mi4-r4y ¡ 18 days
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xiangli yao — ‘ THE ULTIMATE TRUTH ’
521 notes ¡ View notes
mi4-r4y ¡ 27 days
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518 notes ¡ View notes
mi4-r4y ¡ 27 days
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protective Dan Heng
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mi4-r4y ¡ 2 months
Their reactions to your death
As it says on the tin, the HSR boys' reactions to your death. This is pure angst.
Contains descriptions of death (nothing too graphic, though)
Suicidal thoughts in Aventurine's part
Mentions of Aventurine's backstory
No happy endings, this is pure angst
Characters: Argenti, Aventurine, and Jing Yuan
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🌹 Argenti
Argenti knew that taking you traveling with him was a dangerous endeavor. You had some combat experience as a Nameless, and he admired your determination to improve your fighting skills by frequently sparring with him. He warned you of the frequent dangers he faced as a Knight of Beauty in his pursuit of THEIR radiance, and despite his common sense telling him to let you go, neither his heart nor you were satisfied to sever the tender bond growing between you. Against his better judgment, Argenti caved to your pleas to join him on his journey.
At first, the days spent journeying with you were some of his happiest. The love blossoming in his chest filled his entire being, and he often swore to you that you must have been blessed by Idrila themselves because when he was with you, the entire universe glowed with radiant beauty. The world was more beautiful with you by his side, for that was how much of an impact your presence had on him.
Argenti soon came to regret his weak will for allowing you to come along on his perilous adventure. You were making a rest stop on a small planet when the Antimatter Legion invaded, set on destruction. Overwhelmed by enemy numbers, Argenti focused on protecting the citizens and trusted you to handle yourself. Though you were not on par with his strength, he saw you improve during your sparring sessions, and he wanted to believe in your capabilities.
When the battle was over and the dust settled, Argenti couldn’t find you. While calling your name, he forced his battered and bloodied body to move as he searched for you among the rubble. He soon found you, collapsed on the ground in a puddle of your own blood. Quickly rushing to your side, Argenti scooped you up into his arms to inspect your injuries. The gashes in your torso were deep—Argenti knew instantly they were fatal. He didn’t want to accept your death, but no matter how much he called your name, hoping you would magically come back to life and open your eyes, you remained still.
Argenti was no stranger to losing friends, as their knightly profession resulted in many of them dying. He still thought about his fallen comrades with an ache in his chest, unable to fully make peace with their passing. However, you were someone he cherished even more than his fallen friends. You were the first person he grew to love from the bottom of his heart, dare he say even more than his beloved Aeon of Beauty. You were the first person to instill such overwhelming joy and adoration in his being with your mere existence.
Gently taking hold of your hand, Argenti brought your palm to his cheek, his heart shattering at how cold your skin was. He remained like this for a long time, hunching over your body and cradling you close while holding your limp hand in his. He wept. Tears streamed down his handsome face, leaving behind wet trails among the dirt and blood smeared on his cheeks as he kissed the back of your hand the way he did so many times before, only this time would be the last. Argenti quietly apologized to you for not being there to protect you, for allowing you to join him on such a dangerous journey and lose your life because he wasn’t strong enough to resist his love for you.
The day you died, the beautiful universe as Argenti knew it, withered like a decaying rose. The things he once found beautiful were now rendered without that same brilliant splendor. Everything appeared bleak and ordinary. No matter how he tried, Argenti found it difficult to summon the love and appreciation he once had. It was as if you had taken that ability with you to the grave.
Worse yet, Argenti found his faith in Idrila shaken, leaving him questioning his devotion to the absent Aeon.
After all, how can beauty exist in a universe without you?
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🃏 Aventurine
After he returned from a mission, Aventurine wanted to spend some quality time with you, so he took you to the local mall with the promise of buying you anything your pretty heart desired, no matter the price tag. Walking hand-in-hand, Aventurine and you were discussing which store to visit next when a man emerged from the crowd and stood in front of your pair. The man looked familiar to Aventurine, but before he had time to place the face to a name, the man drew a gun and aimed it right at Aventurine’s heart, screaming that Aventurine ruined his life and he would get revenge on him today.
The ensuing moments happened too quickly for Aventurine to react. The man pulled the trigger and a loud bang resounded through the shopping center, resulting in a cacophony of screams from the nearby crowd of shoppers. The bullet didn’t hit Aventurine, however. As if in slow motion, he watched you shield him from the assailant and intercept the bullet in his place.
His carefully crafted personal of smug confidence crumbled when you fell at his feet, replaced with rarely-seen panic as Aventurine saw red bloom at the center of your chest like an ugly rose. The terror of losing you overrode any other concern in his mind, and Aventurine barely spared a thought to the assassin, too preoccupied with stemming your bleeding with his jacket, not caring if it became ruined with blood. Somewhere in the background, he heard the man’s angry shouts as he was apprehended and carried away by security, but Aventurine couldn’t focus on that. All he had on his mind was ensuring you made it out alive.
He was so focused on stopping your bleeding, that the only thing that snapped him out of his panic was the sensation of your hand resting over his. Lifting his gaze to meet your pained one, Aventurine watched you mouth “I love you” before falling still moments later. Your eyes glazed over, staring through him into the distance, and Aventurine’s heart sank to the pit of his stomach.
Just five minutes ago he was happily holding hands with you, excited to indulge in a rare day off to spoil you, and how he looked down on your lifeless body cradled in his arms. You were gone and he will never get you back.
The ensuing days were a blur of police interrogations and IPC meetings, but Aventurine was glad to be busy. It was the only thing distracting him from his grief and guilt. It turned out that the assassin was a small company representative he screwed over a while ago for the sake of a mission, and the man wanted to kill Aventurine in revenge. A few of Aventurine’s colleagues said he was lucky to be alive, but that phrase made his stomach churn. Could it be considered luck if he lost you in the end? If so, then he doesn’t want to be lucky anymore.
When your funeral came, Aventurine almost didn’t attend. He couldn’t bear to face you with the knowledge that you gave up your life for his. That he stood here alive and well, while you lay lifeless in the grave because of him. But Topaz and Jade coaxed him out and he went, tuning out the entire procession or risk showing vulnerability.
After the hectic days wound down, the grief came in full force. Once upon a time, Aventurine found solitude as a saving grace after a long day of faking and scheming. Then you came along and wormed your way into his scarred heart, bathing him in a love and gentleness he hadn’t felt in a long, long time. Sharing his home with you was an unfamiliar yet joyous experience, and he found comfort in knowing that you were waiting for him to return each day. However, now his home felt awfully empty and lonely without you, and the silence sometimes choked him. Your things were still lying where you left them before that horrid day, and Aventurine didn’t have the heart to move them, much less throw them away. After all, they held memories of your happy times together, proof that you once existed.
Insomnia became his companion. The grief and guilt weighed on him like a boulder and kept him awake late into the night, turning over possibilities of what he should have done so you would have survived. When his exhausted brain forced him to sleep, all he saw were nightmares. Some nights he dreamt of his mother and sister, and the fires and bloodshed that tore through their little encampment. Other nights he dreamt of being shackled and watching blood run down his fingers while a lifeless body lay at his feet, beaten beyond recognition. Sometimes, he dreamt about being on a date with you, hearing you say “I love you” and then watching you fall lifeless at his feet with a bullet wound in your chest.
Aventurine woke in a cold sweat every time. Usually, when he had nightmares, you were there to keep him company until he calmed down, but now, there was nothing but empty space where you should have been. He did not fall asleep afterward.
Your death weighed like a heavy boulder, suffocating him. It unearthed painful memories and reopened old wounds that never healed. Aventurine lost so much in his life: his family, people, planet, freedom, and now, the love of his life. Everything he treasured had been brutally taken from him, and the constant beatdown made it difficult to summon the will to go on. He might have pulled on a smile for his colleagues at the IPC, but in the solitude of his home, there were nights when he considered ending it all and joining you and his family in the afterlife. He probably would have gone through with those urges were it not for Topaz and Jade’s timely support. Their genuine concern for his well-being helped steer him away from such thoughts.
Having faced so much loss, Aventurine closed himself off from close relationships. He swore to never take another lover after you—he couldn’t bear to lose someone else again—but he does hold your memory close to his heart, much like he does with his family. He packed your things and stored them safely alongside his mother’s items, cherishing them as a memento of you.
Aventurine knows that one day he will reunite with you and his family. Maybe that day won’t come soon, but he finds comfort in knowing it will happen eventually. In the meantime, he resolved to push on and fulfill his goal of taking revenge against the IPC for the sake of everything they had so cruelly snatched from him. Just wait a little longer for him, alright? He will join you soon enough.
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🦁 Jing Yuan
Having lived for several centuries, one would assume Jing Yuan had accumulated precious wisdom over the course of his long life. Though he remained humble, Jing Yuan liked to think so, too. Yet, entering a committed relationship with you, a short-life species, was not a wise decision at all. Compared to his long lifespan, your life was like a sparkler: beautifully bright but short-lived. Jing Yuan was fully aware that it would hurt him when he inevitably lost you, but love made people foolish, and he was no exception.
His long life and the loss of his beloved friends and mentor made him jaded, but being with you gave him that little spark of excitement he hadn’t felt in a long time. It felt good to come home to find you waiting for him, and it motivated him to finish his paperwork faster so he could hurry back to you. The lazy days of taking naps on your lap, going on strolls through Xianzhou, and drinking tea together were akin to a dream.
