’s cool to have the toughest guy in the school on your side. Thanks bro!
August 21st
If I were a mad scientist, the hairstyle experiment I tried today would be locked away in the lab never to see the light of day again. I flat ironed my hair so it was straight and then I razor cut it. As soon as the curl came back things got ugly. Even Howleen felt sorry for me. It’s a good thing I’m the werewolf equivalent of Rapunzel and my hair will be grown out by the end of the week or I’d be wearing a hat until Halloween.
August 23rd
Draculaura tried to talk me into trying out for the Fearleading squad again. Puhh..leeze. A list of why I’m not a fearleader:
1. I don’t “try out” for anything. 2. I wouldn’t be caught human in those uniforms. 3. -8. Boring and Cleo de Nile 4. While they’re yelling for the boys I’m in the stands flirting with the boys. 5. Boring and Cleo de Nile
I have thought about trying out just to show I could make the team but then I look at my list again and it reminds me why I don’t’ want to.
August 25th
Hung out an the Maul with Draculaura and met a new girl named Frankie Stein. She was shopping with her mom and fortunately for Frankie they ran into us. Otherwise she would have started the first day of school dressed like the Bride of Lame-n-stein. Frankie’s beautiful, and sweet but bit naïve. Fortunately, I’m here to make sure she gets properly educated in the ways of the fierce fashionista.
September 5th
Our annual End of Summer family boo-b-que was today. Mmmmm… fat juicy steaks for everybody. Except for Draculaura of course. She brought tofu dogs, veggie burgers and a human boy named Jackson Jekyll. She’ll always be my BMFF and the sweetest monster ever but ghoulfriend makes some strange choices. Anyway, I could tell he was really nervous, and what human surrounded by werewolves wouldn’t be, until Clawd started talking about football and then the two of them kinda hit it off. I think Draculaura is major league crushing on this guy.
September 6th
I know most monsters are probably dreading starting school but not me. I want to learn as much as I can so that I’ll be totally prepared when I start building my fashion empire. If for nothing else than to be able to move out of the house and get my own place without having to share everything with all my brothers and sisters. Oh no! I think I smell Howleen in the shower! Why couldn’t I have been an only wolf?
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mhdiaries · 2 years
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Wave 1 Clawdeen Wolf Diary
*kindly sent in by @fedorasquidwithglasses*
July 14th
I got up late so there was no hot water left then I cut myself shaving this morning cause my razor was dull and I was in a hurry to get out of the freezing water but amazingly enough the day actually went down hill from there… Later on Crescent, the alpha kitty, must have sensed my mood cause instead of spending the night prowling around her curled up in my lap and kept me company while I sorted through my funk.
July 15th
It rained today. I hate the rain. It totally caused my hair to poof out and I was not about to spend the rest of the day looking like a were-poodle. So I grabbed a pair of electric clippers and 15 minutes later I had new ‘do. It’s short, scary cute and perfectly wolfish. I think I’ll keep it for a while or at least until this rain goes away. I have decided that when I control my own fashion empire I’m going to have a stylist on call just for rainy days.
August 4th
I hate, hate, hate! Sharing a room with my sister. Howleen totally growls in her sleep, she wears my clothes and she got sprayed by a skunk last week which means that every time she takes a bath, which isn’t often, it stinks up the whole room. I’d hope she gets fleas but she’d just spread them to me.
August 7th
I’ve got to get serious about planning what I’m going to wear on the first day of school this year. I mean it’s not like I’m worried about some monster showing up and looking more fabulous than me but I feel obligated to set the bar for everyone else. Last year on the first day of school I caused a minor traffic jam just walking across the school parking lot. Its going to be hard to top that but I’ve been experimenting with some new hair styles and I’m considering just asking for a school assembly so that crowd control won’t be a problem.
August 10th
I tried a new hair remover made especially for werewolves. The label says it will totally eclipse unwanted hair and it’s supposed to keep you hair-free for a week…not. It’s expensive, it stings worse than wolfs bane and I still have to shave twice a day! What a rip…I could have used that money for a new belt.
