mia10509 · 3 months
watch for this as you scroll social media this evening:
israel today dropped a bomb on a refugee camp located in rafah, which, as a reminder, had been sold as a safe zone.
remember that this camp is made of tents, not buildings. this strike was dropped directly on families in the dead of night, with no shelter to protect them. many people have become trapped by the burning tents. we don't have a death toll yet, but it's likely more than 50.
the images coming out from this attack are among the most graphic we have seen out of gaza. do not look them up unprepared.
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mia10509 · 3 months
reblog if you:
no one will ever know which one
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mia10509 · 5 months
Please post about palestine and gaza. Not posting at all when you have the option to, IS selfish. "I don't want to post, it doesn't go with my blog, it makes me sad, I'm scared of losing followers" people are DYING. People are dying and don't have the luxury to make choices like you do, seemingly simple choices like whether you should post something or not.
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mia10509 · 7 months
On this year women's day, all we could think about are Palestinian women in Gaza.
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Nearly 9,000 women have been killed in Israeli attacks in five months. Another 2,100 are missing and presumed dead, while 23,000 have been wounded and over half a million are displaced.
“Palestinian women, especially in the Gaza Strip, are exposed to the worst humanitarian catastrophe,” Ashraf al-Qudra, the health ministry’s spokesperson, said on Thursday.
Dozens of women and girls have also been detained and face harsh conditions in Israeli custody, including sexual abuse.
Women in Gaza also struggle to find menstruation products and access the necessary pregnancy and post-natal care. The consequences on reproductive health, including a rise in stress-induced miscarriages, stillbirths and premature births, have increased significantly.
Women in labour are undergoing caesarean procedures without anaesthetics, and a shortage of post-operative care such as medication, antibiotics and pain relief further exacerbates the situation.
According to the health ministry, 5,000 women give birth monthly in Gaza under “harsh, unsafe and unhealthy” conditions caused by Israeli bombing and displacement.
There are 60,000 pregnant women in Gaza suffering from “malnutrition, dehydration and lack of medical care.
There have also been repeated cases of Israeli soldiers mocking Palestinian women by posting videos and pictures of themselves rummaging through personal belongings in Gaza homes, making derogatory comments and posing with women’s underwear.
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mia10509 · 7 months
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mia10509 · 7 months
Hello everyone and welcome to this Multifandom Blog!
Keep reading
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mia10509 · 8 months
Good morning. This might be my last message from the city of Rafah. The occupation [Israel] is carrying out crazy fire. Violent belts. As you’re hearing, there are helicopters. Planes and gunfire from the vehicles. There’s a complete invasion of the city.
We don’t know what is going on in Rafah. The place that the occupation [Israel] claimed to be safe. This is happening all of a sudden; the people didn’t go out. They didn’t do anything. More than thirty targets were hit in just minutes. People were asleep. We woke up to the bombing, to the shooting from the helicopters. It was horrifying. Unacceptable. This might be my last message. Please relay it to the world.
— Hazem, journalist residing in Rafah; 02.11.2024
Rafah was Palestinians’ very last safe zone. There is quite literally nowhere else left to go. And now it’s being bombed with airstrike after airstrike.
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mia10509 · 11 months
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the pain in his voice is unbearable. all i can think is why why why has it come to this. i know why.
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mia10509 · 11 months
I'm reading about how Israel, in the immediate aftermath of the 1948 Nakba, deliberately replaced olive trees and other indigenous flora with European plants. This ecological disaster, which is now proudly hailed under the banner of 'making the desert bloom,' was done to 'de-Arabize' the landscape, and to cover up - often with fast-growing European pine trees -the ruins of Palestinian villages that were destroyed by Zionists forces.
And I just need everyone to read this passage from Pappé, because the symbolism of what happened to those European pine trees in the desert speaks for itself:
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The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Ilan Pappé (2006, p. 227-228.)
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mia10509 · 1 year
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mia10509 · 3 years
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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mia10509 · 3 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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mia10509 · 3 years
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URGENT!! THIS IS MY LAST CHANCE!!!! (This is the post to boost!!)
My health is actually failing. I’m not being dramatic when I say I could die If I don’t get the medical help I need.
I suffer from chronic illnesses (a rare version of MTHFR HOMOZYGOUS, HIT, DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS, AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE + more)
and I am disabled and trans. I am jobless due to my illnesses and I am currently without any necessary resources to survive, be healthy, stable, or safe..
I have a rare blood clotting disease that causes me to be at the HIGHEST RISK possible to have a heart attack, aneurysm, or stroke. This disease has also resulted in multiple major surgeries, and countless other major procedures that have left me with debilitating chronic pain and other disabilities (limited use of my dominate arm, and even tasks like sweeping leave my arms in immense pain). I have two stints in my chest keeping my main vein open to my right arm so the blood can flow to it. And it still has trouble flowing back which causes swelling and excruciating pain in my arm. The main vein in my chest has been patched and dissected from a vein from my thigh because the veins in my right arm and chest are so damaged they weren’t able to save much. I had to get a rib removed because it was pinching my vein and causing clotting during which damaged a lot of muscles in my chest and shoulder causing even more chronic pain. They also wired my chest shut.
So I NEED to have access to good health care. I’m chronically ill with horrible and scary diseases. I’ve already almost died three times, and have been on my death bed twice.. I’m in and out of hospitals constantly, they don’t have the resources to help.
I NEED HELP. I NEED TO LEAVE AND MOVE IN ORDER TO SURVIVE!!! Please fucking help me!! Boost my links, donate whatever! I’m grateful for anything !!
I don’t want to DIE I’ve been fighting for my life since I was 16. I’m taking my health seriously and using the little bit of energy that I have to get shit done.
I’m honestly only asking for the bare minimum of what I need to move, for Rent, & basic necessities.
I’m trying to move to Colorado to escape (my abuser and stalker that I have a really traumatic history with. Violence and including assaults) I’m stuck in my hometown right now in northern MN. Where I’m at right now IS NOT safe for me and I NEED to leave..
My friend in Colorado has a place that I can move into ASAP, I just need first and last months rent. I have to move this month or she has to find a different roommate because of her own financial situation, so this is my ONE and only lucky chance!!
I NEED to move to Colorado for access to better health care (to keep me alive), and for my own safety.. This is VITAL for my health (mentally and physically).
ALSO PLEASE READ AND SHARE MY STORY/LINKS!! REPOST, & REBLOG!! Copy and paste my links & story & share on ALL your social media’s (twitter, Facebook, tumblr and Instagram!!!!) it helps me so much !
If you donate, message me so I can thank you personally !!! Thank you ♥️
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mia10509 · 3 years
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YOU hates terfs
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mia10509 · 3 years
How are you doing?
I'm okay, I'm just really busy and a bit stressed out because of my exams.
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mia10509 · 3 years
When you write, do you lean towards any one gender or will it be gender neutral unless otherwise specified?
In most cases, the reader will be written as gender-neutral.
Although, if the requested asks for a specific gender (i.e. [insert fandom character] with a fem! and/or male! (s/co)], then the reader will have a specific gender.
Though, I do admit that I have more experience with writing female readers.
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mia10509 · 3 years
Are there any characters you won't write for? When it comes to the amount of characters we ask about, will we get less hcs if we ask for more characters or will it just take more time to write?
Younger characters like Eri, Klee, Diona, Qiqi are characters that pop up first in my head which I won’t write NSFW about. 
On the other hand, I can write platonic related stuff with them and other younger characters.
As for more characters, it honestly depends on which fandom it is. Though, requests for than 6 characters may take longer than other requests with less requested characters.
Hopefully, my explanation makes sense 😅
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