But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. In what felt like a blink of an eye, you started showing signs of aging. Your skin developed new wrinkles and your vision worsened, but otherwise, you were still perfectly healthy. Nevertheless, the sight settled like a heavy blanket over Jing Yuan. It was a reminder that you were slowly but surely approaching the end of your life span. The realization weighed on his heart, turning his time with you bittersweet, but he resolved to make the most of your remaining time together.
After a few more decades, you developed health problems and were no longer as active as you used to be, so Jing Yuan paid for the best doctors on the Xianzhou to care for you, all with the hope of extending your life by just a few more years. Even one or two more would do.
Over the years, you took many couple photographs to capture the fun times but also to leave something for Jing Yuan to remember you by. He used to look upon them with fondness, but now as he browsed through the photos on his phone, his heart sank as he saw how you progressively aged with each new picture while he remained unchanged. Though he knew it was inevitable for your species, it still left a sour taste in his mouth.
A couple more decades passed by, and your figure changed even more. Your skin was wrinkled and your hair white, your vision was poor, and the aches and pains in your body prevented you from being active. Jing Yuan sometimes caught your melancholic gaze on him when you thought he wasn’t looking, and he knew his youthful appearance bothered you. You must have doubted whether he still loved you now that you lost your youthful beauty, but he did. No matter how much you changed, Jing Yuan’s love for you never waned, and he proved it to you by faithfully remaining by your side, showering you in compliments and affections the same way he did when he first fell in love with you.
Time marched on. Jing Yuan watched you slowly waste away in front of his eyes as you grew feeble with every passing year. Your time would come soon, and he would have to say goodbye to you. He was no stranger to goodbyes. He’s lost dear friends in the past, but the longing for his companions and the good times they shared together never quite left. He knew it would be the same with you because despite the short time you had been together, you had left a big impact on him. Capturing the heart of the Luofu General was no small feat, as he often told you with a playful smile. Rendering him practically kneeling at your bedside and grasping your hand with the fear of today being your last was no small feat either, though Jing Yuan never told you that part.
When your time was almost here, Jing Yuan spent all his free time at your bedside, desperately trying to get a few more moments with you. His laidback smile was ever present as he chatted with you and held your hand, but that mask faded when he felt your hand grow limp in his at long last. Though he was heartbroken to watch you go, he was glad that your death was a peaceful one, at least.
He did not cry for you. He had decades to prepare for your death, but your absence did leave a hole in his heart. He sorely missed the playful banter, cheerful laughter, and comfort you provided. Life returned to the same monotony it used to be prior to meeting you, but it felt incomplete without you. His house felt too silent, his bed was too big for him alone, and he still caught himself brewing an extra mug of tea out of habit.
Falling in love with a short-life species was not a wise decision, but despite the heartache Jing Yuan felt whenever he looked at photos of you, he knew he would make the mistake of loving you all over again if given the chance. It just hurt knowing he could no longer make new memories with you.
Maybe if he’s lucky, the mara won’t get him and he’ll get to keep these cherished memories of you and the High-Cloud Quintet until his last days. At least, he hopes such a small mercy can be granted to him.
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mi4-r4y ¡ 3 months
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"If you want to act like a brat then I'll treat you like one."
"Ah, ah, ah, where do you think you're going, hm? I'm not done with you yet."
"You and this fucking body of yours. Fuck... It drives me crazy."
"I won't let anyone take you from me. You're mine. Mine. Do you understand?"
"Who said you could touch? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such a bad girl. Just asking me to punish her."
"Don't let me catch you so easily next time."
"Ooh, someone's a little fiesty. How exciting. You know how I enjoy getting a little rough."
"Push back, c'mon. Give it to me, pretty thing. Give me that pretty cunt."
"Fuck... Don't fucking tease me. It won't end well for you."
"You know better than to disobey, don't you? Or do you want to be a bad girl tonight?"
"Keep testing my patience and see where it gets you."
"A pretty little collar for a pretty little thing."
"Don't worry about them. Keep your eyes on me. I'm fucking you. Not them. Watch me."
"You haunt my entire being. You consume me. Now it's time for me to do the same. Let me devour you."
"You're so wet already. Don't tell me that you get worked up from being watched? What a dirty thing you truly are, hm?"
"Good girl. Just like that. Who's good girl are you?"
"C'mere, let me teach you a lesson since you want to run that fucking mouth of yours."
"Just the tip, baby. Just the tip, I swear to you. Fuck."
"You don't deserve my cock tonight. So if I were you I'd get those hips moving. Maybe if you grind hard enough against me you'll get off."
"Show me how you ride it, sweetheart."
"Don't tell me you're crying already. You wanted me to rough you up a bit, didn't you?"
"Stop your fucking whining and let me fuck you properly."
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mi4-r4y ¡ 3 months
Wise x
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ok hear me out-
yandere, smutty, sharing, reader degradation
Scenario 1:
You're a solo agent who has relied on Phatheon - relied on Wise - for years. Being in such crippling debt is not ideal, the only way you can really pay off anything is through the hollows. You're just lucky to have such a doting Proxy.
It's scary fighting all those monsters, but, with such a handy companion, you know you're safe. Even so, it can get very embarrassing.
"Didn't you wear that underwear yesterday?"
"You really don't leave much to the imagination, do ya, (Y/n)?"
"I'll jump first, just make sure to land on my face, 'kay?"
You can try and retaliate, but, if you don't show up wearing a skirt or change inside the hollow, then he's just going to sit there and not lead you. Complaining and pushing him does nothing, he may as well just be disconnected.
At least, if you're ever being chased on the 'safe' side by other gangs or some criminal or public secs, you can hide safely in his bedroom. In his bed. Him in you.
Well, you have to thank him for being so kind, don't you? It's only polite.
Don't even think about asking other Proxys for help, he'll easily overshadow them or spread misinformation. Honestly, no one wants to get on Phatheon's bad side anyway.
Whether it's him or his Bangboo, you can bet he's going to be one annoying, clingy pervert.
Scenario 2
You're part of the Cunning Hares. You join thinking you're going to help make some cash to survive on the streets, only for Nicole to throw you to Wise as "Interest on their outstanding payment with Phatheon."
Cue you sitting between his legs while he's at his computer, soft cock just warming up in your mouth. Docile you is too meek to do anything about it, especially when your wrists are cuffed to the legs or arms of his chair.
If you want to talk you have to get his attention somehow, don't remove your mouth unless he explicitly says you can. Otherwise, a good spanking is in order.
Nicole ain't gonna bust you out, either. She'll be telling you to up the performance in hopes of getting even more shaved off the bill.
If you're lucky (not), Wise will invite Billy in for some fun. "How about it, let her grind on your face while she sucks my cock?"
All the eager to comply, you're soon letting the robot explore you while you actively please your employer's proxy with your mouth. The three of you sure make a cute trio.
It's rare you go on hunts with them, though if you do, you're usually stuck on supply duty. Can't risk you unable to 'work', yanno? Leave the fighting to the professionals, and you can stick with what you're good at!
It also makes for some fun moments between you, Billy and the Bangboo.
You just exist to be bullied, it seems.
... ... ...
Wise will make sure you're completely dependent on him. If you need money, food, a roof over your head then you better believe it's him you go to. In a world with Hollows, gangs, corrupted law, it's not that hard to 'fake' an accident if you went elsewhere.
He's not worried about you running around and leaving the store, as long as you know you to come back when you've got it out of your system. He's not above punishment and chaining you up.
Don't believe his calm and collected responses, just pay attention to his eyes and you're bound to notice what kind of emotion he's emitting.
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mi4-r4y ¡ 4 months
Squish his face💖
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(Hand trend on Twitter)
11K notes ¡ View notes
mi4-r4y ¡ 4 months
Thinking about marrying Aventurine and his face when he sees you walking down the aisle.
He's always so cool and confident. Always has an answer, a plan, a way out. Nothing can crack his exterior cover. Except for you.
He's never in his life cried in front of others. But here he was, standing at the altar, tears threatening to blur his vision as he watched you walk towards him.
You looked ethereal. Your white dress trailed behind you and gently sparkled in the sunlight. Your makeup accentuated all the features he already loved about you, and your hair cascaded down your back and framed your perfect face. You looked like an angel. Like salvation.
He did his best to keep his tears from flowing, not wanting to miss a single second of your walk towards him. Towards the rest of your lives together.
As you approached, he held out his hand to help you up onto the altar.
His purple-blue eyes glistened as he gazed into your own. Into his future. A future he never expected to have, at least until you came into his life.
With you he saw a future he wanted to protect and cherish. There would be no more staking it on risky gambles. Not anymore.
Instead, as he placed your ring on your finger, he also placed his most valuable chip in your hands: his heart.
It was all or nothing. And he decided to give you it all. His future, his life, his heart, it was all yours now. You were the best gamble he ever took, he thought, as he said "I do."
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mi4-r4y ¡ 4 months
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You and me. Us.
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pairing. Aventurine x fem!reader cw/genre. angst, confused thoughts and feelings, insecurity. synopsis. You didn't feel right, so after keeping it to yourself, you decided to talk it over with him. masterlist
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Despite him being a loving and attentive boyfriend, something was troubling him internally.
It could be his senses telling him that something "bad" was happening, like a premonition.
For your part, there was no change, you were still stuck to him, as always.
So after about 2 months, he decided to ignore that strange worried feeling inside him.
However, one night you saw him pacing back and forth, muttering some words under his breath.
When he seemed to notice you, he stopped what he was doing and approached you.
"I can't stop thinking about it.. something's going to go wrong, I just feel it. Maybe I'm being paranoid."
It was unlike you to see him with this sort of anxious energy.
You reached out to him, squeezing his hand gently. He looked up at you and gave a smile of appreciation, but the tension in his eyes persisted.