August 15th
Spent the day at Draculaura’s. She’s the absolute sweetest BMFF ever! Although if she doesn’t stop trying to feed me tofu I’m going to bite her j/k ;p. She has like rooms and rooms of clothes. It’s like a fashion museum. So awesome! She always says that we’re going to pick out clothes to give Ghoul Will but she always gives most of them to me. I pretend I don’t need them but with so many brothers and sisters it’s not like there’s a lot of extra money to go around for new fashions. I guess we must have gotten a little loud though cause we woke up her dad. He doesn’t really like werewolves very much but he tolerates me cause I’m friends with Draculaura. Whatever. It’s not like I want to hang out with him either. Anyway, the best thing about Draculaura is that she doesn’t give me clothes because she feels sorry for me, she does it because she’s my friend.
August 19th
When to The Maul with Clawd today. He needed a new football and I needed to get some ideas for my next hair style. While I was there I saw the strangest thing. I was walking past the Witches Kitchen supply store and saw Deuce Gorgon reading a cookbook! I yelled “Yo Deuce, trying to find a recipe for snake?” He dropped the cookbook and looked all embarrassed; at least I think he was. It’s hard to tell what’s going on behind those glasses. I think he would have tried to stone me but Clawd walked up and Deuce chilled. Sometimes it’s cool to have the toughest guy in the school on your side. Thanks bro!
August 21st
If I were a mad scientist, the hairstyle experiment I tried today would be locked away in the lab never to see the light of day again. I flat ironed my hair so it was straight and then I razor cut it. As soon as the curl came back things got ugly. Even Howleen felt sorry for me. It’s a good thing I’m the werewolf equivalent of Rapunzel and my hair will be grown out by the end of the week or I’d be wearing a hat until Halloween.
August 23rd
Draculaura tried to talk me into trying out for the Fearleading squad again. Puhh..leeze. A list of why I’m not a fearleader:
1. I don’t “try out” for anything. 2. I wouldn’t be caught human in those uniforms. 3. -8. Boring and Cleo de Nile 4. While they’re yelling for the boys I’m in the stands flirting with the boys. 5. Boring and Cleo de Nile
I have thought about trying out just to show I could make the team but then I look at my list again and it reminds me why I don’t’ want to.
August 25th
Hung out an the Maul with Draculaura and met a new girl named Frankie Stein. She was shopping with her mom and fortunately for Frankie they ran into us. Otherwise she would have started the first day of school dressed like the Bride of Lame-n-stein. Frankie’s beautiful, and sweet but bit naïve. Fortunately, I’m here to make sure she gets properly educated in the ways of the fierce fashionista.
September 5th
Our annual End of Summer family boo-b-que was today. Mmmmm… fat juicy steaks for everybody. Except for Draculaura of course. She brought tofu dogs, veggie burgers and a human boy named Jackson Jekyll. She’ll always be my BMFF and the sweetest monster ever but ghoulfriend makes some strange choices. Anyway, I could tell he was really nervous, and what human surrounded by werewolves wouldn’t be, until Clawd started talking about football and then the two of them kinda hit it off. I think Draculaura is major league crushing on this guy.
September 6th
I know most monsters are probably dreading starting school but not me. I want to learn as much as I can so that I’ll be totally prepared when I start building my fashion empire. If for nothing else than to be able to move out of the house and get my own place without having to share everything with all my brothers and sisters. Oh no! I think I smell Howleen in the shower! Why couldn’t I have been an only wolf?
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mhdiaries · 2 years
Diary of Ghoulia Yelps
The private thoughts of Ghoulia Yelps. Please refrain from reading my diary.
July 15,
I went to the mailbox to see if the book on monsterlecular biology I ordered was there and by the time I started back to the house it began to rain. Needless to say I was soaked by the time I got back inside. Everyone thinks I am so smart but if I were really intelligent I would carry an umbrella with me wherever I go.
July 16,
I woke up with a monster cold this morning. Ugh… I just wanted to lie in bed and simply un-die. Sir Hoots A Lot kept me supplied with tissues and books so I did not have to get up and mom even brought in some lukewarm dragon noodle soup although I am quite sure it was hot when she left the kitchen with it.