"You know it's normal to get tense, right?" You tried to make your words comforting and soft. "Everything is going to be okay, honey."
Despite not knowing his thoughts in detail or being able to put yourself in his place at that moment, you tried to comfort him.
He let out a sigh that seemed to expel all of his worries. His grip on your hand was tight enough for you to be able to sense his anxiety.
He pressed his forehead towards yours, his eyes closed tight.
You wondered what was going through his mind.
He couldn't bring himself to look at you during this moment.
His thumb gently brushed your hand, his eyes slightly clenched as he was about to tell you something, but hesitated.
It seems to be hard for him to get out what he was trying to say.
So he opted to squeeze your hand and bury his face into your chest.
You let a smile grace your face, despite his tense aura.
You understood him enough to know that whatever he was going through right now was something beyond your knowledge.
You comforted and supported him by wrapping your arms around him, kissing his head, and rubbing his back.
He looked grateful as your tender words of comfort helped him relax.
It was a nice moment of intimacy. It wasn't always a situation like this between the two of them, but there was never a problem comforting each other.
The affection and love that both had for each other was very enviable, they fit together so well in any situation.
Your fingers found their way onto his chin, gently lifting his head up so that he could meet your gaze.
His face was soft and expressive even when feeling down.
Even in the midst of trouble, he could always find a ray of hope with you.
He didn't say a word, but the feeling of your thumb rubbing his chin could be interpreted as "everything will be alright".
You both stayed close throughout the rest of the night.
It was an unproblematic night of rest for the both of you, he slept comfortably next to you, and you watched over him, feeling safe.
As the weeks went by, the one who started to feel bad was you.
Physically bad.
First came the nausea and dizziness, which you managed to hide perfectly from Aventurine.
At one point you thought you were sick and that these symptoms would eventually go away. However, that didn't happen, the symptoms remained, which worried you.
"…" From the way you felt, you suspected it from the first moment.
You sat on the bed, your legs a little weak from the shock, staring at the pregnancy test.
The minutes of waiting felt like hours. The intrigue was killing you.
Until finally you could see for yourself, your suspicions were right. You were pregnant.
You didn't know how to feel, you didn't know whether to be excited or worried.
However, a smile grew on your face, and you hugged the test closer to yourself.
So what if you weren't ready? For you this was something to be happy about.
But all you could think about was the moment you'd tell him.
He would be happy with this news, right?
Despite the pregnancy, life carried on, and so did you.
The symptoms you've been experiencing were unpleasant but tolerable. The nausea was still there, and you still felt dizzy, but you did your best to get through it.
As for the pregnancy, you tried to tell Aventurine once or twice. But you just… didn't feel ready yet. You wanted the perfect moment to drop that bomb on him, but that perfect moment felt like it never came.
You looked at Aventurine's sleeping form.
Should you tell him the news?
He looked so peaceful.
Perhaps you should wait for the right moment, the right time.
You laid there, not wanting to wake him, feeling a sense of anticipation inside. Even after the physical symptoms subsided slightly, your mind was full of worries.
"What if he doesn't want children now?"
"What if he thinks we're not ready?"
"He wouldn't leave me, would he?"
You wanted to push these worries aside and focus on the good things, but your mind wandered.
You didn't realise when it was that he had already woken up and was looking at you for a while.
You came out of your thoughts when you felt his hands caressing your face.
"Darling, what's wrong?" His voice was soft, not wanting to scare you.
For your part, you felt relaxed at his touch.
He continued to stroke your face, his hands eventually finding their way into your hair and gently combing it as he spoke,
"… Are you okay…?"
He sounded slightly worried.
"Mhm." After making a sound of affirmation, you clung to him, keeping your head buried to his chest.
"…" Once you were close to him, he continued to stroke your hair gently, not speaking, just wanting to listen to your breathing for a moment.
He rubbed your back in an attempt to soothe you, despite not knowing what was wrong. After a moment of silence, you broke it by speaking.
"I'm pregnant…" You blurted out. Your words were somewhat muffled by the fact that your face was in his chest.
His body tensed as soon as the words left your mouth.
"You're… pregnant?"
His hands stopped moving as an overwhelming sense of shock and fear came over him.
You thought he would be happy with that type of news but what you got was something different.
"…" Your boyfriend couldn't get his mind to respond, his face expressionless as he processed your words.
You let out a sigh as you waited for his words of response. He slowly pulled you away from his chest and stared straight into your eyes, almost as if studying your expression.
After another long pause, he spoke.
"You're… you're sure…?"
Your response was a confident nod.
He was quiet for a while.
"…" He could barely process what you'd just told him.
This was not the response you were expecting.
However, he still didn't move, not even a slight twitch of emotion on his face.
His eyes wandered away from you, looking at the ceiling.
He was deep in internal crisis, feeling overwhelmed with all sorts of different thoughts.
At this moment, anxiety and nervousness flooded your system. The situation that had gone quiet too long was something that made you uncomfortable.
You waited.
He still wasn't speaking.
After another few minutes of staring at the ceiling, he finally opened his mouth.
"… I need time to think about this, dear" He said, his voice as serious as you had ever heard it before.
Before he got up, he ruffled your hair gently. Then he got out of the bed and went to the bathroom without another word or a glance thrown in your direction.
A feeling of rejection began to fill your heart as the bathroom door closed, leaving you all alone.
Your stomach dropped at the unexpected response. The fact that he requested time to digest what you had just told him made you increasingly anxious. Your fingers fiddled with the bedsheet, you were thinking too.
Is he angry with you for getting pregnant?
Is he just scared?
Why did he react like that instead of showing happiness like you thought he would?
The questions were countless, each one creating an increasing sense of insecurity within you.
But not only insecurity, but also sadness.
You couldn't help but think that this would be the breakup of your relationship, also due to the fact that you would have to raise your child alone.
It was a little too much for you to make those kinds of ideas and thoughts.
From one moment to the next you felt your cheeks wet. You didn't bother to dry them, you stayed leaning on the pillow, trying to disappear at that moment.
Your emotions were not very rational, being 4 months pregnant was hard.
On the other hand, Aventurine was locked in the bathroom.
He had a range of emotions inside of him.
Fear, anxiety, frustration, worry.
He took a deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror.
You were the love of his life, so he knew that there was no way he would leave you. But that didn't change the fact that he was terrified right now.
After a while of crying and waiting, you finally noticed the bathroom door slightly open.
Aventurine was still very far from calm. His face seemed still tense, but he was much more relaxed than before.
"Honey…" His voice was gentle, he came to sit next to you and started running his hand down your back again, trying to soothe you.
You were with your head buried in the pillow and with the blanket covering your entire body.
His touch gave you comfort, his presence reassured you.
"Please look at me, darling." he insisted, his thumb tracing the outline of your face.
You did as he said, you slowly turned your head and looked at him, he was smiling slightly, which surprised you.
"Come here." he took you in his arms, placing you on top of his lap.
Your eyes slowly closed, you let out a small sigh as you began to relax, and your mind started to settle.
While you sat on his lap, he brushed his hand through your hair, not speaking.
You buried your face into his shoulder and let him do his thing, it was calming.
"I'm sorry." His voice was soft as he continued to comb through your hair.
"It was stupid of me to react like that." He said, letting out a tired sigh.
His words soothed you.
You kept quiet for a moment, not knowing if you should answer him or not.
By the time you were going to answer him, Aventurine spoke again.
"I'm just…scared." As he spoke, his voice cut off at the end. His arms wrapped around you as if you were going to slip away from his grasp at that moment.
After a while, you broke away from his grip, you lifted your head off his shoulder and went to grab his face, placing it in your hands. You looked into his eyes and tried to get a glimpse of what was going on inside of him, but it was hard to read.
Your face was worried, no matter how much you tried to get an idea of what was going on in his head, you couldn't figure it out.
In his eyes there was a hint of tears beginning to fill little by little. Not to mention the expression he had on his face, it was something that surprised you, you had rarely seen him like that.
"Can I ask why, darling?" You tried to sound as cautious and gentle as possible, your thumbs caressing his cheeks.
His eyes closed as soon as you touched him.
When you asked your question, he was silent for a few seconds before speaking very softly.
It was like he was fighting to hold himself together to keep himself from breaking from the flood of emotions.
"You know what my childhood was like, how they killed all of my race, I—" He took some time to stop his voice from breaking up again.
You, with the greatest delicacy in the world, wiped away the fine tears that fell from his eyes. You didn't rush him to speak, you simply listened to him, letting him know you were there.
"I don't want this baby to suffer. Who knows what they life will be like when they grows up? We don't know if they could have the same luck that I had…" His voice faded into a silent murmur, unable to continue talking.
He was trembling slighty, his body seemed to be unable to hold all of the distress that was eating at his mind.
After he spoke, you held him close to you, your arms embraced him tightly, so he could cry, if he needed it, without feeling uncomfortable.
You rubbed his back gently to keep him calm, you knew that the moment that you were in was very delicate and that he needed your attention and support.
You let him get his thoughts out of his system.
His insecurities were very understandable.
It did not seem to be a problem of not wanting the baby, but rather a problem of fear and anxiety about what life the child might have.
You understood him perfectly, he had lived through a lot in his life and did not want to put that on his baby.
In front of you, you could see the man who was so confident, crumble into a pile of fears and insecurities. Insecurities that he don't let other people see.
"Mhm, you're right, my love. We don't know what will become of they future." Your voice was quiet, as if it were a lullaby to calm him down.
"I also know that that you are very afraid that they will go through the same thing as you. There, unfortunately you were alone…but now you have me." You could almost hear him holding back his sobs.