July 25,
I started a new book today. Actually it is a graphic novel… okay comic book. It is all about a zombie boy who gets pecked by a radioactive hummingbird and gains the power of super speed. I know it is just a made up story but a ghoul can dream can she not?
July 31,
So there is this zombie boy and I have become completely enamored with him. He plays on the casketball team and he is sweet and smart and I get tongue tied every time I am in his presence. I attempted to ask some of my ghoul friends what I should do but all the advice they gave me just seemed wrong. I even thought about sending a letter to one of those teen monster magazines:
Dear Relationship Know-It-All,
I am totally head over tombstone with the most engaging zombie boy but I am too nervous to talk to him. Please send your most generalized reply with a solution so diluted that it has no possible application to my current situation.
Signed, Thoroughly flummoxed in his presence
I did not, of course, send the letter. The last thing I want to do is publicly announce my inability to function in the presence of the opposite sex. It really should not be this difficult but it does require a certain amount of spontaneity and unscheduled events are not my fate.
August 15,
Today was the day I had scheduled to make a trek to The Maul in order to take advantage of their back-to-school fashion sales. Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond my control involving a flat tire, an intransigent hunchback and untimely solar flares I goes to The Maul about 4 hours late. I was able to makeup most of the time because I had a list of things I needed, which allowed me to bypass shopping and proceed straight to buying mode. The last stop on my list was the shoe store and I got there just as they were closing. I tried to talk to the store lurk into giving me just a few minutes but she did not understand zombie so she just rolled her eyes said “Sorry we’re closed,” and started to pull down the roll up security door. This caused the whole day to come crashing down on me and I started to fall apart. It was then that something remarkable happened. An arm reached around from behind me and stopped the door from closing. Then through my tears I could see that the door was being pushed back up and store lurk’s eyes had gone very wide. I do not know where she came from, but Clawdeen, perhaps the most intimidating girl at Monster High, stood there in full Alpha mode. “She said she had a list and that it wouldn’t take long, and since you are trying to close five minutes earlier than your posted hours, I suggest you open up and wait on her.” The lurk swallowed hard and said, “Of course Ms. Wolf.” Clawdeen put her arm around me and said, “Come on ghoul friend let’s try on some shoes.” It was one of the most enjoyable shopping experiences of my short zombie life. I even bought an extra pair on Clawdeen’s advice and when we were done she and her brother Clawd gave me a ride home so I didn’t have to take the bus. It is unfortunate that Clawdeen is still angry at Cleo because of the way Cleo and Clawd’s relationship ended. In retrospect though, I suppose Cleo should not have started dating Deuce the day after she dumped Clawd but what do I know about relationships?
August 20,
I made the acquaintance of a new girl today. Her name is Frankie Stein and although her understanding of zombie is quite rudimentary, she only asked me to repeat something twice. She had many questions about what it is like to be a zombie. Her inquiries showed a remarkably limited knowledge of zombie life and culture but I was happy to oblige her in her quest for knowledge. Her first question was, “Why do zombies only speak zombie but write in vernacular?” Okay, she did not use the word “vernacular” Anyway… I told her that it was a function of our unique zombie physiology. Actually, I believe I said that it is the way we are made – like a werewolf gets doubly hairy and ferocious on nights with a full moon or a vampire not being able to go out in the sun without totally covering their skin. It just is. I look forward to getting to know Frankie better when school starts. She is monstrously sweet.
August 31,
I received my “Zombies are monsters too!” t-shirt and bumper sticker in the mail today. The bumper sticker will have to go onto my wall until I get my license but I will proudly wear the t-shirt, under something else, because I hate drawing undue attention to myself. Yes I am being contradictory here. I want to make a statement but I do not want to be noticed while I am doing it. Why a statement? Well, it is not as if zombies are treated poorly by the “legacy” monsters but sometimes we do get treated like background noise which is a little disheartening. Yes we only speak zombie, yes we slowly shuffle along, yes we often appear to be devoid of personality but the same observation could be made about any teenager. Regardless, I am just as special as any pedigreed monster. Speaking of pedigreed monsters, my iCoffin just went off to remind me I am supposed to meet Cleo de Nile tomorrow.