"The baby will have you and me. And I know we will make sure this child was the happiest and most protected by us."
With that, he stopped holding back his sobs, letting them out. As he clung to your chest, finding the comfort he longed for.
All he heard were your words, words that calmed him down like the sound of a song.
You held him close and comforted him, as if he was a child needing a gentle voice to help him fall asleep.
His head rested on your chest while your arms were wrapped around him.
"…" His breathing started to slow down, the tension was slowly being drained out of his body.
You could feel the softness of his body and his soft hiccups.
"Mhm.." He let out a sound, while with one of his hands, he wiped his wet cheeks.
You continued to stroke his hair and comfort him.
Love and affection.
"I love you." he spoke, his voice still trembling, but not with anxiety this time. "I love you so much."
The weight that seemed to be on his shoulders lifted, even if just a little, as the fear that had been tormenting him was starting to melt away.
He broke away from your grip a little and turned to face you, then he looked at you.
"I love you both." He said as he placed a hand on your belly.
The love he had in his gaze was undeniable. With his hand on your belly, the reality you were living felt much more real.
You smiled at him, and placed your hand over his, keeping it placed against your belly.
"We love you too, my dear."
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Šcherrylovelycherry do not repost, copy, translate, modify
329 notes ¡ View notes
mi4-r4y ¡ 4 months
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୨୧ featuring: welt yang, sunday, jing yuan, aventurine x fem reader
ଘ cw: smut, dubcon, dacryphilia, edging, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie, nipple play, choking, manhandling, public sex, rough sex
୨୧ synopsis: keep your mouth shut and let him take his frustration out on you
ଘ wc: 2.4k
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Welt isn’t the type to get easily angered. It would be foolish to anger him, though. Depending on the situation, he has a few tricks up his sleeve to deal with it. There are times, however, when he is just beyond angered. He’s brimming with madness. And there is only one way to make him calm down and not pull a black hole on everyone, destroying everything in the immediate vicinity.
“Ah, Mr Yang!” You smile as you see him in the corridor of the Passenger Cabin, just outside of his room. “I was wondering if you could—”
Before you can even finish your sentence, Welt grabs your wrist and pushes you into his room, slamming you on the door. You turn over your shoulder to look at him confused and your eyes widen when you notice the shimmering anger burning fiercely in his eyes. You gulp, wondering what could have happened to make him so mad.
“Sorry, little one.” His tone is cold and dark. He takes his glasses off, leaving them on the desk on his right. His body pins you to the door, his hand choking your neck, as he grinds himself on your arse. “But right now, I need you to be a good girl and don’t make any noise.”
Welt is quick with freeing his cock from the confines of his trousers. He lifts your skirt to your waist and slides your panties to the side, spreading your pussy lips with his fingers. You bite your lip, squirming as he holds you in place. He kisses your neck, as he rubs his hard cock on your entrance. “This is going to hurt, but I cannot bother with foreplay right now.” He kisses your cheek, then covers your mouth with his palm. “Forgive me, little one.”
He thrusts inside you hard, going all the way in, before he starts pounding into you like a maniac. You scream against his hand, tears streaming down your face at the ferocity of his thrusts. You’re certain that if anyone were to walk by in the corridor, they would be able to hear the brutal slap of skin on skin.
Your back arches, as Welt pulls your head back. Still ravaging your poor little pussy, he looks into your eyes. Usually he would be angered by the rivers of tears streaming down your cheeks, but not this time. He still feels bad for hurting you right now, but you and he both know that it’s either you he takes his anger out on or the universe. And let’s be honest, you do enjoy yourself right now, despite the initial pain of his penetration.
His free hand is holding onto your waist tightly, slamming your hips against his. Your legs shake as he brings you to orgasm within minutes. Even so, Welt doesn’t stop. He fucks you through your orgasm and eventually reaches his own, filling up your pussy with his seed. He doesn’t stop then either. He kisses your forehead as your muffled cries mix with his grunts.
Orgasm after orgasm, he’s making a mess out of the both you. It’s unbefitting of him, Welt knows that. But your tight pussy is the only thing that can purge the burning rage within him. He’ll make it up to you later. He always does, after all. But for now, he decides to act a bit selfish and use you as he pleases. As he bites down on your neck and dig his fingers into the soft flesh of your hip, after at least four orgasms, he does start to feel better.
For good measure, Welt wrenches two more orgasms from your body, before his thrusts slow down. He removes his hand from your mouth, knowing you’re too exhausted right now to make any sound. Your heavy breath echoes in the room along with his. A low moan escapes your lips when he pulls his cock out of your pussy, your mixed arousals dripping down between your legs.
You can barely stand, supporting yourself on the door. Welt tucks himself back in his trousers, then picks you up in his arms and carries you to his personal bathroom, carefully lowering you into the tub and running you a warm bath. You hum relieved at the warm water enveloping your body.
“So, what did you want to ask me?”
“I forgot,” you giggle.
You know from the moment he calls you, barking “Come. Now” that Sunday is in an awful mood. You immediately drop everything and hurry to his office. You don’t bother knocking at his door and just open it. The whole room is a mess, papers scattered all over the place, fragments of a broken vase at a corner, you take note not to step on.
Cautiously, you approach him, who’s looking outside the window. “Sunday?”
He turns towards you, a small smile curling up on his lips. “Oh, you’re here, angel.”
“What happened—”
You scream as Sunday bends you over his desk without so much as a warning. He hastily removes your clothes, leaving you naked under his malicious gaze. He kisses your neck, shoulder and back, his hands cupping your breasts, groping them and pinching your nipples. An involuntary moan escapes your lips, making him smirk.
“No, talking,” he whispers in your ear, as he unbuttons his trousers. “Spread your legs for me, angel.” When you don’t immediately obey, he slaps your thighs apart. “Spread them,” he repeats in an authoritative tone.
This isn’t, of course, your first rodeo. It doesn’t mean that Sunday doesn’t make your entire body shudder as he thrusts inside your pussy. His thrusts are slow at first, yet violent, shaking the entire desk and forcing the air out of your lungs. And yet your greedy, masochistic pussy loves it, clenching around his cock so hard, he needs to put more force to move. It feels as if he’s splitting you in half.
Sunday picks up his pace, thrusting in and out of your now dripping pussy at a demonic speed, penetrating you deep, having you squirm underneath him. You can barely muffle your moans by biting your lip, but he couldn’t care less if you’re heard right now. All that matters to him is getting rid of all his frustrations.
You gasp when his fingers start rubbing your clit, your body tensing in his arms as your orgasm approaches. You’re so close to tasting the sweet nectar of bliss when Sunday slows down his pace, before stopping altogether with his cock buried in your pulsing cunt. You turn to look at him over your shoulder, irritation written all over your face and he can’t help but chuckle at your cute expression.
“You’re so adorable all angered, angel,” he coos, his dark gaze devouring you whole. He starts rocking his hips once more, hitting your g spot time and again to make you moan and whimper. He leans over your shoulder, his right arm slipping underneath your body to grope your breast. “But you’re not cumming until I say so.”
The thing about Sunday is that even if you’re not the one who has wronged him, you’re still the one getting punished. He will eventually deal with the real pain in his arse, but for now, the easiest and perhaps safest way to vent his anger is by punishing his little angel, namely you. Each whiny little whimper he draws out of you with each denied orgasm feeds his sadistic ego, pacifying his wrath.
Your mind is lost in all your denied pleasure. You’re so gone, you can barely complain anymore. And that’s his cue for Sunday to finally allow you to cum. If he’s being honest, he has calmed down for a while now, but you couldn’t possibly expect him to drop his little game with his favourite toy, could you?
When your orgasm floods your body, you scream his name so loud, you’re certain everyone in Penacony heard you. Sunday cannot help but smirk, marvelling at the way your body spasms from the intensity of your orgasm. He can never think of a better way to ease his rage than this.
Everyone flinches as the General passes them by, his irritation heavy in the air. Nobody dares block his way nor talk to him. There is a high possibility of ending up dead if they do. Even Yanqing changes paths, thinking that he can always come back later to challenge his master in a duel.
Jing Yuan walks into his bedchamber and he’s thankful you’re already there. He wouldn’t be able to wait a moment longer. Immediately, he attacks you, turning you to him and devouring your lips, sucking your very soul out of your body. His hands grope your arse cheeks, his fingers digging into the fabric of your skirt.
He lifts you in his arms, carrying you over and throwing you in his bed, before hovering over you. He’s like a wild lion, out to torment a poor little prey because someone enraged him. And that’s exactly what he’s doing right now. When you try to wrap your arms around his neck to bring him closer, he harshly pins them down the mattress, while pressing his knee on your clothed pussy, making you whimper in your kiss.
The next moment, Jing Yuan flips you over, pushing your face into the mattress, as he lifts your hips up. He rips your clothes to shreds, his hands hungrily roaming and groping every part of your body, relishing on your squirming form underneath him. You gasp when he pounds into you, stretching you out to accommodate his entire length. “Fuck,” he groans.
Each thrust is more vicious than the previous. You hug one of his pillows and bury your head in it, muffling your screams and whimpers, tears staining it. Jing Yuan couldn’t stop himself even if he wanted to. The feeling of sliding his cock in and out of your pulsing core is making him slowly forget about all the trouble that enraged him in the first place.
He feasts on your trembling form beneath him, spanking your arse just to hear your cute, surprised yelps. It’s intoxicating him. He lies on top of you, still making you go dumb on his cock, and wraps his arm around your neck, while the other grabs on your breasts. You come undone right then and there and he can’t help but smirk. “My cute little kitten,” Jing Yuan coos in your ear.