September 1,
Spent the day at Cleo de Nile’s helping her get her class schedule organized. While Cleo does have the reputation of being arrogant and demanding, which she is at times, she can also be generous and helpful. How does she help me? It is hard to socialize when you are as shy as I am but Cleo will not allow me to sit on the sidelines. When we first became friends she took me around and introduced me to everybody – even Clawdeen! Now I am included in every social event and I have so many good friends at MH that while I am still shy they will not allow me to be invisible. I am still closest to Cleo though because she took a chance on getting to know a quiet and nerdy zombie girl when she really did not have to.
September 6,
Although I have enjoyed my time off for the summer I am eagerly anticipating the resumption of the school year tomorrow. I know that I am unusual in this but school is where I get to focus on my two favorite activities, acquiring knowledge and spending time with my friends.
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mhdiaries · 2 years
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Wave 1 Ghoulia Yelps Diary 
*kindly sent in by @fedorasquidwithglasses*
July 15,
I went to the mailbox to see if the book on monsterlecular biology I ordered was there and by the time I started back to the house it began to rain. Needless to say I was soaked by the time I got back inside. Everyone thinks I am so smart but if I were really intelligent I would carry an umbrella with me wherever I go.
July 16,
I woke up with a monster cold this morning. Ugh… I just wanted to lie in bed and simply un-die. Sir Hoots A Lot kept me supplied with tissues and books so I did not have to get up and mom even brought in some lukewarm dragon noodle soup although I am quite sure it was hot when she left the kitchen with it.
July 25,
I started a new book today. Actually it is a graphic novel… okay comic book. It is all about a zombie boy who gets pecked by a radioactive hummingbird and gains the power of super speed. I know it is just a made up story but a ghoul can dream can she not?
July 31,
So there is this zombie boy and I have become completely enamored with him. He plays on the casketball team and he is sweet and smart and I get tongue tied every time I am in his presence. I attempted to ask some of my ghoul friends what I should do but all the advice they gave me just seemed wrong. I even thought about sending a letter to one of those teen monster magazines:
Dear Relationship Know-It-All,
I am totally head over tombstone with the most engaging zombie boy but I am too nervous to talk to him. Please send your most generalized reply with a solution so diluted that it has no possible application to my current situation.
Signed, Thoroughly flummoxed in his presence
I did not, of course, send the letter. The last thing I want to do is publicly announce my inability to function in the presence of the opposite sex. It really should not be this difficult but it does require a certain amount of spontaneity and unscheduled events are not my fate.
August 15,
Today was the day I had scheduled to make a trek to The Maul in order to take advantage of their back-to-school fashion sales. Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond my control involving a flat tire, an intransigent hunchback and untimely solar flares I goes to The Maul about 4 hours late. I was able to makeup most of the time because I had a list of things I needed, which allowed me to bypass shopping and proceed straight to buying mode. The last stop on my list was the shoe store and I got there just as they were closing. I tried to talk to the store lurk into giving me just a few minutes but she did not understand zombie so she just rolled her eyes said “Sorry we’re closed,” and started to pull down the roll up security door. This caused the whole day to come crashing down on me and I started to fall apart. It was then that something remarkable happened. An arm reached around from behind me and stopped the door from closing. Then through my tears I could see that the door was being pushed back up and store lurk’s eyes had gone very wide. I do not know where she came from, but Clawdeen, perhaps the most intimidating girl at Monster High, stood there in full Alpha mode. “She said she had a list and that it wouldn’t take long, and since you are trying to close five minutes earlier than your posted hours, I suggest you open up and wait on her.” The lurk swallowed hard and said, “Of course Ms. Wolf.” Clawdeen put her arm around me and said, “Come on ghoul friend let’s try on some shoes.” It was one of the most enjoyable shopping experiences of my short zombie life. I even bought an extra pair on Clawdeen’s advice and when we were done she and her brother Clawd gave me a ride home so I didn’t have to take the bus. It is unfortunate that Clawdeen is still angry at Cleo because of the way Cleo and Clawd’s relationship ended. In retrospect though, I suppose Cleo should not have started dating Deuce the day after she dumped Clawd but what do I know about relationships?
August 20,
I made the acquaintance of a new girl today. Her name is Frankie Stein and although her understanding of zombie is quite rudimentary, she only asked me to repeat something twice. She had many questions about what it is like to be a zombie. Her inquiries showed a remarkably limited knowledge of zombie life and culture but I was happy to oblige her in her quest for knowledge. Her first question was, “Why do zombies only speak zombie but write in vernacular?” Okay, she did not use the word “vernacular” Anyway… I told her that it was a function of our unique zombie physiology. Actually, I believe I said that it is the way we are made – like a werewolf gets doubly hairy and ferocious on nights with a full moon or a vampire not being able to go out in the sun without totally covering their skin. It just is. I look forward to getting to know Frankie better when school starts. She is monstrously sweet.
August 31,
I received my “Zombies are monsters too!” t-shirt and bumper sticker in the mail today. The bumper sticker will have to go onto my wall until I get my license but I will proudly wear the t-shirt, under something else, because I hate drawing undue attention to myself. Yes I am being contradictory here. I want to make a statement but I do not want to be noticed while I am doing it. Why a statement? Well, it is not as if zombies are treated poorly by the “legacy” monsters but sometimes we do get treated like background noise which is a little disheartening. Yes we only speak zombie, yes we slowly shuffle along, yes we often appear to be devoid of personality but the same observation could be made about any teenager. Regardless, I am just as special as any pedigreed monster. Speaking of pedigreed monsters, my iCoffin just went off to remind me I am supposed to meet Cleo de Nile tomorrow.
September 1,
Spent the day at Cleo de Nile’s helping her get her class schedule organized. While Cleo does have the reputation of being arrogant and demanding, which she is at times, she can also be generous and helpful. How does she help me? It is hard to socialize when you are as shy as I am but Cleo will not allow me to sit on the sidelines. When we first became friends she took me around and introduced me to everybody – even Clawdeen! Now I am included in every social event and I have so many good friends at MH that while I am still shy they will not allow me to be invisible. I am still closest to Cleo though because she took a chance on getting to know a quiet and nerdy zombie girl when she really did not have to.
September 6,
Although I have enjoyed my time off for the summer I am eagerly anticipating the resumption of the school year tomorrow. I know that I am unusual in this but school is where I get to focus on my two favorite activities, acquiring knowledge and spending time with my friends.
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mhdiaries · 2 years
Oi, obrigada pelas partilhas. Tens o livros deadfast. Eu gostaria de cer por dentro
Você é bem vindo, though I am unsure of what the Deadfast Books are. If they came with collector's Deadfast Ghoulia doll I currently do not have them - I will have to look into that.
In the comic book Hopes and Screams Ghoulia has a story called Scream All About It! which is Daedfast related if that helps.
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mhdiaries · 2 years
do you have the full “shock and aww” invisibilly and scarah comic?? i need it so so badly oh my god
They should both be uploaded and tagged here.
I do notice that I have a hard time with the search bar on my blog, but after finding the post and tag I am looking for and clicking on the actual tag itself seems to pull up the rest of posts. I do not know if it's the theme I am using or what is causing these issues.
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mhdiaries · 2 years
Would you be able to put all of Robecca Steam's diary pages on here?
The physical pages or just the contents? Currently, Robecca has her Art Class diary uploaded (which does have a lot of actual pages uploaded to show the art), her Wave 4 diary, and her Freaky Fusion Diary with Draculaura uploaded.
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mhdiaries · 2 years
Hey!! I've been going insane trying to find this one diary entry and was hoping you'd be able to help me out
It was Cleo's diary explaining how the coup happened and how she was trapped with neferah and amanita blooming or something like that? Thank you in advance :w:
Okay yes I remember reading that; so her "Mattel Shop Exclusive" diary (that's that tag) is essentially her trapped in the pyramid with her father, Nefera, and servants - I believe that may be the one you are referring to. It does not mention Amanita though and Amanita's diary is more after her escape from the pyramid. I am trying to remember if there is a different diary or if I am just combining them with the webisode. I hope this helps!