He nibbles the soft flesh of your neck, curving his mark, as he chases after his own orgasm. But just one time is not enough to quench his thirst for blood. Like a savage lion, he doesn’t plan on releasing you any time soon, holding you tightly in his arms, as he brings you closer to another orgasm. Even when you complain about being sensitive after three more orgasms, Jing Yuan relentlessly pounds into you, filling you up with all his seed until he’s satisfied.
In-between of his ferocious thrusts, he kisses your lips, showing you some semblance of gentleness, not wishing to break you too fast or else he will be in need of another target to vent. And there’s nobody who can satiate him as well as you. You can feel every inch of him as he’s now slowed down to delay your next orgasm. Yet you’re so sensitive that you’re on the verge of cumming once more.
You had the feeling that you’d end up like this from the moment the meeting began. You could just tell that someone would anger your superior and you’d be the one to clean up the mess. And you were right.
The moment everyone disappears from the meeting room, Aventurine motions you to approach him. His darkened gaze dares you to disobey. When you’re close enough to him, he sits you on his lap, your thighs on either side of his, as you look into his eyes. He takes your chin in his forefinger and thumb and crushes his lips on yours, his tongue penetrating your mouth without warning.
Your body arches to him, your breasts flattening against his chest. He slaps your arse, making your jolt and whimper in your kiss. Aventurine ignores it. His hand slides underneath your skirt, pulling your panties to the side and sliding two fingers inside you. “Oh, what’s this? You’re already wet? Did you fantasise about this during the meeting?” Of course you did. You knew it was coming and couldn’t help your mind wandering off down a dark rabbit hole.
Fumbling with his belt, you pull his trousers and underwear down. He strokes his cock, rubbing the tip on your wet folds before thrusting inside. His head falls back at the tightness and warmth enveloping him. Aventurine holds your hips as he slams you down his girth, his cock reaching deep within you, while you hold onto his shoulders to support yourself.
You feel a bit uneasy having sex in the meeting room, knowing that someone can easily walk in on you, but you’re more worried about your superior right now. Besides, if a fool does come in, they’re going to fall prey to Aventurine’s rage.
Aventurine tears your shirt apart, sending buttons flying all over the room. He doesn’t bother removing your bra and just pulls it down. Your breasts bounce in rhythm with your movements. He takes them in his hands, running his thumbs over your hardened nipples. He leans down and takes one nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting on it, as you move up and down his length.
When your movements slow down, Aventurine raises an eyebrow in question, tilting his head on your chest. His right hand delivers a harsh spank on your arse, the stinging pain making your pussy clench around his cock. “Did I tell you to slow down?” He doesn’t wait for your answer before he’s thrusting up inside you.
You cover your mouth with your hand, yet your muffled moans are enough to make him cum inside you. His warm seed fills you up as he continues fucking you time and again. Your little mishap results in Aventurine denying your orgasm till you have begged him enough. Seeing you so desperately pleading him for release lights up his mood. He doesn’t plan on letting you cum yet, wanting to hear you beg more, but he will, eventually.
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© strawchocoberry — do not copy, repost, translate or reuse my work
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mi4-r4y ¡ 4 months
‘CONFESSION’ aventurine x fem!reader (fluff, ballroom dancing)
this is actually a part of my fanfiction that i just post on AO3 ! it’s actually kinda long (honorable mention; wingman topaz)
A night filled with stars, sounds of people talking in the background, and occasionally the moon gives off reflected light to the ambiance.
A day before Aventurine left to go to Penacony, he was invited to attend an event. The event was nothing more than a dance party in a ballroom.
Fancy and elegant, if Aventurine had to describe it. Several statues representing Greek gods and goddesses are carved beautifully, even the corner of the ballroom looks majestic. And of course, the other invited guests were none other than important people. Aventurine felt a little honored to be invited.
And of course, you are also invited to the event.
Aventurine couldn't take his eyes off you; how the expensive satin dress you're wearing captures every curve of your body perfectly, and how the makeup on your already bewitching face makes you look even more divine.
Aventurine couldn't help but wonder; How does it feel to have you? Will you always allow him to put his hand on your waist so that everyone knows you are his? Will you always call his name with a smile?
Aeons, Aventurine can’t get enough of you.
“Ves'tacha, you look enchanting.” You were surprised by the nickname he used on you, but a blush managed to appear on your cheeks.
“Thanks, Aven. You look even more attractive.”
Schwanengesang, D.957: No. 4 Serenade. Something you wouldn't expect to be played by the great and talented musicians invited to the event.
Sipping the wine given by the waiter who went around to offer wine, you looked at the couples who were dancing to the rhythm.
It tastes good, you think to yourself.
Feeling a hand on your shoulder from behind, you immediately turned around quickly. Finding Aventurine who is now holding your hand.
“Mind for a dance?”
Your confusion was quickly replaced by a smile. “Why not?”
Aventurine kissed your hand, then guided you to follow him. You two look like a couple, that’s what you always thought.
The way Aventurine led the dance immediately, his hand was always gently on your waist, his other hand holding yours.
“You’re going to Penacony tomorrow?” You asked between the silence between the two of you.
“Mhm. Will you miss me?” Aventurine didn't know where he got the courage to get the confidence to ask it.
“Of course,” you answed. Aventurine's eyes easily showed that he was surprised. He felt a slight warmth which relieved him.
“Then, let's go together.” Now you are the one who is surprised. But you can't lie to your heart that wants to say yes.
Just by your smile, Aventurine knows your answer. He shouted victory in his heart.
“Aven,” you called.
Masquerade Suite: Waltz. You gave him a smile.
“I like you.”
Aventurine was silent. It took him three seconds to process and try to say something, but his mouth couldn't say anything.
His hand was on your waist pulling you closer. Without saying anything, he kissed you when the music was at its peak. “Ves'tacha,” he whispers.
‘May this heart beats for you.’
286 notes ¡ View notes
mi4-r4y ¡ 5 months
Hi can we please have fluff w Aventurine where reader and him reunite after 2. 1 and just fucking elope start a new life etc? Please I need it.
God yes. This is what we all need after 2.1. I'm aware he is in a coma-like state technically now but for the sake of fluff and this headcanon he is awake from that coma and is now reuniting with you. CW: Spoilers for 2.1 and Aventurines actual name, starts angsty but then turns fluffy, Gn reader, pre established relationship hurt/comfort
I am still accepting requests (especially for aven) btw so if you wanna see something send it in!
Back in your arms
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You had lost track of how long it was since Aventurine left for his mission in Penacony. Has it been 2 months? No, probably more. It had been months since you last had been able to make contact with him. Your messages no longer went through, unable to be sent.
Looking at your textlog and scrolling up, you came across the last message he had sent you. It had come in while you were asleep, and it simply read “I love you”.
Waking up to that message would have been a sweet message for most people, but for you it had made you immensely worried.
 Aventurine was never someone who professed his love openly, so such messages were quite rare. Receiving such a message, especially unprompted, made you send him a barricade of texts, none of which went through and even now months later none were able to be sent.
If you were honest you were starting to lose hope of ever seeing him again, who knows what happened in Penacony after all? He could be…dead for all you knew, you had no way to verify whether that was true or not after all. 
You tried continuing your life on as you would normally, what else could you do? It was hard though, everyday you missed him more and more. Sometimes you imagined his face in a crowd somewhere but whenever you would take a closer look he would vanish.
Sighing you closed your phone and looked around your apartment, it felt so liveless ever since Aventurine was gone. Tears were falling down your eyes as you wondered how much longer you had to live with the uncertainty of where he was and if he was even alive.
Exhaustion was taking over as you began falling asleep. A common occurrence nowadays, since at night you were restless, unable to fall asleep as you worried. Just as you were beginning to fully doze off, you heard the door to your apartment open, immediately waking up.
No one but you and Aventurine had the key, and with him being absent panic coursed through you thinking someone was breaking and entering. You grabbed the nearest heavy thing to defend yourself with.
“For fucks sake…” You muttered as you made your way to where the noises were coming from. Cursing every entity out there for piling even more shit onto you as if your significant other being possibly dead wasn’t enough.
Readying your weapon (probably a heavy book) you stepped foot into the room where the noise was coming from ready to attack and hit the intruder. But once you saw who it was that was in your appartment, you dropped your makeshift weapon, a sob escaping your mouth.
Before you stood Aventurine, alive and breathing. You rubbed your eyes, making sure that this wasn’t your mind playing a cruel trick on you again. Aventurine watched you with a smirk on his, albeit very exhausted looking, face and his eyes held a new found softness you had never seen before.
You fell into his arms immediately, holding him tightly against your body, feeling his warmth. Desperately you grabbed at his clothes as you held on to him, scared this was all just a dream and you would wake up all alone once again. Tears were falling from your eyes, unable to hold them back, the relief washing over you making you let out all of your emotions.
“Wow you missed me that much?” He asked, in his usual teasing tone. Though there was something in his voice that usually wasn’t there. Desperation and a bit of fear. Was he afraid you wouldn’t have missed him? Or was there a deeper reason for it?
Moving away from the hug you grabbed his face in your hands, the tears still falling from your eyes as you took a good look at him. His face had fallen in, and he seemed exhausted. But there was also something in his eyes, his beautiful eyes you were so sure you would never see again, that you couldn’t recognize, having never seen it on him before.
Before you spoke your first words to him, you pulled his face closer and gently kissed him. The feeling of his lips on yours felt like you were floating in heaven. They may have been more chapped than usual, but fuck was it nice to feel him again.  Breaking the kiss you finally were able to muster up your first words to him.