Update: I do not have Cleo’s Gloom and Bloom diary yet to upload but since Amanita was introduced during the Gloom and Bloom webisodes I am wondering if that also might what you are looking for if the Mattel Shop Exclusive diary is not it 
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mhdiaries · 2 years
Do you know how Can i resd monster high comics
I do have both the comics uploaded here (in parts) by the story if that helps!
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mhdiaries · 2 years
If we have the diary’s that you don’t have can we send pictures to you?

Yes, I have the list of diaries I am missing posted so if you happen to have any you could kindly send photos of the entire thing and I'll type them up and upload them :)
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mhdiaries · 2 years
I sadly don’t have her diary and they have yet to release a creeproduction of her (I know she probably won’t get one but oh my ghoul I want one so bad)
edit: forgot someone sent it to me, i am on it
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mhdiaries · 2 years
hey sorry but do you know which comics Kieran valentine appears in and if you do then have you posted any of them? because I have tried to find photos of him for an edit and it’s so hard to find any good quality content
Only Eye for You - Shadow of a Doubt story
Uploaded and tagged :)
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mhdiaries · 2 years
do you have valentines and whisp diaries?
Yes both are uploaded and tagged
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mhdiaries · 2 years
Diary of Meowlody & Purrsephone
If we catch you reading our diary you’ll be in double trouble!
Spending part of the summer at math camp was so boring I could almost…fall…asleep…writing…about…it. Of course my sister liked it. She was a total teacher’s pet.
You like to complain but math camp wasn’t that bad. There were lots of monsters to prank, I liked some of the classes, and I was not a teacher’s pet. We were simply stuck in the middle of no-where with nothing else to do so why not learn something?
I did learn something. I learned that there are worse things than being locked out of the house in the rain. Things like listening to never ending arguments about who was the greatest monster mathematician and having every geek in the camp tell me that the chance of twins being born is 1 in 31 or 3.125%. It’s an interesting fact the first time you hear it but the novelty wears off, at a factor of 10 to the power of infinity, after every monster in camp acts like they’re the first one to give you that information.
So it wasn’t a total waste of time for you after all?
Every monster thinks that just because we are twins we must think and act alike every moment of the day. It’s like they think we share the same brain. I have my own personality, my own likes and dislikes, and even though we don’t have the same color of hair, monsters treat us like we’re interchangeable. I even thought about learning a dead language just so some monster could say, “Oh they’re not the same at all, the one with the dark hair speaks Manticore.”
I like the chaos that being a twin sometimes causes. I think it’s awfully awesome and who cares if other monsters get us mixed up? We know who we are and if they can’t tell the difference between us that’s their problem. Learning a dead language is fine but why choose Manticore? They’re the crankiest monsters ever.
You miss the whole point. It doesn’t matter what the language is, it’s about… nevermind.
We may not think alike but no monster knows how to push a twin sister’s buttons like her twin sister.
We went to the maul today and some thing asked us if we were werewolves! I said, “Do you live under a rock or something?” Turns out this thing did live under a rock, but that’s no excuse for making such a mistake. It happens a lot though I’m not sure why.
Me either! We have different shaped ears, our claws are retractable, we have tails, we don’t feel the need to run in packs, we have far better table manners and we are much neater in appearance. Werecats have been around far longer than werewolves too like all the way back to Ancient Egypt and India! We’re also more curious about the world around us – I mean we practically invented the Law of Claws and Effect.
Werewolves are so…common…werecats are much more rare and mysterious. We are perfectly mysterious aren’t we?
Do you feel a draft? I sure do – oh wait it’s not a draft, it’s the wind blowing on a patch of skin that is normally covered with fur. Sister, you will say that you’re missing fur too but it’s really just a few hairs. I had to be shaved down to THE SKIN! I can’t believe you thought pranking Headless Headmistress Bloodgood by dying her nightmare white was a good idea.
It wasn’t a good idea it was a great idea – and it wasn’t the idea that was the problem it was the execution of the idea that was at issue. Sometimes a plan doesn’t always come together and how many times do I need to say, “I’m sorry?”
I’m counting the “I’m sorry’s” and I will let you know when you get to the magic number. I told you that beast was a fraidy cat and sneaking around her stall was bound to make the nightmare nervous. Oh and what did I also tell you nightmares do when they get nervous? THEY BREATHE FIRE! Fortunately for me, you were holding a bucket of permanent white dye when I got breathed on so you were able to… put everything right. Unfortunately, I ended up looking like a roasted marshmallow and a large patch of my fur had to be shaved off because that dye wouldn’t wash out. It’s a fabulous look for me…not.
Your fur will grow back in a few days and no monster will ever know unless they happen to show up to watch us clean HHB’s stables for the next week. At least she’s letting us work off the mess instead of telling mom and dad. I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry.
Not even close to the number.
We bought Toralei’s pet sabertooth tiger, Sweet Fangs, a little present and took it over to them. Being in the pet store made us miss our pet canary. He used to sing us awake every morning – but we had to give him away because someone… was allergic. I’m not blaming her but you have to admit it’s a little odd for a werecat to have a bird allergy.
I know you blame me for having to get rid of him. It was really hard cause I loved him to you know, but just try waking up every morning with an itchy tail, watery eyes, dry nose and a hacking cough. It was really miserable.
You always blame your hacking cough on the canary but the real reason for you cough was because you didn’t take your hairball medicine like mom told you to. She’s really sensitive about it though, so I try not to bring it up.
I am not so sensitive, but if you keep talking about it one day you’re going to slip and say something about it in public and then I will be embarrassed. Lots of werecats get hairballs you know. Just because you and Toralei have never had one you both look at me like I’ve grown a second tail. Besides, we were like kittens when that happened anyway. It probably wouldn’t bother me if there were not a picture of me in the “cone of shame” which my mom thinks is cute and won’t let me throw away. I just know this is going to haunt me forever.
Totally pranked Ghoulia Yelps today… Okay maybe not totally but it would have been totally if that annoying gargoyle ghoul hadn’t interfered and completely spoiled the milk. It was purrfectly planned and so clever on our part.
We noticed – we notice everything – that little miss know-it-all has been riding her scooter down the same street at the same time every day. It’s the street that goes past library – she’s so predictable. All we did was slightly tweak a detour sign that would have pointed her down a street that was closed for repairs – it had lots of enormous pot holes filled with rain from last night’s storm.
We were watching from a rooftop with our camera and when she got to the detour sign she stopped and was completely confused; but she always follows the rules because she’s such a little do-gooder. So she was just about to turn down the street for a little “bump and wash” when this gargoyle and her pet gryphon glided down from the roof of another building – it was the library – and landing in front of Ghoulia.
We couldn’t hear what she was saying but she pointed to the sign and then pointed up to where we were hiding. We ducked of course and escaped – sort of escaped. This gargoyle, who wouldn’t tell us her name, caught up to us on the street and blocked our way – so rude. She had this horrible French accent and she said “Zat was a vary mean thing you tried to do to zat poor ghoul.” It was the perfect opportunity to practice the third “D” in Toralei’s formula for the successful prankster – Demure.
We told her that we had no idea what she was talking about but she ignored us and kept on talking – we have it all on camera. “She is vary nice and you are vary mean and I am going to tell all zee other gargoyles to watch for you now so you do not do such a thing again!” Talk about a monster with a chip on her shoulder and that gryphon of hers was ill behaved as well.
It screamed at me and I told her that if she couldn’t control her pet it should be on a leash. I should add monsters who can’t take a joke to my list of pet peeves and while I’m at it, that gryphon as well.
We were supposed to meet up with Toralei tonight for some Claws and Effect practice during the meteor shower but some monster made us late.
I said go on without me and I would catch up cause I forgot my camera and had to go back and get it. Good thing I did too cause I got some purrfect pictures of the falling stars.
Even though we didn’t get to practice Toralei’s 3 D’s we got to all hang out at the coffee shop together listen to music and watch something better than any fireworks show.
Much, much better sister.
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