“Fuck…I was so worried about you…I…When my messages stopped being able to sent I was…so sure you…Please…never worry me like that again Aventurine…”
You leaned your forehead against his, your words jumbled together from the adrenaline coursing through you.
He took in a deep breath, and held it for a moment before letting it out. A gesture you saw in many people before they needed to say something important and heavy, but one you never saw in your lover.
“...Kakavasha…” His voice seemed unsure and meek as he spoke. 
You, of course, had no idea what he was saying, so you looked into his eyes confused.
“Kakavasha…it is…my given name. The one my mother gave me” He inhaled deeply before he continued.
“It is a long story but the short version is…I am no longer affiliated with the IPC, they probably think I died or something. So I no longer go by Aventurine, and…with how close we are and how much you mean to me. I felt like it was appropriate for you to know my true name...”
His eyes refused to look at you, flickering about unsurely as he spoke. Though he tried to sound confident, his voice wavered, scared that you would not accept him for who he truly was and reject his true self.
You looked at him gently and with all the love you had for him, gently pulling him close again and kissing his nose.
“Well then…It is nice to meet you Kakavasha…” You smiled brightly at him, showing him you accepted him as he was.
He felt relief course through his body and could not help himself but pull you into a passionate kiss. He kissed you like you were the oxygen he needed to stay alive. As if he would die without you.
Breaking the kiss he whispered “Marry me.” It wasn’t a question but a request. One that you were too stunned to answer to, looking at him with wide eyes.
“I mean it. Let’s get married, run away from everything and start a new life just you and me.”
His eyes were pleading with you to agree. He knew that he wanted to start over, but he knew he needed you with him.
“...yes!!” You once again fell into his arms and kissed him. The two of you holding each other so closely it was as if you were one.
Kakavasha knew that he would need to tell you everything that happened in Penacony at one point, even the part where he tried to end his life. But he knew that if he explained everything to you, you would still stay by his side and be with him. 
You were his family after all.
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mi4-r4y ¡ 5 months
FINGERS TWISTED BEHIND MY BACK (DON'T LET IT BE YOU I LACK) ── aventurine x gn!reader, 862
aventurine hates fighting with you.
he does not even remember it—not clearly, at least. through the memories mudded by the buzz of soulglad and whatever alcoholic beverages he'd guzzled down the night before, the exact expression of your face when he stumbled back into your hotel room is a blur (a pretty blur, he is quite sure, though no doubt a disappointed one) and the sentences you'd spat out at him were jumbled into words that grate in his eardrums when he tries to recall what exactly was said. aventurine tries to echo it to himself, but even the incoherence sounds bitter on his tongue, and all that comes out an indistinct, asthmatic gasp that he's quite sure is some sort of equivalent of his heart aching. or breaking. somewhere in between, perhaps.
he rolls over in your bed, damp from the shower and tears. aventurine is thankful veritas hasn't stormed in to nag at him; he would not be able to stomach being seen like this by anyone else but you: his sweet safe haven, his little eden. you've gone now, stormed off somewhere to cool off. aventurine leaves you be (even if he spent the first two hours alone relentlessly spamming your phone with messages, pleas to come back and return) but he is still alone.
the thought occurred to him somewhere between hour three and hour five, that you'd never come back. aventurine doesn't let it linger. his stomach roils, mouth tasting of bitter alcohol and sweet dreams where you are still there and he'd never upset you.
the hours he spends there without you are hellish, a parody of a bleak, grief-stricken painting of some woman whose husband has gone out to fight in an intergalactic war—draped over the bed, numb and miserable to everything but the thought of you he has to conjure every now and then to keep himself sane. the air is cold and never seems to adjust, even though the reverie's rooms are specifically designed to tailor to the guest's tastes. they clearly did not consider the factor that is a hopeless, lovesick man suffering from withdrawal.
the door creaks open.
aventurine darts up in his your bed, instantly whipping myself up into such a nervous, edgy frenzy that he almost forgets how to breathe. his lungs shudder, the cogs in his brain turning the wrong way, and nothing is working fast enough, right enough as he stumbles to his feet, nearly tripping over the carpet as he finds you toeing off your shoes at the door, so pretty it hurts.
"welcome home," aventurine manages to choke out, still tripped-out and dizzy, heart pounding loud in his fingertips and ears. he watches you glance up at him, your eyes meeting his own for the first time in hours that feel like centuries, and the burden on his lungs alleviates—just a little bit.
"…aventurine," you sigh in this throaty, broken voice that cuts right at his chest. he winces as if he's been struck, eyes flitting to the dizzying pattern of the carpet in effort to hide the glossiness of his irises.
he hears your feet padding across the room to him, the footfalls soft and slow and not at all violent, though he cannot help but fear. there can always be a finality to the softest, gentlest of mercies. not that aventurine has ever experienced it before, but he knows it is possible with you: you who holds his heart in your hands, and you may very well tear it apart if you so wished.
aventurine will let you, if that is what you want.
but instead he swallows, too loudly; finds his fingers instinctively twisting behind his back. "are you going?"
"i just arrived," you whisper, endlessly gentle, endlessly soft—forgiving.
"i know," his voice breaks, and you reach out to touch him—palm against cheek, thumb brushing over the slope of his cheekbone. something cold and damp trails over the flesh of his face, fair marble streaked with a single rivulet of a tear. he does not tell you why he wants to cry. you know anyway.
aventurine thinks pretending would be easier with you, but here in this room, at the end of the day when everyone else has escaped into their own dreamscape, he is tired of saccharine sweet lies, the twisting webs that he pulls around without even understanding the final result it will conjure. it is easier, he thinks, to let you keep his heart and do with it as you wish—and aventurine can only hope that you will be merciful.
are you going? the second set of three words, that single question that he truly wants to ask is caught in his throat, because you may hold aventurine's heart in your palms, but if you will not use your own bloody fingers to pry it open, he must do it for you—and he can't. not for this, at least.
but you know anyway. of course you do.
will you stay?
"i'm right here," you murmur, sweet and godly against his lips, swallowing the sob that he almost lets out. "i'm staying right here."
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Š trappolia 2024
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mi4-r4y ¡ 5 months
Firm believer that Aventurine takes off his glasses each time you're within the vicinity, even if you have no clue of his existence, he always reaches out to take them off. It's his own way of letting everyone know who has his attention.
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mi4-r4y ¡ 5 months
now I’m thinking about going to see aventurine perform at a concert thanks to that animated short…
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TAGS: nothing but cuteness, use of his real name, not proofread this is pure word vomit, just a little something between studying for finals, can you tell I love writing him as an affectionate loser, 1.3k wc
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When Aventurine told you that he’d be performing at the upcoming Robin concert as the lead guitarist, you were pleasantly surprised, to put it shortly. He’s a man of many talents, but how he managed to secure a spot alongside the famous singer is beyond you. 
You don’t even have to ask if you could go. As soon as you’re about to pop the question, he presses something into your hand- tickets to the best seats in the venue and a highly coveted VIP backstage pass that you know people will be fighting to get their hands on. 
In the weeks leading up to the performance, he’s busy practicing. When he’s home, the sounds of him making his way through a difficult passage can be heard, along with the soft meows of your cat critter pets as they gather around him curiously. You’re the one to massage his cramping hands after hours of practice and kiss his weary fingertips that are starting to callus.
(“It’s sounding really good so far. You should take a break now,” you say as you set down some snacks and tea besides him. He shoots you a thankful smile but makes no move to stop practicing.
“No, it has to be perfect. After all, you’re going to be there. I can’t have my darling seeing me at anything less than my best, can I?”)
When the day of the performance comes and you arrive at the venue with a bouquet of flowers in hand, he’s already waiting and greets you with a big kiss on the lips and a grin on his face.
“Darling, you’re here! And so early at that. Are these for me? Aw, you shouldn’t have!”
He’s quick to lead you backstage into the dressing rooms, where you see all the performers getting ready. The star of tonight’s show, Robin, is sitting at her vanity doing her makeup, gorgeous as ever. But in addition to her, you also spot a couple of other faces. A Knight of Beauty, the retainer of the Xianzhou Luofu’s general, and a… Stellaron Hunter? 
(From the back of your mind, you recall something about Aventurine telling you that it wasn’t just Robin performing; it was a collaboration with talented people from all over the galaxy. What a colorful cast of performers tonight… seems like that was true.)
It doesn’t take much convincing from him for you to help him with his makeup. You pull a chair up next to him as you begin doing his eyeliner.
“I know I can always count on you, darling.”
The look on his face is smug and you scowl.
“Stay still otherwise your eyeliner is going to end up all wobbly.”
Your face is illuminated by the led lights on the mirror and your brows are scrunched in concentration. He chuckles a bit before stealing a kiss from your lips, laughing when you sharply gasp. It’s a cute look on you, he thinks. But he likes seeing you flustered more. 
One of the stage crew members lets everyone know the show is about to begin. The other performers speed through the last of their makeup or warm-ups before leaving, until it’s just the two of you in the empty room.
With the start of the performance mere minutes away, stage fright is getting to Aventurine, even if he tries to brush it off. He adjusts his hat every few seconds and keeps fiddling with his guitar pick in place of his usual poker chip.
“Hah, me? Never,” he confidently declares, but you don’t miss the nervous quiver in his voice. You merely roll your eyes and sigh before stepping closer to him. One hand reaches out to fix his tie while the other reaches behind his back to grasp his left hand clenched into a tight fist. Your thumb traces soothing circles over the skin. The tension dissipates from his hand as he slowly unclenches his fist and lets it fall back to his side. 
“You’ll do amazing,” you say as you redo his tie. “You’ve been practicing so much you could play everything in your sleep at this point. And if you get nervous, know that I’m there in the audience. Just keep your eyes on me and it’ll all be fine.”
You tug at his tie one last time.
“All done now. Look at you, so handsome.” 
“For your eyes only,” he teases back with a wink. 
You pat down his suit jacket and adjust his hat one last time.
“Go and steal the show now, Kakavasha.”
He gives you a cheeky grin.
“No good luck kiss?”
“You don’t even need one considering you were blessed by a goddess. But come here.”
Yes, he demands a good luck kiss before the show begins. Yes, he also demands kisses during intermission where he sweeps you off your feet in an affectionate hug coupled with kisses all over your face.
“How was I back there?” he asks once he sets you down. He doesn’t seem to mind that others are watching with varying levels of amusement but he’s always been unapologetically shameless with his displays of affection. 
“Perfect,” you say. “You sounded even better up on stage than at home.”
But it’s not over yet. He has a solo in one of the pieces during the second half of the concert, and it’s what he’s most worried about.
Aventurine’s eyes wander during the pieces leading up to his solo and he notices a perpetually yellow lightstick glowing in the VIP section near the stage. Robin is performing right now, meaning that almost all of the lightsticks are glowing white. 
He smiles to himself. You really are too supportive of him. 
Robin stops singing and now it’s his time to shine. The spotlight hones in on him and follows him down the stage to the screams of fans. The lightsticks quickly switch from white to yellow, but his eyes are on one person only. 
You scream his name followed by an enthusiastic “I love you!” so loudly that you think you’ve made the people next to you go deaf. His gaze meets yours under the blinding lights and the way he looks at you- you think you’ve fallen in love all over again.
Like you told him to, he keeps his eyes on you. His breathing slows down and his trembling fingers gripping the fingerboard stop shaking. He readjusts his stance and without any further hesitation, dives into his solo.
Many in the audience vye for his attention, smitten by his good looks. They reach for him as he passes by, but his attention is on one person only. Your gaze grounds him, keeps the stage fright at bay, and encourages him to keep going, if only to fulfill his wish of you seeing him at nothing less than his very best. 
His solo is flawless. Perfect. As the last note reverberates through the air to the cheers of adoring fans, his eyes seek you out once more. His heart pounds in his chest, riding off the high of a successful performance- and your loving gaze. 
You watch as Aventurine spins around in place, seeking you out. When his eyes meet yours, you wave your lightstick excitedly and blow him kisses. You see the adrenaline rush written clearly all over his face, but also the joy in his eyes after seeing your pride in him. He pretends to catch the kisses you blow his way before blowing a few back. Your entire section erupts in chaos, but you alone stay put, gazing up at him with a tender and proud look that he always feels like he never deserves.
But tonight, he feels like he does. 
Aventurine is a born actor, able to fool everyone and himself. But in a crowd of many, he’ll always bare his heart for you. 
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mi4-r4y ¡ 5 months
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fem reader x jing yuan, sunday, dr ratio, blade + aventurine ( seperate ) ; fluff. dad au. random papa scenarios for my maryse. petnames used; my dear, my love. ₊ 𓂃 masterlist.
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it had become a habit of sorts, an adorable one at that, whenever your husband- the well respected general of the cloud knights would insist that he have some time with your daughter to give you a rest from your usual responsibilities. jing yuan would always ask you with the smoothest drawl, kissing along your cheeks while the little one clung around her daddy’s neck and you can’t deny the affect seeing him being so loving with her had on you, you could hardly resist it.
although it did always end up the same way, you’d come home from your errands- your appointments that you finally managed to squeeze in now that he was home on leave for a few days despite the every growing workload he has. but you’d return home to a quiet house, finding the two sleeping figures of your husband and your daughter curled up on the couch after the hard day you’re sure they’ve had.
but they look peaceful, your daughter pressing around jing yuan’s chest while one of her dads muscled arms keep her there with no trouble. it’s impossible for you to not wind up resting in the couch beside them as you curl up against your husbands chest.
you know he’s awake when his lips curl up into a soft grin almost immediately when he feels you press against him, “long day?” you drawl and he groans, quietly as to not wake the sleeping child.
“hah, oh yes, you didn’t see the tea party. our daughters ability to entertain a crowd is quite awe-inspiring.” you feel your husband, jing yuan’s, free arm drop from the back of the sofa to curl around your shoulders, pulling you closer until your cheek is resting softly on his muscled shoulder. you feel the tension from your day melt away as you snuggle into him.
“you mean her plushies?” you laugh softly and your husband finally decides to peek open his sleepy gaze to admire you, followed by a gentle look towards his daughter that’s still sound asleep against him.
“ofcourse, theyre the guests of honour.” jing yuan speaks teasingly, albeit matter of factly as he raises a brow at you and you snort before leaning in to steal a quick peck from his lips. although you struggle to pull yourself away when he decides to hold you there a little longer, lips lingering on yours as he smiles into the kiss.
but eventually, he relents when you tap playfully on his chest, “well, general- i better start cleaning up.” you smile but his arm around your shoulders only seems to lock around you even tighter. you couldn’t move even if you tried as he gets himself comfortable again, moving your daughter softly until he has both of you squished on either sides of his body.
“nonsense, my dear- i just got quite comfortable, so i’m afraid you can’t leave yet.” jing yuan purrs and you give him a look from beneath your lashes when he rolls his head back again, resting his eyes closed despite the way he’s still grinning softly.
“you going to spend your entire leave from work sleeping?” you tease and his chest bounces slightly when he chuckles.
“hm, well nothing is of utmost importance to me quite like spending time my two favourite girls. so, join me?” he murmurs quickly because he knows you can’t ever say no to them. he’s right, you can’t help but find yourself looking over your drowsy little family fondly as you gaze between your husband and your daughter. she’s like a perfect mixture of you both as her cheek squishes against your husbands chest.
it is almost unfair how easy it is to give in to the both of them as you rest your cheek against the other side.
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you had no doubts that sunday would be a great father, so when you’d been lucky enough to bare two of his children, you felt more at ease than afraid despite the lifestyle change because you knew you would have him there to take care of you. your children resembled your husband most, his halovian genes with their wings and halo, his eyes - they were perfect mixtures of you both.
they’d taken up your mannerisms and personality despite their fathers looks which unfortunately for your husband.. meant he was weaker to them than some may expect from the head of the oak family. you’d be lying if you said it hadn’t caught you off guard too; but you found it to be quite charming whenever you’d be lucky enough to oversee how they were the ones that seemed to be controlling everything around them.
“we have spoken about this before, my dear. dessert must be saved for after dinner, do you remember? but fret not, your meals will be ready soon.” you hear the smooth sound of sundays voice from the kitchen as you push your way through the door, being greeted by your daughter and son standing at his feet as the two young children cross their arms. their expressions are grumpy and temperamental, although you can’t deny that it definitely mirrors an expression of your own as you try to hide your giggle at the scene.
“we don’t want to wait.” “yeah! we want it right now.” your husband squeezes the space between his brows as the two children back eachothers replies, it makes you wonder how long this conversation has actually been going on when he sighs. it was well known that sunday favoured being in control and although your children were well-behaved- they were just smart enough to have picked up on your husbands seemingly weak spot when it was two against one.
“yes, that is quite understandable. but i cannot allow you to have sweets before proper nutrion, that is not how meals are enjoyed, dessert must come after.” sunday tries again as he stands up straighter and you assume it’s an act of trying to appear much like an authoritive figure. although the gesture is met by a few small stomps of tiny feet as they whine.
“daddy, we want dessert now.” “dessert! dessert! dessert!” the children chant and you swear you can see the strings of your husbands sanity begin to pluck and snap as his shoulders drop, his posture hunching slightly with his next sigh.
“f-fine. we will have dessert first this once. but it sh’ant happen again, is that clear?” sunday huffs despite the fact his weak resolve is met with cheers from your children as you hide your laugh behind your palm in the doorway. it was quite amusing to see the head of the oak family and such a well known public figure fall victim to two pre-schoolers.
you hear sunday grumble again as the children wrap themselves around his legs. “yes, yes. your resilience is quite extraordinary.. i wonder who exactly you get that from.” he scoffs and your husbands gaze lifts to meet yours as he says it. suddenly, you feel yourself edging out of the room while you try to hide your laugh.
although you hear three sets of footsteps quickly follow behind you.
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becoming a father was a role that seemed to come to ratio rather naturally. especially when you were pregnant, he had done some notable research into things that would make you feel better; to ease your illness, any aches or cravings. he’d looked into all of it and doted on your every beck and call despite how straightforward and blunt he came across to others.
although you did find it rather amusing, when you’d come home one day to find your ever loving husband; cross legged in your toddlers bedroom as he read her through a book regarding something that looks like physics or mathematics. the sight was only made even more charming given the way your daughter only seemed to be more preoccupied with putting the corners of the textbook into her mouth instead of actually listening.
but ratio was always a firm believer that intellect and creativity were not confined to geniuses- although he also believed that no child of his would ever fall victim to idiocy either, he’d make sure of it - although you’re sure he’d love them anyway.
“come now, we are not done here yet. class is still in session.” his voice sounds a few seconds later, a little bit louder but still the soft tone he took with your young daughter. despite his usual tone of voice with others, he never once raised his voice at either of you- even though his words are only met with giggles and gurgles from the baby opposite him as she opts to crawl her way closer.
“to learn this from youth is the most efficient method.” ratio states matter-of-factly as the toddler pulls her way into his lap, he helps her albeit slightly, until her tiny hands are able to reach out and touch the pages before her. “or do you have a superior strategy, pray tell?”
your daughter offers him another gurgle, followed by a blown raspberry and another giggle but your husband only seems to hum like he can understand her. you’re sure if you asked him he’d assure you he absolutely can anyway. “yes that seems logically sound.”
“although for now, we shall continue until otherwise proven that this is ineffective.” ratio brings a hand up to smooth it through his hair but the toddler in his lap is quite eager to follow the movement as she tries to pull herself onto her feet, giggling while wrapping herself around your husbands muscled bicep for stability. “the next.. god, the next one is—“ you watch fondly at the way the genius before you wrestles with her slightly, so concerned incase she falls while also opting to just let his daughter climb all over him as he sits with his textbook eagerly open.
but still despite her few words and drifting attention span, he still continues regardless as she gurgles back at him adorably. “now, now- settle down. don’t interrupt your father, even if you are quite cute, it won’t work on me.” ( it’s definitely working on him )
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you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been atleast a little bit worried about how blade would react to finding out you were pregnant, you were well aware of not only his job but also the person he was. but at the same time, you also trusted him enough given how much love he was able to show you - albeit in his own way.
still, it was a pleasant surprise when your daughter had been born and your lover seemed to have taken his new found position quite well, albeit clumsily. it had taken a while for him to hold her, more out of fear of accidentally hurting or scaring her somehow - but as soon as you finally convinced him to and his touch was met with a very happy, albeit sleepy child; it seems his fear all but evaporated. you’d say he even looked soft in those special moments between father and baby.
blade was a protective father, that much was to be expected and you’re sure even the thought of your daughter dating was enough to send him on a blood-thirsty man hunt. but she was still young and for that he was thankful, her presence alone seems to have softened him up a lot more than you honestly would’ve expected.
but you can imagine even your surprise when you’d stumbled upon your own ( feared by many ) husband resting on the sofa next to your daughter while she clipped sparkly, pink hair clips into his hair. the pair are accompanied by silver wolf as she talks half-heartedly to blade about the upcoming mission. he’s listening, although he’s still quick to follow the child behind hims instructions when she tells him to move over or hold still.
he offers you a look as you approach the three, opting to ignore the giddy smile on your face as another bright pink bow is placed in his hair- although he still leaves a space beside him for you to slot into as always.
it only takes a few moments before your daughter finishes up and she giddily crawls into blade’s lap to snuggle into her fathers chest. your smiling brightly now, he can feel it to the side of him despite the way he deliberately makes no attempt to meet your gaze considering his new hairstyle. “daddy? do you like it?” his child asks eagerly and he grunts before turning his gaze to her.
“yes, it is quite frivolous.” she doesn’t quite understand the word, but she still assumes it means something good as she giggles from her place beneath him. opting to turn around to face away from him a few seconds later before looking back at him over her shoulder.
“kay, you do mine now, daddy!” she says excitedly and blade sends her his usual stoic, unreadable expression as he rests behind her.
“is it necessary?” he grumbles and you nudge at his shoulder with a tsk despite the way your daughter is still seemingly unbothered by his response. she only motions to the leftover ribbons and clips resting at his side before she turns around again, readying herself.
“mhm, then we can match!” you half expect him to say something else, but instead- blade actually opts to reach for one of the clips instead; a reaction that even earns silver wolfs raised brows as he twists the pink sparkly clip between his fingertips.
“hm, i understand. suit yourself.”
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aventurine was an amazing father to both of your children, although that was something that you had no doubt about considering how much you knew he would treasure their childhood. they looked like both of you, although they had his eyes and you always found it to be quite magnificent whenever you’d see them blinking up at you, the gaze was quite beautiful and you cherished them immensely.
although given who their father is, it is safe to say that your children are infact spoiled, they’re only dressed in the best clothes ofcourse, have the best toys and accessories. it was one of the ways in which he showed his love for his family, to make sure that you all got whatever you wanted, while also teaching them that what they had should be cherished- so they grew up to be humble.
one thing you’d noticed is that aventurine never hid any parts of his life from them, albeit they were still too young to know the details so as far as they knew; their daddy was just really good at playing games and winning prizes.
he’d even insisted on teaching them how to play cards one night, although the deck of cards ended up falling victim to their artistic doodles a few hours later. but still, your husband couldn’t find it in himself to be mad, instead; the colourful, scribbled deck has become a lucky charm of sorts that he always carries around with him at work or during games.
although today, aventurine has attempted to take the kids to the casino with him, while its still light out to avoid the usual atmosphere that comes with the later night games.
“well this is quite interesting. have you made up your mind yet? turns don’t last forever, you know.” his captivating gaze glints from over his hand, eyeing his opponent intimidatingly as the atmosphere hangs heavy between them. he can pick up on his nervousness, he’s sure he doesn’t have a great card to play - it’s obvious in the sweat along his brow, the way his eyes are darting to each one he holds.
“although it would be quite a shame to lose all of those credits you’ve worked so hard for, wouldn’t it?” still, aventurine teases, his hand isn’t much good either; but aslong as he doesn’t let his opponent know that. this game is as good as his, a piece of cake really. “you should treasure them well, while you can atleast.”
he watches the way his opponents fingertips tremble as they reach for a random card and the gambler scoffs, “it’s all or nothing.” smirking,
“daddy, i like the black spade!” “my favourite is the red diamond, use that one.” the atmosphere in the game is cut suddenly when aventurine’s children suddenly pipe up from where they’re wrapping around his shoulders. although he almost goes pale as soon as they begin to point out his cards, discussing their favourites and what ones he should use like his opponent isn’t suddenly relaxing opposite him at the confession.
“ah, n-now, now. those are daddy’s secret weapons, you’re not supposed to let the man know we have those.” he grins kindheartedly despite the way his hand is suddenly gripping his chips beneath the table. he doesn’t have it in him to snap at them, but he’s pretty sure a little piece of his soul dies when his opponent chuckles. it was a friendly game afterall, just as well, hes been on a winning streak recently.
“but why not! is it bad?” his daughter asks, innocently and aventurine can’t help but soften when he turns to meet them. deciding to place down his cards on the table before he’s taking his hat off of his head and placing it onto his curious daughter’s instead as she blinks up at him. his shoulders relax with how fondly they gaze up at him.
“hah, no it’s… it’s nothing. how about we just go and get some ice cream instead? although.. this nice man was almost the one paying for it.”
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mi4-r4y ¡ 5 months
The Artist and the Gem: Part 1
"I'm pretty sure this only happens in dreams."
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Synopsis: An IPC member part-timing as an artist unknowingly spices up her life when a certain colleague comes to her for a leisurely art commission.
Notes: Fem! Reader POV since it's what I'm more comfy writing in for this series. I also have no clue how art commissions work so apologies if it isn't lore-accurate ^^"
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You groan as you reluctantly reach for your phone for the umpteenth time today, bracing yourself to read your client's incessant texts about your work progress despite it being mere weeks since they first contacted you. Combining that with the fact that your supervisors were piling you with more paperwork these days made it all the more frustrating to deal with.
"Hi again! I feel the need to mention that I have a full-time job outside of my artist life, and also take note that it takes time in general to complete multiple people's commissions over time. I will send you more WIPs once I'm available to do so. Thanks for your patience!"
As cordial as the text sounded when you sent it out, you were like a pot filled with boiling water, ready to burst in fury in the event that client continues to add fuel to the fire. Too angry to continue doing work properly, you excused yourself to get a drink at the pantry.
As the coffee machine whirred to life on the counter, you hear your phone ringing again. Doing your utmost to keep your composure, your trembling hands open your inbox. This time, it was not your current client who texted you, but a new one.
"Hey (username), I find your artworks to be rather intriguing. I saw on your webpage that you're still taking in commissions, so I was wondering if I could trouble you to do one for me."
"At least this one's polite about this," you muttered as you replied to their message with equal respect.
"Hey there! Happy to know that you appreciate my art! My commission list is quite full at the moment, so I'm afraid that it will take long while to complete yours. Would you mind if your commission took a longer time to complete, or would you rather contact me another time instead?"
That should do, you think to yourself as you retrieve your coffee cup from the machine and take a sip of your drink. Your phone rings again.
"It's all good. Take as much time as you need. I'm not in a rush :)"
Your eyes practically lit up upon reading that message. Unlimited time for a commission? In times like these? Is this heaven?? You quickly shoot back another text.
"Very well. What would you like me to draw, then?"
"I would like you to draw a portrait of Aventurine from the IPC."
You've got to be kidding me.
You blink furiously at your client's art request, trying to make sure that you did not misread whatever they sent to you.
"That's an interesting request you got here."
Who even is requesting for this from me? A fan from the Aventurine Fan Squad? For all you knew, any of your colleagues could have either chanced upon your art account or decided to knowingly exploit your creativity for their own pleasure. As you type out the default reminder for them to pay up as per your terms, your phone rings twice.
[100,000 Credits have been transferred to your bank account.]
"Say less. Wishing you the best of luck ;)"
You take a huge gulp of coffee as you switch off your phone, evidently more stressed about your artistic career than you already were before. With such a hefty sum of money transferred to you for a singular drawing, chances are that you will have to pool in all of your creativity for this particular commission if it means that your mystery client would be assured to get their money's worth. Taking a glimpse at the nearest clock within your hindsight, you quickly down your coffee before rushing back to your cubicle, ready to check off your task list if it meant more time to draw later on.
As you briskly return to your cubicle to work, a certain blond man in green glances at you from a distance and smiles.
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